998 resultados para Obesity -- Teenagers -- Girona


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BACKGROUND: Obesity is strongly associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) and various other diseases. Genome-wide association studies have identified multiple risk loci robustly associated with body mass index (BMI). In this study, we aimed to investigate whether a genetic risk score (GRS) combining multiple BMI risk loci might have utility in prediction of obesity in patients with MDD. METHODS: Linear and logistic regression models were conducted to predict BMI and obesity, respectively, in three independent large case-control studies of major depression (Radiant, GSK-Munich, PsyCoLaus). The analyses were first performed in the whole sample and then separately in depressed cases and controls. An unweighted GRS was calculated by summation of the number of risk alleles. A weighted GRS was calculated as the sum of risk alleles at each locus multiplied by their effect sizes. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to compare the discriminatory ability of predictors of obesity. RESULTS: In the discovery phase, a total of 2,521 participants (1,895 depressed patients and 626 controls) were included from the Radiant study. Both unweighted and weighted GRS were highly associated with BMI (P <0.001) but explained only a modest amount of variance. Adding 'traditional' risk factors to GRS significantly improved the predictive ability with the area under the curve (AUC) in the ROC analysis, increasing from 0.58 to 0.66 (95% CI, 0.62-0.68; χ(2) = 27.68; P <0.0001). Although there was no formal evidence of interaction between depression status and GRS, there was further improvement in AUC in the ROC analysis when depression status was added to the model (AUC = 0.71; 95% CI, 0.68-0.73; χ(2) = 28.64; P <0.0001). We further found that the GRS accounted for more variance of BMI in depressed patients than in healthy controls. Again, GRS discriminated obesity better in depressed patients compared to healthy controls. We later replicated these analyses in two independent samples (GSK-Munich and PsyCoLaus) and found similar results. CONCLUSIONS: A GRS proved to be a highly significant predictor of obesity in people with MDD but accounted for only modest amount of variance. Nevertheless, as more risk loci are identified, combining a GRS approach with information on non-genetic risk factors could become a useful strategy in identifying MDD patients at higher risk of developing obesity.


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Es van realitzar un seguit d’assaigs de fertilització nitrogenada a les comarques de Girona i Barcelona, generalment més humides que les àrees on es van realitzar els assaigs per Sió et al., en aquest mateix volum. Els mètodes assajats van ser els del nitrogen mineral al sòl i el del contingut de nitrats a la base de les tiges (CNSBT). Per al conjunt de sòls i situacions contenido de nitratos en la base de los assajades el mètode del nitrogen mineral s'ha mostrat com una eina molt adequada per planificar l’adobat de cobertora. El mètode del CNSBT també es revela com una eina útil, especialment per a les situacions en què el cultiu té suficient nitrogen disponible al sòl; en altres tot i la seva relació amb el N mínim hi ha casos en què dóna resultats contradictoris que requereixen més recerca .


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MAF1 is a global repressor of RNA polymerase III transcription that regulates the expression of highly abundant noncoding RNAs in response to nutrient availability and cellular stress. Thus, MAF1 function is thought to be important for metabolic economy. Here we show that a whole-body knockout of Maf1 in mice confers resistance to diet-induced obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by reducing food intake and increasing metabolic inefficiency. Energy expenditure in Maf1(-/-) mice is increased by several mechanisms. Precursor tRNA synthesis was increased in multiple tissues without significant effects on mature tRNA levels, implying increased turnover in a futile tRNA cycle. Elevated futile cycling of hepatic lipids was also observed. Metabolite profiling of the liver and skeletal muscle revealed elevated levels of many amino acids and spermidine, which links the induction of autophagy in Maf1(-/-) mice with their extended life span. The increase in spermidine was accompanied by reduced levels of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase, which promotes polyamine synthesis, enables nicotinamide salvage to regenerate NAD(+), and is associated with obesity resistance. Consistent with this, NAD(+) levels were increased in muscle. The importance of MAF1 for metabolic economy reveals the potential for MAF1 modulators to protect against obesity and its harmful consequences.


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L'herbari de la UdG consta de més de 12.000 plecs de plantes vasculars i 3.200 d'algues bentòniques marines, actualment en procés d' informatització mitjançant FilcMaker Pro 2.0 per Macintosh. S'ha elaborat un programa anomenat HGI que permet utilitzar el fitxer tesaurus TEFLORA del programa BDORCA (Font, 1992), corresponent al catàleg de plantes vasculars dels Països Catalans. Al fitxer, s'hi han afegit nous camps corn la família, la forma vital i la corologia. L'estructuració d'aquest programa permet, a més de les funcions pròpies de gestió d'un herbari, el traspàs de la inforrnació introduïda a la base de dades BDORCA


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The Transtheoretical Model of behaviour change is currently one of the most promising models in terms of understanding and promoting behaviour change related to the acquisition of healthy living habits. By means of a bibliographic search of papers adopting a TTM approach to obesity, the present bibliometric study enables the scientific output in this field to be evaluated. The results obtained reveal a growing interest in applying this model to both the treatment of obesity and its prevention. Otherwise, author and journal outputs fit the models proposed by Lotka and Bradford, respectively.


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Los sistemas de información sobre investigación y actividad científica de las universidades permiten complementar los datos que ofrecen las bases de datos multidisciplinares internacionales tales como WoS o Scopus, especialmente en disciplinas cuya cobertura no es suficientemente exhaustiva. En el presente estudio se analizan algunas características sobre los artículos y revistas publicados en las áreas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades por profesores e investigadores de dos universidades catalanas. Los datos han sido extraídos a partir de bases de datos que permiten el acceso libre a los registros de la producción de ambas instituciones académicas. Se concluye la importancia del acceso abierto a este tipo de registros además de la existencia de diferencias entre las áreas de conocimiento en aspectos tales como calidad, nivel de colaboración, porcentaje de divulgación, idioma de publicación, aunque existe una tendencia general a un mayor uso relativo de la lengua inglesa.


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En el presente trabajo se describen.16 especies de Euthyneura procedentes del Plioceno ael Empordh. Girona. Para ello se ha tenido en cuenta tanto el material nuevo como el procedente de las colecciones ya existentes, Cuando el numero dc individuos lo ha permitido, la descripcion ha sido acompañada por los siguientes datos numericos: valor maximo (M), minimo (m), media (x). desviación tipica (S). varianza (s2). intervalos media y varianza. asi como elcoeficiente de correlación (r).


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Extreme weight conditions (EWC) groups along a continuum may share some biological risk factors and intermediate neurocognitive phenotypes. A core cognitive trait in EWC appears to be executive dysfunction, with a focus on decision making, response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Differences between individuals in these areas are likely to contribute to the differences in vulnerability to EWC. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a common pattern of executive dysfunction in EWC while comparing anorexia nervosa patients (AN), obese subjects (OB) and healthy eating/weight controls (HC).