1000 resultados para Poly(o-methoxyaniline)


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The self-assembly processes of the rod-coil diblock oligomer thin film of tetra-aniline (TANI)-block-poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) with different film thicknesses induced in the coil-selective solvent of acetone vapor at room temperature were studied. The morphologies of the oligomer films were determined by the film thickness. For the thicker film (232 nm), the nonextinct concentric ring-banded textures could form. While for the thinner and appropriate film (about 6 nm), multistacked diamond-shaped appearances with the periodic thickness being about 8.5 nm(6-nm-thick extended PLLA chain and 2.5-nm-thick p-pi conjugating TANI bimolecular layer) formed. The possible formation models of those two regular morphologies were presented in detail.


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The ring-banded spherulites in liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) (LC-PAEK) and poly(aryl ether ether ketone) (PEEK) blends with a higher content (>50%) of LC-PAEK are investigated by polarizing light microscopy (PLM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. The results indicate that the light core and rings of the ring-banded spherulites under PLM are mainly composed of an LC-PAEK phase, while the dark rings consist of coexisting phases of PEEK and a small amount of LC-PAEK. The formation of the ring-banded spherulites is attributable to structural discontinuity caused by a rhythmic radial growth.


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Micro-banded textures developed from thin films of a main-chain thermotropic liquid crystalline chloro-poly(aryl ether ketone) in the melt were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). selective area electron diffraction, and atomic force microscopy techniques. The micro-banded textures were formed in the copolymer thin films after annealing at temperatures between 320 and 330degreesC, where a highly ordered smectic crystalline phase is formed without mechanical shearing. The micro-banded textures displayed a sinusoidal-like periodicity with a spacing of 150 nm and an amplitude of 2 rim. The long axis of the banded texture was parallel to the b-axis of an orthorhombic unit cell. In the convex regions, the molecular chains exhibited a homeotropic alignment, i.e. the chain direction was parallel to the film normal. In the concave re-ions, the molecular chains possessed a tilted alignment. In addition to the effects of annealing temperatures and times, the thickness of the film played a vital role in the formation of the banded texture. A possible formation mechanism of this banded texture vas also suggested and discussed. It was suggested that the micro-bands were formed during cooling.


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The crystallization behavior of two kinds of commercial poly(propylene-co-ethylene)s (PPE1, PPE2) with similar average molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, isotacticity and copolymerized ethylene unit content and their fractions was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and polarized optical microscopy (POM) techniques. The results indicate that the PPE1 isothermally crystallized films possess thicker and less cross-hatched lamellar structure than those of the PPE2. As for the fractionated samples, the thin films of low temperature (less than or equal to 90 degreesC) fractions (PPE1-80, PPE2-80) of both PPE1 and PPE2 exhibit similar crystallization behavior, while for the high temperature ( greater than or equal to 95 degreesC) fractions (PPE1-108, PPE2-108), the crystalline morphology has marked differences. Compared with PPE2-108, the PPE1-108 isothermally crystallized thin films possess thicker lamellae and less crosshatched lamellar structure, while for the fibrous crystal number, the former is less than that of the latter. The main reason to create the crystallization behavior differences between the two PPEs and their fractions is due to the effect of molecular chain structure, i.e. the different distribution of copolymerized ethylene unit in polypropylene chains.


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The effect of the gamma-form crystal on the thermal fractionation of a commercial poly(propylene-co-ethylene) (PPE) has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) techniques. Two thermal fractionation techniques, stepwise isothermal crystallization (SIC) and successive self-nucleation and annealing (SSA), have been used to characterize the molecular heterogeneity of the PPE. The results indicate that the SSA technique possesses a stronger fractionation ability than that of the SIC technique. The heating scan of the SSA fractionated sample exhibits 12 endothermic peaks, whereas the scan of the SIC fractionated sample only shows eight melting peaks. The WAXD observations of the fractionated PPE samples prove that the content of the gamma-form crystals formed during the thermal treatment of the SIC technique is much higher than that of the SSA treatment. The former is 57.4%, whereas the later is 12.6%. The effect of they-form crystals on thermal fractionation ability is discussed.


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We reported the interesting finding that large scale uniform poly(o-phenylenediamine) nanobelts with several hundred micrometers in length, several hundred nanometers in width, and several ten nanometers in height can be rapidly yielded from an o-phenylenediamine-HAuCl4 aqueous solution without the additional introduction of other templates or surfactants at room temperature.


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Highly stable silver nanoclusters with narrow size distribution have been prepared by heating a third-generation poly(propyleneimine) dendrimer/AgNO3 aqueous solution without the additional step of introducing other reducing agents and protect agents. UV-vis absorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) have been used to characterize the resulting products. The as-obtained sample was in coexistence of Ag and Ag2O. It also suggested that increasing temperature resulted in both the decrease in number of small particles and the increase in size of large particles.


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The results obtained for poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) after Co-60 gamma-ray irradiation, studied by wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and polarizing optical microscopy (POM), revealed that the degree of crystallinity, melting temperature and enthalpy decreased with increasing irradiation dose, but that the crystal structure of PBS did not vary when compared to non-irradiated PBS. By using Scherrer equation, small changes occurred in the crystal sizes of L-020, L-110 and L-111. The spherulitic morphology of PBS was strongly dependent on irradiation dose and changed significantly at higher irradiation dosages. The crystallization kinetics of PBS indicated that the Avrami exponent (n) for irradiated PBS was reduced to 2.3, when compared to non-irradiated PBS (3.3).


