813 resultados para Muslims--Biography
This article explores the construction of Andrea Dworkin as a public persona, or a ‘feminist icon’, revered by some and demonized by others. It argues that in both her fiction and non-fiction, Dworkin engaged in a process of writing herself as an exceptional woman, a ‘feminist militant’ as she describes herself in the subheading of her 2002 memoir, Heartbreak. The article illustrates Dworkin’s autobiographical logic of exceptionalism by comparing the story told in Heartbreak to the story of Dworkin’s major novel, Mercy, which features a heroine, Andrea, who shares Dworkin’s name and significant biographical details. While Dworkin has insisted that Mercy is not an autobiographical novel, the author undertakes a reading here of Mercy as the story of Dworkin if she had not become the feminist icon of her own and others’ construction. In Mercy, Andrea unsuccessfully attempts to escape the silent, victimized status that Dworkin has insistently argued is imposed upon women. In her repeated victimization, Andrea functions for Dworkin as an ‘everywoman’ who both embodies Dworkin’s world-view and highlights how Dworkin’s own biography exists in tension with some of her central assumptions about women, gender and contemporary society.
Sylvia Townsend Warner was born in 1893 in Harrow and died in Dorset in 1978. Her writing career was both productive and diverse, spanning poems, short stories, novels, music reviews, a biography, translations of Proust, and a guide to Somerset. But this list, impressive as it is, does not do justice to the idiosyncrasy and heterogeneity of her work. While she is well known mostly for the seven novels she published, those works are all radically different in style and content. Indeed, Townsend Warner's singularity has, it could be argued, made it difficult to place her in the various fields and sub-fields of 20th-century literary studies. She shares as many similarities as differences with the high modernists who dominated the literary landscape of the interwar period. Likewise she fits, yet also resists, the more recent formulations of intermodernist and middlebrow scholarship that have attempted to interrogate and expand the horizons of mid-20th century literature.
This paper sets out a framework to structure reflexivity in social work practice. Based on the thinking of the sociologist, Derek Layder, it comprises five domains that impact on the individual and social life, namely: (i) psycho-biography – referring to a person’s unique experience throughout the life-course; (ii) situated activity – highlighting the impact of every day social interaction; (iii) social settings – addressing the role of organizations in social life; (iv) culture – covering the influence of attitudes, beliefs, tastes and ideas on symbolic meaning; and (v) politico-economy – alluding to the ramifications of political and economic forces on people’s lives. It is contended that power circulates throughout each domain as an enabling and constraining force. The paper then outlines a process for using the reflexive framework in ‘enabling’ activities such as practice learning, supervision, mentoring and coaching. By applying the framework in these contexts, it is argued that social workers can reflect critically on their role and develop emancipatory forms of practice.
Biography of General Sir John Maxwell
Profile and biography entry of John Connor Hanna, early film censor
Profile and biographical entry of Joseph Brooke Wilkinson, early film Censor
The chapter argues that language and cultural communication matter in a transnational world and that the transmission of prejudices against minorities has to be closely analysed while contextualising national histories with minorities. Looking at two spatial sites (Leeds and Warsaw) and analysing interview material that was drawn from a larger study, the authors discuss the way local people address difference particularly through the axes of gendered ethnicity (Muslim men) and gendered class (male underclass). It explores how the same categories of difference are discursively produced in Poland and the UK/ England; to what degree they differ or overlap.
Within the study of domestic violence typological approaches have gained prominence in part as a response to the wider feminist canon that presumes perpetrators are all simply motivated by male power. In this article we use a single case study to query the presumption inherent in the most commonly used typological approaches that offender motivations remain largely static overtime and can be read off easily from self-reports or official records. We conclude by pointing to the need, both for academics and practitioners, to engage interpretively with the specific meanings acts of violence hold for domestic violence perpetrators - informed as they can be by sexist values, perceptions of entitlement and a specific history of conflict, suspicion or grievance – that can change who they are and the way they behave in the aftermath of assaults and breakups, as the foreground of crime is reincorporated into a background narrative.
