658 resultados para Nirvi, Ruben, E.
Methyl mercury levels in fish tissues have recently become a health issue. Does this toxin adversely affect humans to the point that fish consumption should be severely limited? Health effects of high levels of mercury exposure to human adults are fairly well known, however the effects of lower levels of exposure on human fetal development are less understood. Recent guidelines issued by the United States Food and Drug Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency recommended that pregnant women should refrain from consuming some types of fish, and limit consumption to certain levels, but results of health studies used to develop recommendations were inconclusive when low levels of in-utero methyl mercury exposure were compared. Other studies demonstrated health benefits of fish consumption to developing fetuses. These health benefits may be an over-riding factor, and my interpretation of various studies concludes that restricted consumption of some fish species may be premature at this time due to a need to balance potential health benefits against mercury toxicity hazard.
Este proyecto combina una serie de lÃneas de trabajo que, en esencia, estudian interacciones moleculares débiles y propiedades fisicoquÃmicas de diversos solutos en distintos medios. En todos los casos se procura comprender los factores que determinan la interacción de un soluto con su medio ya sea homogéneo o heterogéneo y aplicar estos conocimientos a diversos procesos, fundamentalmente en medios supramoleculares auto-organizados. Los medios supramoleculares que se estudian son: micelas inversas con agua u otros solventes polares sustitutos confinados en su corazón polar y vesÃculas. En este proyecto se desarrollan métodos que optimizan la detección de diferentes tipos de interacciones no-covalentes con distintas moléculas pruebas en los diferentes medios y, a partir de esto obtener aplicaciones diversas. Se trata de comprender los factores que determinan la solubilización, ubicación y/o reactividad de las moléculas pruebas en diferentes sitios del medio supramolecular y de esta manera obtener información acerca de las diferentes interacciones especÃficas en cada sitio del sistema supramolecular, lo cual es fundamental para el reconocimiento molecular ("inteligencia"). En definitiva estos estudios están orientados a: i) entender la adaptabilidad de nuevos sistemas supramoleculares para utilizar los resultados en el diseño de métodos de sÃntesis, electrosÃntesis y catálisis dentro de los principios de la quÃmica sostenible o quÃmica verde y en la prevención a problemas de impacto ambiental tal como la remediación de aguas contaminadas por hidrocarburos y la degradación de pesticidas utilizando estrategias no convencionales; ii) la comprensión de fenómenos de transferencia de carga en sistemas auto-organizados y membranas biológicas; iii) el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de detección electroquÃmicos para compuestos de interés biológico, en medicina, alimentos y farmacologÃa. También, dentro de los objetivos hay una componente muy fuerte de formación de recursos humanos como se aprecia en el número de becarios ya incorporados y a incorporar. La integración de estos conocimientos multidisciplinarios crea un ámbito sumamente beneficioso para la formación de doctorandos tan necesarios para el paÃs ya que tendrán la oportunidad de participar en temas de investigación variados, relacionados con disciplinas diferentes, lo que sin duda será un valor añadido en su formación.
Bonuses – which are often used to mitigate principal-agent problems and to encourage employees to work harder – have increased tremendously in the financial sector during the last decade, and have often been seen as a contributing factor to the financial crisis of 2008. The recent European Union (EU) action to adopt a policy that restricts bonuses paid to bankers may seem promising at first, but this does not address the real issues behind variable rewards. Compensation policies should be changed to encourage responsible risk-taking and decision-making through the implementation of broader performance metrics, forfeitable holdbacks and hybrid bonds. Furthermore, a change in organisational culture is needed to improve ethical behaviour leading to a re-balancing of stakeholders’ interests in the financial sector.
As organizações do presente são cada vez mais complexas, assim como as actividades que desempenham, e para fazerem face a um ambiente, cada vez mais, dinâmico e exigente são obrigadas a utilizar novos instrumentos no controlo de gestão de forma a se adaptarem e posicionarem de maneira mais rápida, eficaz e eficiente. O presente projeto procura implementar um orçamento de vendas numa empresa como auxilio no combate às incertezas que a rodeiam e como forma de demonstrar como o mesmo é um instrumento fulcral na tomada de decisão.
