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Background: Since the cognitive revolution of the early 1950s, cognitions have been discussed as central components in the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. Even though there is an extensive literature on the association between therapy-related cognitions such as irrational beliefs and psychological distress over the past 60 years, there is little meta-analytical knowledge about the nature of this association. Methods: The relationship between irrational beliefs and distress was examined based on a systematic review that included 100 independent samples, gathered in 83 primary studies, using a random-effect model. The overall effects as well as potential moderators were examined: (a) distress measure, (b) irrational belief measure, (c) irrational belief type, (d) method of assessment of distress, (e) nature of irrational beliefs, (f) time lag between irrational beliefs and distress assessment, (g) nature of stressful events, (h) sample characteristics (i.e. age, gender, income, and educational, marital, occupational and clinical status), (i) developer/validator status of the author(s), and (k) publication year and country. Results: Overall, irrational beliefs were positively associated with various types of distress, such as general distress, anxiety, depression, anger, and guilt (omnibus: r = 0.38). The following variables were significant moderators of the relationship between the intensity of irrational beliefs and the level of distress: irrational belief measure and type, stressful event, age, educational and clinical status, and developer/validator status of the author. Conclusions: Irrational beliefs and distress are moderately connected to each other; this relationship remains significant even after controlling for several potential covariates.


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Allostatic load (AL) is a marker of physiological dysregulation which reflects exposure to chronic stress. High AL has been related to poorer health outcomes including mortality. We examine here the association of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors with AL. Additionally, we investigate the extent to which AL is genetically determined. We included 803 participants (52% women, mean age 48±16years) from a population and family-based Swiss study. We computed an AL index aggregating 14 markers from cardiovascular, metabolic, lipidic, oxidative, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and inflammatory homeostatic axes. Education and occupational position were used as indicators of socioeconomic status. Marital status, stress, alcohol intake, smoking, dietary patterns and physical activity were considered as lifestyle factors. Heritability of AL was estimated by maximum likelihood. Women with a low occupational position had higher AL (low vs. high OR=3.99, 95%CI [1.22;13.05]), while the opposite was observed for men (middle vs. high OR=0.48, 95%CI [0.23;0.99]). Education tended to be inversely associated with AL in both sexes(low vs. high OR=3.54, 95%CI [1.69;7.4]/OR=1.59, 95%CI [0.88;2.90] in women/men). Heavy drinking men as well as women abstaining from alcohol had higher AL than moderate drinkers. Physical activity was protective against AL while high salt intake was related to increased AL risk. The heritability of AL was estimated to be 29.5% ±7.9%. Our results suggest that generalized physiological dysregulation, as measured by AL, is determined by both environmental and genetic factors. The genetic contribution to AL remains modest when compared to the environmental component, which explains approximately 70% of the phenotypic variance.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) may impair quality of life (QoL) in paediatric patients. We aimed to evaluate in a nationwide cohort whether patients experience QoL in a different way when compared with their parents. METHODS Sociodemographic and psychosocial characteristics were prospectively acquired from paediatric patients and their parents included in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. Disease activity was evaluated by the Paediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) and the Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index (PUCAI). We assessed QoL using the KIDSCREEN questionnaire. The QoL domains were analysed and compared between children and parents according to type of disease, parents' age, origin, education and marital status. RESULTS We included 110 children and parents (59 Crohn's disease [CD], 45 ulcerative colitis [UC], 6 IBD unclassified [IBDU]). There was no significant difference in QoL between CD and UC/IBDU, whether the disease was active or in remission. Parents perceived overall QoL, as well as 'mood', 'family' and 'friends' domains, lower than the children themselves, independently of their place of birth and education. However, better concordance was found on 'school performance' and 'physical activity' domains. Marital status and age of parents significantly influenced the evaluation of QoL. Mothers and fathers being married or cohabiting perceived significantly lower mood, family and friends domains than their children, whereas mothers living alone had a lower perception of the friends domain; fathers living alone had a lower perception of family and mood subscores. CONCLUSION Parents of Swiss paediatric IBD patients significantly underestimate overall QoL and domains of QoL of their children independently of origin and education.


