695 resultados para POLITICA EXTERIOR - COLOMBIA - 2004 - 2009


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El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar para su análisis y discusión, la propuesta del área de Biología, del Curso Introductorio a la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP). La sistematización del diagnóstico de los alumnos, representa el eje de la adecuación continua de la propuesta. Se desarrolló a lo largo de seis años (2004-2009) comparativos, para lo cual se diseñaron instrumentos de evaluación cuyos resultados fueran cuantificables y sistematizables. Dada la magnitud de las dificultades observadas, su sostenimiento y su progresivo incremento sabemos que el proceso de adaptación a la vida Universitaria en el contexto explicitado, representa un proceso que excede los tiempos de un trayecto de ingreso. En el grupo de alumnos ingresantes encontramos gran diversidad de intereses y de formación. Las dificultades estructurales que deben superar para abordar los contenidos de primer año son importantes y se refieren a todos los aspectos comprometidos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se presentan la formulación de las clases desde una postura sistémica, que permite adecuarla continuamente a los cambios, que se suceden cada vez más rápido y a las variables emergentes de la propia institución universitaria. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten definir Ingreso como un trayecto necesario de ser revisado para su adecuación continua en función de las problemáticas complejas inherentes a los alumnos.


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Esta ponencia se inscribe en el marco de una serie de investigaciones realizadas por la cátedra de Educación I cuyo objetivo es reflexionar sobre el campo disciplinar y profesional de las Ciencias de la Educación en la universidad pública. La primera de ellas, consistió en un estudio de seguimiento de la cohorte que estudió Ciencias de la Educación en la UBA entre 1986 y 1991, a la que se le aplicó una encuesta al ingresar y al finalizar la Carrera respectivamente. Algunas de las variables consideradas fueron: el nivel educativo de los padres, trabajo, ocupación e ingresos, tipos de estudios secundario cursados, imágenes y expectativas de la formación y del campo profesional, relación entre la Carrera y la práctica laboral, etc. La segunda es una encuesta llevada a cabo a estudiantes de primer año de la carrera en los años 1986, 2004, 2009 y 2010, con el objeto de examinar los motivos de la elección de la carrera, las expectativas al ingreso, las concepciones acerca del objeto de estudio de la misma, así como también comparar las características del perfil de los estudiantes. Hemos contemplado en el análisis los elementos del contexto socioeconómico, político y cultural que creemos tienen una significativa incidencia en las reconfiguraciones que se realizan respecto del campo y del papel de la educación, la formación, y la pedagogía. Se analizaron los cambios que las distintas cohortes de estudiantes experimentan a través de los años, acompañando procesos de reconfiguración de políticas y procesos educativos, así como las opiniones de sentido común acerca del papel y la función de lo educativo en la sociedad. Resultan interesantes algunas conclusiones respecto del perfil de los ingresantes a la carrera, registrándose un crecimiento en el nivel educativo de los padres y un cambio en la proporción de alumnos provenientes de escuelas del ámbito de gestión privada. Asimismo se evidencian cambios significativos respecto de los espacios de inserción y participación. Debatir estas temáticas implica posicionarse desde una perspectiva crítica capaz de repensar las distintas facetas que asume el objeto de la educación, las posibilidades de transformación o no que posee el campo, las posibilidades de construcción de una identidad profesional y fundamentalmente la posibilidad de poder elaborar nuevas propuestas curriculares, adecuándose a cada momento histórico.


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The elaboration of a generic decision-making strategy to address the evolution of an emergency situation, from the stages of response to recovery, and including a planning stage, can facilitate timely, effective and consistent decision making by the response organisations at every level within the emergency management structure and between countries, helping to ensure optimal protection of health, environment, and society. The degree of involvement of stakeholders in this process is a key strategic element for strengthening the local preparedness and response and can help a successful countermeasures strategy. A significant progress was made with the multi-national European project EURANOS (2004-2009) which brought together best practice, knowledge and technology to enhance the preparedness for Europe's response to any radiation emergency and long term contamination. The subsequent establishment of a European Technology Platform and the recent launch of the research project NERIS-TP ("Towards a self sustaining European Technology Platform (NERIS-TP) on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery") are aimed to continue with the remaining tasks for gaining appropriate levels of emergency preparedness at local level in most European countries. One of the objectives of the NERIS-TP project is: Strengthen the preparedness at the local/national level by setting up dedicated fora and developing new tools or adapting the tools developed within the EURANOS projects (such as the governance framework for preparedness, the handbooks on countermeasures, the RODOS system, and the MOIRA DSS for long term contamination in catchments) to meet the needs of local communities. CIEMAT and UPM in close interaction with the Nuclear Safety Council will explore, within this project, the use and application in Spain of such technical tools, including other national tools and information and communication strategies to foster cooperation between local, national and international stakeholders. The aim is identify and involve relevant stakeholders in emergency preparedness to improve the development and implementation of appropriate protection strategies as part of the consequence management and the transition to recovery. In this paper, an overview of the "state of the art" on this area in Spain and the methodology and work Plan proposed by the Spanish group within the project NERIS to grow the stakeholder involvement in the preparedness to emergency response and recovery is presented.


