983 resultados para Regulatory risk


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Antigen-specific suppression of a previously primed immune response is a major challenge for immunotherapy of autoimmune disease. ReIB activation is required for myeloid DC differentiation. Here, we show that antigen-exposed DCs in which ReIB function is inhibited lack cell surface CD40, prevent priming of immunity, and suppress previously primed immune responses. DCs generated from CD40-deficient mice similarly confer suppression. Regulatory CD4(+) T cells induced by the DCs transfer antigen-specific Infectious tolerance to primed recipients in an interleukin10-dependent fashion. Thus CD40, regulated by ReIB activity, determines the consequences of antigen presentation by myeloid DCs. These observations have significance for autoimmune immunotherapy and suggest a mechanism by which peripheral tolerance might be constitutively maintained by RelB(-) CD40(-) DCs.


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The interaction between genetic and environmental factors for PD was examined in a Chinese population. It was found that although the intron 2 MAOB (GT)(n) repeat polymorphism was not associated with PID in the population, a relationship might have been masked by the protective effect of tea drinking. In individuals who did not drink tea (<1 cup/day), the possession of short length less than or equal to 178 bp (GT), alleles conferred a borderline significant increased risk for PD (adjusted OR = 1.47; C.l. = 1.03-2. 1). As the extent of tea consumption increased, the association between the less than or equal to178 bp allele and PD disappeared. This result suggests that the MAOB gene may be associated with PD in Chinese if the putative protective effect of tea drinking is taken into account. The significance of this finding is unclear as the study may be limited because of its marginal significance and limited numbers. However, it does demonstrate the importance of considering putative positive and negative environmental risk factors in any examination of genetic risk factors for PD. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of the equity premium puzzle has focused on private-sector capital markets. However, the existence of an anomalous equity premium raises important issues in the evaluation of public-sector investment projects. These issues are explored below. We begin by formalizing the argument that an equity premium may arise from uninsurable systematic risk in labour income, and show that, other things being equal, increases in public ownership of equity will improve welfare, up to the point where the equity premium is eliminated. Finally, we consider policy implications and the optimal extent of public ownership.


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Risk taking behaviour has been identified as an important host-related determinant of injury in young adults. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the two key elements of risk taking behaviour - ie, risk assessment and risk acceptance - in participants of a high risk sporting activity. Skydivers registered with the Australian Parachute Federation were sampled at several jump meetings held at three 'drop-zones' in North Eastern Australia. A cross sectional survey of 215 skydivers ascertained each subject's risk assessment of each of nine hypothetical sky diving scenes and whether or not they would jump in the described conditions. Variables which independently predicted an individual's risk assessment were age group (p < 0.05), gender (p < 0.05) and scene details (p < 0.001). Risk assessment was found to be a statistically significant predictor of the decision to jump, with a 22% decrease in the odds of jumping with every unit increase in risk assessment (OR = 0.78: 95% Cl; 0.76, 0.80). Gender was also found to be a statistically significant predictor of the decision to jump, with males being 19% more likely to jump than females, after controlling for age, experience, currency and risk assessment (OR = 1.19: 95% CI; 1.04, 1.38). The importance of these results is that, by quantifying the relationship between two key elements of risk taking behaviour and several important host factor determinants, they facilitate more informed discussion about the possible role of risk taking behaviour in the causation of injury.


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As mudanças institucionais e regulatórias inseridas principalmente no setor de infraestrutura, em particular no setor de energia, passaram a ser um novo ponto de governança para o Estado a partir de meados da década de 1990. Naquele formato inicial, ficou claro um planejamento inadequado, uma vez que as privatizações de empresas do setor de energia ocorreram antes da criação da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL). Esse ponto, segundo os principais autores foi decisivo e pontual para que, nos primeiros anos, o processo regulatório não ter atendido as necessidades dos agentes envolvidos (Estado, empresa e cidadão). Esta situação culminou com uma forte crise no setor, bem como no racionamento de energia ocorrido no início do Século XXI. Essa situação levou a um outro período de reforma, instalado em 2004. O ponto principal desse trabalho esta fundamentando em apresentar algumas questões ligadas aos desafios da ANEEL, sendo esta sedimentada nos processos de aprendizado e conhecimento, porém não esquecendo de abordar os pontos fundamentais e impeditivos para que a plena eficiência seja alcançada. Ao longo desse estudo, podemos analisar que os resultados alcançados pela ANEEL são em parte sólidos, porém fatores como: dificuldades em retenção de pessoas no corpo da agência, restrições orçamentárias, riscos constantes de captura, aliado ao processo de assimetria de informação, bem como a convivência com o misto de empresas públicas e privadas, são fatores que aumentam as incertezas no ambiente e no processo regulatório, contribuindo, ainda que indiretamente, para que os investimentos não sejam aplicados de acordo com o planejado, conseqüentemente, toda essa condição tem afetado os resultados e o equilíbrio do setor de energia.


