984 resultados para Pseudo phase plane


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1H NMR at high hydrostatic pressures and compressibility studies show that the protonic conductor (NH4)4Fe(CN)6·1.5H2O undergoes a phase transition around 0.45 GPa. The transition is characterized by a large hysteresis. From the NMR studies, an activation volume of 6% is obtained below the phase transition, indicating the dominance of Frenkel defects.


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The tie lines delineating ion-exchange equilibria between MCr2O4-MAl2O4 spinel solid solution, where M is either Mn or Co, and Cr2O3-Al2O3 solid solution with the corundum structure were determined at 1373 K by electron microprobe and E0AX point count analysis of the oxide phases equilibrated with metallic Co and Au-5% Mn. The component activities in the spinel solid solutions are derived from the tie lines and the thernodynamic data for Cr2O3-Al2O3 soiid solutions available hi the literature. The Gibbs free energies of mixing calculated from the experimental data are discussed in relation to the values derived from the cation distribution a.odel based on the site preference energies and assuming random mixing on both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. Positive deviations from ideality observed in this study suggest a miscibility gap for both series of spinel solid solutions at low temperatures in the absence of oxidation.


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The unsteady pseudo plane motions have been investigated in which each point of the parallel planes is subjected to non-torsional oscillations in their own plane and at any given instant the streamlines are concentric circles. Exact solutions are obtained and the form of the curve , the locus of the centers of these concentric circles, is discussed. The existence of three infinite sets of exact solutions, for the flow in the geometry of an orthogonal rheometer in which the above non-torsional oscillations are superposed on the disks, is established. Three cases arise according to whether is greater than, equal to or less than , where is angular velocity of the basic rotation and is the frequency of the superposed oscillations. For a symmetric solution of the flow these solutions reduce to a single unique solution. The nature of the curve is illustrated graphically by considering an example of the flow between coaxial rotating disks.


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A microstructural and X-ray investigation of Ti-AI-Mo alloys Ti-31 Al-15 Mo, Ti-31 Al-13 Mo, Ti-31Al-9Mo and Ti-35Al-9Mo (containing the Ti3Al, TiAl and β phases) indicates that the existing phase diagram of the ternary system for this composition range published by Ge Dhzhi-Min and Pylaeva is in error above 1473 K. An analysis of phase relations reveals that the error has arisen from their use of the Ti-AI diagram due to Bumps, Kessler and Hansen as a basis for generating the ternary. It is shown that a phase diagram of the ternary, consistent with the experimental results, can be generated using a version of the Ti-AI system due to Margolin. Simple geometric arguments are used to build up a new semi-quantitative description of the Ti-AI-Mo system which can be used as a basis for a detailed investigation of phase equilibria in this system.


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Phase diagrams for the systems Ln2O3---H2O (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu and Y) studied at 5000 to 10,000 psi and temperature range of 200–900°C, show that Ln(OH)3 hexagonal and LnOOH monoclinic are the only stable phases from Nd to Ho. The cubic oxide phase (C---Ln2O3) is stable for systems of Er, Tm, Yb and Lu, with no evidence of its equilibrium in the systems of lighter lanthanides. Using strong acids, HNO3 and HCOOH, as mineralisers the cubic oxides could be stabilised from Eu down to Lu. Solid solution phases of CeO2---Y2O3 and Eu2O3---Y2O3 have also been synthesised with HNO3 as mineraliser, since these compounds have promising use as solid electrolyte and phosphor materials respectively.


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The relationship between the parameters in a description based on a mesoscale free energy functional for the concentration field and the macroscopic properties, such as the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant, are examined for an asymmetric lamellar phase where the mass fractions of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts are not equal. The difference in the mass fractions is incorporated using a cubic term in the free energy functional, in addition to the usual quadratic and quartic terms in the Landau–Ginsburg formulation. The relationship between the coefficient of the cubic term and the difference in the mass fractions of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is obtained. For a lamellar phase, it is important to ensure that the surface tension is zero due to symmetry considerations. The relationship between the parameters in the free energy functional for zero surface tension is derived. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is diffuse, it is found that the bending and compression moduli, scaled by the parameters in the free energy functional, do increase as the asymmetry in the bilayer increases. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is sharp, the scaled bending and compression moduli show no dependence on the asymmetry in the bilayer. The ratio of the permeation constant in between the water and bilayer in a molecular description and the Onsager coefficient in the mesoscale description is O(1) for both sharp and diffuse interfaces and it increases as the difference in the mass fractions is increased.


