965 resultados para Protein secondary structure


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Background. The secondary structure of folded RNA sequences is a good model to map phenotype onto genotype, as represented by the RNA sequence. Computational studies of the evolution of ensembles of RNA molecules towards target secondary structures yield valuable clues to the mechanisms behind adaptation of complex populations. The relationship between the space of sequences and structures, the organization of RNA ensembles at mutation-selection equilibrium, the time of adaptation as a function of the population parameters, the presence of collective effects in quasispecies, or the optimal mutation rates to promote adaptation all are issues that can be explored within this framework. Results. We investigate the effect of microscopic mutations on the phenotype of RNA molecules during their in silico evolution and adaptation. We calculate the distribution of the effects of mutations on fitness, the relative fractions of beneficial and deleterious mutations and the corresponding selection coefficients for populations evolving under different mutation rates. Three different situations are explored: the mutation-selection equilibrium (optimized population) in three different fitness landscapes, the dynamics during adaptation towards a goal structure (adapting population), and the behavior under periodic population bottlenecks (perturbed population). Conclusions. The ratio between the number of beneficial and deleterious mutations experienced by a population of RNA sequences increases with the value of the mutation rate µ at which evolution proceeds. In contrast, the selective value of mutations remains almost constant, independent of µ, indicating that adaptation occurs through an increase in the amount of beneficial mutations, with little variations in the average effect they have on fitness. Statistical analyses of the distribution of fitness effects reveal that small effects, either beneficial or deleterious, are well described by a Pareto distribution. These results are robust under changes in the fitness landscape, remarkably when, in addition to selecting a target secondary structure, specific subsequences or low-energy folds are required. A population perturbed by bottlenecks behaves similarly to an adapting population, struggling to return to the optimized state. Whether it can survive in the long run or whether it goes extinct depends critically on the length of the time interval between bottlenecks. © 2010 Stich et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Tooth enamel is the stiffest tissue in the human body with a well-organized microstructure. Developmental diseases, such as enamel hypomineralisation, have been reported to cause marked reduction in the elastic modulus of enamel and consequently impair dental function. We produce evidence, using site-specific transmission electron microscopy (TEM), of difference in microstructure between sound and hypomineralised enamel. Built upon that, we develop a mechanical model to explore the relationship of the elastic modulus of the mineral-protein composite structure of enamel with the thickness of protein layers and the direction of mechanical loading. We conclude that when subject to complex mechanical loading conditions, sound enamel exhibits consistently high stiffness, which is essential for dental function. A marked decrease in stiffness of hypomineralised enamel is caused primarily by an increase in the thickness of protein layers between apatite crystals and to a lesser extent by an increase in the effective crystal orientation angle. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Over the years, many reviews of different aspects of diatom biology, ecology and evolution have appeared. Since 1993 many molecular trees have been produced to infer diatom phylogeny. In 2004, Medlin & Kaczmarska revised the systematics of the diatoms based on more than 20 years of consistent recovery of two major clades of diatoms that did not correspond to a traditional concept of centrics and pennates and established three classes of diatoms: Clade 1 = Coscinodiscophyceae (radial centrics) and Clade 2 = Mediophyceae (polar centrics + radial Thalassiosirales) and Bacillariophyceae (pennates). However, under certain analytical conditions, an alternative view of diatom evolution, a grades of clades, has been recovered that suggests a gradual evolution from centric to pennate symmetry. These two schemes of diatom evolution are evaluated in terms of whether or not the criteria advocated by Medlin & Kaczmarska that should be met to recover monophyletic classes have been used. The monophyly of the three diatom classes can only be achieved if (1) a secondary structure of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene was used to construct the alignment and not an alignment based on primary structure and (2) multiple outgroups were used. These requirements have not been met in each study of diatom evolution; hence, the grade of clades, which is useful in reconstructing the sequence of evolution, is not useful for accepting the new classification of the diatoms. Evidence for how these two factors affect the recovery of the three monophyletic classes is reviewed here. The three classes have been defined by clear morphological differences primarily based on gametangia and auxospore ontogeny and envelope structure, the presence or absence of a structure (tube process or sternum) associated with the annulus and the location of the cribrum in those genera with loculate areolae. New evidence supporting the three clades is reviewed. Other features of the cell are examined to determine whether they can also be used to support the monophyly of the three classes.


