947 resultados para Macrophage inhibition factor


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PURPOSE: The infection is one of the main factors that affect the physiological evolution of the surgical wounds. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGFâ) and anti-FGFâ in the healing, synthesis and maturation of collagen when topically used on infected skin wounds of rats. METHODS: An experimental study was perfomed in 60 male Wistar rats. All animals were divided in two groups (A and B). Each group was divided in three subgroups A1, B1; A2, B2 and A3, B3. After anesthesia with pentobarbital, two open squared wounds (1cm2), 4cm distant to each other, were done in the dorsal skin of all the rats. In group A (n=30) the wounds were contaminated with multibacterial standard solution, and in group B(n=30) the wounds were maintained sterile. These wounds were named F1 (for inflammation analysis) and F2 (for collagen study). The open wounds of A1 and B1 rats were topically treated with saline solution, A2 and B2 were treated with FGFâ and subgroups A3 and B3 were treated with FGFâ and anti-FGFâ. The rats were observed until complete epitelization of F2 wounds for determination of healing time and the expression of types I and III collagen, using Picro Sirius Red staining. Inflammatory reaction in F1 wounds was studied using hematoxilineosin staining. The three variable was measured by the Image Pro-Plus Média Cybernetics software. The statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test, considering p<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: It was observed that infection retarded significantly (p<0.05) the time of wound scarring and the topical application of FCFb reverted the inhibition of healing caused by bacteria. The inflammatory reaction was greater in the subgroup B2 than in B1 and A3, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). It was observed greater expression of type I collagen in all the subgroups treated with FCFb, when compared with the untreated subgroups. Type III collagen was significantly decreased in wounds of B3 rats, comparing to the other subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The FCFb accelerated the healing of open infected wounds and contributed with maturation of collagen, enhancing the type I collagen density. The anti-FCFb antibody was able to attenuate the production of both type I and III collagen


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The function of the vascular endothelium is to maintain vascular homeostasis, by providing an anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory interface between circulating blood and the vessel wall, meanwhile facilitating the selective passage of blood components such as signaling molecules and immune cells. Dysfunction of the vascular endothelium is implicated in a number of pathological states including atherosclerosis and hypertension, and is thought to precede atherogenesis by a number of years. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) is a crucial mitogenic signaling molecule, not only essential for embryonic development, but also in the adult for regulating both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Previous studies by our laboratory have demonstrated that VEGF-A activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the downstream component of a signaling cascade important in the regulation of whole body and cellular energy status. Furthermore, studies in our laboratory have indicated that AMPK is essential for VEGF-A-stimulated vascular endothelial cell proliferation. AMPK activation typically stimulates anabolic processes and inhibits catabolic processes including cell proliferation, with the ultimate aim of redressing energy imbalance, and as such is an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syndromes, and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic diseases are associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes and AMPK activation is reported to have beneficial effects on the vascular endothelium. The mechanism by which VEGF-A stimulates AMPK, and the functional consequences of VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation remain uncertain. The present study therefore aimed to identify the specific mechanism(s) by which VEGF-A regulates the activity of AMPK in endothelial cells, and how this might differ from the activation of AMPK by other agents. Furthermore, the role of AMPK in the pro-proliferative actions of VEGF-A was further examined. Human aortic and umbilical vein endothelial cells were therefore used as a model system to characterise the specific effect(s) of VEGF-A stimulation on AMPK activation. The present study reports that AMPK α1 containing AMPK complexes account for the vast majority of both basal and VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activity. Furthermore, AMPK α1 is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum when sub-confluent, but translocated to the Golgi apparatus when cells are cultured to confluence. AMPK α2 appears to be associated with a structural cellular component, but neither α1 nor α2 complexes appear to translocate in response to VEGF-A stimulation. The present study confirms previous reports that when measured using the MTS cell proliferation assay, AMPK is required for VEGF-A-stimulated endothelial cell proliferation. However, parallel experiments measuring cell proliferation using the Real-Time Cell Analyzer xCELLigence system, do not agree with these previous reports, suggesting that AMPK may in fact be required for an aspect of mitochondrial metabolism which is enhanced by VEGF-A. Studies into the mitochondrial activity of endothelial cells have proved inconclusive at this time, but further studies into this are warranted. During previous studies in our laboratory, it was suggested that VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation may be mediated via the diacylglycerol (DAG)-sensitive transient receptor potential cation channel (TRPCs -3, -6 or -7) family of ion channels. The present study can neither confirm, nor exclude the expression of TRPCs in vascular endothelial cells, nor rule out their involvement in VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation; more specific investigative tools are required in order to characterise their involvement. Furthermore, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-stimulated Ca2+ release from acidic intracellular organelles is not required for AMPK activation by VEGF-A. Despite what is known about the mechanisms by which AMPK is activated, far less is known concerning the downregulation of AMPK activity, as observed in human and animal models of metabolic disease. Phosphorylation of AMPK α1 Ser485 (α2 Ser491) has recently been characterised as a mechanism by which the activity of AMPK is negatively regulated. We report here for the first time that VEGF-A stimulates AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation independently of the previously reported AMPK α1 Ser485 kinases Akt (protein kinase B) and ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2). Furthermore, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC), the activity of which is reported to be elevated in metabolic disease, attenuates VEGF-A- and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-stimulated AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, and increases basal AMPK activity. In contrast to this, PKC activation reduces AMPK activity in human vascular endothelial cells. Attempts to identify the PKC isoform responsible for inhibiting AMPK activity suggest that it is one (or more) of the Ca2+-regulated DAG-sensitive isoforms of PKC, however cross regulation of PKC isoform expression has limited the present study. Furthermore, AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation was inversely correlated with human muscle insulin sensitivity. As such, enhanced AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, potentially mediated by increased PKC activation may help explain some of the reduced AMPK activity observed in metabolic disease.


