865 resultados para Modern aesthetics


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L’ermeneutica filosofica di Hans-Georg Gadamer – indubbiamente uno dei capisaldi del pensiero novecentesco – rappresenta una filosofia molto composita, sfaccettata e articolata, per così dire formata da una molteplicità di dimensioni diverse che si intrecciano l’una con l’altra. Ciò risulta evidente già da un semplice sguardo alla composizione interna della sua opera principale, Wahrheit und Methode (1960), nella quale si presenta una teoria del comprendere che prende in esame tre differenti dimensioni dell’esperienza umana – arte, storia e linguaggio – ovviamente concepite come fondamentalmente correlate tra loro. Ma questo quadro d’insieme si complica notevolmente non appena si prendano in esame perlomeno alcuni dei numerosi contributi che Gadamer ha scritto e pubblicato prima e dopo il suo opus magnum: contributi che testimoniano l’importante presenza nel suo pensiero di altre tematiche. Di tale complessità, però, non sempre gli interpreti di Gadamer hanno tenuto pienamente conto, visto che una gran parte dei contributi esegetici sul suo pensiero risultano essenzialmente incentrati sul capolavoro del 1960 (ed in particolare sui problemi della legittimazione delle Geisteswissenschaften), dedicando invece minore attenzione agli altri percorsi che egli ha seguito e, in particolare, alla dimensione propriamente etica e politica della sua filosofia ermeneutica. Inoltre, mi sembra che non sempre si sia prestata la giusta attenzione alla fondamentale unitarietà – da non confondere con una presunta “sistematicità”, da Gadamer esplicitamente respinta – che a dispetto dell’indubbia molteplicità ed eterogeneità del pensiero gadameriano comunque vige al suo interno. La mia tesi, dunque, è che estetica e scienze umane, filosofia del linguaggio e filosofia morale, dialogo con i Greci e confronto critico col pensiero moderno, considerazioni su problematiche antropologiche e riflessioni sulla nostra attualità sociopolitica e tecnoscientifica, rappresentino le diverse dimensioni di un solo pensiero, le quali in qualche modo vengono a convergere verso un unico centro. Un centro “unificante” che, a mio avviso, va individuato in quello che potremmo chiamare il disagio della modernità. In altre parole, mi sembra cioè che tutta la riflessione filosofica di Gadamer, in fondo, scaturisca dalla presa d’atto di una situazione di crisi o disagio nella quale si troverebbero oggi il nostro mondo e la nostra civiltà. Una crisi che, data la sua profondità e complessità, si è per così dire “ramificata” in molteplici direzioni, andando ad investire svariati ambiti dell’esistenza umana. Ambiti che pertanto vengono analizzati e indagati da Gadamer con occhio critico, cercando di far emergere i principali nodi problematici e, alla luce di ciò, di avanzare proposte alternative, rimedi, “correttivi” e possibili soluzioni. A partire da una tale comprensione di fondo, la mia ricerca si articola allora in tre grandi sezioni dedicate rispettivamente alla pars destruens dell’ermeneutica gadameriana (prima e seconda sezione) ed alla sua pars costruens (terza sezione). Nella prima sezione – intitolata Una fenomenologia della modernità: i molteplici sintomi della crisi – dopo aver evidenziato come buona parte della filosofia del Novecento sia stata dominata dall’idea di una crisi in cui verserebbe attualmente la civiltà occidentale, e come anche l’ermeneutica di Gadamer possa essere fatta rientrare in questo discorso filosofico di fondo, cerco di illustrare uno per volta quelli che, agli occhi del filosofo di Verità e metodo, rappresentano i principali sintomi della crisi attuale. Tali sintomi includono: le patologie socioeconomiche del nostro mondo “amministrato” e burocratizzato; l’indiscriminata espansione planetaria dello stile di vita occidentale a danno di altre culture; la crisi dei valori e delle certezze, con la concomitante diffusione di relativismo, scetticismo e nichilismo; la crescente incapacità a