987 resultados para Rendering apparatus.


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In this thesis, the kinetics of several alkyl, halogenated alkyl, and alkenyl free radical reactions with NO2, O2, Cl2, and HCl reactants were studied over a wide temperature range in time resolved conditions. Laser photolysis photoionisation mass spectrometer coupled to a flow reactor was the experimental method employed and this thesis present the first measurements performed with the experimental system constructed. During this thesis a great amount of work was devoted to the designing, building, testing, and improving the experimental apparatus. Carbon-centred free radicals were generated by the pulsed 193 or 248 nm photolysis of suitable precursors along the tubular reactor. The kinetics was studied under pseudo-first-order conditions using either He or N2 buffer gas. The temperature and pressure ranges employed were between 190 and 500 K, and 0.5 45 torr, respectively. The possible role of heterogeneous wall reactions was investigated employing reactor tubes with different sizes, i.e. to significantly vary the surface to volume ratio. In this thesis, significant new contributions to the kinetics of carbon-centred free radical reactions with nitrogen dioxide were obtained. Altogether eight substituted alkyl (CH2Cl, CHCl2, CCl3, CH2I, CH2Br, CHBr2, CHBrCl, and CHBrCH3) and two alkenyl (C2H3, C3H3) free radical reactions with NO2 were investigated as a function of temperature. The bimolecular rate coefficients of all these reactions were observed to possess negative temperature dependencies, while pressure dependencies were not noticed for any of these reactions. Halogen substitution was observed to moderately reduce the reactivity of substituted alkyl radicals in the reaction with NO2, while the resonance stabilisation of the alkenyl radical lowers its reactivity with respect to NO2 only slightly. Two reactions relevant to atmospheric chemistry, CH2Br + O2 and CH2I + O2, were also investigated. It was noticed that while CH2Br + O2 reaction shows pronounced pressure dependence, characteristic of peroxy radical formation, no such dependence was observed for the CH2I + O2 reaction. Observed primary products of the CH2I + O2 reaction were the I-atom and the IO radical. Kinetics of CH3 + HCl, CD3 + HCl, CH3 + DCl, and CD3 + DCl reactions were also studied. While all these reactions possess positive activation energies, in contrast to the other systems investigated in this thesis, the CH3 + HCl and CD3 + HCl reactions show a non-linear temperature dependency on the Arrhenius plot. The reactivity of substituted methyl radicals toward NO2 was observed to increase with decreasing electron affinity of the radical. The same trend was observed for the reactions of substituted methyl radicals with Cl2. It is proposed that interactions of frontier orbitals are responsible to these observations and Frontier Orbital Theory could be used to explain the observed reactivity trends of these highly exothermic reactions having reactant-like transition states.


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The present study examined whether a specific property of cell microstructures may be useful as a biomarker of aging. Specifically, the association between age and changes of cellular structures reflected in electrophoretic mobility of cell nuclei index (EMN index) values across the adult lifespan was examined. This report considers findings from cross sections of females (n = 1273) aged 18–98 years, and males (n = 506) aged 19–93 years. A Biotest apparatus was used to perform intracellular microelectrophoresis on buccal epithelial cells collected from each individual. EMN index was calculated on the basis of the number of epithelial cells with mobile nuclei in reference to the cells with immobile nuclei per 100 cells. Regression analyses indicated a significant negative association between EMN index value and age for men (r = −0.71, p < 0.001) and women (r = −0.60, p < 0.001); demonstrating a key requirement that must be met by a biomarker of aging. The strength of association observed between EMN index and age for both men and women was encouraging and supports the potential use of EMN index for determining a biological age of an individual (or a group). In this study, a new attempt of complex explanation of cellular mechanisms contributing to age related changes of the EMN index was made. In this study, a new attempt of complex explanation of cellular mechanisms contributing to age related changes of the EMN index was made. EMN index has demonstrated potential to meet criteria proposed for biomarkers of aging and further investigations are necessary.


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The rate of NADH oxidation with oxygen as the acceptor is very low in mouse liver plasma membrane and erythrocyte membrane. When vanadate is added, this rate is stimulated 10- to 20-fold. The absorption spectrum of vanadate does not change with the disappearance of NADH. The reaction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, and there is no activity under an argon atmosphere. This indicates that oxygen is the electron acceptor and the reaction is mediated by superoxide. The vanadate stimulation is not limited to plasma membrane. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum show similar increase in NADH oxidase activity when vanadate is added. The endomembranes have significant vanadate-stimulated activity with both NADH and NADPH. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds, which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity: catechols, anthracycline drugs and manganese. This activity is stimulated by high phosphate and sulfate anion concentrations.


