719 resultados para Patient Care Planning


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Account book kept by Dr. David Townsend (1753-1829) that records patients treated, illnesses, and fees charged in Boston, Massachusetts, and neighboring towns from 1774 to 1791. His patients included a number of soldiers and sailors, as well as figures like the French-American writer John Hector St. John (1735-1813). Townsend's treatments typically consisted of delivering cathartics or emetics. For the family of Samuel Appleton, Townsend administered smallpox inoculation in 1776, charging him 4 pounds, 4 shillings. Townsend sometimes recorded the occupation or race of the patient. For example, he attended the delivery of a child of Sappho Henshaw, "black girl," in 1786; in 1787 he attended to an unnamed "black man at [who lived at the] corner of Board Alley" in the North End of Boston. Other patients included John Hancock (1736-1793) and members of Hancock's household, as well as Federalist publisher John Fenno (1751-1798).


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Ledger containing lists and charts of smallpox inoculation cases and patient case histories of Boston physician John Jeffries (1745-1819), recorded from November 1775 to June 1802. Descriptions include patients’ names, ages, and physical condition, method of inoculation and symptoms. The entries dated 1800-1802 are not in chronological order.


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Volume kept by Dr. John Perkins (1698-1781) from 1724 to 1774 recording observations on various diseases and medical conditions illustrated with cases from Perkins's practice in Boston, Massachusetts. The cases ranged from epileptic fits, various fevers, and rheumatism to melancholy. His treament methods were standard for the era, mainly prescribing vomits, purges, and spirits, and bleeding patients. Also includes a section listing contradictory opinions among prominent medical writers such as Dutch physician Herman Boerhaave and English physician Thomas Sydenham. An index is located at the end of the volume. Perkins likely began compiling the book in 1765. It contains cases dating from 1724 to 1774.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) assume em Portugal elevadas taxas de morbilidade e reinternamento hospitalar. A disfagia surge como uma complicação frequente deste evento neurológico, com índices de morbilidade elevados pelo risco de desnutrição, desidratação e aspiração broncopulmonar. O diagnóstico e a sua monitorização no processo de reabilitação do doente são ações fundamentais na prevenção de aspirações alimentares, redução do internamento hospitalar e na eficácia da reabilitação do doente. Objetivo: Identificar e avaliar o grau de disfagia na pessoa com AVC e analisar a relação entre esta, e as variáveis socio-demográficas e clínicas no sentido de poder melhorar futuramente os cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, transversal, descritivo-correlacional de caráter quantitativo, que foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 25 doentes com diagnóstico de AVC, internados na Rede Nacional Cuidados Continuados Integrados (RNCCI), em unidades de Convalescença e Reabilitação. O instrumento de colheita de dados integra uma seção de caracterização sócio-demográfica e clínica e duas escalas: Escala Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS) e Índice de Barthel, a fim de avaliar a disfagia e a funcionalidade, respetivamente. Resultados: A amostra apresenta uma média de idade de 76,8 anos, sendo 68% do sexo feminino e 32% do sexo masculino. Verificámos que 68% dos participantes apresenta mais de dois antecedentes clínicos e apenas 24% dos participantes não apresenta disfagia. Dos restantes, 12% apresenta disfagia grave, 36% moderada e 28% disfagia ligeira. A área de lesão parece influenciar a deglutição, demonstrando a Artéria Cerebral Média (ACM) e Artéria Cerebral Posterior (ACP) como áreas de maior sensibilidade. Denotou-se que quanto maior o grau de dependência, maior gravidade de disfagia. Conclusão: Doentes com AVC isquémico apresentam disfagia, com gravidade relacionada com a área vascular. A existência de vários antecedentes clínicos pode gerar perturbações na deglutição do doente. De igual modo, quanto maior for a dependência funcional do doente, maior é o grau de disfagia e o risco de aspiração pulmonar. Palavras-chave: AVC; Disfagia; Reabilitação.


