1000 resultados para Mary Markley House (University of Michigan)
Back Row: Howard Yerges, Bump Elliott, Stu Wilkins, Dick Rifenburg, J.T. White, John Anderson, Alvin Wistert, Dick Kempthorn, Bill Pritula, Bob Chappuis, Bob Mann
3rd Row: Irv Small, Henry Fonde, Tom Peterson, John Ghindia, Dan Hershberger, Irv Wisniewski, Jim Atchison, Lenny Ford, Bob Hollway, Don McClelland, Norm Jackson, Kurt Kampe
2nd Row: Ed McNeil, Pete Elliott, Walt Teninga, George Johnson, Ralph Kohl, H.O. Crisler, Bruce Hilkene, Dan Dworsky, Joe Soboleski, Quentin Sickels, Dick Strauss, Bob Erben
Front Row: Chuck Lentz, Jim Brieske, Pete Dendrinos, Don Kuick, George Kiesel, Bob Ballou, Lloyd Heneveld, Gene Derricotte, Dominic Tomasi, Jack Weisenberger
Back Row: Don Dufek, Charley Lentz, Don McClelland, Chuck Ortmann, Harry Allis, Dick Farrer
4th Row: Manager Bill Hicky, John Ghindia, Bill Bartlett, Leo Koceski, Bob VanSummern, Dick Kempthorn, Bill Ohlenroth, Al Jackson, Jim Hunt (Trainer)
3rd Row: Bob Erben, Wally Teninga, Jim Atchison, Bob Hollway, Al Wahl, Ozzie Clark, Irv Wisniewski, Don Peterson
2nd Row: Lloyd Heneveld, Dan Dworsky, Ralph Kohl, Dick Rifenburg, Quentin Sickels, Don Hershberger, Ed McNeill
Front Row: Pete Elliott, Gene Derricotte, Athletic Director Fritz Crisler, Dom Tomasi, Coach Bennie Oosterbaan, Alvin Wistert, Stu Wilkins, Joe Soboleski
Back Row: Jim Wolter, Bill Putich, Al Jackson, George Sutherland, John Hess, Carl Kreager, Bill Ohlenroth, Tom Johnson, Dick McWilliams, Don Peterson
4th Row: Jim Hunt (trainer), Jack Powers, Harry Allis, Les Popp, Charles Ortmann, Tom Kelsey, Gene Hinton, Dick Farrer, Howard Cooper (manager)
3rd Row: Don Dufek, Al Fitch, Tony Momsen, Jim Atchison, Bob Hollway, Ozzie Clark, Leo Koceski, Ralph Straffon
2nd Row: Charles Lentz, Bob Erben, Bill Bartlett, Wally Teninga, John Ghindia, Bob Van Summern, Tom Peterson
Front Row: Don McClelland, Lloyd Heneveld, H.O. Crisler (director), Captain Al Wistert, Coach Bennie Oosterbaan, Al Wahl, Dick Kempthorn, Irvin Wisniewski
Back Row: Manager William Searle, Dave Tinkham, Bob Timm, Lowell Perry, Merritt Green, Larry LeClaire, Jim Hunt (trainer)
4th Row: Wes Bradford, Frank Howell, Dick Strozewski, Roger Zatkoff, Ralph Stribe, Tom Johnson, Ted Topor, Tom Witherspoon, Don Oldham
3rd Row: Pete Kinyon, Jim Wolter, John Powers, Al Jackson, Dick Farrer, Carl Kreager, Tom Kelsey, John Padjen, Russ Osterman, Don Peterson
2nd Row: Don Dufek, Pete Palmer, Bill Olenroth, Fred Pickard, Chuck Ortmann, Less Popp, Leo Koceski, Norm Jackson, Ralph Straffon
Front Row: Dick McWilliams, Tony Momsen, Athletic Director Fritz Crisler, Capt. Al Wahl, Coach Benny Oosterbaan, Bill Putich, Harry Allis, Ozzie Clark
Back Row: Jim Hunt (trainer), Dick O'Shaughnessy, Thad Stanford, Gene Knutson, Jim Balog, Dick Bieson, Leon Stock (manager)
4th Row: Bob Matheson, Duncan McDonald, Leo Schlicht, Don Bennett, Russ Rescorla, Bill Billings, Don Zanfagna
3rd Row: Dave Tinkham, Bob Timm, Roger Zatkoff, Bruce Bartholomew, Bernhardt Pederson, Larry LeClaire, Frank Howell, Don Oldham
2nd Row: Tom Dugger, Ted Topor, Tom Johnson, Ray Kelsey, Ralph Stribe, Don Peterson, Bob Dingman, Tom Witherspoon, Lowell Perry
