613 resultados para Reuters


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Aranzadi Instituciones es la plataforma de información y documentación jurídica online de Thomson Reuters (Aranzadi) dirigida específicamente a profesionales, estudiantes y docentes del Derecho. Entre los recursos que ofrece se encuentra un conjunto de revistas electrónicas de las Editoriales Aranzadi, Civitas y Lexnova.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2016.


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This paper questions the current concept of quality as used in research assessment rankings and peer review, with special reference to the link often established between impact and the way this impact is measured in the form of citation counting. Taking translation studies as a case study, we will offer a two-level approach to reveal both the macro- and micro-level biases that exist in this regard. We will first review three key aspects related to the idea of the quality of publications, namely peer review, journal indexing, and journal impact factor. We will then pinpoint some of the main macro-level problems regarding current practices and criteria as applied to translation studies, such as Thomson Reuters World of Science's journal coverage, citation patterns, and publication format. Next we will provide a micro-textual and practical perspective, focusing on citation counts and suggesting a series of corrective measures to increase comparability.


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Colombia Médica is an international peer-reviewed medical journal that will consider any original contribution that advances or illuminates medical science or practice, or that educates to the journal's’ readers.The journal is owned by a non-profit organization, Universidad del Valle, and serves the scientific community strictly following the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations on publication ethics policies for medical journals. Colombia Médica publishes original research articles, viewpoints and reviews in all areas of medical science and clinical practice. However, Colombia Médica gives the highest priority to papers on general and internal medicine, public health and primary health care. Colombia Médica (ISSN 1657-9534) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Google Scholar.


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This article seeks to address some fundamental errors in the application of contract law to disputes involving the summary dismissal of employees. The pre-existing law which arose out of the master servant era was not absorbed by the contract paradigm. Instead, remnants of the law remained and is still applied today. The decision of Melbourne Stadiums Ltd v Sautner (2015) 229 FCR 221 demonstrates this where the court relied upon concepts arising out of that time to justify the employer's decision to summarily dismiss an employee. The article also considers some more practical matters if the law was to be modernised to accord more strictly with contract principles. It may not necessarily lead to different outcomes, but it will lead to a more cohesive set of principles and avoid the often jumbled terminology used in employment law disputes.


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The question of who should take credit as the authors of collaborative research papers has long been a matter for discussion, especially within scientific institutions. However, that discussion has not sufficiently taken account of the legalities of the situation. Particularly since the passing of moral rights legislation in Australia and elsewhere, institutional norms are in conflict with the legal rules concerning the attribution of authorship. Yet, when researchers take their grievances to the courts, it is the legal rules that will prevail. The present article considers the institutional rules against their legal counterparts and the steps that have been, and might in future be, taken to manage this divergence of norms.


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This article considers the implications that recent euthanasia developments in Belgium might have for the Australian debate on assisted dying. Through media database and internet searches, four significant developments in Belguim were identified: three cases involving individuals who requested access to euthanasia, and recent changes to the Belgian Act on Euthanasia 2002, allowing children access to euthanasia. The article outlines these developments and then examines how they have been discussed in Australia by the different sides of the euthanasia debate. It concludes that these developments are important considerations that legislators and policy-makers in Australia should engage with, but argues that that engagement must be rational and also informed by the significant evidence base that is now available on how the Belgian (and other) assisted dying regimes operate in practice.


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Securities lending is the temporary transfer of securities(mainly shares) from one party to another. At theconclusion of the loan, the borrower is required to deliverequivalent securities to the lender. Securities lending isan important and growing part of global market activity.While it is said to perform valid and useful functions suchas increasing market liquidity, many—particularly duringthe global financial crisis—have expressed concerns thatit also leads to market instability. Concerns with securitieslending have focused primarily on its role in facilitatingshort selling. During the global financial crisis, marketsand regulators were concerned about the potentialdestabilising effect of short selling on financial markets.1Regulators across the globe took action to ban naked andcovered short selling.This article undertakes a comprehensive examinationof the legal structure of securities loans in Australia. Itexamines securities lending in Australia and other majorfinancial markets, namely Europe, the United Kingdomand United States. This article examines the Australian and international industry standard form contracts. It alsoconsiders the current regulatory environment for securitieslending in Australia.


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connection with the collapse of Opes Prime in Australiaand the Australian Federal Court decision whichconsidered the legal characterisation of securities loans.The Opes Prime collapse provoked huge controversyregarding the role of securities lending and the ensuingcourt decision was the first judicial examination ofsecurities lending in Australia.1 The article also considersthe regulatory responses to securities lending and shortselling taken by the International Organisation ofSecurities Commissions (IOSCO) and in Australia, theUnited Kingdom, Europe and the United States duringthe global financial crisis.


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The Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Cth) introduced new definitions of“derivative” and “financial product” into the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), andreplaced the separate regulatory regimes governing futures contracts andsecurities with a single financial markets authorisation regime and a singleintermediary licensing regime. This article examines the reforms to evaluatewhether they have been successful. It is argued that there are definiteimprovements resulting from the reforms, and the scope for regulatoryarbitrage has been greatly reduced. However, numerous problems remain.There are significant differences in the regulation of securities and deriva-tives. The distinction between securities and derivatives is still based on legalcharacteristics, not economic function. There is uncertainty as to the exactscope and interaction of the definitions, particularly with respect to equityderivatives, warrants and options. The current law has thus not fullyaddressed many of the problems that existed prior to the reforms.