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AIM Anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity (ACT) occurs in 57% of treated patients and remains an important limitation of anthracycline-based chemotherapy. In various genetic association studies, potential genetic risk markers for ACT have been identified. Therefore, we developed evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for pharmacogenomic testing to further individualize therapy based on ACT risk. METHODS We followed a standard guideline development process; including a systematic literature search, evidence synthesis and critical appraisal, and the development of clinical practice recommendations with an international expert group. RESULTS RARG rs2229774, SLC28A3 rs7853758 and UGT1A6 rs17863783 variants currently have the strongest and the most consistent evidence for association with ACT. Genetic variants in ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCC5, ABCB1, ABCB4, CBR3, RAC2, NCF4, CYBA, GSTP1, CAT, SULT2B1, POR, HAS3, SLC22A7, SCL22A17, HFE and NOS3 have also been associated with ACT, but require additional validation. We recommend pharmacogenomic testing for the RARG rs2229774 (S427L), SLC28A3 rs7853758 (L461L) and UGT1A6*4 rs17863783 (V209V) variants in childhood cancer patients with an indication for doxorubicin or daunorubicin therapy (Level B - moderate). Based on an overall risk stratification, taking into account genetic and clinical risk factors, we recommend a number of management options including increased frequency of echocardiogram monitoring, follow-up, as well as therapeutic options within the current standard of clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS Existing evidence demonstrates that genetic factors have the potential to improve the discrimination between individuals at higher and lower risk of ACT. Genetic testing may therefore support both patient care decisions and evidence development for an improved prevention of ACT.


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A tese estuda e analisa as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) disponíveis em hospitais no Brasil, associados à ANAHP – Associação Nacional de Hospitais Privados que patrocinou a coleta de dados e apoiou a pesquisa com dois temas centrais: uso e custo; integração e interoperabilidade das TIC. A Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD), em estudo sobre TIC em saúde, afirmou que, se implantadas de maneira eficiente, as TIC podem resultar em melhoria da qualidade na prestação de serviços de saúde, aumento da segurança no atendimento ao paciente e custos menores. Para permitir a comparação de resultados e o uso de modelos de pesquisa confiáveis, este estudo adaptou o Modelo de Pesquisa de Uso de TI utilizado pelo GVcia - Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Aplicada da FGV – EAESP e realizou uma complementação dos instrumentos de pesquisa para levantar dados específicos da integração das TIC em hospitais utilizando com referência uma pesquisa aplicada a hospitais norte-americanos. A coleta de dados foi realizada para o período 2009 a 2015 em duas etapas. Na primeira, foi enviado o questionário eletrônico, validado por executivos de hospitais e apresentado no apêndice A. Na segunda etapa, os dados enviados foram validados e aspectos da integração foram esclarecidos por meio de entrevistas. O estudo de custo e uso das TIC resultou no cálculo de diversos indicadores. Gastos e investimentos com TIC em hospitais privados atingiu a 3,5% do faturamento anual dos hospitais da amostra enquanto que o setor da saúde, por sua vez, gastou e investiu 6,4% do faturamento anual com as TIC que implementou. Outro indicador inédito e importante para futuros estudos no setor é o custo anual das TIC por leito hospitalar que permaneceu estável em torno de US$ 39.000 entre 2010 e 2014 e caiu para US$ 36.000 em 2015, valor equivalente a R$ 120.000 de dezembro de 2015. Outras estatísticas e indicadores apresentados no estudo ajudam a entender a evolução e o desempenho das TIC na prestação de serviços de saúde e poderão ser úteis para decidir se as TIC ajudarão a melhorar a segurança e atenção ao paciente, aos profissionais de saúde no acesso a dados do paciente, e a necessária sintonia com o Modelo da Saúde Digital (e-Saúde), a custos adequados. Os resultados do presente estudo são comparáveis aos americanos semelhantes e permitem inferir que o parque tecnológico em uso nos hospitais privados brasileiros poderá alavancar a integração de sistemas existentes, permitindo a sintonia com Modelos de Saúde Digital, com a melhoria de desempenho da cadeia estendida da saúde na atenção ao cidadão que poderá ser assistido onde estiver, a qualquer momento, com segurança. Ação gerencial e investimentos são os tópicos centrais que envolvem a integração.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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A two-component mixture regression model that allows simultaneously for heterogeneity and dependency among observations is proposed. By specifying random effects explicitly in the linear predictor of the mixture probability and the mixture components, parameter estimation is achieved by maximising the corresponding best linear unbiased prediction type log-likelihood. Approximate residual maximum likelihood estimates are obtained via an EM algorithm in the manner of generalised linear mixed model (GLMM). The method can be extended to a g-component mixture regression model with the component density from the exponential family, leading to the development of the class of finite mixture GLMM. For illustration, the method is applied to analyse neonatal length of stay (LOS). It is shown that identification of pertinent factors that influence hospital LOS can provide important information for health care planning and resource allocation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we compared the ethical attitudes of a group of experienced, predominantly female, registered nurses (n = 67) with those of a group of final year, mixed sex, medical students (n = 125). The purpose was to determine the basis of differences in attitudes that could lead to ethical disagreements between these two groups when they came to work together. A questionnaire developed to explore ethical attitudes was administered and the responses of the two groups were compared using t-tests. Because of the preponderance of females among the nurses an analysis of variance of the gender-adjusted scores for each group was also carried out. On comparing the responses, the nurses differed significantly from the medical students in a number of ethical domains. A potential source of conflict between these two groups is that the nurses were inclined to adopt the perspective of patients but the medical students identified with their profession. When corrected for the effects of gender, the differences persisted, indicating that it was discipline that determined the differences. We recommend that students of nursing and medicine receive ethics education together, and that more open dialogue between doctors and nurses with respect to their different ethical viewpoints is needed in the work setting. This article will be of interest to educators of students of medicine and nursing, as well as to doctors and nurses who are eager to improve their professional relations and thereby improve patient care.


