868 resultados para Microsoft Office


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Virtual Office Hours are a possibility that any professor can take advantage of using Blackboard Collaborate. Why not cater to your online students by allowing them to have live chats with you as if you were face to face during regular office hours? Come learn about this innovative way to use Blackboard Collaborate with your students.


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Today there are many system development projects that break both budget and time plan. Often this depends on defects in the information systems that could have been prevented. The cost of test can in some cases be as high as 50 % of the projects total cost and it's at the same time an important part of development. Test as such has moved its focus from the software it self and its faults to a wider perspective on whole infrastructures of information systems where assure a good quality is important. Sogeti in the Netherlands have developed a test method called TMap (Test Management approach) that can be used for structured testing of information systems. TMap haven't been used as much as desired in the office in Borlänge. Because Microsoft is releasing a new version of their platform Visual Studio Team System (VSTS 2010) some colleges at Sogeti in the Netherlands are about to develop a template that can support the use of TMap in VSTS 2010. When we write this the template is still in development. The goal for Sogeti was to find out the differences between the test functionality in VSTS 2008 and 2010. By using the purpose with this essay, which was to analyze the test process in VSTS 2008 with TMap against the test process in VSTS 2010 together with the template we got much help to achieve the goal. The analysis was done with four different aspects: The TPI and TMMi models, problem and strength analyses and a few question formulations. The TPI and TMMi models where used to analyses and evaluate the test process. The analysis showed that there were differences between the both test processes. VSTS 2010 together with the template gave a better support to use TMap and perform test. In VSTS 2010 the test tool Camano is connected to TFS and the tool is also to make the execution and logging of tests easier. This leads to a test process that is easier to handle and has a better support for TMap.


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This thesis focuses on using photovoltaic produced electricity to power air conditioners in a tropical climate. The study takes place in Surabaya, Indonesia at two different locations the classroom, located at the UBAYA campus and the home office, 10 km away. Indonesia has an average solar irradiation of about 4.8 kWh/m²/day (PWC Indonesia, 2013) which is for ideal conditions for these tests. At the home office, tests were conducted on different photovoltaic systems. A series of measuring devices recorded the performance of the 800 W PV system and the consumption of the 1.35 kW air conditioner (cooling capacity). To have an off grid system many of the components need to be oversized. The inverter has to be oversized to meet the startup load of the air conditioner, which can be 3 to 8 times the operating power (Rozenblat, 2013). High energy consumption of the air conditioner would require a large battery storage to provide one day of autonomy. The PV systems output must at least match the consumption of the air conditioner. A grid connect system provides a much better solution with the 800 W PV system providing 80 % of the 3.5 kWh load of the air conditioner, the other 20 % coming from the grid during periods of low irradiation. In this system the startup load is provided by the grid so the inverter does not need to be oversized. With the grid-connected system, the PV panel’s production does not need to match the consumption of the air conditioner, although a smaller PV array will mean a smaller percentage of the load will be covered by PV. Using the results from the home office tests and results from measurements made in the classroom. Two different PV systems (8 kW and 12 kW) were simulated to power both the current air conditioners (COP 2.78) and new air conditioners (COP 4.0). The payback period of the systems can vary greatly depending on if a feed in tariff is awarded or not. If the feed in tariff is awarded the best system is the 12 kW system, with a payback period of 4.3 years and a levelized cost of energy at -3,334 IDR/kWh. If the feed in tariff is not granted then the 8 kW system is the best choice with a lower payback period and lower levelized cost of energy than the 12 kW system under the same conditions.


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O presente trabalho visa identificar os fatores percebidos como críticos para o sucesso na indústria de consoles domésticos de videogame, e novos fatores importantes que possam surgir para o sucesso desta indústria dinâmica e em constante evolução. Para esta análise, utiliza-se como base o referencial teórico de estratégia emergente, valor da inovação, gerenciamento e dinâmica da cadeia de valor, e economia da informação. Faz-se uma revisão histórica da indústria, a cada geração de consoles, e um descritivo do seu momento atual, seguido de um detalhamento dos participantes da indústria e o mapeamento da cadeia de valor para os consoles domésticos de videogames, baseado na literatura existente e nas entrevistas com especialistas de mercado. Foi feito um estudo de caso com os dois líderes atuais deste mercado, Sony e Microsoft, e suas respectivas gerações de consoles com uma analise comparativa de suas cadeias de valor. A análise dos casos busca mostrar por que estas empresas entraram neste mercado, como tentaram utilizar suas core competences para obter sucesso em um mercado de forte economia de rede, marcado pelo surgimento freqüente de tecnologias de ruptura e novos entrantes, alta velocidade evolutiva do setor provocada pelos movimentos freqüentes de poder entre os elos da cadeia, em geral ao redor do fabricante do console e dos publishers dos jogos. Com base nesta análise, foram determinados os fatores críticos de sucesso da indústria até o momento e identificar os fatores críticos adicionais que estão surgindo para a última geração de consoles iniciada ao final de 2005, cuja competição tornou-se relevante ao final de 2006.