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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis that causes significant morbidity and mortality and has no cure. Although early treatment strategies and biologic therapies such as TNFα blocking antibodies have revolutionised treatment, there still remains considerable unmet need. JAK kinase inhibitors, which target multiple inflammatory cytokines, have shown efficacy in treating RA although their exact mechanism of action remains to be determined. Stratified medicine promises to deliver the right drug to the right patient at the right time by using predictive ‘omic biomarkers discovered using bioinformatic and “Big Data” techniques. Therefore, knowledge across the realms of clinical rheumatology, applied immunology, bioinformatics and data science is required to realise this goal. Aim: To use bioinformatic tools to analyse the transcriptome of CD14 macrophages derived from patients with inflammatory arthritis and define a JAK/STAT signature. Thereafter to investigate the role of JAK inhibition on inflammatory cytokine production in a macrophage cell contact activation assay. Finally, to investigate JAK inhibition, following RA synovial fluid stimulation of monocytes. Methods and Results: Using bioinformatic software such as limma from the Bioconductor repository, I determined that there was a JAK/STAT signature in synovial CD14 macrophages from patients with RA and this differed from psoriatic arthritis samples. JAK inhibition using a JAK1/3 inhibitor tofacitinib reduced TNFα production when macrophages were cell contact activated by cytokine stimulated CD4 T-cells. Other pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and chemokines such as IP-10 were also reduced. RA synovial fluid failed to stimulate monocytes to phosphorylate STAT1, 3 or 6 but CD4 T-cells activated STAT3 with this stimulus. RNA sequencing of synovial fluid stimulated CD4 T-cells showed an upregulation of SOCS3, BCL6 and SBNO2, a gene associated with RA but with unknown function and tofacitinib reversed this. Conclusion: These studies demonstrate that tofacitinib is effective at reducing inflammatory mediator production in a macrophage cell contact assay and also affects soluble factor mediated stimulation of CD4 T-cells. This suggests that the effectiveness of JAK inhibition is due to inhibition of multiple cytokine pathways such as IL-6, IL-15 and interferon. RNA sequencing is a useful tool to identify non-coding RNA transcripts that are associated with synovial fluid stimulation and JAK inhibition but these require further validation. SBNO2, a gene that is associated with RA, may be biomarker of tofacitinib treatment but requires further investigation and validation in wider disease cohorts.