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En estos tiempos de crisis se hace imperativo lograr un consumo de recursos públicos lo más racional posible. El transporte público urbano es un sector al que se dedican grandes inversiones y cuya prestación de servicios está fuertemente subvencionada. El incremento de la eficiencia técnica del sector puede ayudar a conseguir una mejor gestión de los fondos públicos. Un primer paso para que se produzca una mejora es el desarrollo de una metodología de evaluación de la eficiencia del sector. Existen diferentes métodos para la evaluación técnica de un conjunto de compañías pertenecientes a un sector, entre los que se encuentra el análisis envolvente de datos (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA, por sus siglas en inglés). Este método permite establecer una frontera de eficiencia técnica relativa a un determinado grupo de compañías, en función de un número limitado de variables. Las variables deben cuantificar, por un lado, la prestación de servicios de las distintas compañías, y por el otro, los recursos consumidos en la producción de dichos servicios. En el presente artículo se estudian, mediante el método DEA, las variables más idóneas para la evaluación de la eficiencia técnica de los servicios de autobuses urbanos en España. Asimismo, se analiza el número de variables más adecuado para conformar los modelos con los que se obtienen las fronteras de eficiencia. Para ello, se utilizan indicadores de los servicios de autobús urbano de las principales ciudades de las áreas metropolitanas españolas, para el periodo 2004-2009. Se emplea la base de datos del Observatorio de la Movilidad Metropolitana.


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Algunos importadores netos de alimentos buscan satisfacer su demanda de materias primas agrícolas vía la inversión en tierras en países en desarrollo. Ha surgido así el "land grab", una amenaza a la seguridad alimentaria y el medio ambiente de los países menos avanzados. En la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación, celebrada en 1996, se definió la seguridad alimentaria como un estado en el que "todas las personas tienen en todo momento acceso físico y económico a suficientes alimentos inocuos y nutritivos para satisfacer sus necesidades alimenticias y sus preferencias en cuanto a los alimentos a fin de llevar una vida activa y sana". En el contexto actual de crecimiento demográfico e incremento del número de personas con un tipo de dieta más rica en proteína animal, se presenta el doble reto de alimentar a la población de manera adecuada y ambientalmente sostenible.


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Latest issue consulted: Oct. 2005.


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This dissertation focused on the longitudinal analysis of business start-ups using three waves of data from the Kauffman Firm Survey. ^ The first essay used the data from years 2004-2008, and examined the simultaneous relationship between a firm's capital structure, human resource policies, and its impact on the level of innovation. The firm leverage was calculated as, debt divided by total financial resources. Index of employee well-being was determined by a set of nine dichotomous questions asked in the survey. A negative binomial fixed effects model was used to analyze the effect of employee well-being and leverage on the count data of patents and copyrights, which were used as a proxy for innovation. The paper demonstrated that employee well-being positively affects the firm's innovation, while a higher leverage ratio had a negative impact on the innovation. No significant relation was found between leverage and employee well-being.^ The second essay used the data from years 2004-2009, and inquired whether a higher entrepreneurial speed of learning is desirable, and whether there is a linkage between the speed of learning and growth rate of the firm. The change in the speed of learning was measured using a pooled OLS estimator in repeated cross-sections. There was evidence of a declining speed of learning over time, and it was concluded that a higher speed of learning is not necessarily a good thing, because speed of learning is contingent on the entrepreneur's initial knowledge, and the precision of the signals he receives from the market. Also, there was no reason to expect speed of learning to be related to the growth of the firm in one direction over another.^ The third essay used the data from years 2004-2010, and determined the timing of diversification activities by the business start-ups. It captured when a start-up diversified for the first time, and explored the association between an early diversification strategy adopted by a firm, and its survival rate. A semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model was used to examine the survival pattern. The results demonstrated that firms diversifying at an early stage in their lives show a higher survival rate; however, this effect fades over time.^


