809 resultados para New Media and Publication Design Program
A new genus and species of cricket belonging to the Hapithinae: Neomorphini (Podoscirtidae) is described from the forests of the Iguacu National Park, State of Parana, Brazil. The new genus is thoroughly compared with Neomorpha Desutter, 1987, the only other member of the Neomorphini described so far.
The mandibular glands of Hymenoptera are structures associated with the mandibles and constitute part of the salivary glands system. Histological studies in workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa revealed that this gland contains two portions: a secretory and a storage portion or reservoir. Both portions are connected by means of canaliculi. The object of the present work was the study of the ultratructure of the mandibular glands of minima, media and soldier ant of A. s. rubropilosa by TEM techniques. The glands, in the three castes studied, possess a reservoir, constituted by a simple pavementous epithelium surrounded by the cuticular intima and the secretory portion is constituted by cells of rounded shape. The secretory cells, mainly of minima and soldier, were rich in smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The media worker and soldier presented a large number of mitochondria, of varying shape. Well-developed Golgi complexes were also present in the soldiers. The secretory cells in minima, media and soldier were provided with collecting intracellular canaliculi, which were linked to the reservoir through the extracellular portion. The cytoplasm of the canaliculi-forming cell was poor in organelles. In the individuals of the three castes of A. s. rubropilosa, the presence of lipid secretion granules suggested, beyond the other functions, also a possible pheromonal action. The different roles executed by the different insect castes are directly dependent on the glandular products and, consequently, on the secretory cellular characteristics. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oligonychus longipenis, sp.n. and the female allotype of O. psidium Estebanes & Baker, 1968 from Qualea grandiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae) is described. The male of O. psidium is redescribed in Northwestern São Paulo (Brazil). This is the first record for 0. psidium in Brazil.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Um novo gênero e espécie de grilo falangopsídeo Adelosgryllus rubricephalus é descrito. Ilustrações de espécimes macho e fêmea e a descrição dos escleritos fálicos, assim como os cromossomos e a distribuição geográfica conhecida são relatados. Uma discussão sobre a posição taxonômica desse grilo dentro da família Phalangopsidae é incluída.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two new genera and five new species of feather mites of the family Proctophyllodidae are described from passerine birds from Brazil: Tyranniphyllodes pitangi gen. n., sp. n. from Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae); Atrichophyllodes delalandi gen. n., sp. n. from Corythopis delalandi (Tyrannidae); A. mentalis gen. n., sp. n. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Thamnophilidae); Anisophyllodes candango sp. n. from Elaenia chiriquensis (Tyrannidae); and Platyacarus sittasomi sp. n. from Sittasomus griseicapillus (Dendrocolaptidae). The discovery of these taxa might give data for a better understanding of the evolution of the family Proctophyllodidae in general and the dispersion of these mites on passerines in South America in paricular.
Dyson's theory of conduction electron spin resonance (CESR) has been used in the limit d less than or equal to delta (d being the thickness of the sample and delta the skin depth of the microwave field) to obtain the microwave conductivity from the (A/B) ratio of the CESR absorbed power derivative. In this work we calculate the CESR absorbed power derivative using Kaplan's approach and show that the (A/B) ratio can be enhanced if asymmetrical penetration of microwave is used, which means that the microwave field enters into the sample from one of the faces. Therefore, the determination of the microwave conductivity from the (A/B) ratio of the CESR line can be performed for thinner samples. Experimentally, asymmetrical penetration can be obtained if one of the sample's faces is covered with a thin gold layer. The determination of microwave conductivity in conducting polymers films is among the possible applications of this method. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report 18 new laser lines from (CH3OH)-C-13 generated in an optically pumped far-infrared laser; the laser lines are in the range of 54.2-420 mu m and are all characterized in wavelength, polarization relative to the pumping CO2 radiation, and pump offset relative to the CO2 center frequency, the frequencies of seven of these new lines along with 10 previously reported lines were measured by an accurate heterodyne technique, mixing them in a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) point contact diode, with another laser line of known frequency.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Eighteen collections of red-coloured Audouinella from Central Mexico and southeastern Brazil detected three species. The most common species, A. eugenea, is characterized by macroscopic thalli, the erect system consisting of filaments with cylindrical cells, undifferentiated into proximal and distal parts, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). Spermatangia. and possible propagules were observed in some Mexican populations. This is the third Audouinella species observed to have gametangia and the first member of the Acrochaetiales with putative propagules. The second species, from Central Mexico, was characterized by the following features: macroscopic thalli, the erect system differentiated into proximal parts with cylindrical cells, unbranched or rarely branched, and distal parts with barrel-shaped cells, abundantly branched to form dense fascicles, with alternate or dichotomous branching, some at right-angles to the axis, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). The morphologically distinct proximal and distal portions of the erect system, the latter forming dense fascicles, was a consistent character so far unknown in Audouinella; thus, we propose a new species, A. huastecana sp. nov. The third species is a microscopic epiphyte, A. meiospora, with a well-developed prostrate system composed of creeping and loosely aggregated filaments, and a short homogeneous erect system (less than or equal to 15 cells) of filaments with cylindrical or barrel-shaped cells and small monosporangia (less than or equal to 13.0 mum long). A. eugenea and A. meiospora are characterized for the first time from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, respectively, both occurring mostly in areas of tropical or subtropical rainforests. A. meiospora is reported from new macroalgal hosts. A. eugenea and A. huastecana tended to occur in warm, alkaline waters with a high ion content that were moderate to fast flowing, whereas A. meiospora was not associated with particular habitats.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A new genus and species of cricket, Anomaloterga mantiqueirae, here described, is the first representative of Strogulomorphini to be reported from Brazil. The specimens were collected at night from the lower portions of live tree trunks in a summit forest located on the Mantiqueira Fault Escarpment, State of São Paulo.
The authors studied the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles during deep inspiration and expiration. The electromyographic records demonstrated that these muscles showed no activity in either phase of breathing.