757 resultados para Occupancy


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El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo profundizar en el comportamiento del mercado de trabajo en regiones donde la principal actividad económica es el turismo mediante el análisis de la información que desde el año 2004 se obtiene a través de la Encuesta de Ocupación Hotelera (EOH) que releva el INDEC. La posibilidad de contar con la EOH, especialmente en aquellas localidades que, por su dimensión no poseen información proveniente de las Encuestas Permanente de Hogares (EPH), abre la posibilidad de que, a través del comportamiento hotelero y para-hotelero, se acceda a una aproximación de la situación ocupacional en esas localidades, donde se presentan serias dificultades durante algunos períodos del año. Aunque la serie de que se dispone es aún breve 'en el mejor de los casos de hasta cinco años', se la analiza mediante técnicas estadísticas para determinación de estacionalidad, como punto de partida para un posterior seguimiento y puesta en discusión de otras alternativas de abordaje. Se trabaja con localidades de manera desagregada, pudiendo advertirse nítidamente las especificidades según la modalidad turística de cada una de ellas y concentrando el comportamiento de las mismas en dos grupos diferentes: a) Localidades con economías de perfiles más diversificadas; b) Localidades con base económica preponderantemente turística. Mediante este análisis se pretende alcanzar algunos resultados que, eventualmente complementados con información de carácter primaria tanto cuantitativa como de carácter más cualitativo, aporten al conocimiento de un mercado de trabajo cuyas especificidades lo tornan complejo y cuyas consecuencias preocupan tanto al sector público como al privado


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El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo profundizar en el comportamiento del mercado de trabajo en regiones donde la principal actividad económica es el turismo mediante el análisis de la información que desde el año 2004 se obtiene a través de la Encuesta de Ocupación Hotelera (EOH) que releva el INDEC. La posibilidad de contar con la EOH, especialmente en aquellas localidades que, por su dimensión no poseen información proveniente de las Encuestas Permanente de Hogares (EPH), abre la posibilidad de que, a través del comportamiento hotelero y para-hotelero, se acceda a una aproximación de la situación ocupacional en esas localidades, donde se presentan serias dificultades durante algunos períodos del año. Aunque la serie de que se dispone es aún breve 'en el mejor de los casos de hasta cinco años', se la analiza mediante técnicas estadísticas para determinación de estacionalidad, como punto de partida para un posterior seguimiento y puesta en discusión de otras alternativas de abordaje. Se trabaja con localidades de manera desagregada, pudiendo advertirse nítidamente las especificidades según la modalidad turística de cada una de ellas y concentrando el comportamiento de las mismas en dos grupos diferentes: a) Localidades con economías de perfiles más diversificadas; b) Localidades con base económica preponderantemente turística. Mediante este análisis se pretende alcanzar algunos resultados que, eventualmente complementados con información de carácter primaria tanto cuantitativa como de carácter más cualitativo, aporten al conocimiento de un mercado de trabajo cuyas especificidades lo tornan complejo y cuyas consecuencias preocupan tanto al sector público como al privado


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El presente trabajo se basa en un análisis de la normativa dispuesta en materia de ordenamiento territorial y usos de suelo de los 23 partidos de la cuenca Parano- Platense que conforman el área de estudio del proyecto en el cual se encuadra el mismo1, considerando el tratamiento específico de áreas afectadas y prevención de las inundaciones. Para ello se ha tenido en cuenta: a) el análisis de la evolución de la regulación del Estado en la ocupación del suelo para el Gran Buenos Aires; b) el registro actualizado de ordenanzas en materia de ordenamiento territorial y Usos del Suelo convalidadas por Poder Ejecutivo (PE) (Nº de ordenanza y el Nº de Decreto del Poder Ejecutivo de convalidación; c) la norma específica (Nº de ordenanza / Nº de decreto del PE) por municipio / por contenido. Los datos para llevar a cabo el estudio de usos de suelo normativos se obtuvieron del nuevo Mapa Interactivo de Ordenamiento Territorial de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, que fue generado por el Ministerio de Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Subsecretaría de Asuntos Municipales. El análisis de la normativa vigente de cada uno de los 23 partidos que abarcan el ámbito de estudio nos permitirá definir estrategias futuras de intervención, las cuales actuarán como instrumento en materia de ordenamiento territorial desde la gestión de cada municipio.


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Aim: Greater understanding of the processes underlying biological invasions is required to determine and predict invasion risk. Two subspecies of olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea and Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata) have been introduced into Australia from the Mediterranean Basin and southern Africa during the 19th century. Our aim was to determine to what extent the native environmental niches of these two olive subspecies explain the current spatial segregation of the subspecies in their non-native range. We also assessed whether niche shifts had occurred in the non-native range, and examined whether invasion was associated with increased or decreased occupancy of niche space in the non-native range relative to the native range. Location: South-eastern Australia, Mediterranean Basin and southern Africa. Methods: Ecological niche models (ENMs) were used to quantify the similarity of native and non-native realized niches. Niche shifts were characterized by the relative contribution of niche expansion, stability and contraction based on the relative occupancy of environmental space by the native and non-native populations. Results: Native ENMs indicated that the spatial segregation of the two subspecies in their non-native range was partly determined by differences in their native niches. However, we found that environmentally suitable niches were less occupied in the non-native range relative to the native range, indicating that niche shifts had occurred through a contraction of the native niches after invasion, for both subspecies. Main conclusions: The mapping of environmental factors associated with niche expansion, stability or contraction allowed us to identify areas of greater invasion risk. This study provides an example of successful invasions that are associated with niche shifts, illustrating that introduced plant species are sometimes readily able to establish in novel environments. In these situations the assumption of niche stasis during invasion, which is implicitly assumed by ENMs, may be unreasonable.


