778 resultados para Quality of carcass


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Sixteen common bean cultivars were compared concerning the physicochemical characteristics of their raw seeds in the course of two consecutive harvests, as well as the effect of storage conditions on starch and dietary fiber content of cooked beans. Using cluster analysis it was possible to identify groups of cultivars with different nutritional features. Bean cultivars were categorized into four different groups according either to their macronutrient content (crude protein-PROT, total dietary fiber-TDF, insoluble dietary fiber-IDF, soluble dietary fiber-SDF, digestible starch-DS, and resistant starch-RS) or to their micronutrient levels (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg, and P). Guateian 6662 and Rio Tibagi appeared to be the most suitable cultivars to prevent nutritional deficiencies, because they had high PROT, DS, Fe, and Zn content. The high total dietary fiber and RS content of Iraí, Minuano, and TPS Bonito cultivars, and specially the high soluble fiber content of Guateian 6662 and Rio Tibagi cultivars suggests that they could have a beneficial role in controlling blood lipid and glucose levels. Cooked beans had a decrease in DS and an increase in RS content after storage (4 °C or -20 °C), but these changes were more prominent in beans that had low RS content before cooking than in those of high RS content. TDF, IDF, and SDF did not change after storage.


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The objective of this research was to test the addition of soymilk residue, also known as okara, to a molded sweet biscuit (MSB). The okara was provided by two soymilk producing companies whose production systems are based on hot disintegration of decorticated (company B) or non-decorticated (company A) soybeans and separation of the soymilk. Okaras A and B were dehydrated in a flash dryer and then ground to a flour (< 200 mesh). The okara flours showed high protein (35 g.100 g-1 dwb), lipid (17 g.100 g-1 dwb), and fiber (17 to 21 g.100 g-1 dwb) contents. The water holding capacity, protein solubility, emulsifying capacity, emulsion stability and isoflavone contents found in flour A were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in flour B. The formulation of MSB, replacing 30% (w/w) of the wheat flour with okara flour was tested. The results of the physical measurements, brittleness and water activity of the MSB with flours A and B did not differ significantly (p < 0.05) from those of the standard. The color, flavor and overall quality of the MSB with 30% of okara flour B did not differ significantly from those of the standard biscuit, demonstrating its potential for application in confectionery products.


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This study was carried out with one of the most important cultivar grown in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which has gained the preference of consumers, due to its sweet taste, intense skin color and large size; however, these fruits are susceptible to chilling injury when cold stored for long periods. The use of controlled atmosphere (CA) with elevated CO2 and reduced O2 concentrations prevent the onset of the chilling symptom. Thus, the effect of three different conditions of controlled atmosphere (CA1, CA2, CA3 and Control) was evaluated in order to extend the storage life of 'Douradão' peaches. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from CA and kept in fresh air at 25 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH to complete ripening. On the day of removal and after 4 days, were the peaches quality characteristics were evaluated. The results showed that the use of CA during cold storage reduced weight loss and prevented postharvest decay. CA2 and CA3 treatments were effective in keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 days of cold storage, the ripe fruits showed reduced incidence of woolliness, adequate juiciness and flesh firmness. CA1 and Control treatments did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.


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Rice cooking quality is usually evaluated by texture and stickiness characteristics using many different methods. Gelatinization temperature, amylose content, viscosity (Brookfield viscometer and Rapid Visco Analyzer), and sensory analysis were performed to characterize culinary quality of rice grains produced under two cropping systems and submitted to different technologies. All samples from the upland cropping system and two from the irrigated cropping system presented intermediate amylose content. Regarding stickiness, BRS Primavera, BRS Sertaneja, and BRS Tropical showed loose cooked grains. Irrigated cultivars presented less viscosity and were softer than upland cultivars. Upland grain samples had similar profile on the viscoamylografic curve, but the highest viscosity peaks were observed for BRS Alvorada, IRGA 417, and SCS BRS Piracema among the irrigated cropping system samples. In general, distinct grain characteristics were observed between upland and irrigated samples by cluster analysis. The majority of the upland cultivars showed soft and loose grains with adequate cooking quality confirmed by sensory tests. Most of the irrigated cultivars, however, presented soft and sticky grains. Different methodologies allowed to improve the construction of the culinary profile of the varieties studied.


