985 resultados para Parasitized Hosts
Nine genera and 16 species of Chilean Voriini Tachinid flies are reported in this paper, with a key to differentiate them, a list of recorded species, its geographic distibution within the country and known hosts. The examined examples belong and are deposited at the Collection of Insects of the Instituto de Entomología (UMCE), Santiago. Neochaetoplagia pastranai Blanchard, 1963, from Argentina, and Velardemyia ica Valencia, 1972, from Perú, are reported as present in Chile, while Nothovoria praestans n. gen. & sp., is described as a new monotypic genus.
Steers and rabbits were used as experimental hosts for Anocenter nitens during scheduled infections, when ticks were recovered from naturally infected horses. Thus, the influence of the host species on the parasite was evaluated mainly considering parameters related to the engorgement period and pre molting of evolutive stages. It was also observed that almost 5% if the metanymphae and a few more than 1% of metalarvae fall off from the host to molt in the evironment, characterizing cycles in one or more hosts. The heteroxenous cycle is reported for the first time occuring in A. nitens.
In vivo flushing of the ear canals with 50 to 100 ml collected all larvae in 100% of infested cattle. All adult mites were collected from 22 ou 27 parasitized ears (81.5%). Both stages adult and larva were collected from 18 out 22 parasitized ears (82%). The technique is adequate as a measure of prevalence, incidence, density/intensity of infestation as well as in vivo diagnosis. No damage to the host ear has been noticed.
P fimbriae are proteinaceous appendages on the surface of Escherichia coli bacteria that mediate adherence to uroepithelial cells. E. coli that express P fimbriae account for the majority of ascending urinary tract infections in women with normal urinary tracts. The hypothesis that P fimbriae on uropathic E. coli attach to renal epithelia and may regulate the immune response to establish infection was investigated. The polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), produced by renal epithelia, transports IgA into the urinary space. Kidney pIgR and urine IgA levels were analyzed in a mouse model of ascending pyelonephritis, using E. coli with (P+) and without (P-) P fimbriae, to determine whether P(+) E. coli regulate epithelial pIgR expression and IgA transport into the urine. (P+) E. coli establish infection and persist to a greater amount than P(-) E. coli. P(+)-infected mice downregulate pIgR mRNA and protein levels compared with P(-)-infected or PBS controls at > or =48 h. The decrease in pIgR was associated with decreased urinary IgA levels in the P(+)-infected group at 48 h. pIgR mRNA and protein also decline in P(+) E. coli-infected LPS-hyporesponsive mice. These studies identify a novel virulence mechanism of E. coli that express P fimbriae. It is proposed that P fimbriae decrease pIgR expression in the kidney and consequently decrease IgA transport into the urinary space. This may explain, in part, how E. coli that bear P fimbriae exploit the immune system of human hosts to establish ascending pyelonephritis.
The authors investigated the relation between parasites and host-cells in active and regressed lesions of a patient with diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, evaluating the frequency of different cell types, and the location and integrity of amastigotes. No correlation was found between parasite integrity and size of parasitophorous vacuoles. They observed ultrastructural findings characterizing a cell mediated immune response: macrophages lysis, parasitic destruction inside macrophages, close contact between parasitized macrophages and lymphocytes and between parasites and lymphocytes, lymphocytic infiltration and fibrosis. They suggest that in DCL there is a limited cellular immune response, although insufficient to control infection.
Parasites can inflict indirect fitness costs to their hosts by eliciting costly immune responses. These costs depend on the type and amount of immunostimulants presented to the host immune system but also on the amount of resources available to fuel host immune responses. Here, we investigated how the relative costs of two different types of immune challenge are modulated by variation in food availability. We injected nestling tawny owls (Strix aluco) with either 10 mu g of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or 20 mu g of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and subsequently raised them under two different food regimes (food-restricted vs. ad libitum). After controlling for food consumption, we found that LPS-injected nestlings lost more body mass than PHA-injected ones only when food-restricted. We also found that body mass gain of owlets fed ad libitum decreased with the intensity of the skin swelling response against LPS, but not PHA. These experimental and correlative results suggest that nestling tawny owls suffered greater immune costs when treated with LPS than PHA, and that variation in the costs of two different types of immune challenge can be exacerbated under conditions of low food availability. Our study highlights the importance of taking into consideration the interplay between host immunity and nutrition in the study of indirect costs of parasitism.
