935 resultados para Neuropathy - Experimental studies


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Knowledge of structural and physiological differences among the prostatic lobes (PL) is the basis for development of experimental studies in traditional laboratory rodents. Although Mongolian gerbil reproductive organs have been increasingly investigated, its prostate structure is far from being properly known, and investigations of this organ focused on the ventral lobe (VL). Thus, the present study provides a thorough morphological description of prostatic complex in the male adult gerbil on the basis of topographic, histological, and ultrastructural analysis and ductal branching. Like other rodents, four pairs of PL were observed. However, in contrast to the rat and mouse, the VL is the least voluminous component and the dorsolateral lobe (DLL) is the most prominent and spatially isolated from remaining PL. The occurrence of a dorsal lobe (DL), hidden between bladder and insertion of seminal vesicles, has not been mentioned in previous reports with Mongolian gerbil. Collagenase digestion followed by microdissection revealed that, except for DL, which has a tubularacinar organization, all PL exhibit tubular organization and variable ductal branching. Distinct histological and ultrastructural features such as secretory epithelium, aspect of luminal secretion and stromal organization are reported for each PL and are confirmed by morphometric and stereological methods. Histological sections showed at least three intralobar segments in VL and DL. Ultrastructural analysis evidenced that, although luminal epithelial cells of PL share typical features of exocrine secretory cells, there are striking lobe phenotypical variations. Both merocrine and apocrine pathways are observed in variable rates in all PL, with the predominance of the former in the DLL and the latter in the CG. The morphological observations presented herein point to distinct structural identities for each PL, which probably reflects,specific functional compromise of seminal fluid secretion. These data also point to the gerbil as a good model for investigations concerning the regulation of prostate development and homeostasis, mainly with regard to the dorsal and dorsolateral PL.


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Objective: The present study evaluated morphometrically bone loss percentages in experimental periodontitis in rats, comparing different locations (lingual mandible, palatal maxilla and buccal maxilla) and two evaluation methods (distance and area methods). Material and Methods: Ligatures were placed around the maxillary right second molar and around the mandibular right first molar in 14 female Wistar rats. The contralateral molars served as intragroup control. After 4 weeks, the rats were sacrificed and their mandible and maxilla were removed. The specimens were dissected and stained with methylene blue dye. Bone loss was evaluated by two different methods on the surfaces of the defleshed jaw. In the first method, the distance from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the alveolar bone crest was measured in the roots of teeth associated with ligature. In the second method, the area of bone loss was determined using the alveolar tissue bone, CEJ and the proximal region of roots associated with the ligature as reference. The data were converted to bone loss percentages caused by ligature: (ligated - unligated) x 100/ligated. Results: When comparing the distance and area methods, no statistically significant difference was observed (p>0.05). Both methodologies indicated that the maxilla presented greater bone loss than the mandible and it was more accentuated on the buccal side than on the palatal side (p<0.05). Conclusions: The findings of this study show that both the area and the distance methods can be used to evaluate bone loss caused by ligature placement in rats, and suggest applying the morphometric methodology to the maxilla on the buccal side.


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A thorough study of the thermal performance of multipass parallel cross-flow and counter-cross-flow heat exchangers has been carried out by applying a new numerical procedure. According to this procedure, the heat exchanger is discretized into small elements following the tube-side fluid circuits. Each element is itself a one-pass mixed-unmixed cross-flow heat exchanger. Simulated results have been validated through comparisons to results from analytical solutions for one- to four-pass, parallel cross-flow and counter-cross-flow arrangements. Very accurate results have been obtained over wide ranges of NTU (number of transfer units) and C* (heat capacity rate ratio) values. New effectiveness data for the aforementioned configurations and a higher number of tube passes is presented along with data for a complex flow configuration proposed elsewhere. The proposed procedure constitutes a useful research tool both for theoretical and experimental studies of cross-flow heat exchangers thermal performance.


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Due to the wide range of design possibilities, simple manufactured, low maintenance and low cost, cross-flow heat exchangers are extensively used in the petroleum, petrochemical, air conditioning, food storage, and others industries. In this paper a mathematical model for cross-flow heat exchangers with complex flow arrangements for determining epsilon -NTU relations is presented. The model is based on the tube element approach, according to which the heat exchanger outlet temperatures are obtained by discretizing the coil along the tube fluid path. In each cross section of the element, tube-side fluid temperature is assumed to be constant because the heat capacity rate ratio C*=Cmin/Cmax tends toward zero in the element. Thus temperature is controlled by effectiveness of a local element corresponding to an evaporator or a condenser-type element. The model is validated through comparison with theoretical algebraic relations for single-pass cross-flow arrangements with one or more rows. Very small relative errors are obtained showing the accuracy of the present model. epsilon -NTU curves for several complex circuit arrangements are presented. The model developed represents a useful research tool for theoretical and experimental studies on heat exchangers performance.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Trata-se de uma semiologia laboratorial objetiva para avaliação do sistema auditivo de crianças com distúrbio de aprendizagem. OBJETIVO: Examinar os componentes do potencial evocado auditivo de média latência em uma amostra de crianças com distúrbio de aprendizagem e determinar suas propriedades. MÉTODO: O estudo realizado é do tipo prospectivo contemporâneo de corte transversal, quantitativo, descritivo e exploratório. 50 crianças de ambos os sexos com 8 a 14 anos de idade dividido em dois grupos iguais, com e sem distúrbio de aprendizagem. Causas orgânicas, ambientais ou genéticas foram excluídas do estudo. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: As ondas Na, Pa, Nb foram identificadas em todos os integrantes do estudo. Os valores de latência dos componentes foram Na= 19,2 ms, Pa= 32,5 ms, Nb= 46,4 ms (grupo controle) e Na= 19,7 ms, Pa= 35,1 ms, Nb= 49,6 ms (grupo pesquisa). O valor médio de amplitude Na-Pa foi 1,4 mV para ambos os grupos. As análises mostraram diferenças funcionais entre os grupos, foi observado o hemisfério esquerdo Nb latência mais longa de Nb no hemisfério esquerdo do grupo de estudo em relação ao controle. Tal estudo promoveu informações adicionais sobre PEAML e pode ser referência para outros estudos clínicos e experimentais nesta população.


