910 resultados para Nucleic acids.
O câncer do colo do útero constitui a terceira neoplasia maligna mais comum na população feminina, com aproximadamente 520 mil novos casos e 260 mil óbitos por ano e origina-se a partir da infecção genital persistente pelo Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV) oncogênico. Os principais HPVs considerados de alto risco oncogênico são os tipos HPV-16 e 18, responsáveis por cerca de 70% de todos os casos de cânceres cervicais (CC) no mundo. Pacientes com CC apresentam taxa de recidiva variando de 8% a 49%. Dentro de dois anos de seguimento, 62% a 89% das recidivas são detectadas. Atualmente, os testes usados para detecção de recidiva são a citopatologia da cúpula vaginal e exames de imagem, porém ainda não estão disponíveis testes específicos. O DNA livre-circulante (cf-DNA) representa um biomarcador não-invasivo facilmente obtido no plasma e soro. Vários estudos mostram ser possível detectar e quantificar ácidos nucléicos no plasma de pacientes com câncer e que as alterações no cfDNA potencialmente refletem mudanças que ocorrem durante a tumorigênese. Essa ferramenta diagnóstica não-invasiva pode ser útil no rastreio, prognóstico e monitoramento da resposta ao tratamento do câncer. Portanto, o desenvolvimento e a padronização de testes laboratoriais não invasivos capazes de identificar marcadores tumorais e diagnosticar precocemente a recidiva da doença aumentam a chance de cura através da utilização dos tratamentos preconizados. Sendo assim, este estudo tem o objetivo de detectar o DNA de HPV no plasma de pacientes com CC para avaliar sua potencial utilidade como marcador precoce de recidiva. Um fragmento de tumor e sangue de pacientes com CC, atendidas no ICESP e HC de Barretos, foram coletados antes do tratamento. Entraram no estudo 137 pacientes nas quais o tumor foi positivo para HPV-16 ou 18, sendo 120 amostras positivas para HPV-16 (87,6%), 12 positivas para HPV-18 (8,8%) e cinco positivas para HPV-16 e 18 (3,6%). A média de idade das pacientes deste estudo foi de 52,5 anos. Plasma de 131 pacientes com CC da data do diagnóstico e de 110 pacientes do seguimento foram submetidas ao PCR em Tempo Real HPV tipo específico. A presença do DNA de HPV no plasma pré-tratamento foi observada em 58,8% (77/131) com carga viral variando de 204 cópias/mL a 2.500.000 cópias/mL. A positividade de DNA no plasma pré-tratamento aumentou com o estadio clínico do tumor: I - 45,2%, II - 52,5%, III - 80,0% e IV - 76,9%, (p=0,0189). A presença do DNA de HPV no plasma pós-tratamento foi observada em 27,3% (30/110). A média de tempo das recidivas foi de 3,1 anos (2,7 - 3,5 anos). O DNA de HPV foi positivo até 460 dias antes do diagnóstico clínico da recidiva. As pacientes com DNA de HPV no plasma apresentaram pior prognóstico, tanto sobrevida como o tempo livre de doença, em relação às que foram negativas. Nas pacientes com CC a presença de HPV no plasma de seguimento pode ser um marcador precoce útil para o monitoramento da resposta terapêutica e detecção de pacientes com risco aumentado de recidiva e progressão da doença.