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Trata das mudanças que já começaram a ocorrer no contexto empresarial e que regerão a nova economia do século xxi. Enfoca as novas exigência dos clientes, que se tornarão cada vez mais sofisticados e demandarão transformações nas atividades de front office. As empresas vencedoras estarão alicerçadas em três pilares principais: relacionamento de aprendizado com os clientes, liderança que promova a adaptação e recursos humanos autogerenciados.


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Mercados com dinâmica competitiva baseada na inovaçâo são incertos e sujeitos a rupturas dos negócios envolvidos. Isto é bastante diferente dos mercados maduros, nos quais o equilíbrio de forças estabelece uma estrutura industrial relativamente estável. Mercados de inovação, ou high-tech, e em especial os de tecnologia da informação também estão sujeitos a outros fenômenos ou características que os distinguem dos mercados maduros. Trabalhamos com alguns destes fenômenos como: a difusão tecnológica, a qual está ligada a fatores psicológicos que motivam ou inibem a adoção da tecnologia por parte do cliente; o aprisionamento; a externalidades de rede; a disputas por padrões e a concorrência entre cadeias de valor distintas. Estas características demandam serviços, orientação do cliente quanto ao uso da tecnologia e casos de sucesso exemplares para vencer os fatores inibidores e estimular os fatores motivadores do cliente no seu processo de adoção da tecnologia. A teoria explica que os canais de marketing podem oferecer vantagem competitiva às empresas que bem se utilizam deles, e as características de demanda por serviços e orientação de uso pelos clientes podem ser bem atendidas pelos canais de marketing. Esta pesquisa testa esta teoria através de um estudo de caso sobre a Microsoft, empresa do ramo de software que tem sua atividade fortemente baseada em canais de marketing. Verificamos a teoria, isto é, o canal sendo um elemento diferencial e gerador de vantagem competitiva para a empresa


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Uma análise das principais teorias de competitividade, incluindo estudos da Ernst & Young no segmento bancário e teorias de N.Venkatraman, Michael Porter e Nigel Slack. Os principais sistemas de Office Banking do Citibank, no segmento corporativo para serviços de Cash Management são usados como estudo de caso para ilustrar estas teorias, devidamente situados na realidade do segmento de automação bancária e de office banking no Brasil e no mundo neste final de século. Palavras-chave: Cash Management - Electronic Banking - Office Banking - Electronic Delivery - Citibank - Automação bancária - Citigroup - Serviços bancários - Corporate banking


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We use a unique dataset of c. 2200 commercial towers located in the city of Sao Paulo from 2005:Q3 to 2014:Q3 to study the relationship between asset quality and potential income in different niches of the office market. Our evidence suggests a rent premium in the market for larger office space (corporate) and that building quality is more relevant in this segment. We hypothesize such difference is due to larger competition and commoditization in the market for smaller office space (office) as income in this segment tends to be insensible to different levels of asset quality when we control for spatial variation. We also find that rent premiums associated with building class are monotonically increasing, but not strictly positive across certain quality thresholds. Thus, landlords and developers should take into consideration the market niche and acceptable target building class levels when designing their investment plans in order to maximize income .