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What constitutes effective corporate governance? Which director characteristics render boards effective at positively influencing firm-level performance outcomes? This dissertation examines these questions by taking a multilevel, multidisciplinary approach to corporate governance. I explore the individual-, team-, and firm- level factors that enable directors to serve effectively as strategic resources during international expansion. I argue that directors' international experience improves their ability to serve as effective strategic consultants and resource providers to firms during the complex internationalization process. However, unlike prior research, which tends to assume that directors with the potential to provide important resources uniformly do so, I acknowledge contextual factors (i.e. board cohesiveness, strategic relevance of directors' experience) that affect their propensity to actually influence outcomes. I explore these issues in three essays: one review essay and two empirical essays.^ In the first empirical essay, I integrate resource dependence theory with insights from social-psychological research to explore the influence of board capital on firms' cross-border M&A performance. Using a sample of cross-border M&As completed by S&P 500 firms from 2004-2009, I find evidence that directors' depth of international experience is associated with superior pre-deal outcomes. This suggests that boards' deep, market-specific knowledge is valuable during the target selection phase. I further find that directors' breadth of international experience is associated with superior post-deal performance, suggesting that these directors' global mindset helps firms in the post-M&A integration phase. I also find that these relationships are positively moderated by board cohesiveness, measured by boards' internal social ties.^ In the second empirical essay, I explore the boundary conditions of international board capital by examining how the characteristics of firms' internationalization strategy moderate the relationship between board capital and firm performance. Using a panel of 377 S&P 500 firms observed from 2004-2011, I find that boards' depth of international experience and social capital are more important during early stages of internationalization, when firms tend to lack market knowledge and legitimacy in the host markets. On the other hand, I find that breadth of international experience has a stronger relationship with performance when firms' have higher scope of internationalization, when information-processing demands are higher.^


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This investigation aims at identifying, describing, analyzing and interpreting how textbooks on Portuguese Language approach, beginning with the linguistic material, the effects of sense in texts that predominately employ injunctives. The corpus of this study is comprised of six collections of textbooks on Portuguese Language, which are part of the National Program Guide for Textbooks (PNLD) from 2010, adopted by the public schools in the city of Natal and the object of study for the Read/Tell Project of the Educational Observatory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Textbooks from the 4th and 5th grades, Elementary School, were analyzed – 12 copies total. For the analysis, we selected 16 writing proposals of injunctive texts. Our study is based on theoretical discussions by Adam (2001a, 2001b) with regard to the genre of: inciting to action. In addition, we consider the work of Koch and Fávero (1987), Koch and Elias (2009), Marcuschi (2003, 2008) Pery-Woodly (2001), Rodrigues (2013), Travaglia (1992, 2007) and Rosa (2007). With respect to discussions on textbooks, we refer to Choppin (2004, 2009), Batista (2003, 2009), Rojo e Batista (2005), and with regard to Portuguese Language textbooks specifically, we consider Soares (1998, 2001, 2004) and Bunzen and Rojo (2005). The proposals for writing in injunctive texts, in the collections analyzed, are tips/recommendations, instructions on making toys and/or games, travel itineraries and cooking recipes, such that 69% of them appear in the 4 th grade textbooks and only 31% appear in the 5th grade textbooks. With respect to the linguistic elements responsible for the construction of directive speech acts and the effects on sense produced by them, the data shows that 50% of the writing proposals do not exploit linguistic categories that implicate the effects on sense using injunctives, or rather, there is no work done dealing with linguistic analysis, while 33% mention the imperative mode and 17% investigate infinitive verbs. In this dissertation, the textual plans of incitation to act genres were studied and in them the linguistic materiality that vehicles injunction. This study might contribute to the improvement of Portuguese language teaching in what concerns the articulation of grammatical studies to textual sequences/types, mainly in the case of Portuguese language textbooks for the 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School.