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Research interest on well-being and social support has focused largely on social factors as related to attaining and maintaining well-being, self-perceptions of well-being and to a lesser extent the relationship of current level of self-perceived well-being to use of formal or informal sources of social support. This study analyzed responses to the General Well-Being Schedule of 6,913 subjects (25-74 years) interviewed during the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1971-1975). The purpose of this analysis was to relate the level of GWBS scores to the use of social support, both informal (family and friends) and formal (community professionals).^ Study questions addressed were whether well-being level was related to selection of a specific social support resource and/or rate of use of resources and whether gender differences were apparent in level of well-being and social support use. Because age, sex, race, socioeconomic status (income and education) and marital status may confound the relation between level of GWB and type of social support chosen, the association between these variables with GWB and use of social support were considered. For analysis, test scores were grouped into four categories and for detailed analysis, two categories: low (0-70) and high (71-110). Cross tabulations and percentages were computed and the chi-square test of significance was used.^ Although 16 to 25 percent of the sample population reported low well-being, less than 10 percent used formal resources to discuss emotional, mental or behavior problems. Medical resources, mostly physicians, were the most used formal social supports. Informal social support was important for all well-being levels where 65-77% of each category reported using this resource.^ While well-being level does not appear to serve as a screener/selector of type of formal social support used, it is related to rates of use. Females reported slightly lower well-being than males, and except in the lowest well-being group, had higher rates of social support use. Findings support the conclusion that perceived well-being is related to use of social support such that the lower the well-being, the greater tendency to use formal and/or informal social support. ^


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The focus of the study was to identify variables that African American women who delivered at a teaching hospital in Houston, Harris County, Texas, between January 12, 1998 and April 24, 1998 perceived to prevent them from receiving adequate prenatal care. The research was based on Aday and Andersen's Framework for the Study of Access to Medical Care. A self-administered questionnaire, using realized and potential access indicators, was developed and administered to 161 African American patients at the study hospital. ^ The objectives of the study were (1) to describe the demographic characteristics of African American women who delivered at a large urban teaching hospital between January 12, 1998 and April 24, 1998; and to determine the relationships between (2) predisposing factors such as age, race, educational level, marital status, family structure, social support and attitude toward prenatal care and prenatal care utilization; (3) enabling factors such as income, employment, insurance status, transportation, appointment, and regular source of care; (4) need factors such as perceived health status, number of past pregnancies, pregnancy occurrence; and (5) the relative importance of predisposing, enabling and need factors as predictors of utilization of prenatal care. The indicators of prenatal care utilization examined included the trimester in which the women initiated prenatal care, number of visits, and numbers and types of services received during pregnancy. Barriers cited included low income and inadequate insurance coverage, problems of transportation and child care, unawareness of pregnancy, delays in the scheduling of appointments, and having too many other problems. ^ The results of the study have implications for well-defined public health promotion campaigns, social support system enhancement, and appointment scheduling reform with an emphasis on prenatal care. ^


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Despite of the proven efficacy of the Pap test, Asian populations still have low Pap screening compliance. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate factors that influencing women's decision to obtain a Pap test, and to describe the development and evaluation of a cervical cancer educational program promoting the Pap screening behavior among women in Taiwan. ^ The first study examined factors associated with Pap screening compliance. Psychometric properties of measurement instruments were also assessed. The scale reliabilities were as the follows: Cronbach alpha 0.70 for knowledge scale, 0.88 for pros scale, 0.68 for cons scale, and 0.72 for perceived norms scale. Results from multiple logistic regression analysis, after adjusted for marital status, showed women who compliant to Pap screening guidelines had significantly higher knowledge, higher perceived benefits (pros), lower perceived barriers (cons), and higher perceived norms to receive a Pap test. ^ The second study described the development of a program called “Love yourself before you take care of your family”, designed to increase Pap screening behavior among women in Taiwan. The development of this program was guided by Intervention Mapping (IM), an innovative process of intervention design. The program used methods such as information transmission, modeling, persuasion, and facilitation. Strategies included direct mail campaigns, role model stories with women's testimonials, and phone intervention. ^ The third study examined the effectiveness of a randomized trial of the carefully-designed intervention (N = 424). Participants were female family members of inpatients admitted to one of the major teaching hospitals in Taiwan during August and September 1999. Women in the intervention group reported a higher rate of receiving a Pap test than women in the control group (50% versus 32%) after a three-month intervention (p = 0.002). Women in the intervention group showed increased knowledge (p = .016), perceived pros (p = 0.008), and susceptibility (p = .011) between baseline and follow-up. They also showed higher perceived pros of Pap tests than women in control group at follow-up (p = .031). This result suggested that program development based on theories and evidences could maximize the intervention impact for a specific target population. ^


