982 resultados para Open repositories 2014
Die Molekularbiologie von Menschen ist ein hochkomplexes und vielfältiges Themengebiet, in dem in vielen Bereichen geforscht wird. Der Fokus liegt hier insbesondere auf den Bereichen der Genomik, Proteomik, Transkriptomik und Metabolomik, und Jahre der Forschung haben große Mengen an wertvollen Daten zusammengetragen. Diese Ansammlung wächst stetig und auch für die Zukunft ist keine Stagnation absehbar. Mittlerweile aber hat diese permanente Informationsflut wertvolles Wissen in unüberschaubaren, digitalen Datenbergen begraben und das Sammeln von forschungsspezifischen und zuverlässigen Informationen zu einer großen Herausforderung werden lassen. Die in dieser Dissertation präsentierte Arbeit hat ein umfassendes Kompendium von humanen Geweben für biomedizinische Analysen generiert. Es trägt den Namen medicalgenomics.org und hat diverse biomedizinische Probleme auf der Suche nach spezifischem Wissen in zahlreichen Datenbanken gelöst. Das Kompendium ist das erste seiner Art und sein gewonnenes Wissen wird Wissenschaftlern helfen, einen besseren systematischen Überblick über spezifische Gene oder funktionaler Profile, mit Sicht auf Regulation sowie pathologische und physiologische Bedingungen, zu bekommen. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen verschiedene Abfragemethoden eine effiziente Analyse von signalgebenden Ereignissen, metabolischen Stoffwechselwegen sowie das Studieren der Gene auf der Expressionsebene. Die gesamte Vielfalt dieser Abfrageoptionen ermöglicht den Wissenschaftlern hoch spezialisierte, genetische Straßenkarten zu erstellen, mit deren Hilfe zukünftige Experimente genauer geplant werden können. Infolgedessen können wertvolle Ressourcen und Zeit eingespart werden, bei steigenden Erfolgsaussichten. Des Weiteren kann das umfassende Wissen des Kompendiums genutzt werden, um biomedizinische Hypothesen zu generieren und zu überprüfen.
Il termine Domotica deriva dall’unione dei termini domus e robotics e spazia oltre alle competenze in ambito informatico ed elettronico, avvalendosi dell’architettura e di determinati campi dell’ingegneria come: energetica, edile, dell’ automazione, elettrotecnica, delle telecomunicazioni. La Domotica agevola gli aspetti della quotidianità all’interno dell’ambiente casalingo o, più in generale, di ambienti antropizzati. Questa tesi ha l’intento di spiegare come può essere realizzato un sistema domotizzato casalingo utilizzando dispositivi open-hardware. Inizialmente verranno messi in chiaro i concetti chiave generici di un sistema domotico e verranno discussi i prodotti attualmente in commercio e verrà fatta una piccola introduzione sul concetto di open-hardware. Successivamente verrà discusso il sistema realizzato dandone una panoramica, si esaminerà la strutturazione sia software che hardware e le tecnologie ed i dispositivi utilizzati, per poi enucleare casi d’uso. A seguire le conclusioni.
Valutazione di software open source per la simulazione di banchi di flussaggio stazionari. Analisi dei risultati e confronto con dati sperimentali e con dati ottenuti da un software commerciale. Il toolbox usato è OpenFOAM.
Il lavoro svolto nella presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste nella modellazione e simulazione numerica, tramite il software commericale COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, di un reservoir geotermico a bassa entalpia sfruttato mediante un impianto di teleriscaldamento a pompa di calore accoppiato ad un sistema open-loop.
In Part 1 of this article we discussed the need for information quality and the systematic management of learning materials and learning arrangements. Digital repositories, often called Learning Object Repositories (LOR), were introduced as a promising answer to this challenge. We also derived technological and pedagogical requirements for LORs from a concretization of information quality criteria for e-learning technology. This second part presents technical solutions that particularly address the demands of open education movements, which aspire to a global reuse and sharing culture. From this viewpoint, we develop core requirements for scalable network architectures for educational content management. We then present edu-sharing, an advanced example of a network of homogeneous repositories for learning resources, and discuss related technology. We conclude with an outlook in terms of emerging developments towards open and networked system architectures in e-learning.
The phenomenon of Open Innovation has been gaining prominence over the last decade. Idea competitions have been used in a variety of industrial sectors. Nevertheless, the legal issues raised by this topic have not been broadly addressed, yet. These arise from the adverse interests of the actors. The company which organizes an idea competition would usually like to have the opportunity to comprehensively use the solutions, ideas or products submitted by the competition entrants. For the company it is important to obtain all intellectual property rights in the idea, in the product created as a result and, thus, in the rights to be exploited in the future, in particular, patents, utility models, trademarks, copyrights and registered designs as well as other industrial property rights. The participant would like to participate to the greatest extent possible in the success of the submitted solution. This affects, firstly, the question of fair remuneration or further participation in any profits earned as well as, secondly, any personal rights such as being named as inventor or author. The article aims to show the contractual difficulties which have to be addressed tailoring theterms of an idea competition under German law.