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In this study, it was evaluated the quality of yellow passion fruits stored under refrigeration and controlled atmospheres of different composition aiming to extend the postharvest life of the fruits. The characteristics of skin color, appearance, mass loss, as well as the chemical quality of the juice of yellow passion fruits stored at: 21% O2 plus 0.03% CO2; 1% O2 plus 0.03% CO2; 5% O2 plus 0.03% CO2; 12% O2 plus 5% CO2; and 5% O2 plus 15% CO2, with 1 control treatment (refrigeration at 13 ºC and 90% UR) were determined. The analyses were performed before and after 30 days of storage and after removing the controlled atmospheres and storage for 9 days under refrigeration at ambient atmosphere. The data were interpreted by simple statistical analysis using the test by confidence intervals with 95% of probability. It was concluded that the application of atmospheres with low oxygen concentration and high carbon dioxide level minimized quality losses. At atmosphere with 5% O2 and 15% CO2, it was observed the lowest color change indexes and mass loss, and also the smallest decrease in acidity, soluble solids content, vitamin C, reducing sugars, and total soluble sugars.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of propolis produced and commercialized informally in São Paulo State through physicochemical analyses of ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP). Thus, 40 samples of in nature propolis, provided by beekeepers from 32 towns, were analyzed. The EEP were prepared in a proportion of 30% (w/v), and the physicochemical tests were performed according to the Technical Regulation of Propolis Identity and Quality. The pH of each EEP sample was also evaluated. Regarding the dry extract, it was observed that 80% of the samples meet the minimum requirements established by the Brazilian legislation. With regard to the oxidizing property, 67.5% of EEP were below the maximum time allowed for oxidation. With regard to the solubility in lead acetate, 97.5% of the samples showed positive results, whereas no sample produced a negative result in terms of solubility in sodium hydroxide. Regarding the concentration of flavonoids, 95% of the samples produced results consistent with the minimum value allowed, and regarding the phenolic compounds, all samples were in accordance with the legislation. The EEP pH was slightly acidic. Therefore, it can be concluded that most EEP is consistently in accordance with the Brazilian legislation, which suggests that good quality propolis is produced by those beekeepers.


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The objective of this study was to characterize and correlate maturity and quality of the first varieties of Brazilian seedless grapes 'BRS Clara', 'BRS Linda', 'BRS Morena', and 'Advanced Selection 8' compared with the American variety 'Crimson Seedless' in compliance with the Brazilian Normative/2002 and export standards Advanced Selection 8' is dark reddish, has large clusters, and is a very large ellipsoid berry; 'BRS Morena' is black with medium sized clusters and large berry shaped as ellipsoid to globoid; 'BRS Linda' is light green and has large sized clusters; 'Crimson' is pink and has small clusters with berries varying from medium to large sizes and ellipsoid shaped; and 'BRS Clara' is green yellowish has medium sized clusters and small berry of elongated ellipsoid shape. All varieties evaluated meet the standard for domestic market established as berry size minimum diameter 12 mm. 'BRS Clara' does not meet the export requirements of diameter. Berries of the red grapes 'BRS Morena' and 'Crimson Seedless' are firmer. The pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids meet the official standards. Larger clusters are less acidic and present higher soluble solids/titratable acidity ratios implying that they are the sweetest type when ripe.


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Cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) is an Amazonian Basin native fruit. Its importance comes from its high contents of pectin. Currently, processing technologies are necessary for the substitution of the traditional system (small crops and small-scale processing) for a larger scale system and thus increase the use of biodiversity and promote the implementation of Local Productive Arrangements of agribusiness in the Amazon. This research aims to evaluate the methods of peeling cubiu. Ripe fruits were divided into lots (150 each) and subjected to the following treatments: immersion in 2.5% NaOH boiling solution for 5 minutes, exposure to water vapor, and immersion in water at 96 ºC for 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. The peel released during heat treatment and immediately removed under running tap water. In the control treatment, the fruits were manually peeled (unheated) with a stainless steel knife. The treatments were evaluated for completeness and ease of peeling, tissue integrity, texture, and peroxidase activity. The immersion in 2.5% NaOH boiling solution (5 minutes) stood out as the best treatment since it inhibited the enzymatic browning and intensified the natural yellow color of the cubiu fruit and easily and fully peeled the whole fruit more rapidly without damaging its tissues. This treatment was chosen as the most advantageous because it can promote simultaneous peeling and bleaching. Therefore, it is recommended for cubiu industrial processing.


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This study aimed at evaluating compositional changes in the quality of 'Ortanique' tangor after coating with the carnauba-based waxes Aruá Tropical® or Star Light®. The storage conditions studied simulated those of local marketing (22 ± 2 °C, 60 ± 5% RH). Non-destructive analysis, mass loss, peel color, and sensory evaluation, were performed upon coating and every three days up to the fifteenth day of storage. Destructive analysis, peel moisture content, chlorophyll of the peel, pulp color, juice content, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), pH, and soluble solids to titratable acidity ratio, were performed upon coating and every four days up to the sixteenth day of storage. The assay was conducted using an entirely randomized design, with three replications (destructive analyses) or ten replications (non-destructive analyses), in a split plot scheme. Wax-coating, especially Aruá Tropical®, maintained fruit freshness by reducing mass loss and peel dehydration and retaining green color. Peel moisture content, chlorophyll content, and juice content had lower rates in the wax coated fruits. Puncture force, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and soluble solids to titratable acidity ratio varied vary little over the course of storage. Sensory evaluation showed that the application of Aruá Tropical keeps 'Ortanique' tangor fresher for 6 days longer for commercialization.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the citric acid concentration, pulp/sugar ratio, and albedo concentration of the passion fruit peel on physical, physiochemical, and sensorial characteristics of the 'Silver' banana preserves. A 2³ factorial design and 3 repetitions in the central point were used. The albedo concentration between 0 and 3% had significant influence on the reduction of the reducing sugars and on the decrease in titratable acidity. The increase in the pulp/sugar ratio exerted a negative effect on the pH and positive on the titratable acidity; the acid addition reduced the non-reducing sugar level. The sensorial evaluation and purchase intention indicated that the incorporation of a maximum of 1.5% albedo in formulations containing 50% pulp and 0.5% citric acid resulted in products with good acceptability in comparison with the formulation in which 60% pulp and an absence of acid or albedo is utilized.


