953 resultados para Natural research
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Background. Whether current criteria used to define nicotine dependence are informative for genetic research is an important empirical question. The authors used items of the DSM-IV and of the Heaviness of Smoking Index to characterize the nicotine dependence phenotype and to identify salient symptoms in a genetically informative community sample of Australian young adult female and mate twins. Method. Phenotypic and genetic factor analyses were performed on nine dependence symptoms (the seven DSM-IV substance dependence criteria and the two Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI) items derived from the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire, time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day). Phenotypic and genetic analyses were restricted to ever smokers. Results. Phenotypic nicotine dependence symptom covariation was best captured by two factors with a similar pattern of factor loadings for women and men. In genetic factor analysis item covariation was best captured by two genetic but one shared environmental factor for both women and men; however, item factor loadings differed by gender. All nicotine dependence symptoms were substantially heritable, except for the DSM-IV criterion of 'giving up or reducing important activities in order to smoke', which was weakly familial. Conclusions. The salient behavioral indices of nicotine dependence are similar for women and men. DSM-IV criteria of tolerance, withdrawal, and experiencing difficulty quitting and HSI items time to first cigarette in the morning and number of cigarettes smoked per day may represent the most highly heritable symptoms of nicotine dependence for both women and men.
Despite the advent of improved pharmacological treatments to alleviate substance-related desires, psychological approaches will continue to be required. However, the current psychological treatment that most specifically focuses on desires and their management-cue exposure (CE)-has not lived up to its original promise. This paper argues that current psychological approaches to desire do not adequately incorporate our knowledge about the factors that trigger, maintain, and terminate episodes of desire. It asserts that the instigation and maintenance of desires involve both associative and elaborative processes. Understanding the processes triggering the initiation of intrusive thoughts may assist in preventing some episodes, but occasional intrusions will be inevitable. A demonstration of the ineffectiveness of thought suppression may discourage its use as a coping strategy for desire-related intrusions, and mindfulness meditation plus cognitive therapy may help in accepting their occurrence and letting them go. Competing tasks may be used to reduce elaboration of desires, and competing sensory images may have particular utility. The application of these procedures during episodes that are elicited in the clinic may allow the acquisition of more effective strategies to address desires in the natural environment. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Some causes of low renin hypertension are familial with known genetic bases. One of them, primary aldosteronism, is specifically treatable by mineralocorticoid receptor blockers or by surgery, and has at least two different familial varieties. These have provided insights into its natural history, with long normotensive and normokalemic phases, and variable expression within the same family. Primary aldosteronism was considered rare, but recent work beginning in 1992 suggests that it might be the most common curable cause of hypertension, worth screening for in every hypertensive. Evidence is now compelling that inappropriate aldosterone for salt status can cause not only hypertension, but vascular inflammation and end-organ damage, preventable by mineralocorticoid receptor blockade.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an increasingly common condition with limited treatment options that is placing a major financial and emotional burden on the community. The use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAMS) has increased many-fold over the past decade. Although several compelling studies show renal toxicities and an adverse outcome from use of some CAMS, there is also emerging evidence in the literature that some may be renoprotective. Many nephrologists are unaware of these potential therapeutic benefits in treating CKD, or they are reluctant to consider them in research trials for fear of adverse effects (including nephrotoxicity) or deleterious interaction with co-prescribed, conventional medicines. The increased use of self-prescribed CAMS by their patients suggests that practitioners and researchers should keep abreast of the current information on these agents. A primary goal of this article was to review the available scientific evidence for the use of herbs or natural substances as a complementary treatment for patients with CKD. A further goal was to report the literature on herbs that have been reported to cause kidney failure.