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The construction sector has one of the worst occupational safety and health records in Europe. The costs of this scenario are very high, namely costs for workers and their families, costs to organizations, resulting from the absence of workers due to illness, insurance premiums, costs resulting from reduced productivity, cost of replacement and training of workers, etc., and costs to society, which in turn increases the costs of health systems. This paper presents and discusses the development of a methodology for economic evaluation in the context of risk management, which will allow senior management to support decision making. The possible application of this methodology to the construction sector is discussed.


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Textile and tourism sectors are two important industries in the Portuguese economy. However, its high exposure to both internal and international economic volatility make the companies operating in these economic sectors particularly vulnerable to economic crises, such as the ones which have been impacting Portugal and the European Union. The objective of this paper is to evaluate and understand the impact of size and age on the financial health of textile and tourism companies, measured by economic indices. An empirical based model is proposed. Its implications are derived and tested on a sample of 4061 Portuguese companies from textile and tourism sectors, during the period 2005-2009. The findings suggest that age has a major impact on the risk of failure, rather than size. Whereas the effect of age is generally positive regarding the financial health of the company, the effect of size is less clear and ultimately depends on the age of the company.


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Textiles and tourism sectors are two important sectors in Portuguese economy. Its high exposure to both internal and international economy volatility transform the companies operating in these economic sectors especially vulnerable to recent economic crises in Portugal and European Union. The objective of this paper is to evaluate and understand the impact of size and age on the financial health of textile and tourism companies, measured by economic indices. An empirical based model is proposed. Its implications are derived and tested on a sample of 4061 Portuguese companies from textile and tourism sector, during the period 2005-2009. The results conclude that age has a stronger impact on the risk of failure than size. Whereas the effect of age is generally positive regarding the financial health of the company, the effect of size is less clear and depends on the age of the company.


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Work accidents affect business and society as a whole. Fewer accidents mean fewer sick leaves, which results in lower costs and less disruption in the production process, with clear advantages for the employer. But workers and their households bear also a significant burden following a work accident, only partially compen-sated by insurance systems. Furthermore, the consequences of work accidents to the State and Society need also to be considered. When an organization performs an integrated risk analysis in evaluating its Occupational Health and Safety Management System, several steps are suggested to address the identified risk situations. Namely, to avoid risks, a series of preventive measures are identified. The organization should make a detailed analysis of the monetary impact (positive or negative) for the organization of each of the measures considered. Particularly, it is also important to consider the impact of each measure on society, involving an adequate eco-nomic cost-benefit analysis. In the present paper, a case study in a textile finishing company is presented. The study concentrates on the dyeing and printing sections. For each of the potential risks, several preventive measures have been identified and the corresponding costs and benefits have been estimated. Subsequently, the Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C) of these measures has been calculated, both in financial terms (from the organisa-tion’s perspective) and in economic terms (including the benefits for the worker and for the Society). Results show that, while the financial analysis in terms of the company does not justify the preventive measures, when the externalities are taken into account, the B/C ratio increases significantly and investments are fully justified.


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Risk management can be considered as part of the Occupational Health and Safety System (OHS) of an organization and can be used to develop and implement the OHS policy and manage the associated risks. The success of the integration of risk management in OHS depends on both technical and human aspects. Thus, this paper presents and discusses the case of a company working in the area of solid waste treatment. This company was certified in 2009 with an Integrated Management Systems for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety. The evolution of accidents before and after the implementation of the integrated system was analysed and a questionnaire was used to capture the perceptions of the technicians on the risk management system. The analysis of the findings showed that the frequency of accidents increased since 2009 but the severity has been reduced. Several interrelated causes and consequences were analysed and discussed. Furthermore, the analysis of the opinions of the company’s technicians permitted to highlight some important aspects on the integration of risk management in the OHS system of the company. In line with this discussion some hypothesis have been formulated.


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Textile and tourism sectors are two important industries in the Portuguese economy. However, its high exposure to both internal and international economic volatility make the companies operating in these economic sectors particularly vulnerable to economic crises, such as the ones which have been impacting Portugal and the European Union. The objective of this paper is to evaluate and understand the impact of size and age on the financial health of textile and tourism companies, measured by economic indices. An empirical based model is proposed. Its implications are derived and tested on a sample of 4061 Portuguese companies from textile and tourism sectors, during the period 2005-2009. The findings suggest that age has a major impact on the risk of failure, rather than size. Whereas the effect of age is generally positive regarding the financial health of the company, the effect of size is less clear and ultimately depends on the age of the company.