960 resultados para Project of wood
Acknowledgements This study was part of the Tursiops Project of the Dolphin Research Centre of Caprera, La Maddalena. Financial and logistical support was provided by the Centro Turistico Studentesco (CTS) and by the National Park of the Archipelago de La Maddalena. We thank the Natural Reserve of Bocche di Bonifacio for the support provided during data collection. The authors thank the numerous volunteers of the Caprera Dolphin Research Centre and especially Marco Ferraro, Mirko Ugo, Angela Pira and Maurizio Piras whose assistance during field observation and skills as a boat driver were invaluable.
Acknowledgements This article is based on a doctoral research project of the first author which was sponsored by an international drilling rig operator. The views presented are those of the authors and should not be taken to represent the position or policy of the sponsor. The authors wish to thank the industrial supervisor and the drilling experts for their contribution and patience, as well as Aberdeen Drilling School for allowing the first author to attend one of their well control courses.
The research reported in this article is based on the Ph.D. project of Dr. RK, which was funded by the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA). KvD acknowledges support from the EPSRC under the RefNet grant (EP/J019615/1).
The Great Book of Ireland, Leabhar Mór na hÉireann, is an extraordinary modern vellum manuscript in a single volume which comprises the original work of 120 artists, 140 poets and nine composers. Produced in Dublin between 1989 and 1991, it has been acquired by University College Cork to be preserved in posterity on behalf of the Irish people. Conceived originally as a venture to create a saleable artefact which would help to fund the development plans of two arts organizations in Ireland, the original architects of the idea and editors of the end product were Theo Dorgan of Poetry Ireland and Gene Lambert of Clashganna Mills, with Eamonn Martin as business manager. Out of their initial meeting in March 1989 came the first tentative idea of producing an original artefact that would raise substantial funds for their charitable-status arts organizations, while at the same time being a venture worthwhile in itself. What was to emerge was a project of breath-taking ambition and scale – The Great Book of Ireland, Leabhar Mór na hÉireann, completed in 1991. Artists, poets, and composers were asked to contribute in their own medium what they believed represented their hopes, fears, dreams, or imaginings in the Ireland of that particular time, and which would have resonance in a thousand years - as the longevity of vellum allows. Each page of The Great Book is a unique artefact in itself, often multi-layered or palimpsestial in nature. The whole “united” in design by the work of the scribe, Denis Brown. This paper will describes the creation process of the book, its subsequent history, and future plans for the book at University College Cork.
The Todoroki Mine is situated about 25 kilometers to the south-east of Ginzan railway station in Siribesi Province, Hokkaido. The author analysed an interesting specimen of black manganese-ore which had a fractured surface which looked like that of a broken piece of wood. This new manganese mineral was studied in its form, physical properties and chemical composition. The author later named this mineral form as "todorokite".
Abundant material of turtles from the early Oligocene site of Boutersem-TGV (Boutersem, Belgium), is presented here. No information on the turtles found there was so far available. All the turtle specimens presented here are attributable to a single freshwater taxon that is identified as a member of Geoemydidae, Cuvierichelys. It is the first representative of the ‘Palaeochelys s. l.–Mauremys’ group recognized in the Belgian Paleogene record. This material, which allows to know all the elements of both the carapace and the plastron of the taxon, cannot be attributed to the only species of the genus Cuvierichelys so far identified in the Oligocene, the Spanish form Cuvierichelys iberica. The taxon from Boutersem is recognized as Cuvierichelys parisiensis. Thus, both the paleobiogeographic and the biostratigraphic distributions of Cuvierichelys parisiensis are extended, its presence being confirmed for the first time outside the French Eocene record. The validity of some European forms is refuted, and several characters previously proposed as different between Cuvierichelys iberica and Cuvierichelys parisiensis are recognized as subjected to intraspecific variability.
This article presents the Art of Change Movement (Movimiento Arte del Cambio), which has developed out of a project of the Association of Social Workers Without Boundaries (Asociación Trabajadores/as Sociales Sin Fronteras), with the collaboration of the Faculty of Social Work at Universidad de Granada and of education professionals, incorporating theatrical creativity and musical expression as pedagogical and social intervention tools. The aim is for the initiative to become another instrument in the fight against oppression. Through a laboratory for collective creativity involving students and professionals from social work and other social science disciplines, the movement seeks social transformation through artistic expression, based on political commitment and sustainable development that empowers participants.