relazionarsi in maniera adeguata e significativa all’arte, alla poesia e alla cultura, sempre più degradate a mero entertainment; infine, le problematiche legate alla diffusione di armi di distruzione di massa, alla concreta possibilità di una catastrofe ecologica ed alle inquietanti prospettive dischiuse da alcune recenti scoperte scientifiche (soprattutto nell’ambito della genetica). Una volta delineato il profilo generale che Gadamer fornisce della nostra epoca, nella seconda sezione – intitolata Una diagnosi del disagio della modernità: il dilagare della razionalità strumentale tecnico-scientifica – cerco di mostrare come alla base di tutti questi fenomeni egli scorga fondamentalmente un’unica radice, coincidente peraltro a suo giudizio con l’origine stessa della modernità. Ossia, la nascita della scienza moderna ed il suo intrinseco legame con la tecnica e con una specifica forma di razionalità che Gadamer – facendo evidentemente riferimento a categorie interpretative elaborate da Max Weber, Martin Heidegger e dalla Scuola di Francoforte – definisce anche «razionalità strumentale» o «pensiero calcolante». A partire da una tale visione di fondo, cerco quindi di fornire un’analisi della concezione gadameriana della tecnoscienza, evidenziando al contempo alcuni aspetti, e cioè: primo, come l’ermeneutica filosofica di Gadamer non vada interpretata come una filosofia unilateralmente antiscientifica, bensì piuttosto come una filosofia antiscientista (il che naturalmente è qualcosa di ben diverso); secondo, come la sua ricostruzione della crisi della modernità non sfoci mai in una critica “totalizzante” della ragione, né in una filosofia della storia pessimistico-negativa incentrata sull’idea di un corso ineluttabile degli eventi guidato da una razionalità “irrazionale” e contaminata dalla brama di potere e di dominio; terzo, infine, come la filosofia di Gadamer – a dispetto delle inveterate interpretazioni che sono solite scorgervi un pensiero tradizionalista, autoritario e radicalmente anti-illuminista – non intenda affatto respingere l’illuminismo scientifico moderno tout court, né rinnegarne le più importanti conquiste, ma più semplicemente “correggerne” alcune tendenze e recuperare una nozione più ampia e comprensiva di ragione, in grado di render conto anche di quegli aspetti dell’esperienza umana che, agli occhi di una razionalità “limitata” come quella scientista, non possono che apparire come meri residui di irrazionalità. Dopo aver così esaminato nelle prime due sezioni quella che possiamo definire la pars destruens della filosofia di Gadamer, nella terza ed ultima sezione – intitolata Una terapia per la crisi della modernità: la riscoperta dell’esperienza e del sapere pratico – passo quindi ad esaminare la sua pars costruens, consistente a mio giudizio in un recupero critico di quello che egli chiama «un altro tipo di sapere». Ossia, in un tentativo di riabilitazione di tutte quelle forme pre- ed extra-scientifiche di sapere e di esperienza che Gadamer considera costitutive della «dimensione ermeneutica» dell’esistenza umana. La mia analisi della concezione gadameriana del Verstehen e dell’Erfahrung – in quanto forme di un «sapere pratico (praktisches Wissen)» differente in linea di principio da quello teorico e tecnico – conduce quindi ad un’interpretazione complessiva dell’ermeneutica filosofica come vera e propria filosofia pratica. Cioè, come uno sforzo di chiarificazione filosofica di quel sapere prescientifico, intersoggettivo e “di senso comune” effettivamente vigente nella sfera della nostra Lebenswelt e della nostra esistenza pratica. Ciò, infine, conduce anche inevitabilmente ad un’accentuazione dei risvolti etico-politici dell’ermeneutica di Gadamer. In particolare, cerco di esaminare la concezione gadameriana dell’etica – tenendo conto dei suoi rapporti con le dottrine morali di Platone, Aristotele, Kant e Hegel – e di delineare alla fine un profilo della sua ermeneutica filosofica come filosofia del dialogo, della solidarietà e della libertà.


