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ENGLISH: A study of the temporal and spatial distribution of larval tunas and the concomitant oceanic conditions was made in cooperation with the Direccion General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas of Mexico. Field work consisted of eight hydrographic cruises made from October 1966 through August 1967 near the entrance of the Gulf of California. From January through April, surface currents were southerly at velocities up to 20 cm/sec; currents in June were variable in direction and mostly less than 10 cm/sec; by August the surface current was northerly at 10-15 cm/sec. Surface winds were usually secondary to the distribution of mass as an influence on the surface circulation. Currents at 100 m were generally similar in direction to those at the surface, but the water moved more slowly. Between the surface and 100 m, southbound currents crossed the entrance of the Gulf at velocities of 5-10 cm/sec during January and April, forming frontal boundaries with the California Current water, which often occurred south of the entrance. From April to August, the median concentration of surface chlorophyll a increased from 0.65 to 0.97 mg/m3, while the median productivity increased from 5.6 mgC/m3/day in April to 17.8 mgC/m3/day in June before returning to 2.6 mgC/m3/day in August. Primary productivity was closely correlated with the concentration of surface chlorophyll a. Productivity was generally higher in the vicinity of the Gulf than that found for water in the open Pacific. Productivity was highest near Islas Las Tres Marias and second highest near Cabo San Lucas, both locations of local upwelling. The standing crop of phytoplankton was shown to be subjected to progressively heavier grazing pressure in the spring and summer by zooplankton. SPANISH: Un estudio de la distribución temporal y espacial de las larvas de atún y de las condiciones oceánicas concomitantes fue realizado en cooperación con la Dirección General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas de México. El trabajo experimental consistió en ocho cruceros hidrográficos realizados desde octubre 1966 hasta agosto 1967, cerca a la entrada del Golfo de California. De enero a abril, las corrientes superficiales fueron meridionales alcanzando velocidades hasta de 20 cm/seg; las corrientes en junio fueron variables en dirección y la mayoría con una velocidad de menos de 10 cm/seg; en agosto la corriente superficial fue septentrional a 10-15 cm/seg, Los vientos superficiales fueron por lo común secundarios a la dístríbucíón de la masa, como una influencia de la circulación superficial. Las corrientes a 100 m fueron generalmente similares en dirección a las de la superficie, pero el agua se movió más lentamente. Entre la superficie y los 100 m, las corrientes que se dirigen hacia el sur cruzaron la entrada del Golfo a velocidades de 5-10 cm/seg durante enero y abril formando límites frontales con el agua de la Corriente de California, que apareció a menudo al sur de la entrada. De abril a agosto, la concentración media de la clorofila a superficial aumentó de 0.65 a 0.97 mg/m3, mientras que la productividad mediana aumentó de 5.6 mgC/m3/día en abril hasta 17.8 mgC/m3/día en junio antes de regresar a 2.6 mgC/m3/día en agosto. La productividad primaria se correlacionó estrechamente con la concentración de clorofila a superficial. La productividad fue generalmente más alta en la vecindad del Golfo que aquella encontrada en el agua de alta mar del Pacífico. La productividad fue más alta cerca a las Islas Tres Marías, y el segundo máximo fue cerca al Cabo San Lucas, ambas localidades de afloramiento local. Se indicó que la reserva permanente de fitoplancton estaba sujeta por el zooplancton a una fuerta presión progresiva de apacentamiento en la primavera y el verano. (PDF contains 116 pages.)


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In near wall measurements with microPIV/PTV, whether seeding particles can be effectively used to detect local fluid velocity is a crucial problem. This talk presents our recent measurements in microchannels [1][2]. Based on measured velocity profiles with 200nm and 50nm in pure water, we found that the measured velocity profiles are agreed with the theoretical values in the middle of channel, but large deviations between measured data and theoretical prediction appear close to wall (0.25mm near wall on the velocity deviation appeared in shear flows.


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A diode stack end-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser at 1342 nm with near-diffraction-limited beam quality by using a hybrid resonator was presented. At a pump power of 139.5 W, laser power of 35.4 W was obtained with a conversion efficiency of 25.4% of the laser diode to laser output. The beam quality M-2 factors were measured to be 1.2 in the unstable direction and 1.3 in the stable direction at the output power of 29 W. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Flammability limits for flames propagating in a rich propane/air mixture under gravity conditions appeared to be 6.3% C3H8 for downward propagation and 9.2% C3H8 for upward propagation. Different limits might be explained by the action of preferential diffusion of the deficient reactant (Le < 1) on the limit flames, which are in different states of instability. In one of the previous studies, the flammability limits under microgtravity conditions were found to be between the upward and downward limits obtained in a standard flammability tube under normal gravity conditions. It was found in those experiments that there are two limits under microgravity conditions: one indicated by visible flame propagation and another indicated by an increase of pressure without observed flame propagation. These limits were found to be far behind the limit for downward-propagating flame at 1 g (6.3% C3H8) and close to the limit for upward-propagating flame at 1 g (9.2% C3H8). It was decided in the present work to apply a special schlieren system and instant temperature measuring system for drop tower experiments to observe combustion development during propagation of the flame front. A small cubic closed vessel (inner side, 9 cm 9 cm 9 cm) with schlieren quality glass windows were used to study limit flames under gravity and microgravity conditions. Flame development in rich limit mixtures, not visible in previous experiments under microgravity conditions for strait photography, was identified with the use of the schlieren method and instant temperature measuring system. It was found in experiments in a small vessel that there is practically no difference in flammability limits under gravity and microgravity conditions. In this paper, the mechanism of flame propagation under these different conditions is systematically studied and compared and limit burning velocity is estimated.


