981 resultados para Neo-avantgard


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The goal of this thesis is to look at the critical and dissenting value of exhibitions through the examination of four cases studies, based on six exhibitions taking place between 1968 and 1998 in Latin and North America. The exhibitions belong to the history of modern and contemporary exhibitions and curating, a field of research and study that has only started to be written about in the last two decades. This investigation contributes to it, in its creation of new genealogies by connecting previously overlooked antecedents, or by proposing new relations within established lineages, at the intersection of a specific historiography; to address exhibitions, a tradition of artists acting as curators and an emerging history of curating. The examined exhibitions were put together by artists or artist collectives and were placed in a liminal position between artistic and curatorial practice. All the cases presented a distinct proposal in relation to art and social change, a fact that connects them, in their aims and modus operandi, to a Marxist and neo-Marxist critical and transformative legacy. The cases address the following connections: exhibition as political site (Tucumán Arde, 1968); exhibition as social space (The People’s Choice (Arroz con Mango), 1981); exhibition as encounter (Rooms with a view, We the People, Art/Artifact, 1987-88); and exhibition as an exchange situation (El Museo de la Calle, 1998-2001). Key to their analysis is the concept of dissensus, as put forward by Jacques Rancière. Within this theoretical framework, these exhibitions put into practice particular cases of dissensus in a given distribution of the sensible. All of them tried to deal with their thematic concerns by performing them as a praxis. They dissent with the way in which reality was formatted in their historical moment and challenge the exhibition medium itself opening new ways of doing and making in the exhibition field. Therefore, in this thesis the dissenting value of exhibitions is closely related to its main features as a medium, namely their temporality, heterogeneity and flexibility, which contribute to their potential for creative analysis and propositioning. In the case of these exhibitions, this capability is brought into play for institutional interrogation, for offering alternative cultural narratives and also for inspiring new imaginary realms.


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This article examines prison education in England and Wales arguing that a disjuncture exists between the policy rhetoric of entitlement to education in prison at the European level and the playing out of that entitlement in English and Welsh prisons. Caught between conflicting discourses around a need to combat recidivism and a need for incarceration, prison education in England exists within a policy context informed, in part, by an international human rights agenda on the one hand and global recession, financial cutbacks, and a moral panic about crime on the other. The European Commission has highlighted a number of challenges facing prison education in Europe including over‐crowded institutions, increasing diversity in prison populations, the need to keep pace with pedagogical changes in mainstream education and the adoption of new technologies for learning (Hawley et al., 2013). These are challenges confronting all policy makers involved in prison education in England and Wales in a policy context that is messy, contradictory and fiercely contested. The article argues that this policy context, exacerbated by socio‐economic discourses around neo‐liberalism, is leading to a race‐to‐the‐bottom in the standards of educational provision for prisoners in England and Wales.


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Trabalho que investiga a recepção dos Kinder - und Hausmärchen em Portugal, fruto duma aturada e minuciosa pesquisa documental. Com efeito, Teresa Cortez passa em revista os livros e publicações periódicas enquadrados entre 1837 — data do aparecimento das primeiras traduções de contos dos KHM, no periódico lisboeta Biblioteca Familiar e Recreativa — e 1910, data a que a autora estendeu a sua pesquisa. Cada incidência da presença dos contos dos Grimm em Portugal é cuidadosamente investigada, contextualisada e analisada, Assim, à medida que vemos surgir, primeiro esparsas em revistas destinadas a um público infantil, e sem indicação de autoria, traduções (do francês) dos KHM, vamo-nos inteirando sobre o epírito e motivações do seu aparecimento, quer partindo do estudo comparativo com o texto de origem, quer de um exame da publicação de chegada, alargando-se a pesquisa aos seus editores e autores. Todo o processo de recepção dos contos de Grimm vai sendo examinado pela autora à luz dos movimentos das últimas décadas do séc. XIX e primeira do séc. XX, nomeadamente o nacionalismo neo-romântico e o positivismo.