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Butter samples were evaluated for free fatty acids, peroxide value, cholesterol, and fatty acid composition focusing on the trans isomer and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Sixty six samples were analyzed. Thirty six were collected in Brazil, eighteen in France, and twelve in Argentina. Samples were evaluated by free fatty acids, peroxide value, total lipid, cholesterol and fatty acid composition. The free fatty acid content varied from 0.16 to 0.46 g.100 g-1 and the peroxides value levels from 0.35 to 1.80 meq.kg-1. The cholesterol content varied from 192.8 to 226.3 g.100 g-1 and the total lipid content varied from 81.8 to 86.8 g.100 g-1. The levels of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids varied from 43.86 to 52.74, from 21.65 to 23.34, and from 2.11 to 2.89 g.100 g-1, respectively. The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content varied from 0.56 to 0.86 g.100 g-1 and the levels of total trans isomer varied from 2.18 to 3.81 g.100 g-1.


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Rice bran is a byproduct commonly used for animal feeding; however its nutritional value and potential application in human diet have attracted market interest. Its preservation for safe use is still a challenge, so the objective of this study was to determine the quality of commercially available rice bran samples subjected to different heat treatments (extruding, parboiling, toasting, and microwave oven heating) in order to promote stabilization during storage under room temperature. Rice bran samples were collected from two industries, and each treatment was divided in three parts, each corresponding to three repetitions. All samples were evaluated for moisture content, total microorganisms, mold and yeast counting, hydrolytic rancidity, and lipase activity during 90 days of storage. Most of the heat treatments, including domestic and thermoplastic extrusion, generated products which may be used for human consumption under the tested conditions in terms of physicochemical and microbiological quality. The domestic treatments were more efficient in eliminating microorganisms or keeping them within acceptable limits. The toasted rice bran showed satisfactory results in terms of moisture, hydrolytic rancidity control, and lipase activity.


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Oats have received attention because of their nutritional characteristics, especially their high-quality content of β-glucan. The drying process reduces water content; therefore they can be preserved for long periods. However, high-temperature drying process may affect the physical, chemical, and functional properties of the grains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different drying temperatures on β-glucan quality in oat grains. Grains of oats (Avena sativa, L.), cultivar Albasul, harvested at harvest moisture content of 23% were submitted to stationary drying at air temperatures of 25, 50, 75, and 100 ºC until they reached 13% moisture content. The β-glucan content was determined in samples of oat grains and extraction was performed using water as solvent at 90 ºC. The β-glucan extract was evaluated for water holding capacity, water retention capacity, capacity of displacement, and gelation properties. Stationary of oat grains at air temperatures above 25 ºC decreased the water holding capacity, whereas the content of β-glucan and the water retention capacity of β-glucan extract was affected at temperatures above 50 ºC. Physical changes such as increased gelation capacity of the β-glucan extract occurred following drying at air temperature over 75 ºC.


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The effects of carnauba-based wax on the quality of 'Delta Valencia' orange produced in Ceará state, Brazil, were studied. The fruits were coated with carnauba-based wax and refrigerated (7 ± 2 ºC and 85 ± 2% R.H.) for 28 days. The quality attribute parameters assessed were weight loss, peel color (brightness, hue angle, and chromaticity), peel moisture, pH, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, ascorbic acid, total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, yellow flavonoids, and polyphenols. The results showed that 'Delta Valencia' oranges grown in the dry climate of Ceará state has excellent quality. The coated fruits lost mass at a lower rate than the the control fruits. No significant loss of soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and SS/TA ratio was observed, while ascorbic acid, soluble sugars, reducing sugars, yellow flavonoids, and polyphenols increased during storage in both the coated and control fruits. Carnauba-based wax coated fruits showed no signal of dehydration keeping their shiny green peel up to the end of the storage. The use of coating was crucial for the maintenance of visual quality by reducing mass loss, as well as keeping peel moisture.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of artificial supplements prepared with soybean protein isolate, brewer's yeast, mixture of soybean protein isolate with brewer's yeast, linseed oil, palm oil, and a mixture of linseed oil with palm oil on the physicochemical and microbiological composition of royal jelly produced by Africanized honey bee colonies. Considering these results, providing supplements for Africanized honeybee colonies subjected to royal jelly production can help and strengthen the technological development of the Brazilian beekeeping industry increasing its consumption in the national market. This research presents values of royal jelly a little different from those established by the Brazilian legislation. This fact shows that is important to discuss or change the official method for royal jelly analysis. The characterization of physicochemical and microbiological parameters is important in order to standardize fresh, frozen, and lyophilized royal jelly produced by Africanized honeybees.