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Although the use of alternative therapies is highly prevalent amongst men with prostate cancer, research about the predictors of such use is limited. The current study aimed to describe prospectively the use of alternative therapies by men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer and identify predictors of alternative therapy use. In all, 111 men newly diagnosed with localized prostate cancer (93% response) were recruited to the study prior to treatment. Men's use of alternative therapies and psychological variables including: psychological distress, orientation to health care, decisional conflict, and health locus of control, were assessed at three time points-(1) before treatment; (2) 2 months after completion of treatment; and (3) 12 months after completion of treatment. Demographic information was also obtained. The percentage of men using alternative therapies was 25, 17 and 14% before treatment, 2 and 12 months after treatment, respectively. In general, the most commonly used therapies were dietary changes, vitamins and herbal and nutrient remedies. Alternative therapy use was not related to final treatment choices. Before treatment, men who used alternative therapies were more uncertain about prostate cancer compared to men who were not using these therapies. Men who were using alternative therapies 12 months after treatment were less psychologically distressed that men who were not using these therapies. Health locus of control and orientation to health care were not found to be related to men's use of alternative therapies. In conclusion, men's use of alternative therapies after localized prostate cancer varied across time in terms of the incidence of use, the types of therapies used, and the psychological correlates of therapy use. Informational support that targets uncertainty about prostate cancer may assist men at diagnosis who are considering alternative therapy use. The potential for alternative therapies to have a supportive function in patient care requires further investigation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Videoconferencing at 384 kbit/s for the transmission of echocardiograms has proved useful for the assessment of children with suspected cardiac disease, in regional areas of Queensland. A retrospective review of patient and management outcomes was conducted on cardiac teleconsultations performed at two regional hospitals during the period November 2000 to February 2004, inclusive. There were 106 echo studies. A subset of 72 cardiac teleconsultations performed between May 2001 and February 2004 was reviewed in detail. The median age of patients at the time of consultation was 3 months (range 1 day-17 years). Sixteen per cent of teleconsultations were classified as urgent and were conducted on the same day as referral. Following the videoconference, 90% of patients could be managed locally and reviewed by the paediatrician or visiting paediatric cardiologist during an outreach clinic. Six children (8%) had significant cardiac lesions that were initially managed locally, with subsequent elective transfer at the appropriate time for treatment. Only one child (1%) required urgent transfer to the tertiary centre for specialist care and surgery. Telecardiology was effective in accurately identifying congenital heart disease. Paediatric telecardiology is an evolving modality of assessment and communication, and is likely to result in continued improvements in patient care, patient outcomes and parental satisfaction, in provincial centres removed from the tertiary cardiac centre.