1000 resultados para Project Apollo (U.S.)


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The Quaternary benthic foraminifers from Leg 95 Sites 612 and 613 were examined with respect to paleoceanographic trends. Data from the two sites indicate the presence of markedly different bottom-water masses, during both glacial and interglacial periods. The dominant interglacial species at Site 612 is Uvigerinct peregrina, which is barely present in corresponding intervals at Site 613. Dominant glacial species are Elphidium excavatum and Cassidulina reniforme at Site 612 and Epistominella takayanagii at Site 613.


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Geochemical (atomic absorption, neutron activation analyses), mineralogical (microprobe), and radiometric (40K - 40Ar) data are presented for five basalts from the Guatemala Trench area (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 84). Strong geochemical and mineralogical differences distinguish two types among these basalts: (1) One basalt (Sample 567A-19,CC), recovered below Upper Cretaceous limestone has the following characteristics: it is quartz normative and has low TiO2, content, as well as low amounts of Cr, Ni and other transition metals, an LREE depleted pattern, and affinities of clinopyroxene phenocryst plotted into the field of tholeiitic and calc-alkalic pyroxenes. (2) Four alkaline basalts, recovered from the mafic and ultramafic acoustic basement, are nepheline normative and show high TiO2 content, high amounts of Cr, Ni and so on, an LREE enriched pattern and compositions of clinopyroxene phenocryst plotted close to or within the field of alkali basalt pyroxenes. These basalts are comparable to those recognized in the lower part of the Santa Elena complex and are clearly different from the oceanic basalts of the Cocos Plate. The radiometric age of the orogenic basalt seems to be close to 80 Ma. The alkaline basalts are clearly older, even if a discrepancy appears between the results of different analyses because of the secondary effects of alteration.


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Diagenesis of the fine-grained, feldspathic sandstones in the Lower Cretaceous submarine fan complex cored in DSDP Hole 603B can be considered to have occurred in three stages: (1) replacement of matrix and framework grains by pyrite, siderite, phillipsite (?), and particularly by ferroan calcite; (2) dissolution of ferroan calcite and feldspars to produce secondary macroporosity; and (3) development of sparse feldspar and quartz overgrowths, and authigenic modification of remnant matrix. Only ferroan calcite is a volumetrically important diagenetic mineral phase (up to 50 vol.%). Matrix in thin sandstone turbidite deposits has been extensively replaced by ferroan calcite. Carbon stable isotope data suggest that organic diagenesis had only a minor influence on calcite precipitation. Oxygen stable isotope data indicate that the minimum average calcite precipitation temperature was 40° C. Preliminary calculations show that steadystate diffusion of Ca+ + from the dissolution of nannoplankton skeletal material in the interbedded pelagic marls to the associated sandstones is a feasible transport mechanism. A thick sandstone unit from 1234-1263 m sub-bottom is extensively replaced by calcite near the upper and lower contacts. Farther into the sand body away from the contacts, the sandstone has good secondary porosity resulting from the dissolution of ferroan calcite that partially replaced matrix and framework grains. The central portion of the thick sand appears to be a channel with high-energy clean sand. We believe that the channel provided a conduit for focused flow of diagenetic compactional fluids responsible for dissolution. Focused flow may be the result of the earlier lithification of the pelagic limestones and thin-bedded sandstones which, then formed vertical permeability barriers. Calcite dissolution has occurred and may still be occurring at temperatures less than 65°C.


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During Leg 43, six holes (Sites 382-387) were drilled in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean; locations of sites are shown in Figure 1. Lower Cretaceous to Quaternary calcareous nannofossils were found in 127 of 189 cores recovered during the leg. The ages and zonal assignments of these fossiliferous cores based upon light-microscopical observation are given in Table 1. An almost continuous succession of nannofossil assemblages of the lower Maestrichtian to upper Paleocene is present at Site 384. A detailed investigation was conducted on samples at this site, and the evolution of approximately 50 species is documented through almost the entire Paleocene epoch.


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Basalts recovered on DSDP Leg 92 include all the major basalt types so far recovered from the ocean crust of the eastern Pacific. Basalts from Holes 597, 597A, 597B, 597C, and 599B are tholeiites exhibiting all the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Fragments of ferrobasalts and alkali basalts were also obtained, however, from Holes 60IB and 602B, respectively. Hole 597C, which penetrated 91 m into basement and is the deepest hole so far drilled in fast-spreading crust, yielded basalts that can be divided into three major lithologic units. The lowest unit, Unit III, contains modal olivine and comprises basalts which, at about 8 to 10% MgO, are as basic as any sampled from fast-spreading crust. The middle unit, Unit II, is the most evolved; its basalts are olivine free and contain between 6 and 7.5% MgO. The upper unit, Unit I, is intermediate in composition between Units II and III; it is characterized by both modal olivine and glomerocrysts made up of plagioclase and rare olivine. Unit I is probably a massive flow, whereas Units II and III may be massive flows or sills. The basalts appear to have undergone three stages of alteration ("deuteric," "relatively reducing," and "oxidizing"), the intensity of alteration decreasing markedly downcore. Hole 597B, at 26.4 m of basement penetration the only other "deep" hole, contains just one lithologic unit, which closely resembles Unit I of Hole 597C. Petrogenetic modeling reveals that the three lithologic units in Hole 597C are cogenetic and that they were derived from a depleted mantle source similar to the source of the tholeiites and ferrobasalts sampled in other holes; the alkali basalts are the only rocks derived from enriched mantle. Lavas of Unit III probably lay on the olivine-plagioclase cotectic, whereas the other lavas lay on an olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene peritectic. Some 60% of closed-system crystallization is needed to generate the most-evolved from the last-fractionated tholeiite, and a further 50% crystallization (80% overall) is needed to generate the ferrobasalts. Xenocrysts of calcic plagioclase and pseudomorphosed olivine in tholeiites from Hole 597B and Unit I of Hole 597C, and in the ferrobasalts from Hole 601B, provide evidence, however, that some magma mixing may have taken place.


