980 resultados para RNA transcription
The Notch1 gene has an important role in mammalian cell-fate decision and tumorigenesis. Upstream control mechanisms for transcription of this gene are still poorly understood. In a chemical genetics screen for small molecule activators of Notch signalling, we identified epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a key negative regulator of Notch1 gene expression in primary human keratinocytes, intact epidermis and skin squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). The underlying mechanism for negative control of the Notch1 gene in human cells, as well as in a mouse model of EGFR-dependent skin carcinogenesis, involves transcriptional suppression of p53 by the EGFR effector c-Jun. Suppression of Notch signalling in cancer cells counteracts the differentiation-inducing effects of EGFR inhibitors while, at the same time, synergizing with these compounds in induction of apoptosis. Thus, our data reveal a key role of EGFR signalling in the negative regulation of Notch1 gene transcription, of potential relevance for combinatory approaches for cancer therapy.
Methyl-CpG Binding Domain (MBD) proteins are thought to be key molecules in the interpretation of DNA methylation signals leading to gene silencing through recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes. In cancer, the MBD-family member, MBD2, may be primarily involved in the repression of genes exhibiting methylated CpG at their 5' end. Here we ask whether MBD2 randomly associates methylated sequences, producing chance effects on transcription, or exhibits a more specific recognition of some methylated regions. Using chromatin and DNA immunoprecipitation, we analyzed MBD2 and RNA polymerase II deposition and DNA methylation in HeLa cells on arrays representing 25,500 promoter regions. This first whole-genome mapping revealed the preferential localization of MBD2 near transcription start sites (TSSs), within the region analyzed, 7.5 kb upstream through 2.45 kb downstream of 5' transcription start sites. Probe by probe analysis correlated MBD2 deposition and DNA methylation. Motif analysis did not reveal specific sequence motifs; however, CCG and CGC sequences seem to be overrepresented. Nonrandom association (multiple correspondence analysis, p < 0.0001) between silent genes, DNA methylation and MBD2 binding was observed. The association between MBD2 binding and transcriptional repression weakened as the distance between binding site and TSS increased, suggesting that MBD2 represses transcriptional initiation. This hypothesis may represent a functional explanation for the preferential binding of MBD2 at methyl-CpG in TSS regions.
One of the mediators of pleiotropic drug resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the ABC-transporter gene PDR5. This gene is regulated by at least two transcription factors with Zn(2)-Cys(6) finger DNA-binding motifs, Pdr1p and Pdr3p. In this work, we searched for functional homologues of these transcription factors in Candida albicans. A C. albicans gene library was screened in a S. cerevisiae mutant lacking PDR1 and PDR3 and clones resistant to azole antifungals were isolated. From these clones, three genes responsible for azole resistance were identified. These genes (CTA4, ASG1 and CTF1) encode proteins with Zn(2)-Cys(6)-type zinc finger motifs in their N-terminal domains. The C. albicans genes expressed in S. cerevisiae could activate the transcription of a PDR5-lacZ reporter system and this reporter activity was PDRE-dependent. They could also confer resistance to azoles in a S. cerevisiae strain lacking PDR1, PDR3 and PDR5, suggesting that CTA4-, ASG1- and CTF1-dependent azole resistance can be caused by genes other than PDR5 in S. cerevisiae. Deletion of CTA4, ASG1 and CTF1 in C. albicans had no effect on fluconazole susceptibility and did not alter the expression of the ABC-transporter genes CDR1 and CDR2 or the major facilitator gene MDR1, which encode multidrug transporters known as mediators of azole resistance in C. albicans. However, additional phenotypic screening tests on the C. albicans mutants revealed that the presence of ASG1 was necessary to sustain growth on non-fermentative carbon sources (sodium acetate, acetic acid, ethanol). In conclusion, C. albicans possesses functional homologues of the S. cerevisiae Pdr1p and Pdr3p transcription factors; however, their properties in C. albicans have been rewired to other functions.