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We focus on athermal phase transitions where in discrete and dissipative avalanches are observed in physical observables as the system jumps from one metastable state to another, when driven by an external field. Using higher order statistics of time dependent avalanches, or noise, in electrical resistivity during temperature-driven martensite transformation in thin nickel-titanium films, we demonstrate evidence suggesting the existence of a singular `global instability' or divergence of the correlation length as a function of temperature at the transition. These results not only establish a mapping of non-equilibrium first order phase transition and equilibrium critical phenomena, but perhaps also call for a re-evaluation of many existing experimental claims of self-organized criticality.


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Short-time analytical solutions of temperature and moving boundary in two-dimensional two-phase freezing due to a cold spot are presented in this paper. The melt occupies a semi-infinite region. Although the method of solution is valid for various other types of boundary conditions, the results in this paper are given only for the prescribed flux boundary conditions which could be space and time dependent. The freezing front propagations along the interior of the melt region exhibit well known behaviours but the propagations along the surface are of new type. The freezing front always depends on material parameters. Several interesting results can be obtained as particular cases of the general results.


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Theoretical optimization studies of the performance of a combustion driven premixed two-phase flow gasdynamic laser are presented. The steady inviscid nonreacting quasi-one-dimensional two-phase flow model including appropriate finite rate vibrational kinetic rates has been used in the analysis. The analysis shows that the effect of the particles on the optimum performance of the two-phase laser is very small. The results are presented in graphical form. Applied Physics Letters is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Prequantization has been forwarded as a means to improve the performance of double phase holograms (DPHs). We show here that any improvement (even under the best of conditions) is not large enough to help the DPH to compete favourably with other holograms.


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Ferroelectric phase transition in ammonium sulfate has been studied by ESR of CrO43- radical substituting for SO42- ion in (NH4)2SO4. In addition to discontinuous changes at Tc, certain continuous changes are observed in ESR parameters of this probe below Tc, which reflect the role of the sulfate ion in the phase transition. A microscopic mechanism of the phase transition is proposed and discussed in terms of the change of orientation of the sulfate tetrahedron through a finite angle. The degree of the change of orientation below Tc is thought to be the possible order parameter of the phase transition.


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Single layered transition metal dichalcogenides have attracted tremendous research interest due to their structural phase diversities. By using a global optimization approach, we have discovered a new phase of transition metal dichalcogenides (labelled as T′′), which is confirmed to be energetically, dynamically and kinetically stable by our first-principles calculations. The new T′′ MoS2 phase exhibits an intrinsic quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect with a nontrivial gap as large as 0.42 eV, suggesting that a two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator can be achieved at room temperature. Most interestingly, there is a topological phase transition simply driven by a small tensile strain of up to 2%. Furthermore, all the known MX2 (M = Mo or W; X = S, Se or Te) monolayers in the new T′′ phase unambiguously display similar band topologies and strain controlled topological phase transitions. Our findings greatly enrich the 2D families of transition metal dichalcogenides and offer a feasible way to control the electronic states of 2D topological insulators for the fabrication of high-speed spintronics devices.


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The dielectric measurement of ferroelectric trissarcosine calcium chloride (TSCC) was made under various pressures up to 6 kbar. A striking decrease in the peak value of the permittivity, epsilon r, at the transition temperature, Tc, was observed with increasing pressure. The value of Tc increases linearly with a pressure coefficient dTc/dp=11.1K kbar-1 at low pressures. This increase in Tc supports the suggestion that the ferroelectric transition is of the pure order-disorder type. It is suggested on the basis of the behaviour of epsilon r with pressure that the order of the ferroelectric transition changes from second to first order on application of pressure.


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Titanium nitride surface layers were prepared by gas-phase thermal nitridation of pure titanium in an ammonia atmosphere at 1373 K for different times. In addition to the surface nitride layer, nitride/hydride formation was observed in the bulk of the specimen. The cross-section of the specimen was characterized by various techniques such as optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry and nanomechanical testing, and the mechanism of formation of these phases is discussed.


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We present comprehensive studies of dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and magnetotransport of two sets of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 samples, one exhibits phase separation and the other exhibits spin glass behavior. Our study reveals that the phase separation in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is neither inherent nor ubiquitous; rather, it is a consequence of preparation condition. It is realized that the low temperature annealed sample exhibits phase separation while the high temperature annealed one shows the characteristic of spin glass behavior. This study shows that the most probable magnetic state of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is spin glass.