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Over the years, many reviews of different aspects of diatom biology, ecology and evolution have appeared. Since 1993 many molecular trees have been produced to infer diatom phylogeny. In 2004, Medlin & Kaczmarska revised the systematics of the diatoms based on more than 20 years of consistent recovery of two major clades of diatoms that did not correspond to a traditional concept of centrics and pennates and established three classes of diatoms: Clade 1 = Coscinodiscophyceae (radial centrics) and Clade 2 = Mediophyceae (polar centrics + radial Thalassiosirales) and Bacillariophyceae (pennates). However, under certain analytical conditions, an alternative view of diatom evolution, a grades of clades, has been recovered that suggests a gradual evolution from centric to pennate symmetry. These two schemes of diatom evolution are evaluated in terms of whether or not the criteria advocated by Medlin & Kaczmarska that should be met to recover monophyletic classes have been used. The monophyly of the three diatom classes can only be achieved if (1) a secondary structure of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene was used to construct the alignment and not an alignment based on primary structure and (2) multiple outgroups were used. These requirements have not been met in each study of diatom evolution; hence, the grade of clades, which is useful in reconstructing the sequence of evolution, is not useful for accepting the new classification of the diatoms. Evidence for how these two factors affect the recovery of the three monophyletic classes is reviewed here. The three classes have been defined by clear morphological differences primarily based on gametangia and auxospore ontogeny and envelope structure, the presence or absence of a structure (tube process or sternum) associated with the annulus and the location of the cribrum in those genera with loculate areolae. New evidence supporting the three clades is reviewed. Other features of the cell are examined to determine whether they can also be used to support the monophyly of the three classes.


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ABSTRACT. – Phylogenies and molecular clocks of the diatoms have largely been inferred from SSU rDNA sequences. A new phylogeny of diatoms was estimated using four gene markers SSU and LSU rDNA rbcL and psbA (total 4352 bp) with 42 diatom species. The four gene trees analysed with a maximum likelihood (ML) and Baysian (BI) analysis recovered a monophyletic origin of the new diatom classes with high bootstrap support, which has been controversial with single gene markers using single outgroups and alignments that do not take secondary structure of the SSU gene into account. The divergence time of the classes were calculated from a ML tree in the MultliDiv Time program using a Bayesian estimation allowing for simultaneous constraints from the fossil record and varying rates of molecular evolution of different branches in the phylogenetic tree. These divergence times are generally in agreement with those proposed by other clocks using single genes with the exception that the pennates appear much earlier and suggest a longer Cretaceous fossil record that has yet to be sampled. Ghost lineages (i.e. the discrepancy between first appearance (FA) and molecular clock age of origin from an extant taxon) were revealed in the pennate lineage, whereas those ghost lineages in the centric lineages previously reported by others are reviewed and referred to earlier literature.


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ABSTRACT. – Phylogenies and molecular clocks of the diatoms have largely been inferred from SSU rDNA sequences. A new phylogeny of diatoms was estimated using four gene markers SSU and LSU rDNA rbcL and psbA (total 4352 bp) with 42 diatom species. The four gene trees analysed with a maximum likelihood (ML) and Baysian (BI) analysis recovered a monophyletic origin of the new diatom classes with high bootstrap support, which has been controversial with single gene markers using single outgroups and alignments that do not take secondary structure of the SSU gene into account. The divergence time of the classes were calculated from a ML tree in the MultliDiv Time program using a Bayesian estimation allowing for simultaneous constraints from the fossil record and varying rates of molecular evolution of different branches in the phylogenetic tree. These divergence times are generally in agreement with those proposed by other clocks using single genes with the exception that the pennates appear much earlier and suggest a longer Cretaceous fossil record that has yet to be sampled. Ghost lineages (i.e. the discrepancy between first appearance (FA) and molecular clock age of origin from an extant taxon) were revealed in the pennate lineage, whereas those ghost lineages in the centric lineages previously reported by others are reviewed and referred to earlier literature.