L’argomento principale di questa tesi è il doppiaggio. Nel primo capitolo ci inoltriamo nel mondo della traduzione audiovisiva, concentrandoci sulla storia del doppiaggio e sui processi che servono per portare le opere in paesi dove non si parla la lingua originale dei film e delle serie tv. Il secondo capitolo introduce la serie tv americana targata ABC Once Upon A Time. Vengono presentati trama, personaggi, temi e alcuni dati sulla distribuzione della serie in Italia e in Spagna. Il terzo capitolo invece, ci porta nel pieno dell’analisi del doppiaggio in italiano e in spagnolo del primo episodio della serie attraverso la comparazione con l’originale inglese e lo studio della varietà diacronica attraverso le formule di cortesia, il lessico, la fraseologia, i sintagmi verbali e la morfologia. In conclusione, il nostro scopo è quello di dimostrare che la scelta traduttiva adottata dalla Spagna è diversa da quella italiana, quest’ultima più simile all’originale inglese.
Results of measurements of Cs-137 and Co-60 concentrations in bottom sediments of the Northwestern Black Sea indicate inhomogenity of their distribution both over the studied area and along sediment cores. Intermittency of sediment layers with different concentration of radionuclides in the cores reflects active horizontal movements and redistribution of sediments on the shelf and continental slope. As a result sediment layers dated by the Chernobyl mark as seven years old were found in the 5-7 cm depth layer. Maximum Cs-137 concentration in the surface sedimentary layer on the shelf was 42 mBq/g. Maximum Co-60 concentration of 1320 mBq/g was measured due to a hot particle. No correlation was found between Cs-137 and the Co-60 contents.
Back Row: trainer Steve Brown, grad. asst. Nick Lanphier, David Nader, Ruben Ceballos, Matt Harrison, Louie Ball, Senior Asst. Craig Ehle, senior asst. Ken Haller
Middle Row: David Stecher, Mark Ambroe, Scott Harris, Glenn Hill, John Mains, Eliot Kim, and coach Bob Darden
Front Row: Tony Angelotti, Deacon Harris, Scott Smith, Shawn Martin, Captain Mark Wurfel, Troy Fabregas, and Jim Round
Not Pictured: asst. coach Dorian Deaver
Back Row: Christopher Burkhardt, John Besancon, Cory Huttenga, Rich Dopp, Doug McCreery, Geoff Bidwell, Christian Boniforti, Raul Molina, Paul Mariani
Middle Row: Bob Darden-head coach, Royce Toni, Ben Verrall, Matt Marsich, Seth Rubin, Michael Mott, Jorge Camacho, Brian Winkler, asst. Coach Mike Milidonis
Front Row: David Nader, Scott Harris, Josh Miner, Glenn Hill, Jim Round, Ruben Ceballos, trainer Frank Velasquez
Includes bibliography.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean, Va.
Preface [v. 1] signed: Ruben G:son Berg.
"Verket planlagdt af Oscar Levertin, utgifvet af Henrik Schück och Ruben G:son Berg under medverkan af Fr. Böök ..."
Bibliography: p. 525-535.
Multi-layer hydrogen storage thin films with Mg and MmNi(3.5)(CoAlMn)(1.5) (here Mm denotes La-rich mischmetal) as alternative layers were prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering. Transmission electron microscopy investigation shows that the microstructure of the MmNi(3.5)(CoAlMn)(1.5) and Mg layers are significantly different although their deposition conditions are the same. The MmNi(3.5)(CoAlMn)(1.5) layer is composed of two regions: one is an amorphous region approximately 4 nm thick at the bottom of the layer and the other is a nanocrystalline region on top of the amorphous region. The Mg layer is also composed of two regions: one is a randomly orientated nanocrystalline region 50 nm thick at the bottom of the layer and the other is a columnar crystallite region on top of the nanocrystalline region. These Mg columnar crystallites have their [001] directions parallel to the growth direction and the average lateral size of these columnar crystallites is about 100 nm. A growth mechanism of the multi-layer thin films is discussed based on the experiment results. Wiley-Liss, Inc.