A trypanosome strain isolated from a sylvatic rodent (Echimys dasythrix) from Santa Catarina Island (Santa Catarina State, Brazil) was characterized by the following methods: experimental transmission and development in invertebrate hosts, morphometry, cross protection, complement sensitivity, lectin agglutination and isoenzyme profiles. Comparasions were made with standard Trypanosoma cruzi and T. rangeli strains. All methods except isoenzyne analysis led to the identification of the isolate as T. rangeli. The isoenzyme differences found could be explained on the basis of polymorphism. Therefore this is the first report of T. rangeli in southern Brazil, increasing the geographical distribution of this parasite.
Between 1986 and 1987 fishes distributed among the following species introduced in Chile, and from different sectors of the Valdivia river basin (39º30' - 40º00', 73º30' - 71º45'W), were examined: 348 Salmo trutta, 242 Salmo gairdneri, 24 Cyprinus carpio and 52 Gambusia affinis holbrooki. The presence of Camallanus corderoi and Contracaecum sp. in S. gairdneri and of C. corderoi in S. trutta is recorded in Chile for the first time. Cyprinus carpio and G. a. holbrooki did not present infections by nematodes. The prevalence and mean intensity of the infections by nematodes presented significant differences among some sectors of the Valdivia river basin. In general, the prevalence and intensity of the infections by C. corderoi were greater than those by Contracaecum sp. The infections in S. gairdneri were higher than in S. trutta. The sex of the hosts had no influence on the prevalence and intensity of the infections by both nematodes. The length of the hosts did have an influence, except in the case of the infections by Contracaecum sp. in S, gairdneri. The infrapopulations of both nematode species showed over dispersion in most cases. The diet of the examined salmonids suggests that they would become infected principally throught the consuption of autochthonous fishes.
Two fish species, Astronotus ocellatus (Cichlidae) and Macropodus opercularis (Anabatidae) were tested for predacious behavior toward immature mosquitoes (Aedes fluviatili9s, Diptera: Culicidae) and schistosomiasis snail hosts (Biomphalaria glabrata, Mollusca: Planorbidae), in the presence or absence of non-living food and laboratory conditions. A. ocellatus, a species indigenous to Brazil, was a very efficient predator of both organisms (alpha=1,05); M. operculatis, an exotic species, preyed well on immature mosquitoes, but small snails and snail egg-masses were ingested only irregulary. Both fish species seemed to prefer live to non-living food.
The proprotein convertases (PCs) are a family of nine mammalian enzymes that play key roles in the maintenance of cell homeostasis by activating or inactivating proteins via limited proteolysis under temporal and spatial control. A wide range of pathogens, including major human pathogenic viruses can hijack cellular PCs for their own purposes. In particular, productive infection with many enveloped viruses critically depends on the processing of their fusion-active viral envelope glycoproteins by cellular PCs. Based on their crucial role in virus-host interaction, PCs can be important determinants for viral pathogenesis and represent promising targets of therapeutic antiviral intervention. In the present review we will cover basic aspects and recent developments of PC-mediated maturation of viral envelope glycoproteins of selected medically important viruses. The molecular mechanisms underlying the recognition of PCs by viral glycoproteins will be described, including recent findings demonstrating differential PC-recognition of viral and cellular substrates. We will further discuss a possible scenario how viruses during co-evolution with their hosts adapted their glycoproteins to modulate the activity of cellular PCs for their own benefit and discuss the consequences for virus-host interaction and pathogenesis. Particular attention will be given to past and current efforts to evaluate cellular PCs as targets for antiviral therapeutic intervention, with emphasis on emerging highly pathogenic viruses for which no efficacious drugs or vaccines are currently available.