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Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) and Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV) are two positive (+)-strand RNA viruses that are used to investigate the regulation of translation and replication due to their small size and simple genomes. Both viruses contain cap-independent translation elements (CITEs) within their 3´ untranslated regions (UTRs) that fold into tRNA-shaped structures (TSS) according to nuclear magnetic resonance and small angle x-ray scattering analysis (TCV) and computational prediction (PEMV). Specifically, the TCV TSS can directly associate with ribosomes and participates in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) binding. The PEMV kissing-loop TSS (kl-TSS) can simultaneously bind to ribosomes and associate with the 5´ UTR of the viral genome. Mutational analysis and chemical structure probing methods provide great insight into the function and secondary structure of the two 3´ CITEs. However, lack of 3-D structural information has limited our understanding of their functional dynamics. Here, I report the folding dynamics for the TCV TSS using optical tweezers (OT), a single molecule technique. My study of the unfolding/folding pathways for the TCV TSS has provided an unexpected unfolding pathway, confirmed the presence of Ψ3 and hairpin elements, and suggested an interconnection between the hairpins and pseudoknots. In addition, this study has demonstrated the importance of the adjacent upstream adenylate-rich sequence for the formation of H4a/Ψ3 along with the contribution of magnesium to the stability of the TCV TSS. In my second project, I report on the structural analysis of the PEMV kl-TSS using NMR and SAXS. This study has re-confirmed the base-pair pattern for the PEMV kl-TSS and the proposed interaction of the PEMV kl-TSS with its interacting partner, hairpin 5H2. The molecular envelope of the kl-TSS built from SAXS analysis suggests the kl-TSS has two functional conformations, one of which has a different shape from the previously predicted tRNA-shaped form. Along with applying biophysical methods to study the structural folding dynamics of RNAs, I have also developed a technique that improves the production of large quantities of recombinant RNAs in vivo for NMR study. In this project, I report using the wild-type and mutant E.coli strains to produce cost-effective, site-specific labeled, recombinant RNAs. This technique was validated with four representative RNAs of different sizes and complexity to produce milligram amounts of RNAs. The benefit of using site-specific labeled RNAs made from E.coli was demonstrated with several NMR techniques.


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Positive-sense RNA viruses are important animal, plant, insect and bacteria pathogens and constitute the largest group of RNA viruses. Due to the relatively small size of their genomes, these viruses have evolved a variety of non-canonical translation mechanisms to optimize coding capacity expanding their proteome diversity. One such strategy is codon redefinition or recoding. First described in viruses, recoding is a programmed translation event in which codon alterations are context dependent. Recoding takes place in a subset of messenger RNA (mRNAs) with some products reflecting new, and some reflecting standard, meanings. The ratio between the two is both critical and highly regulated. While a variety of recoding mechanisms have been documented, (ribosome shunting, stop-carry on, termination-reinitiation, and translational bypassing), the two most extensively employed by RNA viruses are Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting (PRF) and Programmed Ribosomal Readthrough (PRT). While both PRT and PRF subvert normal decoding for expression of C-terminal extension products, the former involves an alteration of reading frame, and the latter requires decoding of a non-sense codon. Both processes occur at a low but defined frequency, and both require Recoding Stimulatory Elements (RSE) for regulation and optimum functionality. These stimulatory signals can be embedded in the RNA in the form of sequence or secondary structure, or trans-acting factors outside the mRNA such as proteins or micro RNAs (miRNA). Despite 40+ years of study, the precise mechanisms by which viral RSE mediate ribosome recoding for the synthesis of their proteins, or how the ratio of these products is maintained, is poorly defined. This study reveals that in addition to a long distance RNA:RNA interaction, three alternate conformations and a phylogenetically conserved pseudoknot regulate PRT in the carmovirus Turnip crinkle virus (TCV).


