976 resultados para Railroads, Cable.


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Esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir aspectos de interesse sanitário no processo de imigração estrangeira para o estado de São Paulo, na primeira década após a proclamação da República. Objetiva também apresentar as relações da imigração com a formação dos serviços sanitários estaduais e com a elaboração do modelo tecno-assistencial por eles adotado a partir da década de 1890. Num momento em que a febre amarela era a mais freqüente e letal das epidemias que afetavam o estado, matando principalmente os estrangeiros, a defesa do fluxo migratório foi um dos fios condutores das ações em saúde pública. A combinação entre os interesses da cafeicultura, a expansão ferroviária, imigração e febre amarela definiu os rumos da ação sanitária promovida pelas oligarquias no poder nesse período em São Paulo. A organização autoritária do Estado brasileiro não dava espaço à implantação de ações individuais de assistência à saúde. Sempre reivindicada pela população urbana e rural, somente com o desenvolvimento da medicina previdenciária no país, na década de 1930, difundiram-se as ações de assistência individual à saúde.


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The planning of the transportation sector in Brazil has long been the railroads as the main engineering system of the country. Thus, it was used to carry, in addition to the physical integration of the national territory, the consolidation of its domestic market. However, after entering in the 1980s, the planning of the sector is left out, and an inversion of the matrix of development is observed, with share gains in monoculture economy and on development of new areas where agricultural expansion advanced. This situation culminated in logistics blackouts in the 1990s and the resumption of sector planning in the early twenty-first century. At this time, it establishes a new institutional apparatus that ensures the participation of private capital in the sector, as well as a new principle for resolving bottlenecks concentrated regions (economically dynamic), from targeting investments to areas of primary economies that only in recent decades have been incorporated into the national economy.


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Different measurements were performed in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) employed as insulating material in coaxial cables that were field-aged and laboratory-aged under multi-stressing conditions at room temperature. Samples were peeled from the XLPE cable insulation in three different positions: just below the external semiconductor layer (outer layer), in the middle (middle layer) and just above the internal semiconductor layer of the cable (inner layer). The imaginary part of the electric susceptibility showed three peaks that obey the Dissado-Hill model. For laboratory-aged XLPE samples peeled from the inner and from the middle positions the peak at very low frequency region increased while in samples from the outer position a quasi-DC conduction process was observed. In medium frequency range a broadening of the peak was observed for all samples. Viscoelastic properties determined through dynamic mechanical analysis suggested that the aging generates processes that promoted changes of the crystallinity and the cross-linking degrees of the polymer. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements revealed an increase of oxidation products (esters), evidence of polar residues of the bow-tie tree and the presence of cross-linking by-products (acetophenone). Optical and scanning electronic microscope (SEM) measurements in aged samples revealed the existence of voids and bow-tie trees that were formed during aging in the middle region of the cable.


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In this work fresh cables were laboratory aged under multi-stressing conditions at room temperature. Foils were peeled from cables, with approximately 150 ?m thickness, from the outer, middle and inner positions of the XLPE cable insulating layer. For samples obtained from the outer cable layer position, an increasing near-permanent electrical conduction process with aging time was observed. At the middle and inner cable layer positions a flat-loss relaxation process was observed becoming a dominating process on the ageing. In addition, PEA results confirmed that degradation in the outer region of the XLPE cables arises from the simultaneous presence of dipoles and injected space charge that distorts the internal electric field on the ageing.


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This paper is the result of real-scale physical modeling study designed to simulate the load-deformation characteristics of railroad foundation systems that include the railroad ties, the ballast, and the sub-base layers of a railroad embankment. The study presents comparisons of the application of dynamic loads of 100kN on the rails, and the resulting deformations during a 500,000 cycle testing period for three rail support systems; wood, concrete and steel. The results show that the deformation curve has an exponential shape, with the larger portion of the deformation occurring during the first 50,000 load cycles followed by a tendency to stabilize between 100,000 to 500,000 cycles. These results indicate that the critical phase of deformations of a new railroad is within the first 50,000 cycles of loading, and after that, it slowly attenuates as it approaches a stable value. The paper also presents empirically derived formulations for the estimation of the deformations of the rail supports as a result of rail traffic.


