618 resultados para Mimo


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La intensa evolución tecnológica que está experimentando nuestra sociedad en las últimas décadas hace que se estén desarrollando continuamente nuevas tecnologías que proporcionan mejoras tanto en la calidad como en la seguridad del servicio, este es el caso del 4G. A día de hoy, en España, la cuarta generación de comunicaciones móviles se ve encabezada por LTE, mientras que LTE-Advanced sólo se está implantando en las principales ciudades de nuestro país durante los últimos meses. Por este motivo, se ha creído interesante realizar una planificación sobre una zona que, hasta el momento, no está cubierta por cobertura LTE-Advanced. Además hay que tener en cuenta la naturaleza del terreno en el que trabajaremos, ya que se aleja del suelo urbano que encontramos en las principales ciudades con LTE-Advanced, como Madrid, Barcelona o Valencia. El estudio de esta zona semirural es de gran interés ya que uno de los objetivos de la cuarta generación es hacer llegar conexión a internet de calidad a lugares en los que no puede llegar la fibra óptica, como por ejemplo estas zonas semirurales. Para añadir aún más interés en el estudio, se ha decidido utilizar la banda de 800 MHz para el despliegue de la red. Esta banda que anteriormente era utilizada para la transmisión TDT, recientemente ha quedado liberada, en el conocido como Dividendo Digital para su uso en comunicaciones móviles. La tecnología LTE-Advanced se está empezando a desplegar en esta banda aunque realmente hasta Noviembre del año 2015 no tendremos un uso real de la misma, por lo que en estos momentos las redes 4G están utilizando la banda de 2.6 GHz. La utilización de la banda de 800 MHz conllevará mejoras tanto al usuario como a las operadoras, las cuales iremos viendo a lo largo del desarrollo del proyecto. La planificación pasará por distintas fases de optimización y expansión en las que se analizaran tanto la parte radioeléctrica como su capacidad. Se analizaran señales del tipo RSRP, RSSI o RSRQ y para el análisis de capacidad se definirá un conjunto de usuarios, distribuidos adecuadamente por toda la zona, que permitirá estudiar en detalle la capacidad de nuestra red. Para finalizar, se realizarán varias pruebas que demostrarán lo importante que es la tecnología MIMO tanto en LTE como en LTE-Advanced. ABSTRACT. Nowadays, our society is experiencing an intense pace of technological evolution which causes the constant development of new technologies. In the network planning area, these new technologies are focused on improving both quality and safety of service, with the recent deployment of 4G technologies in our networks. This project focuses on Spain, where the fourth generation of mobile communications is led by LTE, because LTE-Advanced has only been deployed in the largest cities, so far. The goal of this project is to plan, deploy and simulate LTE-Advanced network, of an area that hasn´t yet been covered. Furthermore, it will be taken into account the nature of the terrain where the network will be developed, as it moves away from urban areas in the major cities with LTE-Advanced, including Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. The study of these semi-rural areas is extremely important because one of the main objectives of the fourth generation technologies is to get high-speed internet access to places that can be reached through other technologies, such as optical fiber. In order to adjust to the actual needs, the project was developed for the 800 MHz band. Those frequencies used to be assigned for digital terrestrial TV, but they have recently been released through the Digital Dividend in 2015 to use with mobile communications. That is the reason why, the LTE-Advanced technology in Spain is starting to be deployed in those frequencies. Despite the freeing of the 800 MHz band, it is not allowed to use it until November 2015, so 4G networks are currently using the 2.6 GHz band. The use of the 800 MHz band will led to advantages and improvements to users and operators, which will be detailed over the project. Each step of the planning of the 4G network is detailed. It is analyzed the optimization and expansion of the network, based on the radio and capacity premises. RSRP, RSSI or RSRQ signals were analyzed and an analysis of the network capacity was carried out. Finally, several tests are developed to show the importance of MIMO in LTE and LTE-Advanced.