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Several activities were conducted during my PhD activity. For the NEMO experiment a collaboration between the INFN/University groups of Catania and Bologna led to the development and production of a mixed signal acquisition board for the Nemo Km3 telescope. The research concerned the feasibility study for a different acquisition technique quite far from that adopted in the NEMO Phase 1 telescope. The DAQ board that we realized exploits the LIRA06 front-end chip for the analog acquisition of anodic an dynodic sources of a PMT (Photo-Multiplier Tube). The low-power analog acquisition allows to sample contemporaneously multiple channels of the PMT at different gain factors in order to increase the signal response linearity over a wider dynamic range. Also the auto triggering and self-event-classification features help to improve the acquisition performance and the knowledge on the neutrino event. A fully functional interface towards the first level data concentrator, the Floor Control Module, has been integrated as well on the board, and a specific firmware has been realized to comply with the present communication protocols. This stage of the project foresees the use of an FPGA, a high speed configurable device, to provide the board with a flexible digital logic control core. After the validation of the whole front-end architecture this feature would be probably integrated in a common mixed-signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The volatile nature of the configuration memory of the FPGA implied the integration of a flash ISP (In System Programming) memory and a smart architecture for a safe remote reconfiguration of it. All the integrated features of the board have been tested. At the Catania laboratory the behavior of the LIRA chip has been investigated in the digital environment of the DAQ board and we succeeded in driving the acquisition with the FPGA. The PMT pulses generated with an arbitrary waveform generator were correctly triggered and acquired by the analog chip, and successively they were digitized by the on board ADC under the supervision of the FPGA. For the communication towards the data concentrator a test bench has been realized in Bologna where, thanks to a lending of the Roma University and INFN, a full readout chain equivalent to that present in the NEMO phase-1 was installed. These tests showed a good behavior of the digital electronic that was able to receive and to execute command imparted by the PC console and to answer back with a reply. The remotely configurable logic behaved well too and demonstrated, at least in principle, the validity of this technique. A new prototype board is now under development at the Catania laboratory as an evolution of the one described above. This board is going to be deployed within the NEMO Phase-2 tower in one of its floors dedicated to new front-end proposals. This board will integrate a new analog acquisition chip called SAS (Smart Auto-triggering Sampler) introducing thus a new analog front-end but inheriting most of the digital logic present in the current DAQ board discussed in this thesis. For what concern the activity on high-resolution vertex detectors, I worked within the SLIM5 collaboration for the characterization of a MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor) device called APSEL-4D. The mentioned chip is a matrix of 4096 active pixel sensors with deep N-well implantations meant for charge collection and to shield the analog electronics from digital noise. The chip integrates the full-custom sensors matrix and the sparsifification/readout logic realized with standard-cells in STM CMOS technology 130 nm. For the chip characterization a test-beam has been set up on the 12 GeV PS (Proton Synchrotron) line facility at CERN of Geneva (CH). The collaboration prepared a silicon strip telescope and a DAQ system (hardware and software) for data acquisition and control of the telescope that allowed to store about 90 million events in 7 equivalent days of live-time of the beam. My activities concerned basically the realization of a firmware interface towards and from the MAPS chip in order to integrate it on the general DAQ system. Thereafter I worked on the DAQ software to implement on it a proper Slow Control interface of the APSEL4D. Several APSEL4D chips with different thinning have been tested during the test beam. Those with 100 and 300 um presented an overall efficiency of about 90% imparting a threshold of 450 electrons. The test-beam allowed to estimate also the resolution of the pixel sensor providing good results consistent with the pitch/sqrt(12) formula. The MAPS intrinsic resolution has been extracted from the width of the residual plot taking into account the multiple scattering effect.