Treatment of open hand injuries: does timing of surgery matter? A single-centre prospective analysis
Background Open-irrigated radiofrequency catheter ablation (oiRFA) of atrial fibrillation (AF) imposes a volume load and risk of pulmonary edema. We sought to assess the effect of volume administration during ablation on left atrial (LA) pressure and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). Methods LA pressure was measured via transseptal sheath at the beginning and end of 44 LA ablation procedures in 42 patients. BNP plasma levels were measured before and after 10 procedures. Results A median of 3,255 (interquartile range [IQR], 2,014)-mL saline was administered during the procedure. During LA ablation, the median fluid balance was +1,438 (IQR, 1,109) mL and LA pressure increased by median 3.7 (IQR, 5.9) mm Hg (P < 0.001). LA pressure did not change in the 19 procedures with furosemide administration (median ΔP = −0.3 [IQR, 7.1] mm Hg, P = 0.334). The correlation of LA pressure and fluid balance was weak (rs = 0.383, P = 0.021). BNP decreased in all four procedures starting in AF or atrial tachycardia and then converting to sinus rhythm (P = 0.068), and increased in all six procedures starting and finishing in sinus rhythm (P = 0.028). After ablation, symptomatic volume overload responding to diuresis occurred in three patients. Conclusions A substantial intravascular volume load during oiRFA can be absorbed with little change in LA pressure, such that LA pressure is not a reliable indicator of the fluid balance. Subsequent redistribution of the volume load imposes a risk after the procedure. Conversion to sinus rhythm may improve ability to acutely accommodate the volume load.
BACKGROUND Open radical cystectomy (ORC) is associated with substantial blood loss and a high incidence of perioperative blood transfusions. Strategies to reduce blood loss and blood transfusion are warranted. OBJECTIVE To determine whether continuous norepinephrine administration combined with intraoperative restrictive hydration with Ringer's maleate solution can reduce blood loss and the need for blood transfusion. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This was a double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, single-centre trial including 166 consecutive patients undergoing ORC with urinary diversion (UD). Exclusion criteria were severe hepatic or renal dysfunction, congestive heart failure, and contraindications to epidural analgesia. INTERVENTION Patients were randomly allocated to continuous norepinephrine administration starting with 2 μg/kg per hour combined with 1 ml/kg per hour until the bladder was removed, then to 3 ml/kg per hour of Ringer's maleate solution (norepinephrine/low-volume group) or 6 ml/kg per hour of Ringer's maleate solution throughout surgery (control group). OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Intraoperative blood loss and the percentage of patients requiring blood transfusions perioperatively were assessed. Data were analysed using nonparametric statistical models. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS Total median blood loss was 800 ml (range: 300-1700) in the norepinephrine/low-volume group versus 1200 ml (range: 400-2800) in the control group (p<0.0001). In the norepinephrine/low-volume group, 27 of 83 patients (33%) required an average of 1.8 U (±0.8) of packed red blood cells (PRBCs). In the control group, 50 of 83 patients (60%) required an average of 2.9 U (±2.1) of PRBCs during hospitalisation (relative risk: 0.54; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.38-0.77; p=0.0006). The absolute reduction in transfusion rate throughout hospitalisation was 28% (95% CI, 12-45). In this study, surgery was performed by three high-volume surgeons using a standardised technique, so whether these significant results are reproducible in other centres needs to be shown. CONCLUSIONS Continuous norepinephrine administration combined with restrictive hydration significantly reduces intraoperative blood loss, the rate of blood transfusions, and the number of PRBC units required per patient undergoing ORC with UD.
AIMS Device-based pacing-induced diaphragmatic stimulation (PIDS) may have therapeutic potential for chronic heart failure (HF) patients. We studied the effects of PIDS on cardiac function and functional outcomes. METHODS AND RESULTS In 24 chronic HF patients with CRT, an additional electrode was attached to the left diaphragm. Randomized into two groups, patients received the following PIDS modes for 3 weeks in a different sequence: (i) PIDS off (control group); (ii) PIDS 0 ms mode (PIDS simultaneously with ventricular CRT pulse); or (iii) PIDS optimized mode (PIDS with optimized delay to ventricular CRT pulse). For PIDS optimization, acoustic cardiography was used. Effects of each PIDS mode on dyspnoea, power during exercise testing, and LVEF were assessed. Dyspnoea improved with the PIDS 0 ms mode (P = 0.057) and the PIDS optimized mode (P = 0.034) as compared with the control group. Maximal power increased from median 100.5 W in the control group to 104.0 W in the PIDS 0 ms mode (P = 0.092) and 109.5 W in the PIDS optimized mode (P = 0.022). Median LVEF was 33.5% in the control group, 33.0% in the PIDS 0 ms mode, and 37.0% in the PIDS optimized mode (P = 0.763 and P = 0.009 as compared with the control group, respectively). PIDS was asymptomatic in all patients. CONCLUSION PIDS improves dyspnoea, working capacity, and LVEF in chronic HF patients over a 3 week period in addition to CRT. This pilot study demonstrates proof of principle of an innovative technology which should be confirmed in a larger sample. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT00769678.