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Silicoflagellates are described from Sites 588 (middle Eocene), 591 (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene), and 594 (middle Miocene to Quaternary) in the southwest Pacific. At Sites 591 and 594 a detailed silicoflagellate zonation is possible, although there are some obvious differences arising from the latitudinal position of the sites in the silicoflagellate assemblages. Comparison between the sequences recovered at Sites 591 and 206 (Leg 21) revealed two hiatuses in the latter, but helped to establish a zonation for this area from the lower Miocene to the Pleistocene and a correlation to standard nannoplankton zones. The stratigraphic implications of the taxonomy used by various authors and the species concept presented here are discussed in detail. Special reference is made to types described by Ehrenberg and to later synonyma, because the Ehrenberg collection is the base for all subsequent descriptions and evaluations of silicoflagellate taxa. Two new genera (Neonaviculopsis, Paramesocena), two new subspecies (Dictyocha fibula subsp. asymmetrica, Neonaviculopsis neonautica subsp. praenautica), and three new forms (Dictyocha perlaevis f. pentaradiata, Distephanus speculum subsp. speculum f. nonarius, and Mesocena ? hexalitha f. heptalitha) are described from the southwest Pacific Neogene and Pleistocene. Associated sponge spicules were noted and will be described in detail in a later paper, but some are documented on Plate 13.


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The lower part of the syn-rift Barremian-?Hauterivian section at Site 549 contains a large amount of acid-resistant land-derived organic matter that, as elsewhere in the Cretaceous sediments of the IPOD Leg 80 sites, is thermally immature. This plant debris was derived from a vegetation made up of many species of pteridophytes and gymnosperms. The palynofacies indicate that the sediments were deposited in shallow marginal and nonmarine environments and that the climate was probably warm temperate and fairly moist at the time. Source potential for gas is suggested at some horizons. Most of the younger Lower Cretaceous sediments at this and the other sites were deposited in more open marine conditions. Although they generally contain less organic matter, land plant remains continue to comprise a major part of the palynofacies. The Upper Cretaceous sediments were mainly deposited in well oxygenated conditions and are organically lean. However, stratigraphically restricted dark-colored shales at Sites 549 to 551 contain relatively large quantities of amorphous detritus of at least partly marine origin. These characteristics are suggestive of deposition during periods of restricted circulation and also of source potential for oil and gas if maturation levels had been higher.


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Late Aptian through middle Eocene nannofossil assemblages were recovered from a continuously cored section at Site 585. Poorly preserved assemblages of low diversity were observed in samples taken throughout both upper Aptian and/or lower Albian sandstone and mudstone and middle Cenomanian to lower Turonian claystone at the base of this section. A 70-m interval barren of nannofossils separates these poorly preserved assemblages from those recovered from an upper Campanian chalk farther uphole. This chalk marks the most significant change in carbonate deposition at this site, and deposition of interbedded zeolitic claystone and sediment of varied nannofossil content proceeded without major interruption until the early Paleocene (Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone, CP4). A middle Eocene chalk (dated by nannofossils) unconformably overlies lower Paleocene sediment in both Holes 585 and 585A. Only a few interbeds of zeolitic claystone are present within 100 m of nannofossil-rich sediment above this unconformity. This entire interval is cautiously assigned to the Discoaster sublodoensis Zone (CP 12), which indicates a sedimentation rate almost an order of magnitude higher than expected from normal pelagic sedimentation. The most obvious feature of the assemblages examined from these cores is the amount of reworked material. Rare Nannoconus elongatus and Braarudosphaera sp. in several upper Campanian to middle Eocene samples demonstrate the contribution of pelagic material from upslope and, along with other reworked species throughout the Upper Cretaceous samples examined, provide evidence contradictory to an excursion of the calcium compensation depth to deep basinal settings in the western Pacific during the Campanian-Maestrichtian time (Thierstein, 1979). The overwhelming dominance of reworked species in all middle Eocene samples examined and the persistence of these assemblages throughout such a large thickness of sediment suggest that currents that redeposited material intensified at this time and may be associated with the formation of the lower Paleocene/middle Eocene unconformity at this site. A single surface core of calcareous ooze taken from Hole 585A dated as early Pleistocene contains abundant and well-preserved late Miocene and Pliocene species.


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