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A indústria de serviços online é caracterizada por um volume alto de Fusões e Aquisições no período de 2005 a 2015. As líderes de mercado, Apple, Google e Microsoft, incorporaram essa forma de crescimento inorgânico em suas estratégias corporativas. Essa tese examina as atividades de Fusões e Aquisições dessas três empresas. Consequentemente, ela tem foco em dois aspectos principais. Primeiro, existe o objetivo de saciar uma escassez na literatura acadêmica, no que se diz respeito ao estabelecimento de uma conexão entre a estratégia corporativa dessas empresas e as decisões tomadas de Fusões e Aquisições. Segundo, há também o objetivo de estimar possíveis futuros desenvolvimentos no setor. Através de uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa das publicações das empresas, relatórios de análise de mercado, e outros conteúdos de terceiros, estudos de caso foram desenvolvidos. Os resultados mostram o processo de posicionamento estratégico por parte da Apple, Google e Microsoft, dentro do mercado de serviços online, entre os anos de 2005 e 2015. As recorrentes fusões e aquisições são analisadas, no que se diz respeito as estratégias corporativas dessas empresas e a responsividade perante as atividades de seus competidores. Os resultados evidenciam atividades agressivas de Fusões e Aquisições em grupos estratégicos em comum entre as três empresas, especialmente no mercado de aparelhos de comunicação móvel e serviços de comunicação.


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Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas) e das amostras de água (71 cepas), foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a ciprofloxacina, seguida pelo meropenem. A necessidade de um mecanismo efetivo para reduzir a contaminação bacteriana dentro dos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos foi enfatizada, e o risco da exposição ocupacional e infecção cruzada na prática odontológica, em especial quando causada por patógenos oportunistas como a P. aeruginosa foi realçado.


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Descriptive and quantitative study, with the objective of review the positive and negative aspects experienced by professionals working in the Family Health Strategy (ESF) of Ceará-Mirim town, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The population included 190 healthcare professionals that integrate the family healthcare staff and the data-collection occurred in a meeting at their workplace, with the implementation of a questionnaire. Results were organized in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, with descriptive statistical analysis in tables, graphs and tables through frequencies, averages values and standard deviations. There is a predominance of females (n = 137) and higher rates in almost all professions, and higher average age (38.9%, SD = 7.8) and income wage (average = 10) in the medical category. Regarding the more developed activities, for physicians and nurses are the healthcare actions in the Unit, the oral hygiene for dentists, the immunization for auxiliary nurses (Aux-N), educational meeting for the dental office assistants (ACD), and home visitations to community-based health workers (ACS). About the easiness of work, 93.2% said to be presence of professionals with a personal profile in public healthcare; about the difficulties, 86.8% of professionals cited the unavailability of material, followed by salary range reported by nurses (80.9% ), dentists (80.0%), physicians (73.3%), ACS (83.1%), and Aux-N (90.5%). In relation to working conditions, the unavailability of materials was the most mentioned, with the exception of dentists who reported improvement in wages. We still identify among these difficulties: the drugs availability regarded as first grade obstacle by ACS and physicians, the type of contracts in second grade cited by the ACD and dentists and, in third grade, the salary range cited by dentists and auxiliary nurses. It is concluded that the difficulties and easiness faced by ESF professionals are divergent among themselves. For physicians and nurses, whose healthcare actions become directed to specific groups, the individual and the family, their difficulties relate to the unavailability of materials. For dentists, whose actions more quoted were topical application of fluoride and supervised toothbrush, their greatest difficulty is the salary range. As to the Aux-N, ACD and ACS, for all of them the unavailability of materials has hindered the implementation of their activities in ESF


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: This study compared five types of chemical catalyzing agents added to 35% hydrogen peroxide gel, with regard to their capacity of intensifying in-office dental bleaching results.Methods: One-hundred and twenty bovine incisors were used, of which the crowns and roots were cut in the incisor-apical direction, to acquire the dimensions of a human central incisor. The specimens were sectioned in the mesiodistal direction by means of two longitudinal cuts, the lingual halves being discarded. The vestibular halves received prophylaxis with a bicarbonate jet, ultrasound cleaning and acid etching on the dentinal portion. Next, the specimens were stored in receptacles containing a 25% instant coffee solution for two weeks. After the darkening period, initial measurement of the shade obtained was taken with the Easy Shade appliance, which allowed it to be quantified by the CIELab* method. The samples were divided into six groups, corresponding to the chemical activator used: a) none (CON); b) ferric chloride (CF); c) ferrous sulphate (SF); d) manganese gluconate (GM); e) manganese chloride (CM); f) mulberry root extract (RA). Each group received three 10-minute applications of the gels containing the respective activating agents. Next, a new shade measurement was made.Results: The Analysis of Variance and Tukey tests (alpha=5%) showed statistically significant differences for the shade perception values (p=0.002). Groups GM, CM and RA showed significantly higher means than the control group.Conclusion: The presence of some chemical activators is capable of resulting in a significant increase in tooth shade variation.