This study describes the identification of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of the bacterial pathogen Pasteurella multocida and an analysis of how the expression of these proteins changes during infection of the natural host. We analysed the sarcosine-insoluble membrane fractions, which are highly enriched for OMPs, from bacteria grown under a range of conditions. Initially, the OMP-containing fractions were resolved by 2-DE and the proteins identified by MALDI-TOF MS. In addition, the OMP-containing fractions were separated by 1-D SDS-PAGE and protein identifications were made using nano LC MS/MS. Using these two methods a total of 35 proteins was identified from samples obtained from organisms grown in rich culture medium. Six of the proteins were identified only by 2-DE MALDI-TOF MS, whilst 17 proteins were identified only by 1-D LC MS/MS. We then analysed the OMPs from P. multocida which had been isolated from the bloodstream of infected chickens (a natural host) or grown in iron-depleted medium. Three proteins were found to be significantly up-regulated during growth in vivo and one of these (Pm0803) was also up-regulated during growth in iron-depleted medium. After bioinformatic analysis of the protein matches, it was predicted that over one third of the combined OMPs predicted by the bioinformatics sub-cellular localisation tools PSORTB and Proteome Analyst, had been identified during this study. This is the first comprehensive proteomic analysis of the P. multocida outer membrane and the first proteomic analysis of how a bacterial pathogen modifies its outer membrane proteome during infection.
This paper represents an overview of the spectroscopic studies of both synthetic and naturally occurring beidellites performed as part of my research over the past 16 years. It shows that detailed information on the local structure of beidellite and changes in this local structure upon heating can be obtained by combining a range of spectroscopic techniques such as mid-infrared, near-infrared, infrared emission, Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Previous research has shown that the postural configuration adopted by a subject, such as active leaning, influences the postural response to an unpredictable support surface translation. While those studies have examined large differences in postural conditions, it is of additional interest to examine the effects of naturally occurring changes in standing posture. Thus, it was hypothesized that the normal postural sway observed during quiet standing would affect the responses to an unpredictable support surface translation. Seventeen young adults stood quietly on a moveable platform and were perturbed in either the forward or backward direction when the location of the center of pressure (COP) was either 1.5 standard deviations anterior or posterior to the mean baseline COP signal. Postural responses, in the form of electromyographic (EMG) latencies and amplitudes, were recorded from lower limb and trunk muscles. When the location of the COP at the time of the translation was in the opposite, as compared to the same, direction as the upcoming translation, there was a significantly earlier onset of the antagonists (10-23%, i.e. 15-45 ms) and a greater EMG amplitude (14-39%) in four of the six recorded muscles. Stepping responses were most frequently observed during trials where the position of the COP was opposite to the direction of the translation. The results support the hypothesis that postural responses to unpredictable support surface translations are influenced by the normal movements of postural sway. The results may help to explain the large variability of postural responses found between past studies.
The net effect of sexual selection on nonsexual fitness is controversial. On one side, elaborate display traits and preferences for them can be costly, reducing the nonsexual fitness of individuals possessing them, as well as their offspring, In contrast, sexual selection may reinforce nonsexual fitness if an individual's attractiveness and quality are genetically correlated. According to recent models, such good-genes mate choice should increase both the extent and rate of adaptation. We evolved 12 replicate populations of Drosophila serrata in a powerful two-way factorial experimental design to test the separate and combined contributions of natural and sexual selection to adaptation to a novel larval food resource. Populations evolving in the presence of natural selection had significantly higher mean nonsexual fitness when measured over three generations (13-15) during the course of experimental evolution (16-23% increase). The effect of natural selection was even more substantial when measured in a standardized, monogamous mating environment at the end of the experiment (generation 16; 52% increase). In contrast, and despite strong sexual selection on display traits, there was no evidence from any of the four replicate fitness measures that sexual selection promoted adaptation. In addition, a comparison of fitness measures conducted under different mating environments demonstrated a significant direct cost of sexual selection to females, likely arising from some form of male-induced harm. Indirect benefits of sexual selection in promoting adaptation to this novel resource environment therefore appear to be absent in this species, despite prior evidence suggesting the operation of good-genes mate choice in their ancestral environment. How novel environments affect the operation of good-genes mate choice is a fundamental question for future sexual selection research.
This paper describes methods used to support collaboration and communication between practitioners, designers and engineers when designing ubiquitous computing systems. We tested methods such as “Wizard of Oz” and design games in a real domain, the dental surgery, in an attempt to create a system that is: affordable; minimally disruptive of the natural flow of work; and improves human-computer interaction. In doing so we found that such activities allowed the practitioners to be on a ‘level playing ground’ with designers and engineers. The findings we present suggest that dentists are willing to engage in detailed exploration and constructive critique of technical design possibilities if the design ideas and prototypes are presented in the context of their work practice and are of a resolution and relevance that allow them to jointly explore and question with the design time. This paper is an extension of a short paper submitted to the Participatory Design Conference, 2004.