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Tese de doutoramento, Arqueologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Hoje, como nunca antes, as ciências humanas e sociais consubstanciam um corpo consistente e unificado de dados rigorosos que sublinham as descrições do “florescimento humano” (flourishing) de quem, surpreendentemente, optou por perdoar, não obstante a complexidade das condições, circunstancias e situações profundamente devastadoras fizessem supor o contrário, e de quem aceitou deixar-se “tocar” pelo acto sublime de ser perdoado. Intacta na densidade do pensamento filosófico e teológico, que irrompeu ao longo da história, a extraordinária arte de perdoar deixou-se escapar dos seus manuais para, também, encontrar o seu devido lugar no sistema de pensamento científico, dentro de um quadro rigoroso e metodológico que configura o actual rumo tomado pelas ciências do funcionamento humano óptimo que consubstancia o emergente movimento da Psicologia Positiva (McCullough, 2000; Peterson & Seligman, 2004; Seligman, 2006). A centralidade deste trabalho inscreve a intencionalidade de analisar a relação entre o fenómeno psicológico do perdão interpessoal e as suas implicações na reconstrução da felicidade daquele cuja praticabilidade dessa “força” positiva se afigura como uma realidade possível, partindo da analise das relações entre variáveis psicológicas (traços de personalidade) e factores sociodemograficos (e.g., a idade, o género, a religiosidade e o envolvimento religioso na práxis da catequese) tanto no perdão disposicional quanto na felicidade ou bem-estar subjectivo e, ainda, na influência que estes dois constructos exercem entre si. Justamente porque uma Psicologia do Perdão encontra não somente a sua raiz no horizonte da Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais mas, na sua inevitabilidade, apela a uma dimensão tanto teológica e espiritual quanto psicossocial (McCullough, 2000, 2001; McCullough et al., 1997, 1998, 2001; McCullough & Worthington, 1999),posicionamos o estudo numa amostra que, por um lado, consubstancia uma forte componente interpessoal na sua profissionalidade (um contexto educativo, um contexto de profissões de ajuda do domínio da saúde e um contexto administrativo) e, por outro lado, inscreve participantes portadores de uma religiosidade que se exprime por um forte envolvimento religioso na práxis da catequese. Foram inquiridos 158 participantes dos três contextos que consubstanciam a amostra global. Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo que influem na relação entre a “força” do perdão e a felicidade, utilizamos a Escala unifactorial sobre a disposição para o perdão interpessoal (Barros, 2002, 2004), a Escala sobre a propensão para o perdão (Mullet, et al., 2003), o Inventário de Personalidade – NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Lima & Simões, 2002; Simões et al., 2001), a Escala de satisfação com a Vida (Diener et al., 1985; Simões, 1992) e as Escalas da Afectividade Positiva e da Afectividade Negativa (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988; Simões, 1993). Se, por um lado, os resultados obtidos sugerem que a “força” do perdão está não apenas positivamente associada com a religiosidade e o envolvimento religioso dos sujeitos mas que, encontra uma maior dependência com os traços de personalidade comparativamente aos factores sociodemográficos, por outro lado, apontam que o perdão disposicional é uma variável preditora na felicidade ou bem-estar subjectivo dos participantes. Estes resultados remetem para importantes implicações. A investigação sobre a temática do perdão interpessoal contribui, de forma significativa, não somente para a construção de uma Psicologia do Perdão no quadro global da Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais e, por extensão, da Psicologia da Educação mas, contemporaneamente, configura um processo psicológico sustentável ao florescimento humano e à felicidade autêntica.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Evolutiva e do Desenvolvimento). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014


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Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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‘Empowerment’ is a term much used by policy-makers with an interest in improving service delivery and promoting different forms of neighbourhood governance. But the term is ambiguous and has no generally accepted definition. Indeed, there is a growing paradox between the rhetoric of community empowerment and an apparent shift towards increased centralisation of power away from the neighbourhood in developed economies. This article explores the literature relating to empowerment and identifies two broad conceptions which reflect different emphases on neo-liberalism. It goes on to discuss two models illustrating different levels of state intervention at the neighbourhood level and sets out evidence from two neighbourhood councils in Milton Keynes in central England. In conclusion, it is argued that those initiatives which are top-down, state-led policy initiatives tend to result in the least empowerment (as defined by government), whereas the bottom-up, self-help projects, which may be partly state-enabled, at least provide an opportunity to create the spaces where there is some potential for varying degrees of transformation. Further empirical research is needed to test how far localist responses can challenge constraints on empowerment imposed by neo-liberalism.