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Effects of flame stretch on the laminar burning velocities of near-limit fuel-lean methane/air flames have been studied experimentally using a microgravity environment to minimize the complications of buoyancy. Outwardly propagating spherical flames were employed to assess the sensitivities of the laminar burning velocity to flame stretch, represented by Markstein lengths, and the fundamental laminar burning velocities of unstretched flames. Resulting data were reported for methane/air mixtures at ambient temperature and pressure, over the specific range of equivalence ratio that extended from 0.512 (the microgravity flammability limit found in the combustion chamber) to 0.601. Present measurements of unstretched laminar burning velocities were in good agreement with the unique existing microgravity data set at all measured equivalence ratios. Most of previous 1-g experiments using a variety of experimental techniques, however, appeared to give significantly higher burning velocities than the microgravity results. Furthermore, the burning velocities predicted by three chemical reaction mechanisms, which have been tuned primarily under off-limit conditions, were also considerably higher than the present experimental data. Additional results of the present investigation were derived for the overall activation energy and corresponding Zeldovich numbers, and the variation of the global flame Lewis numbers with equivalence ratio. The implications of these results were discussed. 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Unlike most previous studies on the transverse vortex-induced vibration(VIV) of a cylinder mainly under the wallfree condition (Williamson & Govardhan,2004),this paper experimentally investigates the vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder with two degrees of freedom near a rigid wall exposed to steady flow.The amplitude and frequency responses of the cylinder are discussed.The lee wake flow patterns of the cylinder undergoing VIV were visualized by employing the hydrogen bubble technique.The effects of the gap-to-diameter ratio (e0/D) and the mass ratio on the vibration amplitude and frequency are analyzed.Comparisons of VIV response of the cylinder are made between one degree (only transverse) and two degrees of freedom (streamwise and transverse) and those between the present study and previous ones.The experimental observation indicates that there are two types of streamwise vibration,i.e.the first streamwise vibration (FSV) with small amplitude and the second streamwise vibration (SSV) which coexists with transverse vibration.The vortex shedding pattem for the FSV is approximately symmetric and that for the SSV is alternate.The first streamwise vibration tends to disappear with the decrease of e0/D.For the case of large gap-to-diameter ratios (e.g.e0/D = 0.54~1.58),the maximum amplitudes of the second streamwise vibration and transverse one increase with the increasing gapto-diameter ratio.But for the case of small gap-to-diameter ratios (e.g.e0/D = 0.16,0.23),the vibration amplitude of the cylinder increases slowly at the initial stage (i.e.at small reduced velocity V,),and across the maximum amplitude it decreases quickly at the last stage (i.e.at large Vr).Within the range ofthe examined small mass ratio (m<4),both streamwise and transverse vibration amplitude of the cylinder decrease with the increase of mass ratio for the fixed value of V,.The vibration range (in terms of Vr ) tends to widen with the decrease of the mass ratio.In the second streamwise vibration region,the vibration frequency of the cylinder with a small mass ratio (e.g.mx = 1.44) undergoes a jump at a certain Vr,.The maximum amplitudes of the transverse vibration for two-degree-of-freedom case is larger than that for one-degree-of-freedom case,but the transverse vibration frequency of the cylinder with two degrees of freedom is lower than that with one degree of freedom (transverse).


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In this study, the vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder near a rigid plane boundary in a steady flow are studied experimentally. The phenomenon of vortex-induced vibrations of the cylinder near the rigid plane boundary is reproduced in the flume. The vortex shedding frequency and mode are also measured by the methods of hot film velocimeter and hydrogen bubbles. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the influences of reduced velocity, gap-to-diameter ratio, stability parameter and mass ratio on the amplitude and frequency responses of the cylinder. Experimental results indicate: (1) the Strouhal number (St) is around 0.2 for the stationary cylinder near a plane boundary in the sub-critical flow regime; (2) with increasing gap-to-diameter ratio (e (0)/D), the amplitude ratio (A/D) gets larger but frequency ratio (f/f (n) ) has a slight variation for the case of larger values of e (0)/D (e (0)/D > 0.66 in this study); (3) there is a clear difference of amplitude and frequency responses of the cylinder between the larger gap-to-diameter ratios (e (0)/D > 0.66) and the smaller ones (e (0)/D < 0.3); (4) the vibration of the cylinder is easier to occur and the range of vibration in terms of V (r) number becomes more extensive with decrease of the stability parameter, but the frequency response is affected slightly by the stability parameter; (5) with decreasing mass ratio, the width of the lock-in ranges in terms of V (r) and the frequency ratio (f/f (n) ) become larger.


