973 resultados para Psicanálise. Castração. Desejo. Ideal. Inconsciente


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Arno Nadel


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This paper considers the aggregate performance of the banking industry, applying a modified and extended dynamic decomposition of bank return on equity. The aggregate performance of any industry depends on the underlying microeconomic dynamics within that industry . adjustments within banks, reallocations between banks, entry of new banks, and exit of existing banks. Bailey, Hulten, and Campbell (1992) and Haltiwanger (1997) develop dynamic decompositions of industry performance. We extend those analyses to derive an ideal decomposition that includes their decomposition as one component. We also extend the decomposition, consider geography, and implement decomposition on a state-by-state basis, linking that geographic decomposition back to the national level. We then consider how deregulation of geographic restrictions on bank activity affects the components of the state-level dynamic decomposition, controlling for competition and the state of the economy within each state and employing fixed- and random-effects estimation for a panel database across the fifty states and the District of Columbia from 1976 to 2000.


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The aggregate performance of the banking industry depends on the underlying microlevel dynamics within that industry. adjustments within banks, reallocations between banks, entries of new banks, and exits of existing banks. This paper develops a generalized ideal dynamic decomposition and applies it to the return on equity of foreign and domestic commercial banks in Korea from 1994 to 2000. The sample corresponds to the Asian financial crisis and the final stages of a long process of deregulation and privatization in the Korean banking industry. The comparison of our findings reveals that the overall performance of Korean banks largely reflects individual bank efficiencies, except immediately after the Asian financial crisis where restructuring played a more important role on average bank performance. Moreover, Korean regional banks started the restructuring process about one year before the Korean nationwide banks. Foreign bank performance, however, largely reflected individual bank efficiencies, even immediately after the Asian financial crisis.


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This paper considers the aggregate performance of the banking industry, applying a modified and extended dynamic decomposition of bank return on equity. The aggregate performance of any industry depends on the underlying microeconomic dynamics within that industry --- adjustments within banks, reallocations between banks, entry of new banks, and exit of existing banks. Bailey, Hulten, and Campbell (1992) and Haltiwanger (1997) develop dynamic decompositions of industry performance. We extend those analyses to derive an ideal dynamic decomposition that includes their dynamic decomposition as one component. We also extend the decomposition, consider geography, and implement decomposition on a state-by-state basis, linking that geographic decomposition back to the national level. We then consider how deregulation of geographic restrictions on bank activity affects the components of the state-level dynamic decomposition, controlling for competition and the state of the economy within each state and employing fixed- and random-effects estimation for a panel database across the fifty states and the District of Columbia from 1976 to 2000.


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Hermann Cohen


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Eduard König


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The combitiatorial approach restriction endonuclease protection selection and amplification REPSA was successfully used to determine ideal DNA interactions sites of covalent ligands. Unlike most other combinatorial methods, REPSA is based on inhibition of enzymatic cleavage by specific ligand-DNA complexes, which enables identification of binding sites of various ligands. However, the inherent nature of this technique posses a problem during selection of binding sites of covalent ligands. By modifying the technique according to the nature of the ligand, we demonstrate the flexibility of REPSA in identifying the preferred binding sites for monocovalent ligands, topoisomerase I and tallimustine, and the bicovalent ligand topoisomerase II. From among the preferred binding sites, we identified the consensus binding sequence of camptothecin induced topoisomerase I cleavage as ‘aGWT/Gc’, and tallimustine consensus sequences as ‘GTTCTA’ and ‘TTTTTTC’. We have shown for the first time that preferential binding of tallimustine occurs at sequences not previously reported. Furthermore, our data indicate that tallimustine is a novel DNA minor groove, guanine-specific alkylating agent. ^ Additionally, we have demonstrated in vivo that sequence-specific covalent DNA-binding small molecules have the ability to regulate transcription by inhibiting RNA polymerase II. Tallimustine, binding to its preferred sequences located in the 5′ untranslated region were an effective impediment for transcribing polymerase II. The ability of covalent binding small molecules to target predetermined DNA sequences located downstream of the promoter suggests a general approach for regulation of gene expression. ^


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En esta ponencia se presentan resultados preliminares y parciales de una investigación empírica más amplia sobre jóvenes, nación y política. El estudio se ha realizado sobre una muestra de 275 alumnos del último año del secundario en siete escuelas de diverso nivel socio-económico de Buenos Aires y alrededores, en el año 2010 y 2011. Se aplicó un cuestionario escrito elaborado ad hoc con este fin, del cual tomamos aquí solo una pregunta, que solicita a los alumnos ponderar acciones que representan diferentes relatos sobre la ciudadanía, como componiendo su fórmula ideal. Se analizan las respuestas tomando como marco la psicología cultural, especialmente los conceptos de Wertsch de 'acción mediada' y 'herramienta cultural', y se discuten qué acciones pueden funcionar como posibilidad o restricción para la transformación de su ambiente socio-cultural, entendiendo por tal a los espacios donde se 'juegan' múltiples significados semánticos para la acción y el pensamiento de los jóvenes. Finalmente se intenta brindar aportes que contribuyan a la formación de una ciudadanía activa, que incluya una dimensión social y política significativa


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Este trabajo analizará el ideal caballeresco que se desprende de las cantigas d'escarnho del rey Alfonso X, en particular de una lectura de la cantiga "Non me posso pagar tanto" (LPGP 18026). En ella, el rechazo ficticio a las costumbres, ideales y obligaciones nobiliarios llegan a formar una imagen de aquello que se entiende como lo esencial y necesario en un caballero. Esto se podrá complementar con los reclamos en verso que este rey prodigó a sus súbditos por fallar a sus compromisos guerreros, y con los escarnios a costumbres censuradas por la corte, que llegan a conformar un pequeño código de comportamiento. A partir de esto, se establecerá un contraste con la imagen del caballero cortesano tal como se desprende, más tarde, del prólogo al Cancionero de Baena, con la cual presenta semejanzas importantes pero también diferencias dignas de mención.