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This dissertation explores the complex process of organizational change, applying a behavioral lens to understand change in processes, products, and search behaviors. Chapter 1 examines new practice adoption, exploring factors that predict the extent to which routines are adopted “as designed” within the organization. Using medical record data obtained from the hospital’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) system I develop a novel measure of the “gap” between routine “as designed” and routine “as realized.” I link this to a survey administered to the hospital’s professional staff following the adoption of a new EHR system and find that beliefs about the expected impact of the change shape fidelity of the adopted practice to its design. This relationship is more pronounced in care units with experienced professionals and less pronounced when the care unit includes departmental leadership. This research offers new insights into the determinants of routine change in organizations, in particular suggesting the beliefs held by rank-and-file members of an organization are critical in new routine adoption. Chapter 2 explores changes to products, specifically examining culling behaviors in the mobile device industry. Using a panel of quarterly mobile device sales in Germany from 2004-2009, this chapter suggests that the organization’s response to performance feedback is conditional upon the degree to which decisions are centralized. While much of the research on product exit has pointed to economic drivers or prior experience, these central finding of this chapter—that performance below aspirations decreases the rate of phase-out—suggests that firms seek local solutions when doing poorly, which is consistent with behavioral explanations of organizational action. Chapter 3 uses a novel text analysis approach to examine how the allocation of attention within organizational subunits shapes adaptation in the form of search behaviors in Motorola from 1974-1997. It develops a theory that links organizational attention to search, and the results suggest a trade-off between both attentional specialization and coupling on search scope and depth. Specifically, specialized unit attention to a more narrow set of problems increases search scope but reduces search depth; increased attentional coupling also increases search scope at the cost of depth. This novel approach and these findings help clarify extant research on the behavioral outcomes of attention allocation, which have offered mixed results.


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What constitutes effective corporate governance? Which director characteristics render boards effective at positively influencing firm-level performance outcomes? This dissertation examines these questions by taking a multilevel, multidisciplinary approach to corporate governance. I explore the individual-, team-, and firm- level factors that enable directors to serve effectively as strategic resources during international expansion. I argue that directors’ international experience improves their ability to serve as effective strategic consultants and resource providers to firms during the complex internationalization process. However, unlike prior research, which tends to assume that directors with the potential to provide important resources uniformly do so, I acknowledge contextual factors (i.e. board cohesiveness, strategic relevance of directors’ experience) that affect their propensity to actually influence outcomes. I explore these issues in three essays: one review essay and two empirical essays. In the first empirical essay, I integrate resource dependence theory with insights from social-psychological research to explore the influence of board capital on firms’ cross-border M&A performance. Using a sample of cross-border M&As completed by S&P 500 firms from 2004-2009, I find evidence that directors’ depth of international experience is associated with superior pre-deal outcomes. This suggests that boards’ deep, market-specific knowledge is valuable during the target selection phase. I further find that directors’ breadth of international experience is associated with superior post-deal performance, suggesting that these directors’ global mindset helps firms in the post-M&A integration phase. I also find that these relationships are positively moderated by board cohesiveness, measured by boards’ internal social ties. In the second empirical essay, I explore the boundary conditions of international board capital by examining how the characteristics of firms’ internationalization strategy moderate the relationship between board capital and firm performance. Using a panel of 377 S&P 500 firms observed from 2004-2011, I find that boards’ depth of international experience and social capital are more important during early stages of internationalization, when firms tend to lack market knowledge and legitimacy in the host markets. On the other hand, I find that breadth of international experience has a stronger relationship with performance when firms’ have higher scope of internationalization, when information-processing demands are higher.


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This dissertation examines the organizational innovation as a nonlinear process, which occurs in a social and political context and, therefore, socially immersed. Examines the case of shrimp in the state of RN, starting from the following problem: although the norteriograndense shrimp occupies the largest producer of farmed shrimp from Brazil, has a series of bottlenecks concerning the generation of industry innovation, concerning the social relationships and policies between the various actors in the network, whether private or public, and its consequences in terms of opportunity and limits generated for the innovative dynamics. The objective of the research is to understand how the social embeddedness of political actors affects norteriograndense shrimp within the context of structural relations, the industry generation of innovation, throughout its technological trajectory . The approach of social embeddedness balances atomised perspectives, undersocialized and oversocialized, of economic action, considering both the human capacity to act as sources of constraint, whose mechanisms are analyzed the structural and political. In methodological terms this is a case study, analyzed from the research literature, documentary and experimental. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed in depth by the technique of content analysis. Was adopted a longitudinal approach, seeking to understand the phenomenon from the perspective of the subjects, describing it in an inductive process of investigation. After characterizing the sector and defining their technological trajectory, the analysis of the results followed its four stages: (1) Introduction of Technology: 1973-1980, (2) Intensification of Research: 1981-1991, (3) Technological Adaptation, 1992 -2003, (4) Technological Crisis: 2004-2009. A cross-sectional analysis along the evolutionary trajectory revealed the character of structural changes and policies over time, and implications on the generating process of innovation. Note that, the technological limit to which the sector reached requires changes in technology standards, but is more likely that the potiguar shrimp is entering a new phase of his career in technology rather than a new technological paradigm