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Nowadays, many investments have been made in the area of superconductor materials, with the aim to improve their potential technological applications. Applications on the energy transport using cables, to get high resolution images in the medicine use high magnetic fields, high speed signals use superconductor devices all of them are in crescent evidence and they are showing that the future is coming and next for this new kind of materials. Obviously that everything of this is possible due to the increasing of research with new materials, where the synthesis, characterization and applications are of the mainly objective of these researches. The production of cable for the energy transport has been in advanced stage as the bulks production is too. However, the film production that to aim at the electronic devices area is not as developed or it still need expensive investments. Thinking about that, we are developing a research where we may increase the relation of cost/benefits. Thereby, we are applying the polymeric precursors method to obtain films that will be used in the built of electronic devices. Thin films (mono and multilayers, on crystalline or metallic substrates, controlled thickness) of the BSCCO system have been obtained from dip coating deposition process with excellent results in terms of preferential orientation, controlled thickness, a large area, which may indicate future applications. Based on these results, we present an electrical circuit and their principal characteristics as superconductor transition (85K), transport current density and structure. DC four probes method, scanning electron microscopy, digital optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry were some techniques used for the characterization of this superconductor electric device. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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In this work our intention was to investigate the impact of Sao Paulo's coffee economy on the Minas Gerais Triangle Region, during its penetration into the area because of the extension of the Mogiana Railroad Company in 1889. We attempt to understand the impact caused along this coffee railroad in a region where this product almost did not exist, and the changes that occurred to the economic panorama of the region. Furthermore we have taken as an example, the city of Uberaba, the most important, in this region at that time.


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With more than 60% of its territory under environmental protection, the city of Cubatão shelters the Industrial Pole and is located midway of two great metropolitan regions of State of São Paulo: Grande São Paulo and Baixada Santista. Both the implantation of industries and the construction of highways stimulated a process of migration and irregular occupation of the territory, with significant loss of the original vegetal covering of Atlantic Forest, in addition to pollution of water resources and the soil. The present work analyzed the dynamics of the landscape of a stretch of the city of Cubatão, associated to the Highway System Anchietas-Imigrantes, on the basis of economic cycles and regional public policies, aiming at helping the urban and environmental planning of coastal cities. We used a temporal series of air photographs of five decades and bibliographical surveys on the description of the region occupation. A non planned urban expansion for the city was evidenced, closely related with regional economic cycles and road building, directed to areas adjacent to highways and railroads, marshland and flooded plains landfills and mounts hillsides, including areas near Serra do Mar State Park. One suggests that the questions of environmental and urban planning of coastal cities are dealt with in the regional domain and in a participative way on the basis of studies of economic expansion and tourist activities in Baixada Santista, guaranteeing the maintenance of the remainders of Atlantic Forest in São Paulo coast.


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This paper presents a mixed integer nonlinear programming multiobjective model for short-term planning of distribution networks that considers in an integrated manner the following planning activities: allocation of capacitor banks; voltage regulators; the cable replacement of branches and feeders. The objective functions considered in the proposed model are: to minimize operational and investment costs and minimize the voltage deviations in the the network buses, subject to a set of technical and operational constraints. A multiobjective genetic algorithm based on a Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) is proposed to solve this model. The proposed mathematical model and solution methodology is validated testing a medium voltage distribution system with 135 buses. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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We are developing two-layered Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide (YBCO) thin film structures for energy efficient data links for superconducting electronics and present the results of their property measurements. High temperature superconductors (HTS) are advantageous for the implementation of energy-efficient cables interconnecting low temperature superconductor-based circuits and other cryogenic electronics circuits at higher temperature stages. The advantages of the HTS cables come from their low loss and low dispersion properties, allowing ballistic transfer of low power signals with very high bandwidth, low heat conduction and negligible inter-line crosstalk. The microstrip line cable geometry for typical materials is a two-layered film, in which the two superconducting layers are separated by an insulation layer with a minimized permittivity. We have made a proof of concept design of two YBCO films grown by pulsed laser deposition and then assembled into a sandwich with uniform insulating interlayer of tens of micrometers thick. We report on results obtained from such systems assembled in different ways. Structural and electromagnetic properties have been examined on individual films and on the corresponding sandwich composite. © 2013 IEEE.