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company is legally incorporated it must be treated like any other independent person with its rightsand liabilities appropriate to itself”.2 A consequence of this is the “proper plaintiff” principleestablished in Foss v Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461; 67 ER 189: the proper plaintiff in an action inrespect of a wrong done to a corporation is the corporation itself.3 It is also a “hallowed rule” thatdirectors owe their duties to the company, not the shareholders,4 and so any loss accruing to thecompany as a result of the directors’ breach of their duties is recoverable only by the company.5An obvious problem with this state of affairs is that a company will be unlikely to initiateproceedings against its directors when the company is controlled by those directors.6 While there aregood economic reasons for this division of management and ownership,7 shareholders are left with acritical question: under what circumstances can they initiate proceedings to recover loss suffered as aresult of company directors’ breach of their duties? Although one writer has referred to the“expansive statutory and common law arsenals” available to aggrieved shareholders,8 it seems ratherthe case that there are few effective remedies. For shareholders have no contractual relationship withdirectors,9 and the personal rights conferred on shareholders by statute or general law are largelyprocedural10 and seem a rather ineffective basis for “scrutinising directorial performance”.


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Unethical behaviour and misconduct in the financial services industry is asignificant problem. Laws aimed at misconduct or incentives to misbehave can be rendered ineffective by poor culture within financial institutions. Various regulatory and industry initiatives to tackle the problem have been proposed or put in place in Australia. This article provides an overview of these initiatives and argues that while such strategies may be worthwhile, they also have shortcomings. The article contends that ameliorating cultural problems within the financial industry requires a multi-disciplinary approach and Australia should therefore consider introducing a supervisory technique pioneered by the Netherlands Central Bank (DNB) that incorporates social andorganisational psychology. It further argues that this approach, when placed in the hands of a regulator, offers a radical regulatory tool that could provide the “missing link” in promoting a culture of integrity within financial institutions.The DNB approach is described and various legal, theoretical and policy issues raised by this approach are discussed.


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A review of small amount credit contract regulation in Australia began in 2015 as mandated under s 335A of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth). The review panel sought comprehensive data on industry and consumer characteristics and trends. To provide such evidence, consumer groups commissioned original empirical research using data collected from a longitudinal survey that monitors the financial position and attitudes of Australian households. This data on household use of small amount credit contract loans was extracted for the last decade, allowing detailed analysis of the historical patterns and developing trends. The data indicates that overall demand for small amount short duration credit is growing in Australia, the consumer base is broadening, and the predominant form of lending today is online. Deeper analysis highlights the varying motivations of borrower households and their different stages and levels of financial difficulty. It also confirms the socio-economic, employment, educational and financial disadvantages of most households using these loans and their vulnerability to adverse changes in personal circumstances and negative external shocks.


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I convertible bonds sono degli strumenti finanziari che conferiscono al suo possessore la facoltà di scegliere se, una volta scaduta l'obbligazione, essere rimborsato tramite una somma di denaro (valore nominale) oppure convertire l'obbligazione in un numero predefinito di azioni. Successivamente si è trattato l’argomento della tesi, i reverse convertible bonds. Queste obbligazioni sono simili ai convertible bonds con la differenza che in tal caso il diritto di scegliere se convertire o meno l'obbligazione in azioni è lasciato all'emittente e non al sottoscrittore. I reverse convertible si ottengono dalla combinazione di un coupon bond ordinario (senza l'opzione di conversione) a breve termine e di un'opzione put sulle azioni sottostanti. E' stata analizzata la formula di valutazione dei reverse convertible bonds, data dalla differenza tra il prezzo di un coupon-bond ordinario emesso dalla stessa società e il prezzo di un'opzione put (quest'ultimo moltiplicato per il rapporto di conversione, ossia per il numero di azioni che si ottengono dalla conversione di ciascuna obbligazione convertibile). E’ stata poi fatta un’analisi empirica dei prezzi dei reverse convertible bonds. Sono stati calcolati i prezzi di 7 reverse convertible utilizzando i dati forniti dal database finanziario e macroeconomico, Thomson Reuters Datastream.I prezzi calcolati sono stati poi confrontati con i prezzi di mercato di tali obbligazioni relativamente allo stesso istante temporale, il giorno 6/6/2016.


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The present research aims to analyse the impact of corporate governance and cultural dimensions in dividend policy. The corporate governance and dividend policy have a close relationship, in that both are evidenced in literature to mitigate agency problems. Cultural factors are also related to agency problems. The existence of agency problems and their solutions differs across countries and it is related to the implementation of the mechanisms of governance. So, cultural factors may have influence on corporate governance and dividend policy. Our sample consists in 1 232 companies belonging to the main indices of 38 countries classified as emerging or developed. To measure the quality of firm level corporate governance, we use the ASSET4 Corporate Governance Performance Index, developed by Thomson Reuters, and as proxy of culture we use three cultural dimensions developed by Geert Hofstede, namely uncertainty avoidance, masculinity and indulgence. We obtained significant empirical evidence that firms with high quality of corporate governance pay higher dividends. With regard to cultural factors, we confirm that in countries with high levels of masculinity and uncertainty avoidance, the dividend payout ratio is lower. On the other hand, countries with high level of indulgence have higher dividend payout ratio. However, we verify that the impact of cultural effects is minimized when the firms have a high quality level of corporate governance. Additionally, we found that the impact of corporate governance and cultural factors in dividend policy differs when dealing with emerging or developed countries.