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UV-melting experiments were performed on 9-mer duplexes containing a pair of synthetic nucleobases P·Z, two members of Expanded Genetic Information System (AEGIS), or P, Z containing mismatches. Enthalpy, entropy and free energy change were derived from simulation using two-state transition model. Nearest neighbor thermodynamic parameters of trimers or tetramers containing P·Z pair or P, Z containing mismatches were derived based on known nearest neighbor parameters. Proposed structures based on thermodynamic parameters are discussed. An application using P·Z pair as reverse selection tool of desired nucleic acid secondary structure is described.


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K48-linked di-ubiquitin exists in a dynamic equilibrium between open and closed states. The structure of K48-Ub2 in the closed conformation features a hydrophobic interface formed between the two Ub domains. The same hydrophobic residues at the interface are involved in binding to ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains. Cyclization of K48-Ub2 should limit the range of conformations available for such interactions. Interestingly, cyclic K48-linked Ub2 (cycUb2) has been found in vivo and can be isolated in vitro to study its structure and dynamics. In this study, a crystal structure of cycUb2 was obtained, and the dynamics of cycUb2 were characterized by solution NMR. The crystal structure of cycUb2, which is in agreement with solution NMR data, is closed with the hydrophobic patches of each Ub domain buried at the interface. Despite its structural constraints, cycUb2 was still able to interact with UBA domains, albeit with lower affinity.


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Flavonoids, coumarins and other polyphenolic compounds are powerful antioxiants both in hydrophilic and lipophylic environments with diverse pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory activity. Despite being widely used as powerful therapeutic agents for blood coagulation disorders, more specifically to control some serine protease enzymes, the mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of coumarins is unknown, unlike that of flavonoids. Although their controlling effect on serine proteases is well acknowledged, their action on secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) remains obscure. The present study describes the interaction between umbelliferone (7-HOC) and the sPLA2 from Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom. In vitro inhibition of sPLA2 enzymatic activity by 7-HOC was estimated using 4N3OBA as substrate, resulting in an irreversible decrease in such activity proportional to 7-HOC concentration. The biophysical interaction between 7-HOC and sPLA2 was examined by fluorescent spectral analysis and circular dichroism studies. Results from both techniques clearly showed that 7-HOC strongly modified the secondary structure of this enzyme and CD spectra revealed that it strongly decreased sPLA2 alphahelical conformation. In addition, two-dimensional electrophoresis indicated an evident difference between HPLC-purified native and 7-HOC-treated sPLA2s, which were used in pharmacological experiments to compare their biological activities. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by the sPLA2-induced mouse paw edema model, in which 7-HOC presented an effect similar to those of dexamethasone and cyproheptacline against the pro-inflammatory effect induced by native sPLA2 on the mouse paw edema, mast cell degranulation and skin edema. on the other hand, 7-HOC exhibited a more potent inhibitory effect on sPUL2 than that of p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB). Our data suggest that 7-HOC interacts with sPLA2 and causes some structural modifications that lead to a sharp decrease or inhibition of the edematogenic and myotoxic activities of this enzyme, indicating its potential use to suppress inflammation induced by sPLA2 from the snake venom. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Strand specific RNAseq data is now more common in RNAseq projects. Visualizing RNAseq data has become an important matter in Analysis of sequencing data. The most widely used visualization tool is the UCSC genome browser that introduced the custom track concept that enabled researchers to simultaneously visualize gene expression at a particular locus from multiple experiments. Our objective of the software tool is to provide friendly interface for visualization of RNAseq datasets.

RESULTS: This paper introduces a visualization tool (RNASeqBrowser) that incorporates and extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser. For example, RNASeqBrowser simultaneously displays read coverage, SNPs, InDels and raw read tracks with other BED and wiggle tracks -- all being dynamically built from the BAM file. Paired reads are also connected in the browser to enable easier identification of novel exon/intron borders and chimaeric transcripts. Strand specific RNAseq data is also supported by RNASeqBrowser that displays reads above (positive strand transcript) or below (negative strand transcripts) a central line. Finally, RNASeqBrowser was designed for ease of use for users with few bioinformatic skills, and incorporates the features of many genome browsers into one platform.