This paper deals with the place of narrative, that is, storytelling, in public deliberation. A distinction is made between weak and strong conceptions of narrative. According to the weak one, storytelling is but one rhetorical device among others with which social actors produce and convey meaning. In contrast, the strong conception holds that narrative is necessary to communicate, and argue, about topics such as the human experience of time, collective identities and the moral and ethical validity of values. The upshot of this idea is that storytelling should be a necessary component of any ideal of public deliberation. Contrary to recent work by deliberative theorists, who tend to adopt the weak conception of narrative, the author argues for embracing the strong one. The main contention of this article is that stories not only have a legitimate place in deliberation, but are even necessary to formulate certain arguments in the fi rst place; for instance, arguments drawing on historical experience. This claim, namely that narrative is constitutive of certain arguments, in the sense that, without it, said reasons cannot be articulated, is illustrated by deliberative theory’s own narrative underpinnings. Finally, certain possible objections against the strong conception of narrative are dispelled.
El proyecto tipográfico del irlandés Albert O’Farail se concibió como un libro misionero destinado a la empresa confesional que la monarquía de España desarrollaba en las Islas Británicas desde comienzos del Seiscientos. Las traducciones de distintos tratados doctrinales y teológicos, representados por su devoción particular a la Virgen María, procuraban acercar la religión a los católicos del Norte a través de mecanismos de proximidad cultural como complemento a la predicación de los ministros espirituales patrocinados por Carlos II. El empeño por dar a las prensas esta miscelánea de obras, financiada por la corona y compuesta por el arte de su propio autor, discurrió en paralelo a la querella abierta por su esposa, María Manuela Laínez, para reivindicar sus derechos nobiliarios al título marquesal de Mayo. Tanto en Madrid como en Roma, la imbricación de ambos negociados determinó su malograda resolución.
This essay aims to explore the issue of methodologic perspectivism in Kosselleck’s thought considering as cornerstone the concept of temporalization. The first section links the concepts of temporalization and secularization introducing beforehand philosophies of the history from Sattelzeit time. Then the text focuses on reconstructing the notion of temporalization based on an emerging tension between the language and the reality it describes. This article concludes bringing up the notion of ficcionality as a key element in Koselleck’s theory of history making up for the methodological deficits after this tension. The unifying thread of this essay is that the theoretical project of a conceptual history it is not only an analysis method but mainly a theory of modernity.
This paper explores the idea of transformative harmony as a concern of the political. It proposes that the cultivation of harmony as a project of the Self is closely related to the political project of democracy as a quest for social harmony. This is in light of the view that social conflict can be seen as a collective manifestation of individual struggles to establish inner harmony. The paper, firstly, explores the idea that the quest for harmony is an intersubjective, as well as an intra-subjective, undertaking. This is in line with the Gandhian principle that societies ultimately reflect the level of enlightenment of the actors who form them. It also critiques the use of violence as a means of securing transformative harmony and social change. Finally, the paper discusses the way in which transformative harmony, in terms of its focus on the Self as the site for attaining the type of altered consciousness required to bring about social change, shares a philosophical basis with both ideas of ‘deep democracy’ and Habermasian discourse ethics. It is proposed that the project of transformative harmony represents, by default, a project to transform democratic praxis. Keywords: Harmony, politics, ethics, rights, duties, Gandhi, democracy, risk.
Bioenergy is one of many contributors to reducing the use of fossil fuels in order to mitigate climate change by decreasing CO2-emissions, and the potential for biofuels are large. The wood fuel pellets are a refined biofuel made of sawdust, which is dried and compressed to achieve improved fuel and transportation properties. In 2007 the amount of wood fuel pellets used for heating purposes in Sweden was 1715000 tons. The aims of this work was: to examine the moisture content and emission of monoterpenes during the drying and pelletising steps of the pellets production (Paper I); to investigate how the recirculation of drying gases affects the energy efficiency of rotary dryers and how the energy efficiency is related to the capacity of the dryer. (Paper II); to analyse the causes of the problems encountered by household end-users of pellets and investigate whether an improved pellet quality standard could reduce these problems (Paper III); to investigate how the energy consumption of the pelletising machine and chosen pellet quality parameters were affected using an increased amount of rapeseed cake in wood fuel pellets (Paper IV); and to identify gaps of knowledge about wood fuel pellet technology and needs for further research on quality, environmental and health aspects throughout the wood fuel pellet chain, from sawdust to heat. (Paper V).