In this study, HIV-1 viral load quantitation determined by Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification (NASBA) was compared with other surrogate disease progression markers (antigen p24, CD4/CD8 cell counts and b-2 microglobulin) in 540 patients followed up at São Paulo, SP, Brazil. HIV-1 RNA detection was statistically associated with the presence of antigen p24, but the viral RNA was also detected in 68% of the antigen p24 negative samples, confirming that NASBA is much more sensitive than the determination of antigen p24. Regarding other surrogate markers, no statistically significant association with the detection of viral RNA was found. The reproducibility of this viral load assay was assessed by 14 runs of the same sample, using different reagents batches. Viral load values in this sample ranged from 5.83 to 6.27 log (CV = 36 %), less than the range (0.5 log) established to the determination of significant viral load changes.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma) is a member of the nuclear hormone superfamily originally characterized as a regulator of adipocyte differentiation and lipid metabolism. In addition, PPAR-gamma has important immunomodulatory functions. If the effect of PPAR-gamma's activation in T-cell-mediated demyelination has been recently demonstrated, nothing is known about the role of PPAR-gamma in antibody-induced demyelination in the absence of T-cell interactions and monocyte/macrophage activation. Therefore, we investigated PPAR-gamma's involvement by using an in vitro model of inflammatory demyelination in three-dimensional aggregating rat brain cell cultures. We found that PPAR-gamma was not constitutively expressed in these cultures but was strongly up-regulated following demyelination mediated by antibodies directed against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) in the presence of complement. Pioglitazone, a selective PPAR-gamma agonist, partially protected aggregates from anti-MOG demyelination. Heat shock responses and the expression of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha were diminished by pioglitazone treatment. Therefore, pioglitazone protection seems to be linked to an inhibition of glial cell proinflammatory activities following anti-MOG induced demyelination. We show that PPAR-gamma agonists act not only on T cells but also on antibody-mediated demyelination. This may represent a significant benefit in treating multiple sclerosis patients.
Overexpression of the polycomb group protein enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) occurs in diverse malignancies, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Based on its ability to modulate transcription of key genes implicated in cell cycle control, DNA repair, and cell differentiation, EZH2 is believed to play a crucial role in tissue-specific stem cell maintenance and tumor development. Here, we show that targeted pharmacologic disruption of EZH2 by the S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin A (DZNep), or its specific downregulation by short hairpin RNA (shRNA), strongly impairs GBM cancer stem cell (CSC) self-renewal in vitro and tumor-initiating capacity in vivo. Using genome-wide expression analysis of DZNep-treated GBM CSCs, we found the expression of c-myc, recently reported to be essential for GBM CSCs, to be strongly repressed upon EZH2 depletion. Specific shRNA-mediated downregulation of EZH2 in combination with chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that c-myc is a direct target of EZH2 in GBM CSCs. Taken together, our observations provide evidence that direct transcriptional regulation of c-myc by EZH2 may constitute a novel mechanism underlying GBM CSC maintenance and suggest that EZH2 may be a valuable new therapeutic target for GBM management.
All developmental transitions throughout the life cycle of a plant are influenced by light. In Arabidopsis, multiple photoreceptors including the UV-A/blue-sensing cryptochromes (cry1-2) and the red/far-red responsive phytochromes (phyA-E) monitor the ambient light conditions. Light-regulated protein stability is a major control point of photomorphogenesis. The ubiquitin E3 ligase COP1 (constitutively photomorphogenic 1) regulates the stability of several light-signaling components. HFR1 (long hypocotyl in far-red light) is a putative transcription factor with a bHLH domain acting downstream of both phyA and the cryptochromes. HFR1 is closely related to PIF1, PIF3, and PIF4 (phytochrome interacting factor 1, 3 and 4), but in contrast to the latter three, there is no evidence for a direct interaction between HFR1 and the phytochromes. Here, we show that the protein abundance of HFR1 is tightly controlled by light. HFR1 is an unstable phosphoprotein, particularly in the dark. The proteasome and COP1 are required in vivo to degrade phosphorylated HFR1. In addition, HFR1 can interact with COP1, consistent with the idea of COP1 directly mediating HFR1 degradation. We identify a domain, conserved among several bHLH class proteins involved in light signaling , as a determinant of HFR1 stability. Our physiological experiments indicate that the control of HFR1 protein abundance is important for a normal de-etiolation response.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the cell nucleus is a highly structurized organelle. Because of its tight compartmentalization, it is generally believed that a framework must exist, responsible for maintaining such a spatial organization. Over the last twenty years many investigations have been devoted to identifying the nuclear framework. Structures isolated by different techniques have been obtained in vitro and are variously referred to as nuclear matrix, nucleoskeleton or nuclear scaffold. Many different functions, such as DNA replication and repair, mRNA transcription, processing and transport have been described to occur in close association with these structures. However, there is still much debate as to whether or not any of these preparations corresponds to a nuclear framework that exists in vivo. In this article we summarize the most commonly-used methods for obtaining preparations of nuclear frameworks and we also stress the possible artifacts that can be created in vitro during the isolation procedures. Emphasis is placed also on the protein composition of the frameworks as well as on some possible signalling functions that have been recently described to occur in tight association with the nuclear matrix.