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It is well known that the deposition of gaseous pollutants and aerosols plays a major role in causing the deterioration of monuments and built cultural heritage in European cities. Despite of many studies dedicated to the environmental damage of cultural heritage, in case of cement mortars, commonly used in the 20th century architecture, the deterioration due to air multipollutants impact, especially the formation of black crusts, is still not well explored making this issue a challenging area of research. This work centers on cement mortars – environment interactions, focusing on the diagnosis of the damage on the modern built heritage due to air multi-pollutants. For this purpose three sites, exposed to different urban areas in Europe, were selected for sampling and subsequent laboratory analyses: Centennial Hall, Wroclaw (Poland), Chiesa dell'Autostrada del Sole, Florence (Italy), Casa Galleria Vichi, Florence (Italy). The sampling sessions were performed taking into account the height from the ground level and protection from rain run off (sheltered, partly sheltered and exposed areas). The complete characterization of collected damage layer and underlying materials was performed using a range of analytical techniques: optical and scanning electron microscopy, X ray diffractometry, differential and gravimetric thermal analysis, ion chromatography, flash combustion/gas chromatographic analysis, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The data were elaborated using statistical methods (i.e. principal components analyses) and enrichment factor for cement mortars was calculated for the first time. The results obtained from the experimental activity performed on the damage layers indicate that gypsum, due to the deposition of atmospheric sulphur compounds, is the main damage product at surfaces sheltered from rain run-off at Centennial Hall and Casa Galleria Vichi. By contrast, gypsum has not been identified in the samples collected at Chiesa dell'Autostrada del Sole. This is connected to the restoration works, particularly surface cleaning, regularly performed for the maintenance of the building. Moreover, the results obtained demonstrated the correlation between the location of the building and the composition of the damage layer: Centennial Hall is mainly undergoing to the impact of pollutants emitted from the close coal power stations, whilst Casa Galleria Vichi is principally affected by pollutants from vehicular exhaust in front of the building.


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KurzfassungIm Einzugsgebiet der Hunte (NW-Deutsches Becken, Niedersachsen) wurde untersucht, ob die Landschaftsgenese durch tektonische Bewegungen der Oberkruste beeinflußt ist. Krustenbewegungen führten im Bereich einer Hauptschollengrenze zu einer Hebung der weichselzeitlichen Niederterrasse (durchschnittliche Hebungssrate von ~0,5 mm/a über die letzten 12000 Jahre). Tektonischer Einfluß auf die heutige Landoberfläche ist über einem permischen Salzkissen zu verzeichnen, wo sich das Gefälle der holozänen Aue umkehrt. Krustenbewegungen haben mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit Vorzugsrichtungen verursacht, die an der Tertiärbasis und in der heutigen Landschaft nachweisbar sind (0-5° und 90-95°). Das Abfließen der Hunte nach Norden scheint durch eine aktive, nordwärts gerichtete Kippung des NW-Deutschen Beckens verursacht zu sein. Hohe lineare Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen Tiefenlage der Tertiärbasis und Höhenlage der heutigen Landoberfläche weisen auf eine aktive Kippung des Beckens hin. Beckensubsidenz hat möglicherweise die Akkumulation der weichselzeitlichen Niederterrasse gesteuert, da eine Übereinstimmung zwischen rezenter Beckensubsidenz und durchschnittlicher Sedimentationsrate des Niederterrassenkörpers besteht. Untersuchungen an einer geschlossenen Hohlform deuten auf eine aktive Sackungsstruktur hin, da sich Anomalien des geologischen Untergrundes mit der topographischen Lage der Struktur decken.


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This doctoral thesis examines the use of liability rules to protect patent entitlements, focusing on a specific type of rule named ex-post since it is applied and designed ex-post by a court or an agency. The research starts from the premise that patents are defined by the legal and economic scholarship as exclusive rights but nevertheless, under certain circumstances there are economic as well as other compelling reasons to transform the exclusiveness of patent rights into a right to receive compensation.