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On the basis of dodecahedral structure of a foam bed, a model to predict conversion in a foam bed contactor with mass transfer with chemical reaction has been developed. To verify the proposed model, experiments have been carried out in a semi-batch apparatus for the absorption of lean CO2 gas in a foam of sodium hydroxide solution. The proposed model predicts fairly well the experimentally found absorption values.


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The White Possessive explores the links between race, sovereignty, and possession through themes of property: owning property, being property, and becoming propertyless. Focusing on the Australian Aboriginal context, Aileen Moreton-Robinson questions current race theory in the first world and its preoccupation with foregrounding slavery and migration. The nation, she argues, is socially and culturally constructed as a white possession. Moreton-Robinson reveals how the core values of Australian national identity continue to have roots in Britishness and colonization, built on the disavowal of Indigenous sovereignty. Whiteness studies are central to Moreton-Robinson’s reasoning, and she shows how blackness works as a white epistemological tool that bolsters the social production of whiteness—displacing Indigenous sovereignties and rendering them invisible in a civil rights discourse, sidestepping issues of settler colonialism. Throughout this critical examination Moreton-Robinson proposes a bold new agenda for critical Indigenous studies, one that involves deeper analysis of the prerogatives of white possession within the role of disciplines.


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In this paper I conduct a Foucauldian discourse analysis of a political speech given by Brendon Nelson in 2006 when the Australian Minister for Defence in the Howard Coalition Government. The speech connects conceptualisations of terror, globalization, education and literacy as part of a whole of government security strategy. The analysis examines this speech as an example of a liberal way of governing the conduct of diverse and unpredictable populations. My analysis suggests that the apparatus of government has been strategically used in order to biopolitically contain the rise of complex social forces and protect a set of homogenous cultural values. The purposes of education and uses of literacy are seen as instruments for the inscription of a coded set of values understood to be synonymous with civil society.


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In this paper I examine how one political actor–former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd–proposes to use education for the purpose of securing national productivity and foreign policy. I work with Foucault’s suggestion that the apparatus of security is the essential technical instrument of governmentality and that the production of milieu, made up of human, spatial, temporal and cultural objects, and the government of risk are key strategies in the bio-politicisation of security. The discourse analysis also draws on Bacchi to problematise statements that (a) represent both the nation and regional neighbours as governable milieu within the ambit of a whole of government approach, and (b) locate literacy and education as both risk and solution in a security apparatus. My examination of the emergence of literacy and education as security technologies, takes account of the discursive effects of Rudd’s representation of the spaces and scale of national, geopolitical and global policy problems. I argue that in these examples of policy texts, education is used as a discursive tool to secure education workers and youth as subjects of economic interest and sovereign rule.


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Many Gram-negative bacteria pathogenic to plants and animals possess type III secretion systems that are used to cause disease. Effector proteins are injected into host cells using the type III secretion machineries. Despite vigorous studies, the nature of the secretion signal for type III secreted proteins still remains elusive. Both mRNA and proteinaceous signals have been proposed. Findings on coupling of translation to secretion by the type III secretion systems are also still contradictory. This study dealt with the secretion signal of HrpA from Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato. HrpA is the major component of the type III secretion system-associated Hrp pilus and a substrate for the type III secretion systems. The secretion signal was shown to reside in the first 15 codons or amino acids, a location typical for type III secretion signals. Translation of HrpA in the absence of a functional type III secretion system was established, but it does not exclude the possibility of coupling of translation to secretion when the secretion apparatus is present. The hrpA transcripts from various unrelated plant pathogenic bacteria were shown to be extremely stable. The biological relevance of this observation is unknown, but possible explanations include the high prevalence of HrpA protein, an mRNA secretion signal or timing of secretion. The hrpA mRNAs are stable over a wide range of temperatures, in the absence of translating ribosomes and even in the heterologous host Escherichia coli. The untranslated regions (UTRs) of hrpA transcripts from at least 20 pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae are highly homologous, whilst their coding regions exhibit low similarity. The stable nature of hrpA messenger RNAs is likely to be due to the folding of their 5 and 3 UTRs. In silico the UTRs seem to form stem-loop structures, the hairpin structures in the 3 UTRs being rich in guanidine and cytosine residues. The stable nature of the hrpA transcript redirected the studies to the stabilization of heterologous transcripts and to the use of stable messenger RNAs in recombinant protein production. Fragments of the hrpA transcript can be used to confer stability on heterologous transcripts from several sources of bacterial and eukaryotic origin, and to elevate the levels of production of the corresponding recombinant proteins several folds. hrpA transcript stabilizing elements can be used for improving the yields of recombinant proteins even in Escherichia coli, one of the most commonly used industrial protein production hosts.


