966 resultados para Old age homes - Catalunya - Santpedor
The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) Hole 4C from the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean recovered a continuous 18 m record of Quaternary foraminifera yielding evidence for seasonally ice-free interglacials during the Matuyama, progressive development of large glacials during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) ~1.2-0.9 Ma, and the onset of high-amplitude 100-ka orbital cycles ~500 ka. Foraminiferal preservation in sediments from the Arctic is influenced by primary (sea ice, organic input, and other environmental conditions) and secondary factors (syndepositional, long-term pore water dissolution). Taking these into account, the ACEX 4C record shows distinct maxima in agglutinated foraminiferal abundance corresponding to several interglacials and deglacials between marine isotope stages (MIS) 13-37, and although less precise dating is available for older sediments, these trends appear to continue through the Matuyama. The MPT is characterized by nearly barren intervals during major glacials (MIS 12, 16, and 22-24) and faunal turnover (MIS 12-24). Abundant calcareous planktonic (mainly Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin.) and benthic foraminifers occur mainly in interglacial intervals during the Brunhes and very rarely in the Matuyama. A distinct faunal transition from calcareous to agglutinated foraminifers 200-300 ka in ACEX 4C is comparable to that found in Arctic sediments from the Lomonosov, Alpha, and Northwind ridges and the Morris Jesup Rise. Down-core disappearance of calcareous taxa is probably related to either reduced sea ice cover prior to the last few 100-ka cycles, pore water dissolution, or both.
A relative sea-level curve for the Holocene is constructed for Polyarny on the Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia. The curve is based on 18 radiocarbon dates of isolation contacts, identified from lithological and diatomological criteria, in nine lake basins situated between 12 and 57 m a.s.l. Most of the lakes show a conformable, regressive I-II-III (marine-transitional-freshwater) facies succession, indicating a postglacial history comprising an early (10,000-9000 radiocarbon years BP) phase of rapid, glacio-isostatically induced emergence (~5 cm/year) and a later phase (after 7000 years BP,) having a moderate rate of emergence (<0.5 cm/year). Three lakes together record a phase of very low rate of emergence or slight sea-level rise at a level of ~27 m a.s.l., between 8500 and 7000 years BP, which correlates with the regional Tapes transgression. Pollen stratigraphy in the highest lake shows that the area was deglaciated before the Younger Dryas and that previously reconstructed Younger Dryas glacier margins along the north Kola coast lie too far north
Ice cores provide a record of changes in dust flux to Antarctica, which is thought to reflect changes in atmospheric circulation and environmental conditions in dust source areas (Forster et al., 2007; Diekmann et al. 2000, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00138-3; Winckler et al., 2008, doi:10.1126/science.1150595; Reader et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900033; Mahowald et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900084; Petit et al., 1999, doi:10.1038/20859; 1990, doi:10.1038/343056a0 Delmonte et al., 2009, doi:10.1029/2008GL033382; Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763). Isotopic tracers suggest that South America is the dominant source of the dust (Grousset et al., 1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90177-W; Basile et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(96)00255-5; Gaiero et al., 2007, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.11.003), but it is unclear what led to the variable deposition of dust at concentrations 20-50 times higher than present in glacial-aged ice (Petit et al., 1990, doi:10.1038/343056a0; Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763). Here we characterize the age and composition of Patagonian glacial outwash sediments, to assess the relationship between the Antarctic dust record from Dome C (refs Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763; Wolff et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04614) and Patagonian glacial fluctuations (Sugden et al., 2005; McCulloch et al., 2005, doi:10.1111/j.0435-3676.2005.00260.x; Kaplan et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.09.013) for the past 80,000 years. We show that dust peaks in Antarctica coincide with periods in Patagonia when rivers of glacial meltwater deposited sediment directly onto easily mobilized outwash plains. No dust peaks were noted when the glaciers instead terminated directly into pro-glacial lakes. We thus propose that the variable sediment supply resulting from Patagonian glacial fluctuations may have acted as an on/off switch for Antarctic dust deposition. At the last glacial termination, Patagonian glaciers quickly retreated into lakes, which may help explain why the deglacial decline in Antarctic dust concentrations preceded the main phase of warming, sea-level rise and reduction in Southern Hemisphere sea-ice extent (Wolff et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04614).
Orbital tuning of benthic d18O is a common approach for assigning ages to ocean sediment records. Similar environmental forcing of the northern South China Sea and the southeast Asian cave regions allows for transfer of the speleothem d18O radiometric chronology to the planktonic and benthic d18O records from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1146, yielding a new chronology with 41 radiometrically calibrated datums, spanning the past 350 kyr. This approach also provides for an independent assessment of the accuracy of the orbitally tuned benthic d18O chronology for the last 350 kyr. The largest differences relative to the latest chronology occur in marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.4, 5.5, 6, 7, and 9.3. Prominent suborbital-scale structure believed to be global in nature is identified within MIS 5.4 and MIS 7.2. On the basis of the radiometrically calibrated chronology, the time constant of the ice sheet is found to be 5.4 kyr at the precession band (light d18O lags precession minima by -55.4°) and 10.4 kyr at the obliquity band (light d18O lags obliquity maxima by 57.4°). These values are significantly shorter than the single 17 kyr time constant originally estimated by Imbrie et al. (1984), based primarily on the timing of terminations I and II and the 15 kyr time constant used by Lisiecki and Raymo (2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071).