916 resultados para Nurse -patient relations


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OBJECTIVE: To report a case of bilateral giant renal angiomyolipoma associated with tuberous sclerosis, with successful treatment, and to review the literature concerning angiomyolipoma treatment. CASE REPORT: Patient with tuberous sclerosis and angiomyolipoma diagnosed by ultrasonography during her pregnancy. At that time, the angiomyolipoma on the right side was 9 cm in diameter. Conservative management was selected during her pregnancy. The patient returned 7 years later, with a 24.7 x 19.2 x 10.7 cm tumor on the right side and another of 13 x 11.5 x 6.5 cm on the left side, in addition to multiple small angiomyolipomas. A nephron-sparing surgery with tumoral enucleation was performed on the right side, and after 3 months, the tumor on the left side was removed. Renal function in the post-operative period was preserved, and contrast medium progression was uniform and adequate in both kidneys. CONCLUSION: We conclude that an angiomyolipoma larger than 4 cm should be removed surgically, since they have a greater growth rate and pose a risk of hemorrhage. Resection of smaller tumors is safe and has decreased morbidity. Tumoral enucleation is an effective treatment method that preserves kidney function.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of management plans and decision-making processes for terminal care patients in pediatric intensive care units. METHODOLOGY: Evidence-based medicine was done by a systematic review using an electronic data base (LILACS, 1982 through 2000) and (MEDLINE, 1966 through 2000). The key words used are listed and age limits (0 to 18 years) were used. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty two articles were found and after selection according to the exclusion/inclusion criteria and objectives 17 relevant papers were identified. The most common decisions found were do-not-resuscitation orders and withdrawal or withholding life support care. The justifications for these were "imminent death" and "unsatisfatory quality of life". CONCLUSION: Care management was based on ethical principles aiming at improving benefits, avoiding harm, and when possible, respecting the autonomy of the terminally ill patient.


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This work presents an improved model to solve the non-emergency patients transport (NEPT) service issues given the new rules recently established in Portugal. The model follows the same principle of the Team Orienteering Problem by selecting the patients to be included in the routes attending the maximum reduction in costs when compared with individual transportation. This model establishes the best sets of patients to be transported together. The model was implemented in AMPL and a compact formulation was solved using NEOS Server. A heuristic procedure based on iteratively solving Orienteering Problems is presented, and this heuristic provides good results in terms of accuracy and computation time. Euclidean instances as well as asymmetric real data gathered from Google maps were used, and the model has a promising performance mainly with asymmetric cost matrices.


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The Childhood protection is a subject with high value for the society, but, the Child Abuse cases are difficult to identify. The process from suspicious to accusation is very difficult to achieve. It must configure very strong evidences. Typically, Health Care services deal with these cases from the beginning where there are evidences based on the diagnosis, but they aren’t enough to promote the accusation. Besides that, this subject it’s highly sensitive because there are legal aspects to deal with such as: the patient privacy, paternity issues, medical confidentiality, among others. We propose a Child Abuses critical knowledge monitor system model that addresses this problem. This decision support system is implemented with a multiple scientific domains: to capture of tokens from clinical documents from multiple sources; a topic model approach to identify the topics of the documents; knowledge management through the use of ontologies to support the critical knowledge sensibility concepts and relations such as: symptoms, behaviors, among other evidences in order to match with the topics inferred from the clinical documents and then alert and log when clinical evidences are present. Based on these alerts clinical personnel could analyze the situation and take the appropriate procedures.


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In Intensive Medicine, the presentation of medical information is done in many ways, depending on the type of data collected and stored. The way in which the information is presented can make it difficult for intensivists to quickly understand the patient's condition. When there is the need to cross between several types of clinical data sources the situation is even worse. This research seeks to explore a new way of presenting information about patients, based on the timeframe in which events occur. By developing an interactive Patient Timeline, intensivists will have access to a new environment in real-time where they can consult the patient clinical history and the data collected until the moment. The medical history will be available from the moment in which patients is admitted in the ICU until discharge, allowing intensivist to examine data regarding vital signs, medication, exams, among others. This timeline also intends to, through the use of information and models produced by the INTCare system, combine several clinical data in order to help diagnose the future patients’ conditions. This platform will help intensivists to make more accurate decision. This paper presents the first approach of the solution designed


