985 resultados para Respiratory system
We have observed that vitamin A levels, deficient in patients with severe disease, returned to normal post lungtransplant independent of oral supplementation or pancreatic sufficiency. We hypothesised that vitamin A is associated with disease severity and the inflammatory marker C-related peptide (CRP). Data from RCH paediatric and TPCH adult CF clinic subjects (ns138 CF, 138 control, aged 5–56 yr), who had participated in a study of bone mineral density (BMD) in which vitamins A, E, D, and CRP, height, weight and lung function had been measured was used. Groups were compared using t- or Wilcoxon-tests, and predictors of vitamin A examined usingmultiple regression. Vitamin A was lower in CF subjects (1.23"0.5 vs. 1.80"0.6 mmolyl, P-0.0001), increasingwith age in paediatric subjects but to a lesser extent in the CF group (Ps0.0007). CRP was correlated with age (rs0.6, P-0.0001). FEV1% predicted (FEV) (57.93"23.0 vs. 70.63"21.8, Ps0.0014), weight z-score (WTZ) (y0.76"0.9 vs. y0.12"1.0, Ps0.0002), lumbar spine BMD z-score (y1.08"1.3 vs. y0.50"1.2, Ps0.009) were lower, and CRP higher (median 7.0, IQR 2–4 vs. median 1.0, IQR 1–3 mgy l, P-0.0001) in vitamin A insufficient CF subjects (61 insufficient vs. 71 sufficient). In all subjects, control status (P-0.0001), WTZ (Ps0.02), vitamin E (Ps 0.0003), CRP (Ps0.001), 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25 vit. D) (Ps0.0007), and child, adolescent or adult grouping (all P-0.0001) were predictive of vitamin A. In the CF group, CRP (Ps0.01), Vitamin E (P-0.0001) and 1.25 vit. D (Ps 0.006), but not FEV, were predictive. The normal increase in vitamin A with age was not observed in CF subjects, who had lower levels at any age. This failure of normal increase in vitamin A had a consistent association with increasingCRP , supportingthe hypothesis that increased inflammation may result in increased vitamin A consumption.
Normal fat and lean tissue mass in adults with cystic fibrosis compared with height matched controls