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Devido à crescente implementação do Controle Preditivo baseado em Modelo (MPC) em outros processos além de refino e plantas petroquímicas, que geralmente possuem múltiplas entradas e saídas, tem-se um aumento na demanda de modelos gerados por identificação de sistemas. Identificar modelos que representem fielmente a dinâmica do processo depende em grande medida das características dos sinais de excitação dos processos. Assim, o foco deste trabalho é realizar um estudo dos sinais típicos usados em identificação de sistemas, PRBS e GBN, em uma abordagem multivariável. O estudo feito neste trabalho parte das características da geração dos sinais individualmente, depois é feita uma análise de correlação cruzada dos sinais de entrada, observando a influência desta sobre os resultados de identificação. Evitar uma alta correlação entre os sinais de entrada permite determinar o efeito de cada entrada sobre a saída no processo de identificação. Um ponto importante no projeto de sinais de identificação de sistemas multivariáveis é a frequência dos mesmos para conseguir excitar os processos nas regiões de frequência de operação normal e assim extrair a maior informação dinâmica possível do processo. As características estudadas são avaliadas por meio de testes em três plantas simuladas diferentes, categorizadas como mal, medianamente e bem condicionadas. Estas implementações foram feitas usando sinais GBN e PRBS de diferentes frequências. Expressões para a caracterização dos sinais de excitação foram avaliadas identificando os processos em malha aberta e malha fechada. Para as plantas mal condicionadas foram implementados sinais compostos por uma parte completamente correlacionada e uma parte não-correlacionada, conhecido como método de dois passos. Finalmente são realizados experimentos de identificação em uma aplicação em tempo real de uma planta piloto de neutralização de pH. Os testes realizados na planta foram feitos visando avaliar os estudos de frequência e correlação em uma aplicaficção real. Os resultados mostram que a condição de sinais completamente descorrelacionados n~ao deve ser cumprida para ter bons resultados nos modelos identificados. Isto permite ter mais exibilidade na geração do conjunto de sinais de excitação.


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The deep-sea cores M 16415-2 and M 16416-2 at about 9°N off Sierra Leone were analysed palynologically for the time interval 140,000-70,000 yr B.P. Results were presented in absolute (pollen concentration and pollen influx) and relative diagrams (pollen percentage). In a previous study it was evidenced that in northwest Africa pollen is mainly transported to the Atlantic by wind, so that the efficiency of aeolian pollen transport (pollen flux) could be used to evaluate changes in the intensity of the northeast trade winds. The glacial episodes (represented by the oxygen isotope stages 6 and 4) are characterized by strong northeast trade winds, whereas the last interglacial (stage 5) is characterized by weak trade winds. The pollen influx diagram shows that the intensity of the trade winds increased slightly during the relatively cool intervals of stage 5 (viz. 5.4 and 5.2). Tropical forest had maximally expanded around 124,000 yr B.P. (stage 5.5), around 98,000 yr B.P. (transition of stage 5.3 to 5.2), and around 70,000 yr B.P. (first part of stage 4): an increasing delay of the response of tropical forest to global intervals with maximum temperature is apparent during the last interglacial. As tropical forests need continuous humidity, the record of tropical forest monitors changes in climatic humidity south of the Sahara. During the last interglacial, the southern boundary of the Sahara shifted only little: expansions and contractions of the tropical forest area are correlated with contra-oscillations of the grass-dominated savanna zone. Great latitudinal shifts of the desert savanna boundary, on the contrary, occurred during the penultimate glacial interglacial transition (around 128,000 yr B.P.) to the north, and during the last interglacial-glacial transition (around 65,000 yr B.P.) to the south.


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Genetic algorithms (GAs) are known to locate the global optimal solution provided sufficient population and/or generation is used. Practically, a near-optimal satisfactory result can be found by Gas with a limited number of generations. In wireless communications, the exhaustive searching approach is widely applied to many techniques, such as maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) and distance spectrum (DS) techniques. The complexity of the exhaustive searching approach in the MLD or the DS technique is exponential in the number of transmit antennas and the size of the signal constellation for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems. If a large number of antennas and a large size of signal constellations, e.g. PSK and QAM, are employed in the MIMO systems, the exhaustive searching approach becomes impractical and time consuming. In this paper, the GAs are applied to the MLD and DS techniques to provide a near-optimal performance with a reduced computational complexity for the MIMO systems. Two different GA-based efficient searching approaches are proposed for the MLD and DS techniques, respectively. The first proposed approach is based on a GA with sharing function method, which is employed to locate the multiple solutions of the distance spectrum for the Space-time Trellis Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (STTC-OFDM) systems. The second approach is the GA-based MLD that attempts to find the closest point to the transmitted signal. The proposed approach can return a satisfactory result with a good initial signal vector provided to the GA. Through simulation results, it is shown that the proposed GA-based efficient searching approaches can achieve near-optimal performance, but with a lower searching complexity comparing with the original MLD and DS techniques for the MIMO systems.


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This paper re-examines the stability of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control systems designed using sequential MIMO quantitative feedback theory (QFT). In order to establish the results, recursive design equations for the SISO equivalent plants employed in a sequential MIMO QFT design are established. The equations apply to sequential MIMO QFT designs in both the direct plant domain, which employs the elements of plant in the design, and the inverse plant domain, which employs the elements of the plant inverse in the design. Stability theorems that employ necessary and sufficient conditions for robust closed-loop internal stability are developed for sequential MIMO QFT designs in both domains. The theorems and design equations facilitate less conservative designs and improved design transparency.