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Purpose. This cross-sectional, observational study explored differences among groups staged for intent to decrease dietary fat intake in women with type 2 diabetes in relation to demographic, weight concern, physiological, and psychosocial variables. ^ Methods. A sample of 100 community-dwelling, English-speaking women, who were over age 30 and had type 2 diabetes for at least a year, was accessed through a culturally diverse endocrinology clinic. Subjects completed 7 self-report instruments: demographic sheet, with 11-point weight satisfaction scale; staging algorithm; fat intake (MEDFICTS); depression (CES-D); diabetes-specific dietary knowledge (ADKnowl), social support and self-efficacy scales (SE-Type 2). Physiological variables were abstracted from the medical record (HbA 1c, blood pressure, serum cholesterol and triglycerides). ^ Results. The women's average age was 57.69 years ( SD = 3.07); 50% were married. Subjects were well-educated ( M = 14 years; SD = 3.33), with average diabetes duration of 10.57 years (SD = 9.11), high body mass index (M = 35.72; SD = 8.36), low diabetes-specific dietary knowledge, low weight satisfaction, but in good diabetes control. Racial/ethnic composition was 44% non-Hispanic-White-American, 18% Hispanic-White-American, 15% non-Hispanic-African-American, 16% Hispanic-African-American and 5% other. Fat intake was low and differed by racial/ethnic demographics. The highest fat intake scores were for non-Hispanic-African-Americans (M = 53), followed by Hispanic-White-Americans (M = 51), non-Hispanic-White-Americans (M = 45), and Hispanic-African-Americans (M = 32), who had the lowest fat intake scores. ^ MANOVA analyses revealed no significant differences between stages of behavior change in relation to psychosocial or weight concern variables, age, education, HbA1c, or cholesterol levels. Single women were more likely to be in the three preaction stages (precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation); married women were equally distributed across stages (the preaction stages plus action and maintenance). African-American women (Hispanic and non-Hispanic) were more likely in contemplation and preparation. Triglycerides were higher in women in the action stage than contemplation or preparation. Systolic blood pressure was higher in action than preparation; diastolic blood pressure was higher in action than preaction. ^ Conclusions. Healthcare professionals should consider race, ethnicity, and marital status in client interactions. Dietary intake can vary according to both race and ethnicity; collapsing racial/ethnic groups can alter means and distributions, generating faulty conclusions. Further research is warranted to explore relationships between dietary self-care and marital status, race, ethnicity, and physiological variables. ^


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Because the demographic composition of todays immigrants to the US differs so much from those of natives, immigrants may be less likely to socially integrate into U.S. society, and specically less likely to marry natives. This paper explores the relationship between immigrants' marriage patterns and the academic outcomes of their children. Using 2000 Census data, it is found that while marital decisions of foreign born females do not affect their children's academic success, foreign born males that marry foreign born females are less likely to have children that are high school dropouts. These relationships remain after using various methods to control for the endogeneity of the intermarriage decision. Although we cannot disentangle whether the benefits of same-nativity marriages for foreign born males arise from a more efficient technology in human capital production within the household or from increased participation in ethnic networks, it does appear that immigrant males have better educated children when they marry immigrant females.


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Few studies have examined predictors of smoking abstinence among Hispanic groups. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the relations of sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related factors with smoking abstinence among a group of Hispanic Spanish speaking smokers. This study utilized previously collected data from Hispanic Spanish-speaking smokers (N = 246) who participated in a study entitled Smoking Cessation Services for Hispanic Smokers in Texas. ^ The first study examined sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related mechanisms that predicted smoking abstinence among this group. Two of the characteristics were related to smoking abstinence, marital status and acculturation level. Being unmarried increased the likelihood of being abstinent at the 12 week assessment (OR = 1.80). Those in the high acculturation group were twice as likely to be abstinent (OR = 2.24). Of the smoking related mechanisms, those with higher positive reinforcement expectancies were less likely to be abstinent (OR = .86), as were those with a higher level of affiliative attachment (OR = .86), a higher level of craving (OR = .78) and a higher tolerance to the effect of smoking (OR = .74). The second study was to examine the relationship of objective measures of socioeconomic status (SES) (income, education, or employment) with smoking abstinence among this group. This study also compared the relationship of a subjective measure of SES (Social Status Ladder) to smoking abstinence. None of the objective measures of SES were related to smoking abstinence at the 12 week assessment. The subjective measure of SES did predict smoking abstinence (OR = 1.9) indicting that those that rated themselves ≤4 on the SES scale were more likely to be abstinent. ^ Although this group was recruited using various methods across the state of Texas, the fact that they preferred to interact with the counselor in Spanish may limit the study findings. The results of this study highlight the need for research to examine specific subgroups of people and understand the special circumstances that influence their health behaviors. Furthering our knowledge of the relations between sociodemographic characteristics and smoking cessation could lead to interventions that reduce disparities in smoking cessation. ^