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This paper describes two studies examining links between personality and performance on a cognitive test in online and laboratory settings. Study 1 was completed online. 345 participants passively recruited through a personality assessment website completed a Five Factor Model personality inventory derived from the International Personality Item Pool. They then completed an online text-based digit span test. This required participants to repeat increasingly longer strings of digits, either in the same order (forward) or in the opposite of the presentation order (reverse). Conventional digit span tasks ask participants to respond verbally; in this instance they responded by typing the digits. Agreeableness and Openness to Experience each had small but significant associations with forward and reverse digit span. In a second, laboratory based, study, 103 participants completed paper versions of the IPIP Five Factor inventory, the NEO-FFI, and a battery of cognitive tests including the WAIS 4 digit span test. In this instance, Agreeableness and Openness to Experience were not significantly correlated with digit span measures. Taken together, these studies suggest that personality characteristics may influence performance on an online cognitive test. This effect was not seen in an offline version of the study. The paper will consider potential implications for online testing, for equivalence of online and offline methods, and for links between personality and performance on this cognitive test.


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ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the political implications of policies and measures designed to promote “localism”. That is to say, the devolution of power down to a neighbourhood level, as enacted under the 2011 Localism Act. The implementation of localism in London boroughs will be examined. The context is the current concern over disengagement in an era of “anti-politics”, so it is intended to gain an understanding of how localism is interpreted and implemented on the ground. A tentative thesis, of a “restorative politics”, is proposed, such that localism is dynamic and is generating healthy political activity which counters anti-politics in the local community. This could have profound implications for the political parties locally and at Westminster. The extant theories about localism include constructivist interpretations suggesting that a neo-liberal localism is anti-political. This is contested. An emerging narrative heralding a new dawn of empowerment, and related themes concerning social capital, subsidiarity and anti-politics are reviewed. A necessarily empirical approach is adopted in an essentially functionalist frame of reference. There is a review of both academic and policy literature, combined with interviews of professionals involved in localism. This paper is designed to scope a future more substantial piece of research. The conference brief asks; “what scales or levels are appropriate for organising politics in this century”. In a century so far characterised by disillusionment, democratic deficits and abstention, the answer may be; local. The Good Life is lived locally in shared experience and familiar surroundings, hitherto not much amenable to local change. Burgundia is a reference to the film “Passport to Pimlico” (1949), when ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the political implications of policies and measures designed to promote “localism”. That is to say, the devolution of power down to a neighbourhood level, as enacted under the 2011 Localism Act. The implementation of localism in London boroughs will be examined. The context is the current concern over disengagement in an era of “anti-politics”, so it is intended to gain an understanding of how localism is interpreted and implemented on the ground. A tentative thesis, of a “restorative politics”, is proposed, such that localism is dynamic and is generating healthy political activity which counters anti-politics in the local community. This could have profound implications for the political parties locally and at Westminster. The extant theories about localism include constructivist interpretations suggesting that a neo-liberal localism is anti-political. This is contested. An emerging narrative heralding a new dawn of empowerment, and related themes concerning social capital, subsidiarity and anti-politics are reviewed. A necessarily empirical approach is adopted in an essentially functionalist frame of reference. There is a review of both academic and policy literature, combined with interviews of professionals involved in localism. This paper is designed to scope a future more substantial piece of research. The conference brief asks; “what scales or levels are appropriate for organising politics in this century”. In a century so far characterised by disillusionment, democratic deficits and abstention, the answer may be; local. The Good Life is lived locally in shared experience and familiar surroundings, hitherto not much amenable to local change. Burgundia is a reference to the film “Passport to Pimlico” (1949), when a London neighbourhood declared independence and its citizens temporarily created the Good Life for themselves. Is the 21st century localism generating a restorative politics?


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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A arte na actualidade, nomeadamente a literatura, caracteriza-se pela recorrência a temas de feição neobarroca e pós-moderna, como a vulnerabilidade humana1, o sentimento de culpa, a invasão da interioridade, a perda da identidade, com recurso a formas que têm a ver com a fragmentação discursiva. Na narrativa de João de Melo, O meu mundo não é deste reino, o processo de desconstrução identitária, seja através do deslocamento do sujeito a partir de um centro para a periferia, seja através da construção de identidades parcelares, imperfeitas, monstruosas, fragmentadas, é usado com o intuito último de reafirmar o Homem e a condição humana.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Sociologia, Especialidadede Sociologia do Desenvolvimento e da Mudança Social