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This paper introduces a blind multiuser detection algorithm for MIMO channels. The receiver is required to separate and recover the information signal of the desired user(s) based on independent component analysis (ICA) of the received sequence. The received sequence is assumed to be independent identically distributed. Experimental results show that the proposed blind ICA multiuser detection works well with a short symbol sequence, even if the channel time span is not accurately estimated. It is concluded that the proposed blind multiuser detection performs better than the conventional matched filters in a noisy environment.


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A multichannel spherical speaker array allows, together with a spherical microphones array, the measurement of the MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) acoustic impulse response of an environment capturing meaningful information about propagation of sound between source an receiver. The mathematical framework for extracting arbitrary directivity virtual microphones from real microphones array signals is recalled and the application of the same method to the speakers array to generate arbitrary directivity source is presented. A convenient solutions for the construction and calibration of speakers spherical array for measurement purposes is illustrated. The postprocessing technique developed to compute and visualize acoustic path between source and receiver from measured MIMO impulse response is discussed. Real word results from measurement in a small theater are shown.


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Liquid-liquid extraction has long been known as a unit operation that plays an important role in industry. This process is well known for its complexity and sensitivity to operation conditions. This thesis presents an attempt to explore the dynamics and control of this process using a systematic approach and state of the art control system design techniques. The process was studied first experimentally under carefully selected. operation conditions, which resembles the ranges employed practically under stable and efficient conditions. Data were collected at steady state conditions using adequate sampling techniques for the dispersed and continuous phases as well as during the transients of the column with the aid of a computer-based online data logging system and online concentration analysis. A stagewise single stage backflow model was improved to mimic the dynamic operation of the column. The developed model accounts for the variation in hydrodynamics, mass transfer, and physical properties throughout the length of the column. End effects were treated by addition of stages at the column entrances. Two parameters were incorporated in the model namely; mass transfer weight factor to correct for the assumption of no mass transfer in the. settling zones at each stage and the backmixing coefficients to handle the axial dispersion phenomena encountered in the course of column operation. The parameters were estimated by minimizing the differences between the experimental and the model predicted concentration profiles at steady state conditions using non-linear optimisation technique. The estimated values were then correlated as functions of operating parameters and were incorporated in·the model equations. The model equations comprise a stiff differential~algebraic system. This system was solved using the GEAR ODE solver. The calculated concentration profiles were compared to those experimentally measured. A very good agreement of the two profiles was achieved within a percent relative error of ±2.S%. The developed rigorous dynamic model of the extraction column was used to derive linear time-invariant reduced-order models that relate the input variables (agitator speed, solvent feed flowrate and concentration, feed concentration and flowrate) to the output variables (raffinate concentration and extract concentration) using the asymptotic method of system identification. The reduced-order models were shown to be accurate in capturing the dynamic behaviour of the process with a maximum modelling prediction error of I %. The simplicity and accuracy of the derived reduced-order models allow for control system design and analysis of such complicated processes. The extraction column is a typical multivariable process with agitator speed and solvent feed flowrate considered as manipulative variables; raffinate concentration and extract concentration as controlled variables and the feeds concentration and feed flowrate as disturbance variables. The control system design of the extraction process was tackled as multi-loop decentralised SISO (Single Input Single Output) as well as centralised MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) system using both conventional and model-based control techniques such as IMC (Internal Model Control) and MPC (Model Predictive Control). Control performance of each control scheme was. studied in terms of stability, speed of response, sensitivity to modelling errors (robustness), setpoint tracking capabilities and load rejection. For decentralised control, multiple loops were assigned to pair.each manipulated variable with each controlled variable according to the interaction analysis and other pairing criteria such as relative gain array (RGA), singular value analysis (SVD). Loops namely Rotor speed-Raffinate concentration and Solvent flowrate Extract concentration showed weak interaction. Multivariable MPC has shown more effective performance compared to other conventional techniques since it accounts for loops interaction, time delays, and input-output variables constraints.