Front Row: Fred Pickard, Jim Wolter, H.O. Crisler (Athletic Director), Bill Putich (captain), Bennie Oosterbaan (coach), Merritt Green (capt. elect), Pete Kinyon, Russ Osterman
Back Row: Don Oldham, Robert Hurley, Stanley Knickerbocker, Fred Baer, James Bates, Art Walker, Lowell Perry, Tom Witherspoon,
4th Row: Ted Cachey, Cline Daniel, George Dutter, Duncan McDonald, Herb Geyer, Eugene Knutson, Robert Topp, Robert Strozewski, Tony Branoff
3rd Row: trainer Jim Hunt, Bill Billings, Ted Kress, Richard Balzhiser, Don Bennett, Jim Balog, Thad Stanford, Frank Howell, Ron Williams, student manager Gerry Dudley
2nd Row: Robert Matheson, Dave Tinkham, Laurence Leclair, Wayne Melchiori, Roger Zatkoff, Robert Timm, Robert Dingman, Russell Rescorla, Donald Dugger
Front Row: Don Bennett, Richard O'Shaughnessy, Fritz Crisler, Merritt Green, Bennie Oosterbaan, Richard Beison, Ralph Stribe, Ted Topor
Back Row: Richard Petrie (Senior Manager), Gerald Williams, Tony Branoff, Louis Baldacci, John Morrow, Edgar Meads, William Kolesar
3rd Row: James Hunt (Trainer), Arthur Walker, Fred Baer, Duncan McDonald, John Veselenak, Raymond Kenaga, Daniel Cline
2nd Row: Edward Hickey, Robert Hurley, Richard Balzhiser, Thad Stanford, Robert Topp, Donald Bennett, Richard Beison
Front Row: Theodore Kress, Donald Dugger, Theodore Cachey, Richard O'Shaughnessy (Captain), Bennie Oosterbaan (head coach), James Balog, Ronald Williams
Back Row: Jim Hunt, Gerry Williams, James Maddock, Terry Barr, Edward Shannon, Glen Bearss
4th Row: Richard Hill, Louis Baldacci, Michael Rotunno, Jerry Goebel, Gene Snyder, Ron Kramer, Charles Brooks, Thomas Maentz
3rd Row: Thomas Hendricks, James Bates, John Peckham, William Kolesar, John Morrow, James Fox, George Corey, Robert Marion, Tony Branoff
2nd Row: Daniel Cline, Dave Hill, Charles Ritter, Ronald Geyer, John Veselenak, Donald Drake, Stanley Knickerbocker, Edward Hickey
Front Row: Duncan McDonald, Fred Baer, Fritz Crisler, Ted Cachey, Bennie Oosterbaan, Edgar Meads, Arthur Walker
Back Row: Al Sigman, Jim Pace, Dick Heynen, Jim VanPelt, Jerry Goebel, Marvin Nyren, James Orwig, John Greenwood
4th Row: Jim Hunt (trainer), Jim Davies, Charles Brooks, Ron Kramer, Mike Rotunno, Lawrence Faul, Terry Barr, Casper Grathwol (Manager)
3rd Row: Clement Corona, Dick Hill, Stanley Knickerbocker, Dave Rentschler, Jim Fox, Jim Bowman, Bob Marion, Ed Shannon, Jim Maddock
2nd Row: John Peckham, Carl Kamhout, John Morrow, Lou Baldacci, Jim Bates, Tom Hendricks, Dale Eldred, George Corey
Front Row: Ed Hickey, Tony Branoff, H.O. Crisler (Director of Athletics), Ed Meads (Captain), Bennie Oosterbaan (coach), Tom Maentz (Captain-elect), Bill Koelsar
Back Row: Dave Lundquist (Manager), Jack Lousma, Gene Sisinyak, John Spidel, Ray Wine, Walter Johnson, Dave Bowers, Jerry Marciniak, Jim Dickey
4th Row: Jim Hunt (trainer), Dick Heynen, Gene Snider, Marv Nyren, Bob Ptacek, Gary Prahst, John Herrnstein, Tom Berger, Willie Smith
3rd Row: Jim Van Pelt, Alex Bochnowski, Jim Pace, Clem Corona, Jim Byers, Jim Davies, Larry Faul, Mike Shatusky
2nd Row: Al Sigman, Terry Barr, Dave Rentschler, Ron Kramer, Charlie Brooks, Dick Hill, Ed Shannon