There is accumulating evidence that invertebrates can acquire long-term protection against pathogens through immune priming. However, the range of pathogens eliciting immune priming and the specificity of the response remain unclear. Here, we tested if the exposure to a natural fungal pathogen elicited immune priming in ants. We found no evidence for immune priming in Formica selysi workers exposed to Beauveria bassiana. The initial exposure of ants to the fungus did not alter their resistance in a subsequent challenge with the same fungus. There was no sign of priming when using homologous and heterologous combinations of fungal strains for exposure and subsequent challenges at two time intervals. Hence, within the range of conditions tested, the immune response of this social insect to the fungal pathogen appears to lack memory and strain-specificity. These results show that immune priming is not ubiquitous across pathogens, hosts and conditions, possibly because of immune evasion by the pathogen or efficient social defences by the host.
Opecoeloides feliciae n. sp., first record of opecoelid metacercariae in commercial shrimps of South Atlantic Ocean, parasitizing Cynoscion striatus (adults) and Artemesia longinaris (metacercariae), is described, illustrated and compared with related species of the genus. Adults, immature worms and metacercariae are compared, and rates of prevalence and intensity of infection are also given.
To identify wild hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi, surveys were conducted in the subandean valleys of Jujuy Province, Argentina, between June 1986 and March 1987. Seventy two mammals from 13 different species were examined by xenodiagnosis. Fifty two of them were mostly roedents trapped at the localities of Maimará, León and Tilcara, and the remainder had been kept in captivity at the Estación Biológica Experimental, in Jujuy. Trypanosoma cruzi infection was detected only in 2 Octodontomys gliroides (2 pos./8 exam. 25%) from all 72 examined mammals. Isolates were called Octodontomys Argentina 1 and 2 (OA1 and OA2). Both infected animals were caught at the archaelogical ruin of Pucará, at Tilcara. Repeated searches for triatomines in the ruin itself and in neighbour houses rendered negative results. Groups of mice inoculated with either OA1 or OA2 isolates became infected between 7 (OA1) to 12 days (OA2) postinoculation PI. Parasitemia peaks were observed between day 12th - 14th PI. Scarce amastigote nests were found in myocardium and skeletal muscle. Mortality was observed only for mice inoculated with OA1. Isoenzyme patterns of OA1 and OA2 were identical to one found in dogs and slightly different from that of human parasites in Argentina. Bones from Octodontomys sp., were recently found in a cave, dated 10200-8600 BC, in Pumamarca, near Tilcara, Jujuy. There are evidences that O. gliroides cohabited with man in ancient times and was associated to the domestic cycle of T. cruzi transmission, playing a role like that of domestic cavies. in Bolivia.
A taxonomical and ecological study was made on 264 samples of 12 species of ectoparasite ixodides collected on wild mammals from several natural regions of Paraná state, Brazil. These species of ticks as their hosts are listed by their identified evolutive forms and capture locations. A review of the early studies on the Ixodida from South Brazil is made considering the frequency of the parasite species on each host concerning the geographic distribution of such species. This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the Ixodidae ectoparasites species of wild mammals in Brazil.
? Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonize the roots of most monocotyledons and dicotyledons despite their different root architecture and cell patterning. Among the cereal hosts of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Oryza sativa (rice) possesses a peculiar root system composed of three different types of roots: crown roots; large lateral roots; and fine lateral roots. Characteristic is the constitutive formation of aerenchyma in crown roots and large lateral roots and the absence of cortex from fine lateral roots. Here, we assessed the distribution of colonization by Glomus intraradices within this root system and determined its effect on root system architecture. ? Large lateral roots are preferentially colonized, and fine lateral roots are immune to arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. Fungal preference for large lateral roots also occurred in sym mutants that block colonization of the root beyond rhizodermal penetration. ? Initiation of large lateral roots is significantly induced by G. intraradices colonization and does not require a functional common symbiosis signaling pathway from which some components are known to be needed for symbiosis-mediated lateral root induction in Medicago truncatula. ? Our results suggest variation of symbiotic properties among the different rice root-types and induction of the preferred tissue by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Furthermore, signaling for arbuscular mycorrhizal-elicited alterations of the root system differs between rice and M. truncatula.