962 resultados para Organic NLO Materials
Feijo, T.S., Cardozo, SX, Daleprane, J.B., Sabaa Srur, A.U.O. & Boaventura, G.T. [Evaluation of the influence of the proteinic quality of the genetically modified and organic soy beans in the growth of two generations of rats Wistar.] Avaliacao da influencia da qualidade proteica da soja geneticamente modificada e organica no crescimento de duas geracoes de ratos Wistar. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 31(3):139-144, 2009. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Patologia, Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro. Centro de Ciencias Medicas, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Rua Marques do Parana, 303, Niteroi, RJ 24030-210, Brasil. E-mail: sergian@ufnj.br Sixty four Wistar rats, male of two consecutive generations determined as F(0) and F(1) were used to study the cumulative effect of two variety soy beans, cultivated with organic seasoning and genetically modified, The animals of each generation were divided into three groups of eight rats each fed on diets consisted of organic soy, soy genetically modified and casein respectively. All the animals received water and the diet ad libitum for period of 28 days. Where the diet consumption and the animals weight were evaluated. After statistic analysis of the results no expressive differences were observed on diet consumption, weight variation, protein efficient ratio and food efficiency ratio on same group of animals in the different generations. On the other hand, significant difference was found on final proteinic retention on animal descendants of the same groups; however of different generations. With this, the supplementation of organic soy with L-cistin provided better avail of this protein in relation to the protein of the soy genetically modified. However, this supplementation did not reveal efficiency in keeping the proteinic employment from one generation to another one, since soy varieties presented better performance on F(0) generation when compared with F(1).
In this work we evaluated the photophysical and in vitro properties of Foscan (R), a second-generation photosensitizer drug (PS) widely used in systemic clinical protocols for cancer therapy based on Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). We employed biodegradable nanoemulsions (NE) as a colloidal vehicle of the oil/water (o/w) type focusing in topical administration of Foscan (R) and other photosensitizer drugs. This formulation was obtained and stabilized by the methodology described by Tabosa do Egito et al.,(30) based on the mixture of two phases: an aqueous solution and an organic medium consisting of nonionic surfactants and oil. The photodynamic potential of the drug incorporated into the NE was studied by steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. We also analyzed the in vitro biological behavior carried out in mimetic biological environment protocols based on the animal model. After topical application in a skin animal model, we evaluated the Foscan (R)/NE diffusion flux into the skin layers (stratum corneum and epidermis + dermis) by classical procedures using Franz Diffusion cells. Our results showed that the photophysical properties of PS were maintained after its incorporation into the NE when compared with homogeneous organic medium. The in vitro assays enabled the determination of an adequate profile for the interaction of this system in the different skin layers, with an ideal time lag of 6 h after topical administration in the skin model. The Foscan (R) diffusion flux (J) was increased when this PS was incorporated into the NE, if compared with its flux in physiological medium. These parameters demonstrated that the NE can be potentially applied as a drug delivery system (DDS) for Foscan (R) in both in vitro and in vivo assays, as well as in future clinical applications involving topical skin cancer PDT.
Environmental issues due to increases in emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases are driving the development of clean energy delivery technologies such as fuel cells. Low temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) use hydrogen as a fuel and their only emission is water. While significant advances have been made in recent years, a major limitation of the current technology is the cost and materials limitations of the proton conduction membrane. The proton exchange membrane performs three critical functions in the PEMFC membrane electrode assembly (MEA): (i) conduction of protons with minimal resistance from the anode (where they are generated from hydrogen) to the cathode (where they combine with oxygen and electrons, from the external circuit or load), (ii) providing electrical insulation between the anode and cathode to prevent shorting, and (iii) providing a gas impermeable barrier to prevent mixing of the fuel (hydrogen) and oxidant. The PFSA (perfluorosulphonic acid) family of membranes is currently the best developed proton conduction membrane commercially available, but these materials are limited to operation below 100oC (typically 80oC, or lower) due to the thermochemical limitations of this polymer. For both mobile and stationary applications, fuel cell companies require more durable, cost effective membrane technologies capable of delivering enhanced performance at higher temperatures (typically 120oC, or higher. This is driving research into a wide range of novel organic and inorganic materials with the potential to be good proton conductors and form coherent membranes. There are several research efforts recently reported in the literature employing inorganic nanomaterials. These include functionalised silica phosphates [1,2], fullerene [3] titania phosphates [4], zirconium pyrophosphate [5]. This work addresses the functionalisation of titania particles with phosphoric acid. Proton conductivity measurements are given together with structural properties.
We investigate the modulational instability of plane waves in quadratic nonlinear materials with linear and nonlinear quasi-phase-matching gratings. Exact Floquet calculations, confirmed by numerical simulations, show that the periodicity can drastically alter the gain spectrum but never completely removes the instability. The low-frequency part of the gain spectrum is accurately predicted by an averaged theory and disappears for certain gratings. The high-frequency part is related to the inherent gain of the homogeneous non-phase-matched material and is a consistent spectral feature.