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OBJETIVO: revisar a literatura mais atual, dos últimos 15 anos, em busca de estudos clínicos que relatem a relação entre a disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) e o tratamento ortodôntico e/ou a má oclusão. A intenção foi verificar se o tratamento ortodôntico aumentaria o aparecimento de sinais e sintomas de DTM, e se o tratamento ortodôntico seria um recurso para o tratamento ou prevenção dos sinais e sintomas de DTM. MÉTODOS: artigos dos tipos revisão de literatura, editorial, carta, estudo experimental em animais e comunicação foram excluídos dessa revisão. Foram incluídos artigos prospectivos, longitudinais, caso-controle ou retrospectivo com amostra maior, com relevante análise estatística. Estudos que abordassem deformidades e síndromes craniofaciais e tratamento por cirurgia ortognática também foram excluídos, bem como aqueles que relatassem apenas a associação entre má oclusão e DTM. RESULTADOS: foram encontrados 20 artigos relacionando Ortodontia à DTM, segundo os critérios adotados. Os estudos, então, associando sinais e sintomas de DTM ao tratamento ortodôntico apresentaram resultados heterogêneos. Alguns encontraram efeitos positivos do tratamento ortodôntico para os sinais e sintomas de DTM; entretanto, nenhum deles apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÕES: todos os estudos citados nessa revisão de literatura relataram que o tratamento ortodôntico não forneceu risco ao desenvolvimento de sinais e sintomas de DTM, independentemente da técnica utilizada para tratamento, da exodontia ou não de pré-molares e do tipo de má oclusão previamente apresentada pelo paciente. Alguns estudos realizados com acompanhamento em longo prazo concluíram que o tratamento ortodôntico não seria preventivo ou uma modalidade de tratamento para DTM.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado, associada ao treinamento moderado em natação, sobre a composição corporal, o consumo e a eficiência alimentar, a glicemia, o perfil lipídico e o glicogênio muscular e hepático de ratos Wistar. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (30 dias) foram divididos em: sedentário, sedentário suplementado, treinado e treinado suplementado. Permaneceram em gaiolas individuais com comida e água ad libitum, temperatura de 23ºC (com variação de1ºC) e ciclo claro-escuro de 12 horas, durante 8 semanas. A sessão de natação durou 1 hora e foi realizada três vezes/semana, bem como a suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado a 2%. Após sacrifício, o plasma, os tecidos adiposos brancos e o marrom, o músculo gastrocnêmio e o fígado foram coletados e pesados. RESULTADOS: A suplementação per se não promoveu modificação na ingestão alimentar e na massa corporal dos animais. Houve aumento na glicemia de jejum (p<0,05), nas lipoproteínas de alta densidade (p<0,05), no colesterol total (p<0,05) e redução dos triacilgliceróis. A suplementação associada ao treinamento reduziu a massa corporal (p<0,05) e aumentou o peso relativo do tecido adiposo, do fígado e a glicemia de jejum. CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação com ácido linoléico conjugado associada à prática de exercício físico parece ter influência no balanço energético, mas, por outro lado, o aumento no peso do fígado indica que a ingestão deste ácido graxo pode ter efeitos indesejáveis, aumentando as chances de desenvolvimento do fígado gorduroso. Estes achados apontam perspectivas para novos estudos envolvendo análises histológicas do fígado, expressão gênica de enzimas chaves do metabolismo lipídico e de carboidratos, associados ou não a diferentes protocolos de treinamento físico.


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Because of their application that normally demands high mechanical strength combined with low weight, the fibre/matrix interface became an important parameter concerning structural life. The problem of moisture absorption in materials has received attention in experimental studies on a composite systems as well as from a theorical point of view. The fibre/matrix interface plays an important role in the structural behaviour of composites due to the fact that load transfer from matrix to reinforce occurs at the interface. In this case the study of compatibility of fibre/matrix/environmental is essential to ensure a product that attend structural objectives, many times without failure possibilities. The composite used in this investigation is the carbon fibre/matrix epoxy composite, which was immersed in sea water standard during 94 days at 60 degrees C, submitted to tensile and compressive tests to study the influence of moisture absorption on mechanical behaviour. The interface was investigated through fracture surface analysis by SEM and a strong interface and a good adhesion fibre/matrix was observed.