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The main theme of research of this project concerns the study of neutral networks to control uncertain and non-linear control systems. This involves the control of continuous time, discrete time, hybrid and stochastic systems with input, state or output constraints by ensuring good performances. A great part of this project is devoted to the opening of frontiers between several mathematical and engineering approaches in order to tackle complex but very common non-linear control problems. The objectives are: 1. Design and develop procedures for neutral network enhanced self-tuning adaptive non-linear control systems; 2. To design, as a general procedure, neural network generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller for non-linear dynamic plants (Integration of neural network mapping with generalised minimum variance self-tuning controller strategies); 3. To develop a software package to evaluate control system performances using Matlab, Simulink and Neural Network toolbox. An adaptive control algorithm utilising a recurrent network as a model of a partial unknown non-linear plant with unmeasurable state is proposed. Appropriately, it appears that structured recurrent neural networks can provide conveniently parameterised dynamic models for many non-linear systems for use in adaptive control. Properties of static neural networks, which enabled successful design of stable adaptive control in the state feedback case, are also identified. A survey of the existing results is presented which puts them in a systematic framework showing their relation to classical self-tuning adaptive control application of neural control to a SISO/MIMO control. Simulation results demonstrate that the self-tuning design methods may be practically applicable to a reasonably large class of unknown linear and non-linear dynamic control systems.


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The unmitigated transmission of undesirable vibration can result in problems by way of causing human discomfort, machinery and equipment failure, and affecting the quality of a manufacturing process. When identifiable transmission paths are discernible, vibrations from the source can be isolated from the rest of the system and this prevents or minimises the problems. The approach proposed here for vibration isolation is active force cancellation at points close to the vibration source. It uses force feedback for multiple-input and multiple-output control at the mounting locations. This is particularly attractive for rigid mounting of machine on relative flexible base where machine alignment and motions are to be restricted. The force transfer function matrix is used as a disturbance rejection performance specification for the design of MIMO controllers. For machine soft-mounted via flexible isolators, a model for this matrix has been derived. Under certain conditions, a simple multiplicative uncertainty model is obtained that shows the amount of perturbation a flexible base has on the machine-isolator-rigid base transmissibility matrix. Such a model is very suitable for use with robust control design paradigm. A different model is derived for the machine on hard-mounts without the flexible isolators. With this model, the level of force transmitted from a machine to a final mounting structure using the measurements for the machine running on another mounting structure can be determined. The two mounting structures have dissimilar dynamic characteristics. Experiments have verified the usefulness of the expression. The model compares well with other methods in the literature. The disadvantage lies with the large amount of data that has to be collected. Active force cancellation is demonstrated on an experimental rig using an AC industrial motor hard-mounted onto a relative flexible structure. The force transfer function matrix, determined from measurements, is used to design H and Static Output Feedback controllers. Both types of controllers are stable and robust to modelling errors within the identified frequency range. They reduce the RMS of transmitted force by between 30?80% at all mounting locations for machine running at 1340 rpm. At the rated speed of 1440 rpm only the static gain controller is able to provide 30?55% reduction at all locations. The H controllers on the other hand could only give a small reduction at one mount location. This is due in part to the deficient of the model used in the design. Higher frequency dynamics has been ignored in the model. This can be resolved by the use of a higher order model that can result in a high order controller. A low order static gain controller, with some tuning, performs better. But it lacks the analytical framework for analysis and design.


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Transmission of a 73.7 Tb/s (96x3x256-Gb/s) DP-16QAM mode-division-multiplexed signal over 119km of few-mode fiber transmission line incorporating an inline multi mode EDFA and a phase plate based mode (de-)multiplexer is demonstrated. Data-aided 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing was used to demodulate the signal. The total demonstrated net capacity, taking into account 20% of FEC-overhead and 7.5% additional overhead (Ethernet and training sequences), is 57.6 Tb/s, corresponding to a spectral efficiency of 12 bits/s/Hz.


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We show transmission of a 3x112-Gb/s DP-QPSK mode-division-multiplexed signal up to 80km, with and without multi-mode EDFA, using blind 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing. We show that the OSNR-penalty induced by mode-mixing in the multi-mode EDFA is negligible.


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We show transmission of a 73.7 Tb/s (96x3x256-Gb/s) DP-16QAM modedivision- multiplexed signal over 119km of few-mode fiber with inline multi-mode EDFA, using 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing. The total demonstrated net capacity is 57.6 Tb/s (SE 12 bits/s/Hz). © 2012 OSA.


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Transmission of a 73.7 Tb/s (96x3x256-Gb/s) DP-16QAM mode-division- multiplexed signal over 119km of few-mode fiber transmission line incorporating an inline multi mode EDFA and a phase plate based mode (de-)multiplexer is demonstrated. Data-aided 6x6 MIMO digital signal processing was used to demodulate the signal. The total demonstrated net capacity, taking into account 20% of FEC-overhead and 7.5% additional overhead (Ethernet and training sequences), is 57.6 Tb/s, corresponding to a spectral efficiency of 12 bits/s/Hz. © 2012 Optical Society of America.