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Racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN) have been observed and explained by socioeconomic status (education level, income level, etc.), screening, early diagnosis, treatment, prognostic factors, and adherence to treatment regimens. To the author's knowledge, there are no studies addressing disparities in hypertension and diabetes mellitus utilizing Hispanics as the reference racial/ethnic group and adjusting for sociodemographics and prognostic factors. This present study examined racial/ethnic disparities in HTN and DM and assessed whether this disparity is explained by sociodemographics. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for racial/ethnic group differences, using the Pearson Chi Square statistic. The study focused on Non-Hispanic Blacks since this ethnic group is associated with the worst health outcomes. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio (POR) and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. Results indicated that except for insurance coverage, there were statistically significant differences between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites, as well as Hispanics with respect to study covariates. In the unadjusted logistic regression model, there was a statistically significant increased prevalence of hypertension among Non-Hispanic Blacks compared to Hispanics, POR 1.36, 95% CI 1.02-1.80. Low income was statistically significantly associated with increased prevalence of hypertension, POR 0.38, 95% CI 0.32-0.46. Insurance coverage, though not statistically significant, was associated with an increase in the prevalence of hypertension, p>0.05. Concerning DM, Non-Hispanic Blacks were more likely to be diabetic, POR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.47. High income was statistically significantly associated with decreased prevalence of DM, POR 0.47, 95% CI 0.39-0.57. After adjustment for the relevant covariates, the racial disparities between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks in HTN was removed, adjusted prevalence odds (APOR) 1.21, 95% CI 0.88-1.67. In this sample, there was racial/ethnic disparity in hypertension but not in diabetes mellitus between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks, with disparities in hypertension associated with socioeconomic status (family income, education, marital status) and also by alcohol, physical activity and age. However, race, education and BMI as class variables were statistically significantly associated with hypertension and diabetes mellitus p<0.0001. ^


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Gender and racial/ethnic disparities in colorectal cancer screening (CRC) has been observed and associated with income status, education level, treatment and late diagnosis. According to the American Cancer Society, among both males and females, CRC is the third most frequently diagnosed type of cancer and accounts for 10% of cancer deaths in the United States. Differences in CRC test use have been documented and limited to access to health care, demographics and health behaviors, but few studies have examined the correlates of CRC screening test use by gender. This present study examined the prevalence of CRC screening test use and assessed whether disparities are explained by gender and racial/ethnic differences. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for gender and racial/ethnic group differences using the chi square statistic. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. ^ Results indicated there are disparities in the use of CRC screening test use and there were statistically significant difference in the prevalence for both FOBT and endoscopy screening between gender, χ2, p≤0.003. Females had a lower prevalence of endoscopy colorectal cancer screening than males when adjusting for age and education (OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.82–0.95). However, no statistically significant difference was reported between racial/ethnic groups, χ 2 p≤0.179 after adjusting for age, education and gender. For both FOBT and endoscopy screening Non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics had a lower prevalence of screening compared with Non-Hispanic Whites. In the multivariable regression model, the gender disparities could largely be explained by age, income status, education level, and marital status. Overall, individuals between the age "70–79" years old, were married, with some college education and income greater than $20,000 were associated with a higher prevalence of colorectal cancer screening test use within gender and racial/ethnic groups. ^


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A cohort, cross-sectional, historical study design was used to study factors related to spontaneous premature birth outcomes among African American women. The cohort consisted of 4,294 mothers drawn from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The objectives of the study were: (1) to examine the distribution of gestational ages of African American infants for selected variables reported for their families and (2) to describe risk factors associated with birth at 20–31 weeks of gestational age and at 32–36 weeks of gestational age. Risk factors examined include maternal age, maternal marital status, maternal living arrangements, maternal education, maternal work status, household income, gestational bleeding, month prenatal began, adequacy of prenatal care, parity, previous viable preterm birth, and behavioral factors of attitude toward pregnancy, smoking, drug, and alcohol use during pregnancy. Frequency distributions, cross tabulations, stratified analysis, and logistic regression analysis were used. ^ Risk factors associated with a 50 percent or more increase in preterm birth were cocaine use, low maternal education, teenaged mother, prenatal care deficits or overuse, and bleeding during the second half of pregnancy. The other risk factors of not living with the baby's father, smoking cigarettes and having a mistimed pregnancy carried statistically significance but lower strength of association. ^ Health care services, educational systems, and community organizations can develop and evaluate comprehensive health education and information campaigns that address preventable risk factors during pregnancy. Although preterm birth cannot always be prevented, preconception care can help identify and modify maternal risk and promote optimum health before conception. Quality care should include continued risk assessment, health promotion, and interventions. ^