Mice from most inbred strains are resistant to infection with Leishmania major whereas mice from BALB strains are highly susceptible. Resistance and susceptibility result from the development of Th1 or Th2 cells, respectively. In this report, we document an IL-2 mRNA burst, preceding the reported early IL-4 response, in draining lymph nodes of susceptible mice infected with L. major. Neutralization of IL-2 during the first days of infection redirected Th1 cell maturation and resistance to L. major, through interference with the rapid IL-4 transcription in Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1 (LACK)-reactive CD4(+) cells. A burst of IL-2 transcripts also occurred in infected C57BL/6 mice that do not mount an early IL-4 response. However, although the LACK protein induced IL-2 transcripts in susceptible mice, it failed to trigger this response in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Reconstitution experiments using C.B.-17 SCID mice and LACK-reactive CD4(+) T cells from IL-2(-/-) BALB/c mice showed that triggering of the early IL-4 response required autocrine IL-2. Thus, in C57BL/6 mice, the inability of LACK-reactive CD4(+) T cells to express early IL-4 mRNA transcription, important for disease progression, appears due to an incapacity of these cells to produce IL-2.
Sleep is regulated by a homeostatic process that determines its need and by a circadian process that determines its timing. By using sleep deprivation and transcriptome profiling in inbred mouse strains, we show that genetic background affects susceptibility to sleep loss at the transcriptional level in a tissue-dependent manner. In the brain, Homer1a expression best reflects the response to sleep loss. Time-course gene expression analysis suggests that 2,032 brain transcripts are under circadian control. However, only 391 remain rhythmic when mice are sleep-deprived at four time points around the clock, suggesting that most diurnal changes in gene transcription are, in fact, sleep-wake-dependent. By generating a transgenic mouse line, we show that in Homer1-expressing cells specifically, apart from Homer1a, three other activity-induced genes (Ptgs2, Jph3, and Nptx2) are overexpressed after sleep loss. All four genes play a role in recovery from glutamate-induced neuronal hyperactivity. The consistent activation of Homer1a suggests a role for sleep in intracellular calcium homeostasis for protecting and recovering from the neuronal activation imposed by wakefulness.
Systemic hypertension increases cardiac workload and subsequently induces signaling networks in heart that underlie myocyte growth (hypertrophic response) through expansion of sarcomeres with the aim to increase contractility. However, conditions of increased workload can induce both adaptive and maladaptive growth of heart muscle. Previous studies implicate two members of the AP-1 transcription factor family, junD and fra-1, in regulation of heart growth during hypertrophic response. In this study, we investigate the function of the AP-1 transcription factors, c-jun and c-fos, in heart growth. Using pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in mice and targeted deletion of Jun or Fos in cardiomyocytes, we show that c-jun is required for adaptive cardiac hypertrophy, while c-fos is dispensable in this context. c-jun promotes expression of sarcomere proteins and suppresses expression of extracellular matrix proteins. Capacity of cardiac muscle to contract depends on organization of principal thick and thin filaments, myosin and actin, within the sarcomere. In line with decreased expression of sarcomere-associated proteins, Jun-deficient cardiomyocytes present disarrangement of filaments in sarcomeres and actin cytoskeleton disorganization. Moreover, Jun-deficient hearts subjected to pressure overload display pronounced fibrosis and increased myocyte apoptosis finally resulting in dilated cardiomyopathy. In conclusion, c-jun but not c-fos is required to induce a transcriptional program aimed at adapting heart growth upon increased workload.