A presente tese problematiza a formação de professores/as, buscando sentidos de uma racionalidade instituinte que incorpore a vida dos sujeitos, em toda sua complexidade existencial, como componente fundamental do processo formativo. Num contexto de investigação-formação, tomamos as biografias educativas de seis professoras do Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico, em Portugal, e seis dos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental, no Brasil como uma alternativa teórico-metodológica na tematização da vida como espaço/tempo de formação. No desenvolvimento, encontramos vestígios de que o processo formador se torna inteligível numa perspectiva que entretece os diferentes episódios em tessitura, onde as intrigas são articuladas na experiência narrativa. Reafirmamos, também, o sentido da docência como "lugar de memória", a contribuição do registro da história de vida, transformando biografia em herança e a perspectiva dialógica da aprendizagem que se dá quando nos confrontamos com o outro de quem, dialecticamente, nos ligamos e nos distanciamos, mediados por desejos e desafios. ### Abstract - The present thesis discusses the formation of teachers, looking for senses of a founding rationality that incorporates the life of individuals in all its existential complexity as a fundamental component in the formation process. In an investigation-formation context, we took the educational biographies of six teachers from Portuguese Elementary Schools, and six teachers from Brazilian Elementary Schools, as a theoretical-methodological alternative on the theme of life as space/time of formation. In the development, we find indications that the formation process becomes comprehensible under a perspective that interlaces different episodes, where the intrigues are articulated in the experience narrative. We also reassert the teaching sense as being "the memory place", the registry contribution of life history, converting biography into legacy, and the learning dialogical perspective that happens when we confront ourselves with the other, from whom, dialectically speaking, we are close to and far-off, mediated by longings and challenges.
Este trabalho tem por objecto de estudo a obra de Pedro José da Fonseca, precipuamente a obra lexicográfica - Pawum Lexicon (1762), Diccionario Portuguez, e Latino (1771), Diccionario abbreviado da fabula (1779) e o Diccionario da Lingoa Portugueza (1 793). Necessidade premente num contexto de remodelação de todo o panorama do ensino em Portugal e de modificação das estruturas e hábitos da sociedade portuguesa, a composição destas obras iria corresponder ao consumo escolar e às solicitações da prática pedagógica almejada pela reforma pombalina. No plano geral da descrição crítica destes dicionários, atribui-se especial relevância, no cotejamento com as fontes, ao aperfeiçoamento da técnica lexicográfica. Propõe-se: o esboço da biografia do autor e um breve enquadramento históricocultural da 2" metade do século XVIII; o estudo da obra literária de Pedro da Fonseca, examinando o seu pensamento linguístico; análise da técnica de composição dicionan'stica a nível macro e microestrutural e, por fim, uma reflexão em torno do "corpus" lexical português nos dicionários de Fonseca.
O presente trabalho propõe-se abordar os problemas mais significativos da improvisação da música contemporânea. Tendo como foco principal a procura do pensamento do improvisador durante a performance, assim como, a exploração dos diferentes constrangimentos que regulam a abertura da improvisação, a tese é composta por duas partes: na primeira apresenta-se os modelos teóricos da improvisação e suas principais características, assim como, uma reflexão sobre o papel da memória no processo de criação no decorrer da performance. Explora-se ainda a temática da organização do discurso musical improvisado em relação aos problemas da Estrutura e do controlo da Forma. A partir dos pressupostos teóricos, apresenta-se na segunda parte, uma vasta compilação de performances improvisadas desenvolvidas sobre os diferentes constrangimentos da criação em tempo real, explorando-se os vários conceitos de abertura. Desenvolve-se ainda um estudo empírico baseado na retrospecção da improvisação de onze instrumentistas sobre um motivo comum, no sentido de recolher uma compilação dos termos e dos processos mais usados na sintaxe da improvisação, representativos do pensamento do improvisador. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que o comportamento da improvisação assenta maioritariamente num discurso Associativo, fortemente apoiado na biografia musical do improvisador e no controlo da Memória. Conclui-se também que a improvisação varia consoante a exposição do processo às diferentes categorias de abertura.