Front Row: John Greenwood, Mike Rotunno, H. O. Crisler (Director of Athletics), Tom Maentz (captain), Bennie Oosterbaan (coach), Jim Orwig (captain-elect), Jim Maddock
Back Row: Fred Julian, Stanton Noskin, Bradley Myers, Darrell Harper, Michael Fillichio, George Genyk, John Spidel, James Byers, Anthony Rio, Alvin Groce
4th Row: James Dickey, Eugene Sisinyak, Charles Teuscher, Gary Prahst, Walter Johnson, Gerald Marciniak, Robert Ptacek, Willie Smith, Jared Bushong
3rd Row: Trainer Jim Hunt, Richard Kettemen, Ernest McCoy, Alex Bochnowski, Jerry Goebel, Frederick Krueger, Raymond Wine, Gordon Morrow, Alex Callahan, Manager Lynn Evans
2nd Row: Gene Snider, James Davies, Richard Heynen, Robert Boshoven, Thomas Berger, David Bowers, Lawrence Faul, Michael Shatusky
Front Row: James Van Pelt, James Pace, Athletic Director H.O. (Fritz) Crisler, Captain James Orwig, Head Football Coach Bennie Oosterbaan, John Herrnstein, Marvin Nyren
Back Row: John Walker, Reid Bushing, John Halstead, William Stine, Donald Deskins, Tom Jobson
4th Row: Alvin Groce, Richard Syring, Willard Hildebrand, Gary Kane, Jared Bushong, Brad Myers, Darrell Harper, Harry Newman, Jr., Gary McNitt
3rd Row: Trainer Jim Hunt, Gerald Smith, Alex Callahan, Robert Johnson, James Gray, Walter Johnson, Maynard Stetten, Willie Smith, Stan Noskin, Tom Hitchman, manager
2nd Row: Mike Fillichio, James Dickey, John Spidel, Douglas Oppman, William MacPhee, James Sytek, John Batsakes, Zack Zachary, Fred Julian
Front Row: James Byers, Gary Prahst, H. O. Crisler (director), Captain John Herrnstein, Coach Bennie G. Oosterbaan, George Genyk, Robert Ptacek, Jerry Marciniak
Back Row: Donald Deskins, Rudd VanDyne, William Tunnicliff, Gary Kane, Scott Maentz, Reid Bushong, Willard Hildebrand, Gary McNitt
4th Row: Paul Raeder, James Zubkus, John Stamos, Thomas Jobson, William Stine, James Korowin, Kenneth Tureaud, Bennie McRae, Paul Palmer, Dennis Fitzgerald, Jim Hunt (Trainer)
3rd Row: John Jabe (Manager), Todd Grant, Benjamin Hall, Louis Pavloff, Donald Hannah, Harry Newman, Paul Poulos, Jon Schopf, Keith Cowan, Stephen Stieler
2nd Row: James McPherson, Thomas DeMassa, Michael Fillichio, Jerry Leith, Fred Julian, Anthony Rio, Brad Myers, Darrell Harper, Guy Curtis
Front Row: B. Johnson, Stan Noskin, Jared Bushong, H. O. Crisler (director of athletics), George Genyk, Chalmers Elliott (Head Football Coach), Alex Callahan, Gerald Smith, John Halstead
Back Row: Jack Strobel, Lee Hall, John Minko, Todd Grant, Joseph O'Donnell, James Ward, John Stamos, David Raimey
4th Row: Trainer Jim Hunt, Guy DeStefano, Kenneth Tureaud, Scott Maentz, John Houtman, William Freehan, David Glinka, Fred Nemancheck (manager)
3rd Row: Paul Raeder, Bennie McRae, Rudd Van Dyne, William Stine, Thomas Jobson, William Tunnicliff, Guy Curtis, John Schopf, John Walker
2nd Row: Don Hannah, David Palomaki, Robert Johnson, Keith Cowan, Paul Poulos, Richard Syring, Thomas Kerr, Grant Wells
Front Row: Willard Hildebrand, Gary McNitt, Reid Bushong, Athletic Director H.O. "Fritz" Crisler, Captain Gerald Smith, Head Coach Chalmers "Bump" Elliott, George Mans, Dennis Fitzgerald, John Halstead