999 resultados para Prepusa montana
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the age-hardening of aluminum with magnesium and zinc in such proportions as to conform to the compound MgZn2. Because of a lack of time and proper equipment, the only property investigated was the hardness as indicated by the Rockwell Superficial Hardness Tester.
The Purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibility of concentrating scheelite from Wilfley table gold concentrates from the mill of the Jardine Mining Company; and to determine whether such concentration is economically feasible and the product of sufficiently high grade to meet commercial specifications for such a product.
This lecture, delivered at Montana Tech, documents the 2012 expedition to Mt. Everest in Nepal by Conard Anker and Dave Lageson from Bozeman, Montana. The trip commemorated the 50th anniversary of the first American assent in 1963. The climbers gathered rock samples on and near the summit and created a new educational outreach model to elementary school children.
This paper is a report of a geological survey made of an area of approximately fifty square miles lying Northeast of Whitehall, Montana, in the region of the Golden Sunlight Mine. The survey was made by a field party consisting of twenty-three members of the senior class of the Montana School of Mines.
The geologic history of the Holden area and Lake Chelan district is an integral part of the history of the Cascade Mountain Range. The structure is very complex and the rocks, which have been subjected to intense metamorphic action, are portions of a roof pendant and consists of gneisses, schists and quartzites that are often difficult to correlate.
This thesis consists of studying the stratigraphic and structural features of the Lake Basin Field and an adjacent area with special emphasis upon the ground water conditions present.
The cyanide method of extraction of gold and silver from their ores is extensively used in the United States and elsewhere. It is becoming increasingly more important in its use as the mining of lower grade deposits continues.
Some Preliminary Investiagtions of the Magnetic Permeabilities of Alloys of the Ferromagnetic Metals
The problem presented for this thesis was an investigation of the magnetic properties of the alloys produced by the methods of powder metallurgy. The question behind this was the correlation of the magnetic properties with the bonding properties and with the diffusion of the constituents.
The primary purpose of the trip was to acquaint the students with some of the problems that occur in the field, and also how to make geologic maps of sections, outcrops, faults, and other geologic features of the earths surface.
Amalgamation is a process in which precious metals are collected by mercury. The exact way in which the mercury holds the other metals is not positively known. It is probable that a series of intermetallic compounds form. Very little work has been done so far on the theory of amalgamation.
There is practically only one method of gas analysis. This was worked out many years ago by Bunsen, Hempel, and Winkler and consists in the successive absorption with different chemicals of the various constituents of the gas. The only improvement to this method is the oxidation and combustion of different components of a mixture followed by absorption.
The use of manganese in the steel industry as a deoxidizing and desulfidizing agent makes it a necessity in modern industry, while the various alloy steels using manganese for the quality of toughness are also indispensable. Manganese is also used in the manufacture of such various articles as battery cells, paints and glass.
The purpose of the investigation was to determine the most effective means of concentrating the manganese in the ore. The study was that of identification of the minerals present. This showed the presence of oxides of manganese and iron, and carbonates of calcium and manganese. Methods of investigation were planned to determined whether the ore could be concentrated effectively by gravity concentration methods.
An attempt was made to make lead-lithium alloys by electrodeposition of lithium using a molten bath and a molten lead cathode.The variables taken into consideration were: composition of the melt, temperature of the melt, and current density. The purpose of changing these factors was to determine what effect each had on the current efficiency.
The subject of the thesis was based upon the theory of precipitation or age hardening of the copper by the compound formed by the Manganese and silicon present in the ternary Cu-Mn-Si alloy. The effect of the heat treatment to such an alloy was to be studied and the best aging time and temperature was to be determined.