Unit 7. Structure and function of nucleic acids
Malgré que le contenu des génomes mitochondriaux animaux soit dit bien conservé, des nouveaux gènes mitochondriaux ont été identifiés chez plusieurs espèces, surtout des invertébrés. Par exemple, les bivalves exhibant la double transmission uniparentale de leurs génomes mitochondriaux possèdent des nouveaux gènes spécifiques au sexe (M-ORF dans l’ADN de type M, F-ORF dans l’ADN de type F) qui ont été caractérisés in silico chez trois espèces de l’ordre Mytiloida, une espèce de Veneroida et une espèce de Unionoida par une précédente étude. Même si les séquences varient beaucoup entre ces trois ordres, cette étude à montré que des hélices transmembranaires ainsi que des peptides signaux sont conservés pour toutes les séquences. L’étude a aussi montré que les nouveaux gènes pourraient avoir des rôles dans la signalisation cellulaire, le cycle cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire et qu’ils pourraient être le résultat de l’endogénisation de l’ADN viral. Le projet présenté ici a pour but de mieux caractériser ces nouveaux gènes et leur origine potentielle, en plus d’étudier le H-ORF particulier aux hermaphrodites, en ciblant les espèces des unionidés. Les résultats montrent que les hélices transmembranaires et peptides signaux sont conservés chez les unionidés, les protéines semblent être associées à la membrane et être capables de lier des acides nucléiques et protéines, et les fonctions potentielles sont conservées. Les M-ORFs semblent avoir un rôle dans le transport et des processus cellulaires tels que la signalisation, le cycle cellulaire et la division, et l’organisation du cytosquelette. Les F-ORFs semblent être impliqués dans le trafic et transport cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire. Finalement, les H-ORFs semblent être des glycoprotéines structurales avec des rôles dans la signalisation, le transport et la transcription. Les résultats de ce projet pourraient supporter une origine virale ou mitochondriale pour ces gènes.
The involvement of A to I RNA editing in antiviral responses was first indicated by the observation of genomic hyper-mutation for several RNA viruses in the course of persistent infections. However, in only a few cases an antiviral role was ever demonstrated and surprisingly, it turns out that ADARs - the RNA editing enzymes - may have a prominent pro-viral role through the modulation/down-regulation of the interferon response. A key role in this regulatory function of RNA editing is played by ADAR1, an interferon inducible RNA editing enzyme. A distinguishing feature of ADAR1, when compared with other ADARs, is the presence of a Z-DNA binding domain, Zalpha. Since the initial discovery of the specific and high affinity binding of Zalpha to CpG repeats in a left-handed helical conformation, other proteins, all related to the interferon response pathway, were shown to have similar domains throughout the vertebrate lineage. What is the biological function of this domain family remains unclear but a significant body of work provides pieces of a puzzle that points to an important role of Zalpha domains in the recognition of foreign nucleic acids in the cytoplasm by the innate immune system. Here we will provide an overview of our knowledge on ADAR1 function in interferon response with emphasis on Zalpha domains.
Malgré que le contenu des génomes mitochondriaux animaux soit dit bien conservé, des nouveaux gènes mitochondriaux ont été identifiés chez plusieurs espèces, surtout des invertébrés. Par exemple, les bivalves exhibant la double transmission uniparentale de leurs génomes mitochondriaux possèdent des nouveaux gènes spécifiques au sexe (M-ORF dans l’ADN de type M, F-ORF dans l’ADN de type F) qui ont été caractérisés in silico chez trois espèces de l’ordre Mytiloida, une espèce de Veneroida et une espèce de Unionoida par une précédente étude. Même si les séquences varient beaucoup entre ces trois ordres, cette étude à montré que des hélices transmembranaires ainsi que des peptides signaux sont conservés pour toutes les séquences. L’étude a aussi montré que les nouveaux gènes pourraient avoir des rôles dans la signalisation cellulaire, le cycle cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire et qu’ils pourraient être le résultat de l’endogénisation de l’ADN viral. Le projet présenté ici a pour but de mieux caractériser ces nouveaux gènes et leur origine potentielle, en plus d’étudier le H-ORF particulier aux hermaphrodites, en ciblant les espèces des unionidés. Les résultats montrent que les hélices transmembranaires et peptides signaux sont conservés chez les unionidés, les protéines semblent être associées à la membrane et être capables de lier des acides nucléiques et protéines, et les fonctions potentielles sont conservées. Les M-ORFs semblent avoir un rôle dans le transport et des processus cellulaires tels que la signalisation, le cycle cellulaire et la division, et l’organisation du cytosquelette. Les F-ORFs semblent être impliqués dans le trafic et transport cellulaire et la réponse immunitaire. Finalement, les H-ORFs semblent être des glycoprotéines structurales avec des rôles dans la signalisation, le transport et la transcription. Les résultats de ce projet pourraient supporter une origine virale ou mitochondriale pour ces gènes.