CONCLUSIONS: The features of RNASeqBrowser: (1) RNASeqBrowser integrates UCSC genome browser and NGS visualization tools such as IGV. It extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser by adding several new types of tracks to show NGS data such as individual raw reads, SNPs and InDels. (2) RNASeqBrowser can dynamically generate RNA secondary structure. It is useful for identifying non-coding RNA such as miRNA. (3) Overlaying NGS wiggle data is helpful in displaying differential expression and is simple to implement in RNASeqBrowser. (4) NGS data accumulates a lot of raw reads. Thus, RNASeqBrowser collapses exact duplicate reads to reduce visualization space. Normal PC's can show many windows of NGS individual raw reads without much delay. (5) Multiple popup windows of individual raw reads provide users with more viewing space. This avoids existing approaches (such as IGV) which squeeze all raw reads into one window. This will be helpful for visualizing multiple datasets simultaneously. RNASeqBrowser and its manual are freely available at http://www.australianprostatecentre.org/research/software/rnaseqbrowser or http://sourceforge.net/projects/rnaseqbrowser/.


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 This project examined the impact of pegylation on secondary structure of insulin during tablet making process and assessed the metabolism in in-vitro and in-vivo model. It was found that pegylation per se does not affect the secondary structure of insulin. The tablet making process did not have any impact on the pegylated insulin structure. In the in vitro model and in vivo model, pegylated lysine and free peg molecule were found to be the metabolites specific to pegylated insulin.


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Aptamers are chimerized with drug or antisense oligos or nanoparticles to generate targeted therapeutics for cancer. Aptamer chimerized siRNA rescues nonspecific delivery and, thereby, enhances the availability of siRNA to target cells. EpCAM RNA aptamer (EpApt or Ep) has potential for siRNA chimerization due to its secondary structure. Stathmin and survivin proteins are reported to aid oncogenicity in retinoblastoma (RB), breast cancer and other cancers. Thus, chimerization of EpCAM Apt with siRNA against survivin and stathmin, respectively, was performed by incorporating Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) modification. The LNA-modified chimeric aptamers were stable until 96 h and got internalized into RB, WERI-Rb1 and breast cancer, MDAMB453 cell lines. The constructs were studied using the recombinant dicer enzyme for the siRNA generation. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence by microscopic analysis of chimeras in vitro exhibited silencing of stathmin and survivin in the RB and breast cancer model. The chimeric constructs showed significant inhibition of cell proliferation of breast cancer cells. Thus, LNA-modified aptamer-based siRNA delivery aids in cell targeting and necessitates further studies in animal models.


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Abstract Presently, Hop stunt viroid(HSVd) and Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) are the only viroids reported to infect grapevines (Vitis spp.) in Brazil, among the seven viroid species already reported infecting this host in other countries. All grapevine viroid diseases are graft-transmissible and can induce losses especiallywhenassociatedwithviruses.Theaimofthisworkwas to confirm infection by Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1(GYSVd-1) in grapevine samples exhibiting yellow speckle symptoms in the leaves and in asymptomatic samples sequenced by next generation sequencing (NGS). The occurrence of this viroid in Brazil was further investigated in a second study. Total RNAs and dsRNAs were extracted from five symptomatic plants and 16 asymptomatic samples, respectively. Specific primers were used for RT-PCR and amplified DNA fragments were cloned and sequenced by the Sanger method. Eleven complete nucleotide sequences of GYSVd-1 isolates (366 ?367 nt) were obtained from NGS and from RT-PCR amplicons. Comparisons showed high identities (95.9 ?100 %) among ten isolates and an identity of 87.2 ?90.4 % with a divergent isolate (RM-BR). Phylogenetic analyses placed GYSVd-1 isolates in four clusters (types 1, 2, 3 and 4). All GYSVd-1 infections were confirmed by conventional RT-PCR and RT-qPCR using specific oligonucleo-tides and a labeled probe. This is the first report and molecular characterization of GYSVd-1 infecting grapevines in Brazil, and our survey indicates that this viroid could be widespread in the major grape producing regions of Brazil. Keywords GYSVd-1 . Incidence . Next generation sequencing. Secondary structure. Vine.