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Documenting changes in distribution is necessary for understanding species' response to environmental changes, but data on species distributions are heterogeneous in accuracy and resolution. Combining different data sources and methodological approaches can fill gaps in knowledge about the dynamic processes driving changes in species-rich, but data-poor regions. We combined recent bird survey data from the Neotropical Biodiversity Mapping Initiative (NeoMaps) with historical distribution records to estimate potential changes in the distribution of eight species of Amazon parrots in Venezuela. Using environmental covariates and presence-only data from museum collections and the literature, we first used maximum likelihood to fit a species distribution model (SDM) estimating a historical maximum probability of occurrence for each species. We then used recent, NeoMaps survey data to build single-season occupancy models (OM) with the same environmental covariates, as well as with time- and effort-dependent detectability, resulting in estimates of the current probability of occurrence. We finally calculated the disagreement between predictions as a matrix of probability of change in the state of occurrence. Our results suggested negative changes for the only restricted, threatened species, Amazona barbadensis, which has been independently confirmed with field studies. Two of the three remaining widespread species that were detected, Amazona amazonica, Amazona ochrocephala, also had a high probability of negative changes in northern Venezuela, but results were not conclusive for Amazona farinosa. The four remaining species were undetected in recent field surveys; three of these were most probably absent from the survey locations (Amazona autumnalis, Amazona mercenaria and Amazona festiva), while a fourth (Amazona dufresniana) requires more intensive targeted sampling to estimate its current status. Our approach is unique in taking full advantage of available, but limited data, and in detecting a high probability of change even for rare and patchily-distributed species. However, it is presently limited to species meeting the strong assumptions required for maximum-likelihood estimation with presence-only data, including very high detectability and representative sampling of its historical distribution.


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Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) to northern Cascadia recovered gas-hydrate bearing sediments along a SW-NE transect from the first ridge of the accretionary margin to the eastward limit of gas-hydrate stability. In this study we contrast the gas gas-hydrate distribution from two sites drilled ~ 8 km apart in different tectonic settings. At Site U1325, drilled on a depositional basin with nearly horizontal sedimentary sequences, the gas-hydrate distribution shows a trend of increasing saturation toward the base of gas-hydrate stability, consistent with several model simulations in the literature. Site U1326 was drilled on an uplifted ridge characterized by faulting, which has likely experienced some mass wasting events. Here the gas hydrate does not show a clear depth-distribution trend, the highest gas-hydrate saturation occurs well within the gas-hydrate stability zone at the shallow depth of ~ 49 mbsf. Sediments at both sites are characterized by abundant coarse-grained (sand) layers up to 23 cm in thickness, and are interspaced within fine-grained (clay and silty clay) detrital sediments. The gas-hydrate distribution is punctuated by localized depth intervals of high gas-hydrate saturation, which preferentially occur in the coarse-grained horizons and occupy up to 60% of the pore space at Site U1325 and > 80% at Site U1326. Detailed analyses of contiguous samples of different lithologies show that when enough methane is present, about 90% of the variance in gas-hydrate saturation can be explained by the sand (> 63 µm) content of the sediments. The variability in gas-hydrate occupancy of sandy horizons at Site U1326 reflects an insufficient methane supply to the sediment section between 190 and 245 mbsf.


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The paper presents first results of a pan-boreal scale land cover harmonization and classification. A methodology is presented that combines global and regional vegetation datasets to extract percentage cover information for different vegetation physiognomy and barren for the pan-arctic region within the ESA Data User Element Permafrost. Based on the legend description of each land cover product the datasets are harmonized into four LCCS (Land Cover Classification System) classifiers which are linked to the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Field (VCF) product. Harmonized land cover and Vegetation Continuous Fields products are combined to derive a best estimate of percentage cover information for trees, shrubs, herbaceous and barren areas for Russia. Future work will concentrate on the expansion of the developed methodology to the pan-arctic scale. Since the vegetation builds an isolation layer, which protects the permafrost from heat and cold temperatures, a degradation of this layer due to fire strongly influences the frozen conditions in the soil. Fire is an important disturbance factor which affects vast processes and dynamics in ecosystems (e.g. biomass, biodiversity, hydrology, etc.). Especially in North Eurasia the fire occupancy has dramatically increased in the last 50 years and has doubled in the 1990s with respect to the last five decades. A comparison of global and regional fire products has shown discrepancies between the amounts of burn scars detected by different algorithms and satellite data.