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India has rich traditions of nature conservation as well as a vigorous official program of protection of nature reserves developed over the last 40 years. However, the officialp rograms uffers fromt otal relianceo n authoritarianm anagement arrangements in which decisions are made centrally and coercion is used to implement them. At the same time, the state apparatus organises subsidized resource flows to the urbanindustrial- intensivea griculturalc omplex which promote inefficient,n on-sustainable resource-use patterns that are inimical to conservation of biodiversity. These processes are illustrated within the concrete setting of the district of Uttara Kannada in southern India. It is suggested that the interests of conservation would be served far better by an approach that withdraws the subsidies to the elite so that a much more efficient, sustainable and equitable pattern of resource use, compatible with conservation of biodiversity, can be instituted. In conjunction with this, the larger society should involve local people in working out detailed plans for conservation of biodiversity and offer them adequate authority as well as appropriate financial incentives to implement these plans. The paper goes on to illustrate how such an approach may be implemented in the case of Uttara Kannada.


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In Ge-As-Te system, the glass forming region determined by normal melt quenching method has two regions (GFR I and GFR II) separated by few compositions gap. With a simple laboratory built twin roller apparatus, we have succeeded in preparing Ge7.5AsxTe92.5-x glasses over extended composition ranges. A distinct change in T-g is observed at x = 40, exactly at which the separation of the glass forming regions occur indicating the changes in the connectivity and the rigidity of the structural network. The maximum observed in glass transition (T-g) at x = 55 corresponding to the average coordination number (Z(av)) = 2.70 is an evidence for the shift of the rigidity percolation threshold (RPT) from Z(av) = 2.40 as predicted by the recent theories. The glass forming tendency (K-gl) and Delta T (=T-c-T-g) is low for the glasses in the GFR I and high for the glasses in the GFR II.


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Spatial variations in the concentration of a reactive solute in solution are often encountered in a catalyst particle, and this leads to variation in the freezing point of the solution. Depending on the operating temperature, this can result in freezing of the solvent oil a portion of catalyst, rendering that part of the active area ineffective Freezing call occur by formation of a sharp front or it mush that separates the solid and fluid phases. In this paper, we model the extent of reduction in the active area due to freezing. Assuming that the freezing point decreases linearly with solute concentration, conditions for freezing to occur have been derived. At steady state, the ineffective fraction of catalyst pellet is found to be the same irrespective of the mode of freezing. Progress of freezing is determined by both the heat of reaction and the latent heat of fusion Unlike in freezing of alloys where the latter plays a dominant role, the exothermicity of the reaction has a significant effect on freezing in the presence of chemical reactions. A dimensionless group analogous to the Stefan number could be defined to capture the combined effect of both of these.


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We discuss two temperature accretion disk flows around rotating black holes. As we know that to explain observed hard X-rays the choice of Keplerian angular momentum profile is not unique, we consider the sub-Keplerian regime of the disk. Without any strict knowledge of the magnetic field structure, we assume the cooling mechanism is dominated by bremsstrahlung process. We show that in a range of Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter 0.2 greater than or similar to alpha greater than or similar to 0.0005, flow behavior varies widely, particularly by means of the size of disk, efficiency of cooling and corresponding temperatures of ions and electrons. We also show that the disk around a rotating black hole is hotter compared to that around a Schwarzschild black hole, rendering a larger difference between ion and electron temperatures in the former case. With all the theoretical solutions in hand, finally we reproduce the observed luminosities (L) of two extreme cases-the under-fed AGNs and quasars (e.g. Sgr A') with L greater than or similar to 10(33) erg/s to ultra-luminous X-ray sources with L similar to 10(41) erg/s, at different combinations of mass accretion rate, ratio of specific heats, Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter and Kerr parameter, and conclude that Sgr A' may be an intermediate spinning black hole.