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MANY experimental studies have been carried out using snake venoms for the treatment of animal tumors, with controversial results. While some authors have reported an antitumor effect of treatment with specific snake venom fractions, others have reported no effects after this treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Bothrops jararaca venom (BjV) on Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells in vivo and in vitro. In the in vivo study, Swiss mice were inoculated with EAT cells by the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route and treated with BjV venom (0.4 mg/kg, i.p.), on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th days. Mice were evaluated for total and differential cells number on the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th and 14th days. The survival time was also evaluated after 60 days of tumor growth. In the in vitro study, EAT and normal peritoneal cells were cultivated in the presence of different BjV concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, and 80 mug) and viability was verified after 3, 6, 12 and 24 h of cultivation. Results were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey tests at the 5% level of significance. It was observed that in vivo treatment with BjV induced tumor growth inhibition, increased animal survival time, decreased mortality, increased the influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes on the early stages of tumor growth, and did not affect the mononuclear cells number. In vitro treatment with BjV produced a dose-dependent toxic effect on EAT and peritoneal cells, with higher effects against peritoneal cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate that BjV has an important antitumor effect. This is the first report showing this in vivo effect for this venom.


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Experimental studies were carried out to determine thermal conductivity (k), thermal diffusivity (alpha), specific heat at constant pressure (c(p)), and density (rho) of cooked ham as functions of both sample moisture content (M) and temperature (T). Thermal conductivity was measured using the heat-line-source probe, thermal diffusivity by Dickerson method, specific heat by differential scanning calorimeter, and density by pycnometer assembly. Temperature ranged from 3.0 degrees C to 74.0 degrees C, corresponding to the cooking process, and moisture ranged from 40.0 to 73.0% (w. b.). Equations are provided for alpha as a function of M, c(p) as a function of T, and rho as a function of both M and T. Results for thermal conductivity are compatible with those published in the literature.


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The involvement of neurotoxicants in the etiology of emotional pathologies is becoming an issue in neurotoxicology. Lead (Pb) exposure during childhood has been associated with increased impulsivity, aggressivity, and delinquency. Considering the paucity of experimental studies investigating the involvement of developmental Pb exposure in emotional disorders, our objective was to investigate whether Pb exposure during pregnancy and/or lactation could be related to depressive symptoms in adult male and female rats. Wistar dams received 10 mg of Pb, as Pb acetate, or 13.4 mg of Na acetate, by gavage, daily, during pregnancy and lactation. By cross-fostering at the time of birth, pups were either exposed to Ph or Na acetate during pregnancy only, lactation only, or during both pregnancy and lactation. At 70 days of age, animals were submitted to the open-field test followed by the forced swimming test. Ph levels were measured in the blood of dams (weaning) and pups (after behavioral evaluation). The results demonstrated that exposure to Ph during both pregnancy and lactation induced, in males, an increased emotionality state detected in the open-field test, and in females, depressive-like behavior detected in the forced swimming test. These alterations were observed at residual blood Pb levels (i.e., around 5 mug/dL).


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The magnetic-field and confinement effects on the Land, factor in AlxGa1-xAs parabolic quantum wells under magnetic fields applied parallel or perpendicular to the growth direction are theoretically studied. Calculations are performed in the limit of low temperatures and low electron density in the heterostructure. The g factor is obtained by taking into account the effects of non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the 2 x 2 Ogg-McCombe Hamiltonian, and by including the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit term. A simple formula describing the magnetic-field dependence of the effective Land, factor is analytically derived by using the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, and it is found in good agreement with previous experimental studies devoted to understand the behavior of the g factor, as a function of an applied magnetic field, in semiconductor heterostructures. Present numerical results for the effective Land, factor are shown as functions of the quantum-well parameters and magnetic-field strength, and compared with available experimental measurements.


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This four-experiment series sought to evaluate the potential of children with neurosensory deafness and cochlear implants to exhibit auditory-visual and visual-visual stimulus equivalence relations within a matching-to-sample format. Twelve children who became deaf prior to acquiring language (prelingual) and four who became deaf afterwards (postlingual) were studied. All children learned auditory-visual conditional discriminations and nearly all showed emergent equivalence relations. Naming tests, conducted with a subset of the: children, showed no consistent relationship to the equivalence-test outcomes.. This study makes several contributions: to the literature on stimulus equivalence. First; it demonstrates that both pre- and postlingually deaf children-can: acquire auditory-visual equivalence-relations after cochlear implantation, thus demonstrating symbolic functioning. Second, it directs attention to a population that may be especially interesting for researchers seeking to analyze the relationship. between speaker and listener repertoires. Third, it demonstrates the feasibility of conducting experimental studies of stimulus control processes within the limitations of a hospital, which these children must visit routinely for the maintenance of their cochlear implants.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)