987 resultados para Maximum independent set
In basaltic dykes the magnetic lineation K1 (maximum magnetic susceptibility axis) is generally taken to indicate the flow direction during solidification of the magma. This assumption was tested in Tertiary basaltic dykes from Greenland displaying independent evidence of subhorizontal flow. The digital processing of microphotographs from thin sections cut in (K1, K2) planes yields the preferred linear orientation of plagioclase, which apparently marks the magma flow lineation. In up to 60% of cases, the angular separation between K1 and the assumed flow direction is greater than 45degrees. This suggests that the uncorroborated use of magnetic lineations in dykes is risky. A simple geometrical method is proposed to infer the flow vector from AMS in dykes based solely on magnetic foliations.
Independent component analysis (ICA) has recently been proposed as a tool to unmix hyperspectral data. ICA is founded on two assumptions: 1) the observed spectrum vector is a linear mixture of the constituent spectra (endmember spectra) weighted by the correspondent abundance fractions (sources); 2)sources are statistically independent. Independent factor analysis (IFA) extends ICA to linear mixtures of independent sources immersed in noise. Concerning hyperspectral data, the first assumption is valid whenever the multiple scattering among the distinct constituent substances (endmembers) is negligible, and the surface is partitioned according to the fractional abundances. The second assumption, however, is violated, since the sum of abundance fractions associated to each pixel is constant due to physical constraints in the data acquisition process. Thus, sources cannot be statistically independent, this compromising the performance of ICA/IFA algorithms in hyperspectral unmixing. This paper studies the impact of hyperspectral source statistical dependence on ICA and IFA performances. We conclude that the accuracy of these methods tends to improve with the increase of the signature variability, of the number of endmembers, and of the signal-to-noise ratio. In any case, there are always endmembers incorrectly unmixed. We arrive to this conclusion by minimizing the mutual information of simulated and real hyperspectral mixtures. The computation of mutual information is based on fitting mixtures of Gaussians to the observed data. A method to sort ICA and IFA estimates in terms of the likelihood of being correctly unmixed is proposed.
Chapter in Book Proceedings with Peer Review First Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2003, Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, JUne 4-6, 2003. Proceedings
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and analyze risk factors associated to osteoporosis and low-trauma fracture in women. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including a total of 4,332 women older than 40 attending primary care services in the Greater São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between 2004 and 2007. Anthropometrical and gynecological data and information about lifestyle habits, previous fracture, medical history, food intake and physical activity were obtained through individual quantitative interviews. Low-trauma fracture was defined as that resulting from a fall from standing height or less in individuals 50 years or older. Multiple logistic regression models were designed having osteoporotic fracture and bone mineral density (BMD) as the dependent variables and all other parameters as the independent ones. The significance level was set at p<0.05. RESULTS: The prevalence of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures was 33% and 11.5%, respectively. The main risk factors associated with low bone mass were age (OR=1.07; 95% CI: 1.06;1.08), time since menopause (OR=2.16; 95% CI: 1.49;3.14), previous fracture (OR=2.62; 95% CI: 2.08;3.29) and current smoking (OR=1.45; 95% CI: 1.13;1.85). BMI (OR=0.88; 95% CI: 0.86;0.89), regular physical activity (OR=0.78; 95% CI: 0.65;0.94) and hormone replacement therapy (OR=0.43; 95% CI: 0.33;0.56) had a protective effect on bone mass. Risk factors significantly associated with osteoporotic fractures were age (OR=1.05; 95% CI: 1.04;1.06), time since menopause (OR=4.12; 95% CI: 1.79;9.48), familial history of hip fracture (OR=3.59; 95% CI: 2.88;4.47) and low BMD (OR=2.28; 95% CI: 1.85;2.82). CONCLUSIONS: Advanced age, menopause, low-trauma fracture and current smoking are major risk factors associated with low BMD and osteoporotic fracture. The clinical use of these parameters to identify women at higher risk for fractures might be a reasonable strategy to improve the management of osteoporosis.
Electrocardiographic (ECG) signals are emerging as a recent trend in the field of biometrics. In this paper, we propose a novel ECG biometric system that combines clustering and classification methodologies. Our approach is based on dominant-set clustering, and provides a framework for outlier removal and template selection. It enhances the typical workflows, by making them better suited to new ECG acquisition paradigms that use fingers or hand palms, which lead to signals with lower signal to noise ratio, and more prone to noise artifacts. Preliminary results show the potential of the approach, helping to further validate the highly usable setups and ECG signals as a complementary biometric modality.