ABSTRACT : Gene duplication is a fundamental source of raw material for the origin of genetic novelty. It has been assumed for a long time that DNA-based gene duplication was the only source of new genes. Recently however, RNA-based gene duplication (retroposition) was shown in multiple organisms to contribute significantly to their genetic diversity. This mechanism produces intronless gene copies (retrocopies) that are inserted in random genomic position, independent of the position of the parental source genes. In human, mouse and fruit fly, it was demonstrated that the X-linked genes spawned an excess of functional retroposed gene copies (retrogenes). In human and mouse, the X chromosome also recruited an excess of retrogenes. Here we further characterized these interesting biases related to the X chromosome in mammals. Firstly, we have confirmed presence of the aforementioned biases in dog and opossum genome. Then based on the expression profile of retrogenes during various spermatogenetic stages, we have provided solid evidence that meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) is responsible for an excess of retrogenes stemming from the X chromosome. Moreover, we showed that the X-linked genes started to export an excess of retrogenes just after the split of eutherian and marsupial mammalian lineages. This suggests that MSCI has originated around this time as well. More fundamentally, as MSCI reflects the spread of recombination barrier between the X and Y chromosomes during their evolution, our observation allowed us to re-estimate the age of mammalian sex chromosomes. Previous estimates suggested that they emerged in the common ancestor of all mammals (before the split of monotreme lineage); whereas, here we showed that they originated around the split of marsupial and eutherian lineages, after the divergence of monotremes. Thus, the therian (marsupial and eutherian) sex chromosomes are younger than previously thought. Thereafter, we have characterized the bias related to the recruitment of genes to the X chromosome. Sexually antagonistic forces are most likely driving this pattern. Using our limited retrogenes expression data, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of these forces but some conclusions have been made. Lastly, we looked at the history of this biased recruitment: it commenced around the split of marsupial and eutherian lineages (akin to the biased export of genes out of the X). In fact, the sexually antagonistic forces are predicted to appear just around that time as well. Thereby, the history of the recruitment of genes to the X, provides an indirect evidence that these forces are responsible for this bias.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with the majority of plants, improving plant nutrition and diversity. Evidence exists suggesting that AMF contain populations of genetically different nucleotypes coexisting in a common cytoplasm. This potentially has two important consequences for their genetics. First, by random distribution of nuclei at spore formation, new offspring of an AMF could receive different complements of nucleotypes compared to the parent or siblings-we consider this as segregation. Second, genetic exchange between AMF would allow the mixing of nuclei, altering nucleotype diversity in new spores. Because segregation was assumed not to occur and genetic exchange has only recently been demonstrated, no attempts have been made to test whether this affects the symbiosis with plants. Here, we show that segregation occurs in the AMF Glomus intraradices and can enhance the growth of rice up to five times, even though neither parental nor crossed AMF lines induced a positive growth response. This process also resulted in an alteration of symbiosis-specific gene transcription in rice. Our results demonstrate that manipulation of AMF genetics has important consequences for the symbiotic effects on plants and could be used to enhance the growth of globally important crops.
Snails of the genus Biomphalaria from Venezuela were subjected to morphological assessment as well as polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Morphological identification was carried out by comparison of characters of the shell and the male and female reproductive apparatus. The PCR-RFLP involved amplification of the internal spacer region ITS1 and ITS2 of the RNA ribosomal gene and subsequent digestion of this fragment by the restriction enzymes DdeI, MnlI, HaeIII and MspI. The planorbids were compared with snails of the same species and others reported from Venezuela and present in Brazil, Cuba and Mexico. All the enzymes showed a specific profile for each species, that of DdeI being the clearest. The snails were identified as B. glabrata, B. prona and B. kuhniana.