La performance d’un produit de finition sur le bois est influencée par la manière dont la surface est préparée. Le ponçage est très utilisé pour préparer les surfaces lors de la finition. Toutefois, ce procédé génère une grande quantité de poussières. Ainsi, les effets des procédés d’usinage sur les propriétés de surface, la performance d’un vernis et l’émission de poussières ont été étudiés dans le but de déterminer les modes de préparation des surfaces les plus adéquats pour le bois de chêne rouge. Dans un premier volet, les propriétés de surface et la performance d’un vernis ont été évaluées sur les surfaces préparées à l’aide du procédé traditionnel de ponçage et de trois procédés alternatifs de rabotage soit la coupe périphérique droite, la coupe hélicoïdale et la coupe oblique. La qualité de surface a été évaluée au moyen des caractéristiques de rugosité, d’endommagement cellulaire et de mouillabilité. Des essais de résistance à l’adhésion d’un vernis d’usage intérieur ont été effectués avant et après un traitement de vieillissement accéléré. Les résultats ont montré que le ponçage a induit une rugosité et un niveau de fibrillation supérieurs à ceux des autres procédés, ainsi qu’une mouillabilité et une adhésion du vernis après vieillissement accéléré élevées. Les surfaces rabotées avec la coupe périphérique droite ont présenté un certain niveau de fibrillation, une rugosité et une mouillabilité intermédiaires. Néanmoins, l’adhésion du vernis après vieillissement a été également inférieure par rapport aux autres procédés. La coupe hélicoïdale a produit une rugosité intermédiaire. D’autre part, la coupe oblique a été le procédé qui a présenté une perte d’adhésion après vieillissement similaire au ponçage. Ce procédé a généré des surfaces lisses avec rugosité et mouillabilité intermédiaires. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, le ponçage à l’aide d’un programme P100-grain et une vitesse d’avance de 7 m/min, la coupe périphérique droite avec un angle d’attaque de 25° et une onde d’usinage de 1,0 mm, la coupe hélicoïdale avec une onde d’usinage de 1,0 mm et la coupe oblique realisé avec un angle oblique de 15° ont permis d’obtenir les meilleures conditions d’usinage pour chaque procédé. Dans un deuxième volet, l’effet de différents paramètres de coupe sur l’émission de poussières et la rugosité de la surface a été étudié lors de la coupe hélicoïdale. Les émissions de poussières ont diminué avec la diminution de laprofondeur de coupe et l’augmentation de l’épaisseur moyenne du copeau. Cependant, les surfaces obtenues avec l’épaisseur moyenne du copeau plus élevée ont présenté une rugosité supérieure. Par contre, si une surface plus lisse est requise, une vitesse d’avance intermédiaire doit être utilisée afin de diminuer la rugosité des surfaces sans exposer les travailleurs à des niveaux élevés de poussière de bois. Par ailleurs, l’émission de poussières pour chaque fraction de particules peut être estimée à travers les modèles développés.
This work regards to the structural conception as a formal element of design in wood architecture. On this approach, the group of projects studied is formed by some realized works of two important Brazilian architects: Severiano Porto and Marcos Acayaba. The time interval comprises the period from 1971 to 1997, which correspond respectively to the years of the creation of first and the last of the analyzed constructions. The research perspective concerns to the relationship between the parts, the whole and the building techniques adopted in each project. Moreover, the analysis focuses on the structure as the link among the different projectual ideas. Thus, the research method firstly includes a survey of specific bibliographies and documents which refer to the structural conception in wood architecture. Secondly,the buildings are analyzed according to the methods of architectural composition discussed through this work.
How have cooperative airspace arrangements contributed to cooperation and discord in the Euro-Atlantic region? This study analyzes the role of three sets of airspace arrangements developed by Euro-Atlantic states since the end of the Cold War—(1) cooperative aerial surveillance of military activity, (2) exchange of air situational data, and (3) joint engagement of theater air and missile threats—in political-military relations among neighbors and within the region. These arrangements provide insights into the integration of Central and Eastern European states into Western security institutions, and the current discord that centers on the conflict in Ukraine and Russia’s place in regional security. The study highlights the role of airspace incidents as contributors to conflict escalation and identifies opportunities for transparency- and confidence-building measures to improve U.S./NATO-Russian relations. The study recommends strengthening the Open Skies Treaty in order to facilitate the resolution of conflicts and improve region-wide military transparency. It notes that political-military arrangements for engaging theater air and missile threats created by NATO and Russia over the last twenty years are currently postured in a way that divides the region and inhibits mutual security. In turn, the U.S.-led Regional Airspace Initiatives that facilitated the exchange of air situational data between NATO and then-NATO-aspirants such as Poland and the Baltic states, offer a useful precedent for improving air sovereignty and promoting information sharing to reduce the fear of war among participating states. Thus, projects like NATO’s Air Situational Data Exchange and the NATO-Russia Council Cooperative Airspace Initiative—if extended to the exchange of data about military aircraft—have the potential to buttress deterrence and contribute to conflict prevention. The study concludes that documenting the evolution of airspace arrangements since the end of the Cold War contributes to understanding of the conflicting narratives put forward by Russia, the West, and the states “in-between” with respect to reasons for the current state of regional security. The long-term project of developing a zone of stable peace in the Euro-Atlantic must begin with the difficult task of building inclusive security institutions to accommodate the concerns of all regional actors.