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The occurrence of Barotrauma is identified as a major concern for health professionals, since it can be fatal for patients. In order to support the decision process and to predict the risk of occurring barotrauma Data Mining models were induced. Based on this principle, the present study addresses the Data Mining process aiming to provide hourly probability of a patient has Barotrauma. The process of discovering implicit knowledge in data collected from Intensive Care Units patientswas achieved through the standard process Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. With the goal of making predictions according to the classification approach they several DM techniques were selected: Decision Trees, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine. The study was focused on identifying the validity and viability to predict a composite variable. To predict the Barotrauma two classes were created: “risk” and “no risk”. Such target come from combining two variables: Plateau Pressure and PCO2. The best models presented a sensitivity between 96.19% and 100%. In terms of accuracy the values varied between 87.5% and 100%. This study and the achieved results demonstrated the feasibility of predicting the risk of a patient having Barotrauma by presenting the probability associated.


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Os cuidadores informais têm de lidar com situações potencialmente causadoras de stress e Sobrecarga. Uma amostra com 120 cuidadores de Dependentes de Substâncias, residentes em Portugal, completou uma bateria de questionários que incluía o BDI (Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961; McIntyre & Araújo-Soares, 1999), BSI (Canavarro, 1999; Derogatis, 1975, 1993), CRA (Given, et al., 1992), WHOQOL – Bref (Fleck, 2000; Vaz Serra, et al., 2006) e o IESSS (Ensel & Woelfel, 1986; Faria, 1999). De seguida, os participantes foram distribuídos por três grupos (G1, G2 e G3), dependendo do tempo de abstinência do familiar a quem prestavam cuidados. O estudo explorou a relação entre diversas variáveis clínicas e psicológicas e o suporte social nesses cuidadores. Os resultados revelaram que a coabitação com o paciente, o distress psicológico, a qualidade de vida (relações sociais e psicológica) e a sobrecarga são preditores, do suporte social explicando 48% da variância observada. O modelo de mediação demonstrou que o suporte social é um mediador parcial da relação entre o distress e a sobrecarga, explicando 60% da variância observada. Deste modo, verifica-se a importância de intervir no suporte social no sentido de diminuir o impacto do distress e sobrecarga nos cuidadores.


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The theory of orthogonal polynomials of one real or complex variable is well established as well as its generalization for the multidimensional case. Hypercomplex function theory (or Clifford analysis) provides an alternative approach to deal with higher dimensions. In this context, we study systems of orthogonal polynomials of a hypercomplex variable with values in a Clifford algebra and prove some of their properties.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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Dissertação de mestrado em Enfermagem da Pessoa em Situação Crítica


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Let V be an infinite-dimensional vector space and for every infinite cardinal n such that n≤dimV, let AE(V,n) denote the semigroup of all linear transformations of V whose defect is less than n. In 2009, Mendes-Gonçalves and Sullivan studied the ideal structure of AE(V,n). Here, we consider a similarly-defined semigroup AE(X,q) of transformations defined on an infinite set X. Quite surprisingly, the results obtained for sets differ substantially from the results obtained in the linear setting.


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Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Two polymorphisms in the TGF-ß1 gene (-509C/T and 869T/C) were described to influence susceptibility to gastric and breast cancers. The 869T/C polymorphism was also associated with overall survival in breast cancer patients. In the present study, we investigated the relevance of these TGF-ß1 polymorphism in glioma risk and prognosis. A case-control study that included 114 glioma patients and 138 cancer-free controls was performed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI). The influence of TGF-ß1 -509C/T and 869T/C polymorphisms on glioma patient survival was evaluated by a Cox regression model adjusted for patients' age and sex and represented in Kaplan-Meier curves. Our results demonstrated that TGF-ß1 gene polymorphisms -509C/T and 869T/C are not significantly associated with glioma risk. Survival analyses showed that the homozygous -509TT genotype associates with longer overall survival of glioblastoma (GBM) patients when compared with patients carrying CC + CT genotypes (OR, 2.41; 95 % CI, 1.06-5.50; p = 0.036). In addition, the homozygous 869CC genotype is associated with increased overall survival of GBM patients when compared with 869TT + TC genotypes (OR, 2.62; 95 % CI, 1.11-6.17; p = 0.027). In conclusion, this study suggests that TGF-ß1 -509C/T and 869T/C polymorphisms are not significantly associated with risk for developing gliomas but may be relevant prognostic biomarkers in GBM patients.


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Cotard Syndrome without Depressive Symptoms in a Schizophrenic Patient