809 resultados para Piirainen, Timo: Towards a new social order in Russia
Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.
Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.
Artikkeli on alunperin julkaistu teoksessa: The informational city (1989) / Manuel Castells
Senecio pterophorus DC. is an erect, semilignose shrub (fig. 1) which grows up to 2 m high. Is a chamaephyte basipetal branch-shedder (ORSHAN, Plant pheno-morphological studies in Mediterranean type ecosystems: 210-211. 1989) whose new branches appear below inflorescences but not from the lower parts of the plant. Leaves lanceolate. Stems are annual and develop at their apex a great number of small (up to 15 mm in diameter) yellow capitula which are grouped in a corymbose-paniculated inflorescence (HARVEY & SONDER, Flora Capensis: Cape Colony, Caffraria & Port Natal 3: 386.1865).
OBJECTIVE: To assess the contribution of modifiable risk factors to social inequalities in the incidence of type 2 diabetes when these factors are measured at study baseline or repeatedly over follow-up and when long term exposure is accounted for. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with risk factors (health behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity), body mass index, and biological risk markers (systolic blood pressure, triglycerides and high density lipoprotein cholesterol)) measured four times and diabetes status assessed seven times between 1991-93 and 2007-09. SETTING: Civil service departments in London (Whitehall II study). PARTICIPANTS: 7237 adults without diabetes (mean age 49.4 years; 2196 women). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of type 2 diabetes and contribution of risk factors to its association with socioeconomic status. RESULTS: Over a mean follow-up of 14.2 years, 818 incident cases of diabetes were identified. Participants in the lowest occupational category had a 1.86-fold (hazard ratio 1.86, 95% confidence interval 1.48 to 2.32) greater risk of developing diabetes relative to those in the highest occupational category. Health behaviours and body mass index explained 33% (-1% to 78%) of this socioeconomic differential when risk factors were assessed at study baseline (attenuation of hazard ratio from 1.86 to 1.51), 36% (22% to 66%) when they were assessed repeatedly over the follow-up (attenuated hazard ratio 1.48), and 45% (28% to 75%) when long term exposure over the follow-up was accounted for (attenuated hazard ratio 1.41). With additional adjustment for biological risk markers, a total of 53% (29% to 88%) of the socioeconomic differential was explained (attenuated hazard ratio 1.35, 1.05 to 1.72). CONCLUSIONS: Modifiable risk factors such as health behaviours and obesity, when measured repeatedly over time, explain almost half of the social inequalities in incidence of type 2 diabetes. This is more than was seen in previous studies based on single measurement of risk factors.
The expression of a social behaviour may affect the fitness of actors and recipients living in the present and in the future of the population. When there is a risk that a future reward will not be experienced in such a context, the value of that reward should be discounted; but by how much? Here, we evaluate social discount rates for delayed fitness rewards to group of recipients living at different positions in both space and time than the actor in a hierarchically clustered population. This is a population where individuals are grouped into families, families into villages, villages into clans, and so on, possibly ad infinitum. The group-wide fitness effects are assumed to either increase or decrease the fecundity or the survival of recipients and can be arbitrarily extended in space and time. We find that actions changing the survival of individuals living in the future are generally more strongly discounted than fecundity-changing actions for all future times and that the value of future rewards increases as individuals live longer. We also find that delayed fitness effects may not only be discounted by a constant factor per unit delay (exponential discounting), but that, as soon as there is localized dispersal in a population, discounting per unit delay is likely to fall rapidly for small delays and then slowly for longer delays (hyperbolic discounting). As dispersal tends to be localized in natural populations, our results suggest that evolution is likely to favour individuals that express present-biased behaviours and that may be time-inconsistent with respect to their group-wide effects.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are key receptors for extracellular protons. These neuronal nonvoltage-gated Na(+) channels are involved in learning, the expression of fear, neurodegeneration after ischemia, and pain sensation. We have applied a systematic approach to identify potential pH sensors in ASIC1a and to elucidate the mechanisms by which pH variations govern ASIC gating. We first calculated the pK(a) value of all extracellular His, Glu, and Asp residues using a Poisson-Boltzmann continuum approach, based on the ASIC three-dimensional structure, to identify candidate pH-sensing residues. The role of these residues was then assessed by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification, combined with functional analysis. The localization of putative pH-sensing residues suggests that pH changes control ASIC gating by protonation/deprotonation of many residues per subunit in different channel domains. Analysis of the function of residues in the palm domain close to the central vertical axis of the channel allowed for prediction of conformational changes of this region during gating. Our study provides a basis for the intrinsic ASIC pH dependence and describes an approach that can also be applied to the investigation of the mechanisms of the pH dependence of other proteins.
Jasmonic acid and its precursors are potent regulatory molecules in plants. We devised a method for the simultaneous extraction of these compounds from plant leaves to quantitate changes in the levels of jasmonate family members during health and on wounding. During our study, we identified a novel 16-carbon cyclopentenoic acid in leaf extracts from Arabidopsis and potato. The new compound, a member of the jasmonate family of signals, was named dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid was not detected in the Arabidopsis mutant fad5, which is incapable of synthesizing 7Z,10Z, 13Z-hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3), suggesting that the metabolite is derived directly from plastid 16:3 rather than by beta-oxidation of the 18-carbon 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Simultaneous quantitation of jasmonate family members in healthy leaves of Arabidopsis and potato suggest that different plant species have different relative levels of jasmonic acid, oxo-phytodienoic acid, and dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid. We term these profiles "oxylipin signatures." Dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid levels increased dramatically in Arabidopsis and potato leaves on wounding, suggesting roles in wound signaling. Treatment of Arabidopsis with micromolar levels of dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid increased the ability of leaf extracts to transform linoleic acid into the alpha-ketol 13-hydroxy-12-oxo-9(Z) octadecenoic acid indicating that the compound can regulate part of its own biosynthetic pathway. Tightly regulated changes in the relative levels of biologically active jasmonates may permit sensitive control over metabolic, developmental, and defensive processes in plants.