959 resultados para Matti Klinge (et al.)
This archive provides supporting data with forcings, data and plotting scripts for the paper P. N. Blossey, C. S. Bretherton, A. Cheng, S. Endo, T. Heus, A. Lock and J. J. van der Dussen, 2016. CGILS Phase 2 LES intercomparison of response of subtropical marine low cloud regimes to CO2 quadrupling and a CMIP3-composite forcing change. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., Under revision.
Comment on: Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons, by Scott Atran et al.
El cacao es afectado por una diversidad de microorganismos patgenos, entre ellos el hongo Moniliophthora roreri (Cif. & Par., Evans et al.,) causante de la moniliasis, que es una de las enfermedades de mayor importancia de este cultivo. El uso irracional de plaguicidas sintticos para el manejo de esta enfermedad ha generado problemas al agroecosistema y la salud humana, por lo que se est demandando el uso de alternativas agroecolgicas. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta investigacin fue generar informacin acerca de la capacidad antagnica in vitro mostrada por hongos nativos contra la moniliasis del cacao. Se recolectaron muestras de suelo, hojas, corteza, frutos sanos y enfermos en tres zonas cacaoteras de Nicaragua para la caracterizacin morfolgica del patgeno y de los potenciales microorganismos antagonistas. Las pruebas de antagonismo in vitro se realizaron a travs de la tcnica del cultivo dual. Se evalu el crecimiento radial del patgeno y de los antagonistas, el porcentaje de inhibicin del crecimiento radial (PICR) del patgeno y la capacidad de control biolgico de los hongos antagonistas. Se probaron cuatro tcnicas para la conservacin de los hongos antagonistas. Se obtuvieron cuatro aislados del patgeno M. roreri y 17 aislados de hongos antagonistas. El PICR del patgeno ejercida por aislados del antagonista Trichoderma vari de 40.13% a 46.77%, en los aislados del antagonista Paecilomyces el PICR oscil entre 59.38% y 67.43%, en el nico aislado del antagonista Clonostachys el PICR fue de 62.33%-67.22%. Los 17 aislados se ubicaron en las clases 1, 2 y 3 de la escala de valoracin de antagonismo. La mejor tcnica de conservacin de hongos antagonistas y de M. roreri fue la de conservacin con glicerol. Los resultados de este estudio indican que en el agroecosistema de cacao existen microorganismos nativos que tienen potencial para ser usados como agentes de control biolgico del patgeno M. roreri.
Hoekstra et al. (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2014, 21:11571164) surveyed the interpretation of confidence intervals (CIs) by first-year students, master students, and researchers with six items expressing misinterpretations of CIs. They asked respondents to answer all items, computed the number of items endorsed, and concluded that misinterpretation of CIs is robust across groups. Their design may have produced this outcome artifactually for reasons that we describe. This paper discusses first the two interpretations of CIs and, hence, why misinterpretation cannot be inferred from endorsement of some of the items. Next, a re-analysis of Hoekstra et al.s data reveals some puzzling differences between first-year and master students that demand further investigation. For that purpose, we designed a replication study with an extended questionnaire including two additional items that express correct interpretations of CIs (to compare endorsement of correct vs. nominally incorrect interpretations) and we asked master students to indicate which items they would have omitted had they had the option (to distinguish deliberate from uninformed endorsement caused by the forced-response format). Results showed that incognizant first-year students endorsed correct and nominally incorrect items identically, revealing that the two item types are not differentially attractive superficially; in contrast, master students were distinctively more prone to endorsing correct items when their uninformed responses were removed, although they admitted to nescience more often that might have been expected. Implications for teaching practices are discussed.
Flavobacterium columnare o agente etiolgico da columnariose em peixes de gua doce, ocasionando enfermidade na pele e nas brnquias, provocando freqentemente um grande nmero de mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi o isolamento e a caracterizao de Flavobacterium columnare em peixes tropicais no Brasil. Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e cascudo (Hypostomus plecostomus) foram examinados externamente com relao a sinais caractersticos de columnariose, como manchas acinzentadas na cabea, regio dorsal e pednculo caudal dos peixes. A amostragem compreendeu a coleta de 50 exemplares de peixes, representando as quatro diferentes espcies escolhidas para este estudo. Amostras para o isolamento foram obtidas atravs de raspado com swab estril das leses e do rim dos peixes clinicamente diagnosticados como acometidos por columnarios e imediatamente semeados em meios de culturas artificiais (lquido e slido) prprios para o estudo de Flavobacterium segundo Carlson e Pacha (1968). No meio lquido, houve o desenvolvimento de microrganismos que observados em gota pendente apresentaram a forma de bacilos finos, longos, mveis por deslizamento. Atravs da colorao de Gram, apresentaram morfologia de bacilos finos, Gram negativos, agrupados em colunas. em meio slido, as colnias eram pequenas, cinza-amareladas, com borda em forma de raiz. No total, foram obtidos quatro isolamentos: 01 cepa de Brycon orbignyanus; 01 cepa de Piaractus mesopotamicus; 01 cepa de Colossoma macropomum; e 01 cepa de Hypostomus plecostomus. A caracterizao bioqumica das amostras, como absoro do vermelho Congo, produo de flexirrubina, produo de H2S e reduo do nitrato, sugere que os isolamentos poderiam ser classificados como Flavobacterium columnare.
Classified for chess.
Al-3-11% Si alloys have been high-pressure die-cast and characterized microstructurally. Alstruc was used to calculate the solidification characteristics and fraction of eutectic. Defect bands were observed at all Si contents, although their constitution, position and distinctiveness were a function of Si content. The defect bands contain a higher fraction Al-Si eutectic than the surroundings in all alloys, and porosity was additionally found in the band in AlSi3. With decreasing Si content, the defect bands formed closer to the casting surface, became more prevalent and also the width of the bands decreased. These differences are discussed by considering the effect of Si content on the distribution of solid in the mushy wall layers and on the feeding potentials of the alloys. The observations are consistent with the mechanism proposed by Gourlay et al. in which bands form due to deformation within the solidifying mushy wall layers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.