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Properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) were significantly modified by a hydrogen bonding (H-bond) monomer-bisphenol A (BPA). BPA lowered the T-m of PHBV and widened the heat-processing window of PHBV. At the same time, a dynamic H-bond network in the blends was observed indicating that BPA acted as a physical cross-link agent. BPA enhanced the T, of PHBV and reduced the crystallization rate of PHBV. It resulted in larger crystallites in PHBV/BPA blends showed by WAXD. However, the crystallinity of PHBV was hardly reduced. SAXS results suggested that BPA molecules distributed in the inter-lamellar region of PHBV. Finally, a desired tension property was obtained, which had an elongation at break of 370% and a yield stress of 16 MPa. By comparing the tension properties of PHBV/BPA and PHBV/tert-butyl phenol blends, it was concluded that the H-bond network is essential to the improvement of ductility.


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In order to modify poly [(3-hydroxybutyrate)-co-(3-hydroxyvalerate)] (PHBV), the crosslinking of this copolymer was carried out at 160degreesC using dicumyl peroxide (DCP) as the initiator. The torque of the PHBV melt showed an abrupt upturn when DCP was added. Appropriate values for the gel fraction and crosslink density were obtained when the DCP content was up to 1 wt% of the PHBV. According to the NMR spectroscopic data, the location of the free radical reaction was determined to be at the tertiary carbons in the PHBV chains. The melting point, crystallization temperature and crystallinity of PHBV decreased significantly with increasing DCP content. The effect of crosslinking on the melt viscosity of PHBV was confirmed as being positive. Moreover, the mechanical properties of PHBV were improved by curing with DCP. When 1 wt% DCP was used, the ultimate elongation of PHBV increased from 4 to 11 %. A preliminary biodegradation study confirmed the total biodegradability of crosslinked PHBV.


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A systematic investigation by FTIR spectroscopy was undertaken on blends of poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) and bisphenol A (BPA). It provided direct evidence of the hydrogen bond (H-bond) between BPA O-H groups and PPC C=O groups. Using a curve-fitting method, qualitative as well as quantitative information concerning this H-bond interaction was obtained. The inter-H-bond in PPC/BPA blends was weaker than the self-H-bond in BPA. The absorptivities of the free and the H-bonded C=O groups were nearly equal. The fraction of H-bonded C=O in the blends increased with BPA content and leveled off at a value close to 40%. Finally, FTIR-temperature measurements of pure PPC and a representative blend were reported: by monitoring the peak areas of C=O absorptions, the dissociation of the inter-H-bonds and the thermal degradation of PPC were observed. It revealed that the presence of BPA clearly retarded the thermal degradation of PPC.


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The crystallization behavior of crystalline-crystalline diblock copolymer containing poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), in which the weight fraction of PCL is 0.815, has been studied via differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and polarized optical microscopy (POM). DSC and WAXD indicated that both PEO and PCL blocks crystallize in the block copolymer. POM revealed a ring-banded spherulite morphology or the PEO-b-PCL diblock copolymer.


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The surface morphologies of poly(styrene-b-4vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) diblock copolymer and homopolystyrene (hPS) binary blend thin films were investigated by atomic force microscopy as a function of total volume fraction of PS (phi(PS)) in the mixture. It was found that when hPS was added into symmetric PS-b-P4VP diblock copolymers, the surface morphology of this diblock copolymer was changed to a certain degree. With phi(PS) increasing at first, hPS was solubilized into the corresponding domains of block copolymer and formed cylinders. Moreover, the more solubilized the hPS, the more cylinders exist. However, when the limit was reached, excessive hPS tended to separate from the domains independently instead of solubilizing into the corresponding domains any longer, that is, a macrophase separation occurred. A model describing transitions of these morphologies with an increase in phi(PS) is proposed. The effect of composition on the phase morphology of blend films when graphite is used as a substrate is also investigated.


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Isothermal crystallization kinetics in the melting of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) were investigated as a function of the shear rate and crystallization temperature by optical microscopy. The radial growth rates of the spherulites are described by a kinetics equation including shearing and relaxation combined effects and the free energy for the formation of a secondary crystal nucleus. The free-energy difference between the liquid and crystalline phases increased slightly with rising shearing rates. The experimental findings showed that the influence of the relaxation of PEO, which is related to the shear-induced orientation and stretch in a PEO melt, on the rate of crystallization predominated over the influence of the shearing. This indicated that the relaxation of PEO should be more important so that the growth rates increase with shearing, but it was nearly independent of the shear rate within the measured experimental range.


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Polymer-clay nanocomposite (PCN) materials were prepared by intercalation of an alkyl-ammonium ion spacing/coupling agent and a polymer between the planar layers of a swellable-layered material, such as montmorillonite (MMT). The nanocomposite lithium polymer electrolytes comprising such PCN materials and/or a dielectric solution (propylene carbonate) were prepared and discussed. The chemical composition of the nanocomposite materials was determined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, which revealed that the alkyl-ammonium ion successfully intercalated the layer of MMT clay, and thus copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) entered the galleries of montmorillonite clay. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to investigate the electrochemical properties of the lithium polymer electrolyte. Equivalent circuits were proposed to fit the EIS data successfully, and the significant contribution from MMT was thus identified. The resulting polymer electrolytes show high ionic conductivity up to 10(-3) S cm(-1) after felling with propylene carbonate.