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The studies conducted during my Phd thesis were focused on two different directions: 1. In one case we tried to face some long standing problems of the asymmetric aminocatalysis as the activation of encumbered carbonyl compounds and the control of the diastereoisomeric ratio in the diastero- and enantioselective construction of all carbon substituted quaternary stereocenters adjacent a tertiary one. In this section (Challenges) was described the asymmetric aziridination of ,-unsaturated ketones, the activation of ,-unsaturated -branched aldehydes and the Michael addition of oxindoles to enals and enones. For the activation via iminium ion formation of sterically demanding substrates, as ,-unsaturated ketones and ,-unsaturated -branched aldehydes, we exploited a chiral primary amine in order to overcome the problem of the iminium ion formation between the catalyst and encumbered carbonylic componds. For the control of diastereoisomeric ratio in the diastero- and enantioselective construction of all carbon substituted quaternary stereocenters adjacent a tertiary one we envisaged that a suitable strategy was the Michael addition to 3 substituted oxindoles to enals activated via LUMO-lowering catalysis. In this synthetic protocol we designed a new bifunctional catalyst with an amine moiety for activate the aldehyde and a tioureidic fragment for direct the approach of the oxindole. This part of the thesis (Challenges) could be considered pure basic research, where the solution of the synthetic problem was the goal itself of the research. 2. In the other hand (Molecules) we applied our knowledge about the carbonylic compounds activation and about cascade reaction to the synthesis of three new classes of spirooxindole in enantiopure form. The construction of libraries of these bioactive compounds represented a scientific bridge between medicinal chemistry or biology and the asymmetric catalysis.


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Die Dissertation untersucht die geistige Produktion im Erziehungssystem anhand des Unterrichtsgegenstands populäre Musik. Hiermit ist sie im Kernbereich der musikpädagogischen Disziplin angesiedelt – Musik und Schule. Ferner rückt die Festlegung auf populäre Musik den Schüler in seinem Alltagswissen in den Vordergrund der Betrachtung. Die Frage nach dem Umgang mit populärer Musik ist somit indirekt eine Frage nach dem Umgang mit schülernahen Erfahrungswelten in der Schule. Innerhalb dieses Forschungsprofils erhält die Arbeit ihre eigentliche Relevanz - sie zeigt auf, wie eine moderne, selbstreferentielle Musikpädagogik eigene bedeutsame Kommunikationen beobachten kann. Entworfen in Anlehnung an die Systemtheorie nach Niklas Luhmann, werden in der Arbeit die unikalen Reflexionszusammenhänge von Pädagogik und Musikpädagogik anhand der folgenden Operationsfelder offengelegt: pädagogische und musikpädagogische Fachliteratur, Lehrpläne und Schulbücher. Nach Luhmann ist es erforderlich verstehend in die Unikalität systemischer Reflexionsleistungen einzudringen, um inkonsistente Anforderungen an die Aufgabe (Musik-)Erziehung und ihre Gegenstände aufzudecken und zukünftige Systemhandlungen zu optimieren. Die Arbeit ist in drei große historische Zeitblöcke gegliedert, die ihrerseits in verschiedene disziplinäre Operationsfelder unterteilt sind. Mit Hilfe dieser zweidimensionalen historisch-interdisziplinären Sichtweise wird populäre Musik als Bezugsgröße aufgewiesen, an der die zentralen Debatten von Pädagogik und Musikpädagogik kondensieren. Anhand von Schlüsselbegriffen wie Kultur, Gesellschaft und Ästhetik aber auch didaktischen Prinzipien wie Schüler- und Handlungsorientierung oder ganzheitliche (Musik-)Pädagogik lässt sich die Vielfalt historisch gewachsener inkonsistenter/konsistenter Forderungen belegen. Aus den Beobachtungen im Umgang mit populärer Musik werden Aufgaben deutlich, die die Disziplinen, vor allem die Musikpädagogik, in der Zukunft zu leisten haben. Diese beschäftigen sich auf der einen Seite mit dem disziplinären Selbstverständnis und auf der anderen Seite mit unbeantworteten didaktischen Fragestellungen wie den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des einzelnen populären Musikstücks im konkret-situativen Lernkontext von Musikunterricht.