Vertical distributions of benthic denitrification and anammox rates within the sediment were estimated from slurry incubation experiments. Rates were used to calculate the contribution of anammox and denitrification to the total N-loss. Briefly, MUC sediment cores were sliced in 2 cm intervals and the sediment was diluted and incubated with degassed bottom water in a gas tight bag. After pre-incubating the bags for 2 h, 15N-labeled substrates were injected into the bags and the slurries were thoroughly mixed. Incubations were performed in the dark at in situ temperatures. The N2 isotope ratio (28N2, 29N2, and 30N2) was determined by gas chromatography-isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (VG Optima, Micromass) and calculated according to Kuypers et al. (2005) and Holtappels et al. (2011), respectively.Furthermore, total organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations were measured of core sediment layers corresponding to those used for rate measurements. Concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen were determined by combustion/gas chromatography (Carlo Erba NA-1500 CNS analyzer) of dried sediment samples after acidification. The same sediment layer were also used to extract nucleic acids. The concentrations of the DNA in the samples were measured spectrophotometrically with a NanoDrop instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). The biomarker functional gene nirS, encoding the cd1-containing nitrite reductase, for both denitrifiers and marine anammox bacteria were quantified with real-time PCR, using the primers cd3aF/R3cd (5'-GTSAACGTSAAGGARACSGG-3' (Michotey et al., 2000)/5'-GASTTCGGRTGSGTCTTGA-3'; Throback et al., 2004) and Scnir372F/Scnir845R (5'-TGTAGCCAGCATTGTAGCGT-3'/5'-TCAAGCCAGACCCATTTGCT-3'; Lam et al., 2009).
Use of PCR in the field of molecular diagnostics has increased to the point where it is now accepted as the standard method for detecting nucleic acids from a number of sample and microbial types. However, conventional PCR was already an essential tool in the research laboratory. Real-time PCR has catalysed wider acceptance of PCR because it is more rapid, sensitive and reproducible, while the risk of carryover contamination is minimised. There is an increasing number of chemistries which are used to detect PCR products as they accumulate within a closed reaction vessel during real-time PCR. These include the non-specific DNA-binding fluorophores and the specific, fluorophore-labelled oligonucleotide probes, some of which will be discussed in detail. It is not only the technology that has changed with the introduction of real-time PCR. Accompanying changes have occurred in the traditional terminology of PCR, and these changes will be highlighted as they occur. Factors that have restricted the development of multiplex real-time PCR, as well as the role of real-time PCR in the quantitation and genotyping of the microbial causes of infectious disease, will also be discussed. Because the amplification hardware and the fluorogenic detection chemistries have evolved rapidly, this review aims to update the scientist on the current state of the art. Additionally, the advantages, limitations and general background of real-time PCR technology will be reviewed in the context of the microbiology laboratory.
DNA Microarray is a powerful tool to measure the level of a mixed population of nucleic acids at one time, which has great impact in many aspects of life sciences research. In order to distinguish nucleic acids with very similar composition by hybridization, it is necessary to design microarray probes with high specificities and sensitivities. Highly specific probes correspond to probes having unique DNA sequences; whereas highly sensitive probes correspond to those with melting temperature within a desired range and having no secondary structure. The selection of these probes from a set of functional DNA sequences (exons) constitutes a computationally expensive discrete non-linear search problem. We delegate the search task to a simple yet effective Evolution Strategy algorithm. The computational efficiency is also greatly improved by making use of an available bioinformatics tool.
Although the key components of the cellular nuclear transport machinery have largely been characterized through extensive efforts in recent years, in vivo measurements of the kinetics of nuclear protein import/export are patently few. The present study applies the approach of FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) to examine the nucleocytoplasmic flux of a novel human VDRB1 (vitamin D receptor B I) isoform in living cells. Through an N-terminal extension containing a consensus nuclear targeting sequence, VDRB1 is capable of localizing in nuclear speckles adjacent to SC-35 (35 kDa splicing component)containing speckles as well as in the nucleoplasm, dependent on ligand. Investigation of VDRB1 nucleocytoplasmic transport using FRAP indicates for the first time that the VDRB1 has a serum-modulated, active nuclear-import mechanism. There is no evidence of an efficient, active export mechanism for VDRB1, probably as a result of nuclear retention. VDRB1 nuclear import in the absence of serum occurred more rapidly and to a greater extent to nuclear speckles compared with import to other nuclear sites. This preferential transport from the cytoplasm to and accumulation within nuclear speckles is consistent with the idea that the latter represent dynamic centres of VDRB1 interaction with other nuclear proteins. The results are consistent with the existence of specialized pathways to target proteins to nuclear subdomains.
Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), the protein defective in ataxia-telangiectasia, plays a central role in DNA damage response and signaling to cell cycle checkpoints. We describe here a cell line from a patient with an ataxia-telangiectasia-like clinical phenotype defective in the p53 response to radiation but with normal ATM activation and efficient downstream phosphorylation of other ATM substrates. No mutations were detected in ATM cDNA. A normal level of interaction between p53 and peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase Pin1 suggests that posttranslational modification was intact in these cells but operating at reduced level. Defective p53 stabilization was accompanied by defective induction of p53 effector genes and failure to induce apoptosis in response to DNA-damaging agents. Continued association between p53 and murine double minute-2 (Mdm2) occurred in irradiated ATL2ABR cells in response to DNA damage, and incubation with Mdm2 antagonists, nutlins, increased the stabilization of p53 and its transcriptional activity but failed to induce apoptosis. These results suggest that ATM-dependent stabilization of p53 and induction of apoptosis by radiation involve an additional factor(s) that is defective in ATL2ABR cells.
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multitasking protein involved in RNA packaging, alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. telomere maintenance, cytoplasmic RNA trafficking, and translation. It binds short segments of single-stranded nucleic acids, including the A2RE11 RNA element that is necessary and sufficient for cytoplasmic transport of a subset of rnRNAs in oligodendrocytes and neurons. We have explored the structures of hnRNP A2, its RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and Gly-rich module, and the RRM complexes with A2RE11. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that the secondary structure of the first 189 residues of hnRNP A2 parallels that of the tandem beta alpha beta beta alpha beta RRMs of its paralogue, hnRNP A1, previously deduced from X-ray diffraction studies. The unusual GRD was shown to have substantial beta-sheet and beta-turn structure. Sedimentation equilibrium and circular dichroism results were consistent with the tandem RRM region being monomeric and supported earlier evidence for the binding of two A2RE11 oligoribonucleotides to this domain, in contrast to the protein dimer formed by the complex of hnRNP A1 with the telomeric ssDNA repeat. A three-dimensional structure for the N-terminal, two-RRM-containing segment of hnRNP A2 was derived by homology modeling. This structure was used to derive a model for the complex with A2RE11 using the previously described interaction of pairs of stacked nucleotides with aromatic residues on the RRM beta-sheet platforms, conserved in other RRM-RNA complexes, together with biochemical data and molecular dynamics-based observations of inter-RRM mobility.
Kunjin virus is a member of the Flavivirus genus and is an Australian variant of West Nile virus. The C-terminal domain of the Kunjin virus NS3 protein displays helicase activity. The protein is thought to separate daughter and template RNA strands, assisting the initiation of replication by unwinding RNA secondary structure in the 3' nontranslated region. Expression, purification and preliminary crystallographic characterization of the NS3 helicase domain are reported. It is shown that Kunjin virus helicase may adopt a dimeric assembly in absence of nucleic acids, oligomerization being a means to provide the helicases with multiple nucleic acid-binding capability, facilitating translocation along the RNA strands. Kunjin virus NS3 helicase domain is an attractive model for studying the molecular mechanisms of flavivirus replication, while simultaneously providing a new basis for the rational development of anti-flaviviral compounds.
Mutations in the ATM gene (mutated in ataxia telangiectasia) in both humans and mice predispose to lymphoid tumors. A defect in this gene also causes neurodegeneration in humans and a less severe neurological phenotype in mice. There is some evidence that oxidative stress contributes to these defects, suggesting that antioxidants could alleviate the phenotype. We demonstrate here that the antioxidant 5-carboxy-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl (CTMIO) dramatically delays the onset of thymic lymphomas in Atm(-/-) mice which is not due to an enhancement of apoptosis by CTMIO. We also show that this compound corrects neurobehavioral deficits in these mice and reduces oxidative damage to Purkinje cells. The likely mechanism of action of CTMIO is due to a reduction in oxidative stress, which is protective against both the tumor progression and the development of neurological abnormalities. These data suggest that antioxidant therapy has considerable potential in the management of ataxia telangiectasia and possibly other neurodegenerative disorders where oxidative stress is implicated. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.