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Cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx remains one of the ten leading causes of cancer death in the United States (US). Besides smoking and alcohol consumption, there are no well established risk factors. While poor dental care had been implicated, it is unknown if the lack of dental care, implying poor dental hygiene predisposes to oral cavity cancer. This study aimed to assess the relationship between dental care utilization during the past twelve months and the prevalence of oral cavity cancer. A cross-sectional design of the National Health Interview Survey of adult, non-institutionalized US residents (n=30,475) was used to assess the association between dental care utilization and self reported diagnosis of oral cavity cancer. Chi square statistic was used to examine the crude association between the predictor variable, dental care utilization and other covariates, while unconditional logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between oral cavity cancer and dental care utilization. There were statistically significant differences between those who utilized dental care during the past twelve months and those who did not with respect to education, income, age, marital status, and gender (p < 0.05), but not health insurance coverage (p = 0.53). Also, those who utilized dental care relative to those who did not were 65% less likely to present with oral cavity cancer, prevalence odds ratio (POR), 0.35, 95% Confidence Interval (CI), 0.12–0.98. Further, higher income advanced age, people of African heritage, and unmarried status were statistically significantly associated with oral cavity cancer, (p < 0.05), but health insurance coverage, alcohol use and smoking were not, p > 0.05. However, after simultaneously controlling for the relevant covariates, the association between dental care and oral cavity cancer did not attenuate nor persist. Thus, compared with those who did not use dental care, those who did wee 62% less likely to present with oral cavity cancer adjusted POR, 0.38, 95% CI, 0.13-1.10. Among US adults residing in community settings, use of dental care during the past twelve months did not significantly reduce the predisposition to oral cavity cancer. However, due to the nature of the data used in this study, which restricts temporal sequence, a large sample prospective study that may identify modifiable factors associated with oral cancer development namely poor dental care, is needed. ^


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Background. Estimates of perinatal depression have ranged from 5% to more than 25% of women (Gavin et al. 2005). Although Hispanics have one of the highest birthrates, few studies have looked at the prevalence of depression among this population. This study aims to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms among a sample of Hispanic women. Methods. A convenience sample of 439 Hispanic women were screened for depression using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Sociodemographic data relating to pregnancy were also collected. Results. Although bivariate analysis found several variables to be significant, multivariate analysis found only marital and pregnancy status to be significant in predicting depression. Conclusions. While marital and pregnancy status proved to the strongest predictors for depression, future research would benefit from collecting information on timing of pregnancy and postpartum to further explore the role of pregnancy status and depressive symptoms. ^


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While numerous studies have found similar mortality rates for Hispanics compared to non-Hispanic whites, surprisingly little is known about years of potential life lost (YPLL) differentials in mortality. The primary purpose of this paper is to quantify the effect that YPLL has on Hispanics in order to determine if YPLL differs between Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. Using YPLL may bring attention to dissimilarities that are often obscured through traditional measures. Bexar County 2000-2004 data from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics Unit was analyzed for the descriptive analysis and 2003 Bexar County Multiple Cause Death data was analyzed for the regression analysis. The multiple regression models were used to examine Hispanic and non-Hispanic white differences in years of potential life lost (YPLL) before age 75 from all-causes of death. For this analysis, YPLL was regressed on ethnicity, education level and marital status for men and women. The descriptive analysis found YPLL from all-causes was greater among non-Hispanic whites than Hispanics. However, the regression analysis found Hispanics lost more year of potential from all-causes of death compared to non-Hispanic whites. This indicates that the effect of ethnicity on YPLL differs for different methods of analysis. Future research efforts should keep in mind the method of analysis when using YPLL. Understanding differences in mortality among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites is important for targeting future health policies and research to aid in eliminating Hispanic health disparities. ^