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La evidencia de estudios alrededor del mundo relaciona altas concentraciones de contaminantes del aire con efectos agudos y crónicos en la salud. “Muertes por causas cardiovasculares, cáncer de pulmón e infecciones respiratorias en los niños se asoció a niveles de contaminantes que exceden las normas de calidad del aire exterior” (Cohen 2004). Marco teórico: la contaminación del aire se puede definir como “cualquier condición atmosférica en la que las sustancias presentes producen un efecto adverso medible, en la salud del humano, los animales y vegetales, o bien un daño físico en los materiales". Debido al tamaño fino de estas partículas (30 veces más pequeñas que el grosor de un cabello), estas pueden ingresar en las partes más profundas de los pulmones, como son los alvéolos, lo cual relaciona éstas partículas finas y varios problemas de salud incluyendo asma, bronquitis y síntomas respiratorios agudos y crónicos. Metodología: compuesta por 90 pacientes que provienen de dos centros asistenciales, residentes dentro de un radio de 4 km. alrededor de las torres de monitoreo. Método: análisis descriptivo basado en medidas de frecuencias medias y tendencias para caracterizar la población y la exposición a material particulado. Análisis de los datos mediante GRAPH PAD PRISM 6.0 usando las tablas de contingencia para la estimación de diferencia entre proporciones y el riesgo relativo. Se utilizó test de normalidad de D´Agostino Pearson para definir trato estadístico. Se utilizó test de KolmorogovSmirnov y Test de Fisher para encontrar la relación entre calidad de aire y aparecimiento de síntomas. Se aplicó regresión lineal de Deming para establecer relación en cuanto a los síntomas. Resultados: no hay relación estadísticamente significativa entre la calidad del aire y los síntomas respiratorios. La regresión lineal de Deming si encontró cambios estadísticos significativos para los síntomas: sibilancias, taquipnea y estornudos. Conclusiones: no se consideraron otros factores importantes como contaminación intradomiciliar y exposición a tabaco que pudo haber modificado el resultado del estudio. Se demostró que existe una tendencia a relacionar síntomas como la taquipnea, rinorrea, estornudos y sibilancias con niveles no satisfactorios de calidad del aire.


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This dissertation examines the organizational innovation as a nonlinear process, which occurs in a social and political context and, therefore, socially immersed. Examines the case of shrimp in the state of RN, starting from the following problem: although the norteriograndense shrimp occupies the largest producer of farmed shrimp from Brazil, has a series of bottlenecks concerning the generation of industry innovation, concerning the social relationships and policies between the various actors in the network, whether private or public, and its consequences in terms of opportunity and limits generated for the innovative dynamics. The objective of the research is to understand how the social embeddedness of political actors affects norteriograndense shrimp within the context of structural relations, the industry generation of innovation, throughout its technological trajectory . The approach of social embeddedness balances atomised perspectives, undersocialized and oversocialized, of economic action, considering both the human capacity to act as sources of constraint, whose mechanisms are analyzed the structural and political. In methodological terms this is a case study, analyzed from the research literature, documentary and experimental. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed in depth by the technique of content analysis. Was adopted a longitudinal approach, seeking to understand the phenomenon from the perspective of the subjects, describing it in an inductive process of investigation. After characterizing the sector and defining their technological trajectory, the analysis of the results followed its four stages: (1) Introduction of Technology: 1973-1980, (2) Intensification of Research: 1981-1991, (3) Technological Adaptation, 1992 -2003, (4) Technological Crisis: 2004-2009. A cross-sectional analysis along the evolutionary trajectory revealed the character of structural changes and policies over time, and implications on the generating process of innovation. Note that, the technological limit to which the sector reached requires changes in technology standards, but is more likely that the potiguar shrimp is entering a new phase of his career in technology rather than a new technological paradigm


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81 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías, gráficos, cuadros estadísticos.