The present work describes a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) gas chromatography_tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method to quantify 24 pesticides in fortified white wine and fortified red wine. In this study “fortified wine” refers to a wine in which fermentation is arrested before completion by alcohol distillate addition, allowing sugar and alcoholic contents to be higher (around 80-100 g/L total sugars and 19-22% alcohol strength (v/v)). The analytical method showed good linearity, presenting correlation coefficients (R2) ≥ 0.989 for all compounds. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) in the ranges of 0.05-72.35 and 0.16-219.23 μg/L, respectively, were obtained. LOQs are below the maximum residue levels (MRL) set by European Regulation for grapes. The proposed method was applied to 17 commercial fortified wines. The analyzed pesticides were not detected in the wines tested.
A detailed study of voltammetric behavior of ethiofencarb (ETF) is reported using glassy carbon electrode (GCE) and hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). With GCE, it is possible to verify that the oxidative mechanism is irreversible, independent of pH, and the maximum intensity current was observed at +1.20 V vs. AgCl/Ag at pH 1.9. A linear calibration line was obtained from 1.0x10-4 to 8.0x10-4 mol L-1 with SWV method. To complete the electrochemical knowledge of ETF pesticide, the reduction was also explored with HMDE. A well-defined peak was observed at –1.00V vs. AgCl/Ag in a large range of pH with higher signal at pH 7.0. Linearity was obtained in 4.2x10-6 and 9.4x10-6 mol L-1 ETF concentration range. An immediate alkaline hydrolysis of ETF was executed, producing a phenolic compound (2-ethylthiomethylphenol) (EMP), and the electrochemical activity of the product was examined. It was deduced that it is oxidized on GCE at +0.75V vs. AgCl/Ag with a maximum peak intensity current at pH 3.2, but the compound had no reduction activity on HMDE. Using the decrease of potential peak, a flow injection analysis (FIA) system was developed connected to an amperometric detector, enabling the determination of EMP over concentration range of 1.0x10-7 and 1.0x10-5 mol L-1 at a sampling rate of 60 h-1. The results provided by FIA methodology were performed by comparison with results from high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique and demonstrated good agreement with relative deviations lower than 4%. Recovery trials were performed and the obtained values were between 98 and 104%.
Ascorbic acid is found in many food samples. Its clinical and technological importance demands an easyto- use, rapid, robust and inexpensive method of analysis. For this purpose, this work proposes a new flow procedure based on the oxidation of ascorbic acid by periodate. A new potentiometric periodate sensor was constructed to monitor this reaction. The selective membranes were of PVC with porphyrin-based sensing systems and a lipophilic cation as additive. The sensor displayed a near-Nernstian response for periodate over 1.0x10-2–6.0x10-6 M, with an anionic slope of 73.9 ± 0.9 mV decade-1. It was pH independent in acidic media and presented good selectivity features towards several inorganic anions. The flow set-up operated in double-channel, carrying a 5.0x10-4 M IO- 4 solution and a suitable buffer; these were mixed in a 50-cm reaction coil. The overall flow rate was 7 ml min-1 and the injection volume 70 µl. Under these conditions, a linear behaviour against concentration was observed for 17.7–194.0 µg ml-1, presenting slopes of 0.169 mV (mg/l)-1, a reproducibility of ±1.1 mV (n = 5), and a sampling rate of ~96 samples h-1. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of beverages and pharmaceuticals.
Mestrado em Radioterapia
The problem of uncertainty propagation in composite laminate structures is studied. An approach based on the optimal design of composite structures to achieve a target reliability level is proposed. Using the Uniform Design Method (UDM), a set of design points is generated over a design domain centred at mean values of random variables, aimed at studying the space variability. The most critical Tsai number, the structural reliability index and the sensitivities are obtained for each UDM design point, using the maximum load obtained from optimal design search. Using the UDM design points as input/output patterns, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed based on supervised evolutionary learning. Finally, using the developed ANN a Monte Carlo simulation procedure is implemented and the variability of the structural response based on global sensitivity analysis (GSA) is studied. The GSA is based on the first order Sobol indices and relative sensitivities. An appropriate GSA algorithm aiming to obtain Sobol indices is proposed. The most important sources of uncertainty are identified.