We present the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility of spin-half quantum antiferromagnets on spatially anisotropic triangular lattices, using high-temperature series expansions. We consider a model with two exchange constants J1 and J2 on a lattice that interpolates between the limits of a square lattice (J1=0), a triangular lattice (J2=J1), and decoupled linear chains (J2=0). In all cases, the susceptibility, which has a Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, rolls over and begins to decrease below a peak temperature Tp. Scaling the exchange constants to get the same peak temperature shows that the susceptibilities for the square lattice and linear chain limits have similar magnitudes near the peak. Maximum deviation arises near the triangular-lattice limit, where frustration leads to much smaller susceptibility and with a flatter temperature dependence. We compare our results to the inorganic materials Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4 and to a number of organic molecular crystals. We find that the former (Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4) are weakly frustrated and their exchange parameters determined through the temperature dependence of the susceptibility are in agreement with neutron-scattering measurements. In contrast, the organic materials considered are strongly frustrated with exchange parameters near the isotropic triangular-lattice limit.
We present a resonating-valence-bond theory of superconductivity for the Hubbard-Heisenberg model on an anisotropic triangular lattice. Our calculations are consistent with the observed phase diagram of the half-filled layered organic superconductors, such as the beta, beta('), kappa, and lambda phases of (BEDT-TTF)(2)X [bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene] and (BETS)(2)X [bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene]. We find a first order transition from a Mott insulator to a d(x)(2)-y(2) superconductor with a small superfluid stiffness and a pseudogap with d(x)(2)-y(2) symmetry.
The interlayer magnetoresistance of the quasi-two-dimensional metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4) is considered. In the temperature range from 0.5 to 10 K and for fields up to 10 T the magnetoresistance has a stronger temperature dependence than the zero-field resistance. Consequently Kohler's rule is not obeyed for any range of temperatures or fields. This means that the magnetoresistance cannot be described in terms of semiclassical transport on a single Fermi surface with a single scattering time. Possible explanations for the violations of Kohler's rule are considered, both within the framework of semiclassical transport theory and involving incoherent interlayer transport. The issues considered are similar to those raised by the magnetotransport of the cuprate superconductors. [S0163-1829(98)13219-8].
It is possible to remedy certain difficulties with the description of short wave length phenomena and interfacial slip in standard models of a laminated material by considering the bending stiffness of the layers. If the couple or moment stresses are assumed to be proportional to the relative deformation gradient, then the bending effect disappears for vanishing interface slip, and the model correctly reduces to an isotropic standard continuum. In earlier Cosserat-type models this was not the case. Laminated materials of the kind considered here occur naturally as layered rock, or at a different scale, in synthetic layered materials and composites. Similarities to the situation in regular dislocation structures with couple stresses, also make these ideas relevant to single slip in crystalline materials. Application of the theory to a one-dimensional model for layered beams demonstrates agreement with exact results at the extremes of zero and infinite interface stiffness. Moreover, comparison with finite element calculations confirm the accuracy of the prediction for intermediate interfacial stiffness.
Techniques and mechanism of doping controlled amounts of various cations into pillared clays without causing precipitation or damages to the pillared layered structures are reviewed and discussed. Transition metals of great interest in catalysis can be doped in the micropores of pillared clay in ionic forms by a two-step process. The micropore structures and surface nature of pillared clays are altered by the introduced cations, and this results in a significant improvement in adsorption properties of the clays. Adsorption of water, air components and organic vapors on cation-doped pillared clays were studied. The effects of the amount and species of cations on the pore structure and adsorption behavior are discussed. It is demonstrated that the presence of doped Ca2+ ions can effectively aides the control of modification of the pillared clays of large pore openings. Controlled cation doping is a simple and powerful tool for improving the adsorption properties of pillared clay.
A novel pore tailoring method is proposed by which the pore-opening sizes of MCM-41 materials can be finely tuned without significant loss in pore volume and surface area.
We report detailed measurements of the interlayer magnetoresistance of the layered organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(SCN)(2) for temperatures down to 0.5 K and fields up to 30 T. The upper critical field is determined from the resistive transition for a wide range of temperatures and field directions. For magnetic fields parallel to the layers, the upper critical field increases approximately linearly with decreasing temperature. The upper critical field at low temperatures is compared to the Pauli paramagnetic limit, at which singlet superconductivity should be destroyed by the Zeeman splitting of the electron spins. The measured value is comparable to a value for the paramagnetic limit calculated from thermodynamic quantities but exceeds the limit calculated from BCS theory. The angular dependence of the upper critical field shows a cusplike feature for fields close to the layers, consistent with decoupled layers.
Depending on the size and shape of the materials, methods employed to achieve effective fluidization during fluid bed drying varies from use of simple hole distributors for small, light weight materials to special techniques for lager and/or moist materials. This paper reviews common air distributors used in fluidized bed drying of food particulates. Also it reviews special methods of fluidizing larger irregular food particulates.
A new isotherm is proposed here for adsorption of condensable vapors and gases on nonporous materials having type II isotherms according to the Brunauer-Deming-Deming-Teller (BDDH) classification. The isotherm combines the recent molecular-continuum model in the multilayer region, with other widely used models for sub-monolayer coverage, some of which satisfy the requirement of a Henry's law asymptote. The model is successfully tested using isotherm data for nitrogen adsorption on nonporous silica, carbon and alumina, as well as benzene and hexane adsorption on nonporous carbon. Based on the data fits, out of several different alternative choices of model for the monolayer region, the Freundlich and the Unilan models are found to be the most successful when combined with the multilayer model to predict the whole isotherm. The hybrid model is consequently applicable over a wide pressure range. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.