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La neonatología es una modalidad de cuidados relativamente nueva, que ha ido evolucionando paralelamente al desarrollo tecnológico. A pesar de disminuir la mortalidad neonatal, el pronóstico en su desarrollo no se puede predecir. Muchos de los niños prematuros sufren alteraciones en el desarrollo infantil. En la mayoría de los casos, las complicaciones no sólo se deben a la prematuridad, si no que surgen a consecuencia de la traumática estancia hospitalaria. La Dra. Als pionera en los Cuidados Centrados en el Desarrollo en niños prematuros, impulsó la importancia de los factores externos que rodean al neonato, determinantes para el correcto desarrollo sensomotor, cognitivo y conductual. Por ello, Als crea el Programa de Evaluación y Atención Individualizada y Orientada al Desarrollo Neonatal (NIDCAP) que se establece como una metodología de cuidado para mejorar la calidad asistencial del neonato, con el fin de mejorar su desarrollo y disminuir las posibles complicaciones que se dan en la infancia. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la eficacia del NIDCAP en la disminución de secuelas en el desarrollo de niños prematuros a largo plazo mediante la evidencia científica, utilizando metodología PBE. Se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica a través de la base de datos pubmed y The Cochrane library, para contrastar los resultados y hallar la evidencia. Los resultados recogidos no confirman de manera contundente que el NIDCAP sea determinante para la disminución de secuelas sensomotoras en la infancia, aunque si sugiere que el programa no es perjudicial y si en todo caso beneficioso para los cuidados de estos recién nacidos.


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Durante muchos años se consideró que los neonatos no experimentaban el dolor por su incapacidad para verbalizarlo. Así, concepciones erróneas hicieron que el dolor neonatal no fuese tratado. En la actualidad, existe evidencia científica que corrobora la capacidad para percibir el dolor, siendo necesario su tratamiento. Aun así, el miedo a los posibles efectos secundarios de los fármacos ha obstaculizado el estudio de nuevos fármacos para el tratamiento del dolor. Es por eso que las estrategias no farmacológicas han tomado gran relevancia en el tratamiento de procedimientos dolorosos menores, y como coadyuvantes de los fármacos en procedimientos de mayor intensidad. El método canguro que se define como un contacto piel a piel entre madre e hijo, surgió como una alternativa ante la escasez de incubadoras. Sin embargo, numerosas investigaciones han demostrado los grandes beneficios que aporta, considerándolo también como una medida no farmacológica eficaz en el alivio del dolor neonatal. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la efectividad del método canguro junto a la administración de sacarosa oral en la disminución del dolor, en comparación con el procedimiento estándar al realizar la prueba de talón. Para ello, se realizará un ensayo clínico aleatorizado dirigido a los neonatos prematuros y de bajo peso gestacional ingresados en la unidad de neonatal del Hospital universitario de Cruces. La variable principal a estudio es la valoración del dolor medido mediante la escala PIPP. Se compararán los datos recogidos en el grupo control e intervención y el análisis de datos se realizará usando el programa informático SPSS.


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Near-degenerative near-collinear phase-match geometry for broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) at approximate to 780 nm is calculated in comparison with nondegenerate noncollinear phase-match geometry. In an experiment on LBO-I near-degenerate near-collinear OPCPA, high gain with broad gain bandwidth (approximate to 71 nm, FWHM) at approximate to 780 nm is achieved by using an approximate to 390-nm pumping pulse. The stretched broadband chirped signal pulse near 780 nm is amplified to approximate to 412 mu J with a pumping energy of approximate to 15 mJ, and the total gain is > 3.7 X 10(6), which agrees well with the calculation. For a broadband (covering approximate to 100 nm) chirped signal pulse, the theoretical gain bandwidth has been attained experimentally for the first time. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Near-degenerative near-collinear phase-match geometry for broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) at approximate to 780 nm is calculated in comparison with nondegenerate noncollinear phase-match geometry. In an experiment on LBO-I near-degenerate near-collinear OPCPA, high gain with broad gain bandwidth (approximate to 71 nm, FWHM) at approximate to 780 nm is achieved by using an approximate to 390-nm pumping pulse. The stretched broadband chirped signal pulse near 780 nm is amplified to approximate to 412 mu J with a pumping energy of approximate to 15 mJ, and the total gain is > 3.7 X 10(6), which agrees well with the calculation. For a broadband (covering approximate to 100 nm) chirped signal pulse, the theoretical gain bandwidth has been attained experimentally for the first time. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.