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Epigenetic variability is a new mechanism for the study of human microevolution, because it creates both phenotypic diversity within an individual and within population. This mechanism constitutes an important reservoir for adaptation in response to new stimuli and recent studies have demonstrated that selective pressures shape not only the genetic code but also DNA methylation profiles. The aim of this thesis is the study of the role of DNA methylation changes in human adaptive processes, considering the Italian peninsula and macro-geographical areas. A whole-genome analysis of DNA methylation profile across the Italian penisula identified some genes whose methylation levels differ between individuals of different Italian districts (South, Centre and North of Italy). These genes are involved in nitrogen compound metabolism and genes involved in pathogens response. Considering individuals with different macro-geographical origins (individuals of Asians, European and African ancestry) more significant DMRs (differentially methylated regions) were identified and are located in genes involved in glucoronidation, in immune response as well as in cell comunication processes. A "profile" of each ancestry (African, Asian and European) was described. Moreover a deepen analysis of three candidate genes (KRTCAP3, MAD1L and BRSK2) in a cohort of individuals of different countries (Morocco, Nigeria, China and Philippines) living in Bologna, was performed in order to explore genetic and epigenetic diversity. Moreover this thesis have paved the way for the application of DNA methylation for the study of hystorical remains and in particular for the age-estimation of individuals starting from biological samples (such as teeth or blood). Noteworthy, a mathematical model that considered methylation values of DNA extracted from cementum and pulp of living individuals can estimate chronological age with high accuracy (median absolute difference between age estimated from DNA methylation and chronological age was 1.2 years).


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Surgery of radiation-induced cataracts in children with retinoblastoma (RB) is a challenge as early intervention is weighted against the need to delay surgery until complete tumour control is obtained. This study analyses the safety and functional results of such surgery.


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The objective of the study is to investigate products used by women self-treating symptoms of reproductive tract infections (RTIs), including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and their methods of administration. A household survey using a multi-stage cluster sample design was undertaken in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Women aged 18-60 years were interviewed (n = 867) and information was collected on demographics, reproductive health and sexual behaviours. A fifth of women reported having RTI/STI symptoms (20.5%), of whom 41.9% were treating these symptoms (mostly discharge [79.1%], ulcers [6.8%] and itching [7.7%]). Only three women were using medication prescribed by a health provider, while the remainder were self-treating using traditional medicines and modern products, including antiseptics, soaps, petroleum jelly, menthol creams and alum. Products were administered in various ways. Although RTI/STI treatment is widely available and free in public health facilities, many women are still self-treating. Potential harm of products for self-treatment requires further investigation and efforts should be made to improve STI service uptake.


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Modern anticancer therapeutics can be associated with significant cardiovascular side-effects. Detection, risk assessment, and treatment of these unwanted effects are an important task for treating physicians. The purpose of this review is to focus on approved novel cancer therapeutics and discuss the most important cardiovascular side-effects, prognosis, and potential treatment. We will contrast these effects to those of conventional cardiotoxic chemotherapeutics.


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The diagnosis and management of patients with renovascular disease and hypertension continue to elude healthcare providers. The advent of novel imaging and interventional techniques, and increased understanding of the pathways leading to irreversible renal injury and renovascular hypertension, have ushered in commendable attempts to optimize and finetune strategies to preserve or restore renal function and control blood pressure. Large randomized clinical trials that compare different forms of therapy, and smaller trials that test novel experimental treatments, will hopefully help formulate innovative concepts and tools to manage the patient population with atherosclerotic renovascular disease.