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The modern unilateral surgical treatment of otosclerosis started in 1956. Simultaneous bilateral surgery has not been reported in stapes surgery and in case of bilateral otosclerosis ears are operated in two different sessions. Simultaneous surgery would give the patient the opportunity to gain advantages of bilateral hearing within one session, with less time spent in hospital and on sick leave. The mechanism for vestibular symptoms and the exact end organ affected after surgery is still unveiled. This thesis presents the results of experimental simultaneous bilateral stapes surgery, and vestibular symptoms and findings before and after unilateral stapes surgery. In addition, we explore reasons for outpatient failures in otosclerosis surgery. -- Study I examines the outcome of simultaneous bilateral surgery. Hearing was evaluated with standard pure tone and speech audiograms and vestibular apparatus with visual feedback posturography (VFP) during the one-year follow-up. Subjective symptoms and quality of life were assessed with questionnaires. In study II, reasons for outpatient failures in stapes surgery were explored. Forty-seven consecutive stapedotomies and stapedectomies performed by the same surgeon were included, and the effect of failures on hearing results were analysed. Vestibular symptoms and the end organ(s) affected after stapes surgery were investigated in studies III and IV. With video-oculography (VOG), nystagmus was measured preoperatively, and at one week, one month and 3 months postoperatively in the first phase (III). In the second phase (IV), recordings were obtained some hours postoperatively. The hearing results of the simultaneous bilateral surgery were comparable with unilateral surgeries reported. Recovery from the surgery was fast. Significant improvement in performance and quality of life was noted already month after operation in subjective evaluations. Based on these results, simultaneous bilateral surgery is a suitable approach in bilateral otosclerosis Significantly more outpatient failures occurred for medical reasons in the stapedectomy group (13%) than in the stapedotomy group (2%). Stapedotomy should be favoured if outpatient surgery is planned. However, unplanned admission did not worsen the prognosis. VOG measurements in study III did not show any specific type of nystagmus in patients having vestibular symptoms postoperatively. However, VOG measurements immediately after surgery (IV) revealed nystagmus consistent with a minor disturbance of the semicircular canals in 33% of the patients. Subjectively, half of the patients reported vestibular symptoms that were probably of diverse origin, and could have originated from both otolith and semicircular canal parts of the vestibular organ. Since vestibular symptoms and signs are mild, patients may be safely discharged some hours after stapes surgery.


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Nature is a school for scientists and engineers. Inherent multiscale structures of biological materials exhibit multifunctional integration. In nature, the lotus, the water strider, and the flying bird evolved different and optimized biological solutions to survive. In this contribution, inspired by the optimized solutions from the lotus leaf with superhydrophobic self-cleaning, the water strider leg with durable and robust superhydrophobicity, and the lightweight bird bone with hollow structures, multifunctional metallic foams with multiscale structures are fabricated, demonstrating low adhesive superhydrophobic self-cleaning, striking loading capacity, and superior repellency towards different corrosive solutions. This approach provides an effective avenue to the development of water strider robots and other aquatic smart devices floating on water. Furthermore, the resultant multifunctional metallic foam can be used to construct an oil/water separation apparatus, exhibiting a high separation efficiency and long-term repeatability. The presented approach should provide a promising solution for the design and construction of other multifunctional metallic foams in a large scale for practical applications in the petro-chemical field. Optimized biological solutions continue to inspire and to provide design idea for the construction of multiscale structures with multifunctional integration. Inspired by the optimized biological solutions from the lotus leaf with superhydrophobic self-cleaning, the water strider leg with durable and robust superhydrophobicity, and the lightweight bird bone with hollow structures, multifunctional metallic foams with multiscale structures are fabricated, demonstrating low adhesive superhydrophobic self-cleaning, striking loading capacity, stable corrosion resistance, and oil/water separation.


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We discuss constrained and semi--constrained versions of the next--to--minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (NMSSM) in which a singlet Higgs superfield is added to the two doublet superfields that are present in the minimal extension (MSSM). This leads to a richer Higgs and neutralino spectrum and allows for many interesting phenomena that are not present in the MSSM. In particular, light Higgs particles are still allowed by current constraints and could appear as decay products of the heavier Higgs states, rendering their search rather difficult at the LHC. We propose benchmark scenarios which address the new phenomenological features, consistent with present constraints from colliders and with the dark matter relic density, and with (semi--)universal soft terms at the GUT scale. We present the corresponding spectra for the Higgs particles, their couplings to gauge bosons and fermions and their most important decay branching ratios. A brief survey of the search strategies for these states at the LHC is given.