BACKGROUND Telangiectasias of the lower extremities are very common. There are no blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trials comparing laser modalities with the gold standard sclerotherapy, while the few available studies encompass small patients cohorts. OBJECTIVE This prospective, randomized, open-label trial compares the efficacy of sclerotherapy with polidocanol vs. long-pulsed neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG) laser in the treatment of leg telangiectasias. PATIENTS AND METHODS Fifty-six female patients with primary leg telangiectasias and reticular veins (C1A or S Ep AS 1 PN ) were included in the study. One leg was randomly assigned to get treatment with the multiple synchronized long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser, while the other received foam sclerotherapy with polidocanol 0.5%. The patients were treated in two sessions at intervals of 6 weeks. The patients were evaluated by the handling physician after 6 weeks and 6 months. Two investigators assessed blindly at the end of the study the photographs for clearing of the vessels using a six-point scale from 1 (no change) to 6 (100% cleared). Patients reported about pain sensation and outcome satisfaction. RESULTS According to the handling dermatologist, at the last follow-up, there was an improvement of 30-40% with a median of 3 (IQR 2) and a good improvement of 50-70% with a median of 4 (IQR 2) after laser treatment and sclerotherapy respectively. In contrast, according to the blinded investigators, there was a median of 5 (IQR 1) with a very good improvement of >70% after both therapies. Improvement was achieved more quickly by sclerotherapy, although at the last follow-up visit there was no difference in clearance between the two groups as assessed by the blinded experts (P-value 0.84). The degree of patient's satisfaction was very good and similar with both therapeutic approaches. There was a significant difference (P-value 0.003) regarding pain perception between the types of therapy. Laser was felt more painful than sclerotherapy. CONCLUSION Telangiectasias of the lower extremities can be successfully treated with either synchronized long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser or sclerotherapy. The 1064-nm long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser is associated with more pain and is suitable especially in case of needle phobia, allergy to sclerosants and in presence of small veins with telangiectatic matting, while sclerotherapy can also treat the feeder veins.
This introductory chapter briefly introduces a few milestones in the voluminous previous literature on semantic roles, and charts the territory in which the papers of this volume aim to make a contribution. This territory is characterized by fairly disparate conceptualizations of semantic roles and their status in theories of grammar and the lexicon, as well as by diverse and probably complementary ways of deriving or identifying them based on linguistic data. Particular attention is given to the question of how selected roles appear to relate to each other, and we preliminarily address the issue of how roles, subroles, and role complexes are best thought of in general.
BACKGROUND Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP, i.e. ionized air) is an innovating promising tool in reducing bacteria. OBJECTIVE We conducted the first clinical trial with the novel PlasmaDerm(®) VU-2010 device to assess safety and, as secondary endpoints, efficacy and applicability of 45 s/cm(2) cold atmospheric plasma as add-on therapy against chronic venous leg ulcers. METHODS From April 2011 to April 2012, 14 patients were randomized to receive standardized modern wound care (n = 7) or plasma in addition to standard care (n = 7) 3× per week for 8 weeks. The ulcer size was determined weekly (Visitrak(®) , photodocumentation). Bacterial load (bacterial swabs, contact agar plates) and pain during and between treatments (visual analogue scales) were assessed. Patients and doctors rated the applicability of plasma (questionnaires). RESULTS The plasma treatment was safe with 2 SAEs and 77 AEs approximately equally distributed among both groups (P = 0.77 and P = 1.0, Fisher's exact test). Two AEs probably related to plasma. Plasma treatment resulted in a significant reduction in lesional bacterial load (P = 0.04, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). A more than 50% ulcer size reduction was noted in 5/7 and 4/7 patients in the standard and plasma groups, respectively, and a greater size reduction occurred in the plasma group (plasma -5.3 cm(2) , standard: -3.4 cm(2) ) (non-significant, P = 0.42, log-rank test). The only ulcer that closed after 7 weeks received plasma. Patients in the plasma group quoted less pain compared to the control group. The plasma applicability was not rated inferior to standard wound care (P = 0.94, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test). Physicians would recommend (P = 0.06, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) or repeat (P = 0.08, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) plasma treatment by trend. CONCLUSION Cold atmospheric plasma displays favourable antibacterial effects. We demonstrated that plasma treatment with the PlasmaDerm(®) VU-2010 device is safe and effective in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers. Thus, larger controlled trials and the development of devices with larger application surfaces are warranted.