A Cooperativa Agrícola de Vila do Conde desenvolve um negócio de fabrico e comercialização de misturas complementares para alimentação bovina, sobretudo para vacas leiteiras. Há alguns anos a esta parte, esta Cooperativa sabe que terá que deslocalizar a unidade fabril existente devido a imposições da Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária, relacionadas com questões de natureza ambiental. A necessidade de ser realizado um novo investimento, para garantir a sustentabilidade do negócio mais rentável gerido por esta Cooperativa, levou a pensar-se na possibilidade de construção de uma nova unidade fabril, de dimensão superior, capaz de servir outras cooperativas, visando o desejado entendimento das cooperativas em torno de um objetivo comum, logrando a obtenção de economias de escala, de extrema importância para a sobrevivência do setor leiteiro na região do Entre Douro e Minho. Para o efeito será constituída uma nova sociedade por quotas, designada por AGRIVIL XXI, Lda., de capital exclusivamente cooperativo, possibilitando que, em cada momento, se possa aferir a situação económica e financeira do negócio de forma mais rigorosa e autónoma. Esta realidade foi conducente à elaboração do presente Plano de Negócios que se espera profícuo para definição dos objetivos e metas a atingir num futuro próximo pela Cooperativa Agrícola de Vila do Conde. As análises de viabilidade e do risco do projeto demonstraram estarem criadas as condições de aceitação do mesmo, sendo expectável um VAL de 1.371.764 euros, uma TIR de 12,04% e um pay-back period próximo dos 11 anos. No entanto é notório a existência de um risco inerente ao investimento na medida em que o montante dos fluxos gerados tende a aproximar-se dos fluxos investidos, não gerando um excedente de riqueza significativo.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Consider the problem of assigning real-time tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors — such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two linearithmic timecomplexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the follow- ing guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a given task set, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor-type assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type, then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such a feasible task-to- processor-type assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding 2 a feasible task-to-processor assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/times faster, where 0<α≤1. The parameter α is a property of the task set — it is the maximum utilization of any task which is less than or equal to 1.
The physiological responses of the clam R. decussatus from the Ria Formosa, southern Portugal, were examined in relation to normoxia, hypoxia (11, 6, 3 and 1.2 kPa) and anoxia; acute elevation of temperature (at 20, 27 and 32 °C), and its effect on the resistance to air exposure (at 20, 28 and 35 °C); current velocity (0.6, 3, 8 17, 24 and 36 cm. s-1) and turbidity (10, 100 and 300 mg. l-1 dry weight of particulate matter), and the efficiency of this species in retaining particles of different size (at 10 and 100 mg. l-1); and to copper contamination considering both short-term acute exposure to high levels (0.1-10 mg Cu. l-1) and chronic environmental levels (0.01 mg Cu. l-1). Clearance rates, respiration rates, absorption efficiency and excretion rates were assessed through the physiological energetics in terms of the energy budget and scope for growth (SFG). Stress independent respiration rates (R) and clearance rates (CR) were observed in relation to hypoxia down to 12 kPa and 6 kPa, respectively. Anoxic rates were 3.6 % of normoxic rates. Scope for growth was greatly reduced under extreme hypoxia (14 % of SFG in normoxia). Respiration rate was temperature independent in the range 20-32 °C but the decline in clearance rate resulted in negative SFG at 32 °C. Gaping during air exposure and the maintenance of faster aerobic metabolism led to 100 % mortality in 20 hours at 35 °C, 4 days at 28 °C and 5 days at 20 °C. Low current velocities (≤ 8 cm. s-1) supported high clearance rates. Shear stresses ≥ 0.9 Pa induced sediment movement and disturbed the feeding processes resulting in decreased clearance rates (at 36 cm. s-1, is 10 % of maximum CR). The observed ability of jetting out depleted water at a different level than the one of the inhalant current results is an important adaptation of clams to the slow currents of sheltered environments. Ingestion at high seston concentrations (> 100 mg. l-1) is controled by reducing the amount filtered, lowering CR (to 30 % of CR at low seston loads) and producing pseudofeces. Observed efficient retention of particles (70-100 %) in the range 3 to 8 μm is beneficial when algal cells are diluted by fine silt particles as it is likely to occur in the clams natural environment. R. decussatus in the short term escaped the exposure to copper by valve closure and therefore acute tests are not applicable to adult clams of this species. At environmental levels chronic exposure to copper did not induce lethal effects during the exposure period (20 days), but scope for growth was reduced to c. 30 %, indicating sustained impairment of physiological functions. The sensitivity of the physiological energetics and the integrated scope for growth measurement in assessing stress effects caused by natural environmental factors was highlighted.
The automatic acquisition of lexical associations from corpora is a crucial issue for Natural Language Processing. A lexical association is a recurrent combination of words that co-occur together more often than expected by chance in a given domain. In fact, lexical associations define linguistic phenomena such as idiomes, collocations or compound words. Due to the fact that the sense of a lexical association is not compositionnal, their identification is fundamental for the realization of analysis and synthesis that take into account all the subtilities of the language. In this report, we introduce a new statistically-based architecture that extracts from naturally occurring texts contiguous and non contiguous. For that purpose, three new concepts have been defined : the positional N-gram models, the Mutual Expectation and the GenLocalMaxs algorithm. Thus, the initial text is fisrtly transformed in a set of positionnal N-grams i.e ordered vectors of simple lexical units. Then, an association measure, the Mutual Expectation, evaluates the degree of cohesion of each positional N-grams based on the identification of local maximum values of Mutual Expectation. Great efforts have also been carried out to evaluate our metodology. For that purpose, we have proposed the normalisation of five well-known association measures and shown that both the Mutual Expectation and the GenLocalMaxs algorithm evidence significant improvements comparing to existent metodologies.