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Objective: Coronary artery diseases including atherosclerosis is considered as commonest problem worldwide. Ergosterols are the main components of vegetable oils and nuts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential hypoplipidemic and hypocholesterolemic effects of ergosterol in combination with niacin in rats fed high fat diet (HFD). Methods: Eighty male albino rats were included in this study divided into two main groups: Group I: Normal rats fed standard diet treated with either niacin (8.5 mg /kg b.w) or ergosterol (100 mg/kg b.w) or both. Group II; rats fed HFD treated with either niacin (8.5 mg /kg b.w) or ergosterol (100 mg/kg b.w) or both The feeding and treatment lasted for 8 weeks. Results: A significant elevation in the levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, VLDL-c, LDL-c and atherogenic factor (p<0.001) in rats fed on HFD compared with normal control while HDL-c was significantly reduced in HFD rats compared with control group. Supplementation of diet with niacin or ergosterol or combined exerts improvement in the studied parameters by lowering triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, LDL-c and atherogenic factor and elevate HDL-c near to the value of control. Niacin combined with ergosterol were effective in the reduction of hydroxy methyl glutaryl-CoA reducatase (HMGCoA) compared with control (p<0.001). The combined effect was more potent than individual alone. Conclusion: Utilization of niacin and ergosterol may prevent the hypercholesterolemia and incidence of coronary heart diseases. These functional foods act as nutriceutical as dyslipidemics.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) rapidly evolves through generation and selection of mutants that can escape drug therapy. This process is fueled, in part, by the presumably highly error prone polymerase reverse transcriptase (RT). Fidelity of polymerases can be influenced by cation co-factors. Physiologically, magnesium (Mg2+) is used as a co-factor by RT to perform catalysis, however, alternative cations including manganese (Mn2+), cobalt (Co2+), and zinc (Zn2+) can also be used. I demonstrate here that fidelity and inhibition of HIV RT can be influenced differently, in vitro, by divalent cations depending on their concentration. The reported mutation frequency for purified HIV RT in vitro is typically in the 10-4 range (per nucleotide addition), making the enzyme several-fold less accurate than most polymerases. Paradoxically, results examining HIV replication in cells indicate an error frequency that is ~10 times lower than the error rate obtained in the test tube. Here, I reconcile, at least in part, these discrepancies by showing that HIV RT fidelity in vitro is in the same range as cellular results, in physiological concentrations of free Mg2+ (~0.25 mM). At low Mg2+, mutation rates were 5-10 times lower compared to high Mg2+ conditions (5-10 mM). Alternative divalent cations also have a concentration-dependent effect on RT fidelity. Presumed promutagenic cations Mn2+ and Co2+ decreases the fidelity of RT only at elevated concentrations, and Zn2+, when present in low concentration, increases the fidelity of HIV-1 RT by ~2.5 fold compared to Mg2+. HIV-1 and HIV-2 RT inhibition by nucleoside (NRTIs) and non-nucleoside RT inhibitors (NNRTIs) in vitro is also affected by the Mg2+ concentration. NRTIs lacking 3'-OH group inhibited both enzymes less efficiently in low Mg2+ than in high Mg2+; whereas inhibition by the “translocation defective RT inhibitor”, which retains the 3ʹ-OH, was unaffected by Mg2+ concentration, suggesting that NRTIs with a 3ʹ-OH group may be more potent than other NRTIs. In contrast, NNRTIs were more effective in low vs. high Mg2+ conditions. Overall, the studies presented reveal strategies for designing novel RT inhibitors and strongly emphasize the need for studying HIV RT and RT inhibitors in physiologically relevant low Mg2+ conditions.


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Adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats is associated with growth failure, hypermetabolism and accelerated protein breakdown. The aim of this work was to study the effects of adjuvant-induced arthritis on GH and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). Arthritis was induced by an intradermal injection of complete Freund's adjuvant and rats were killed 18 and 22 days later. IGF-I and GH levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Pituitary GH mRNA was analyzed by northern blot and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) by western blot. Arthritic rats showed a decrease in both serum and hepatic concentrations of IGF-I. On the contrary, arthritis increased the circulating IGFBPs. The serum concentration of IGF-I in the arthritic rats was negatively correlated with the body weight loss observed in these animals. Arthritis decreased the serum concentration of GH and this decrease seems to be due to an inhibition of GH synthesis, since pituitary GH mRNA content was decreased in arthritic rats (p<0.01). These data suggest that the decrease in body weight gain in arthritic rats may be, at least in part, secondary to the decrease in GH and IGF-I secretion. Furthermore, the increased serum IGFBPs may also be involved in the disease process.


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Purpose: In the present study, we consider mechanical properties of phosphate glasses under high temperatureinduced and under friction-induced cross-linking, which enhance the modulus of elasticity. Design/methodology/approach: Two nanomechanical properties are evaluated, the first parameter is the modulus of elasticity (E) (or Young's modulus) and the second parameter is the hardness (H). Zinc meta-, pyro - and orthophosphates were recognized as amorphous-colloidal nanoparticles were synthesized under laboratory conditions and showed antiwear properties in engine oil. Findings: Young's modulus of the phosphate glasses formed under high temperature was in the 60-89 GPa range. For phosphate tribofilm formed under friction hardness and the Young's modulus were in the range of 2-10 GPa and 40-215 GPa, respectively. The degree of cross-linking during friction is provided by internal pressure of about 600 MPa and temperature close to 1000°C enhancing mechanical properties by factor of 3 (see Fig 1). Research limitations/implications: The addition of iron or aluminum ions to phosphate glasses under high temperature - and friction-induced amorphization of zinc metaphosphate and pyrophosphate tends to provide more cross-linking and mechanically stronger structures. Iron and aluminum (FeO4 or AlO4 units), incorporated into phosphate structure as network formers, contribute to the anion network bonding by converting the P=O bonds into bridging oxygen. Future work should consider on development of new of materials prepared by solgel processes, eg., zinc (II)-silicic acid. Originality/value: This paper analyses the friction pressure-induced and temperature–induced the two factors lead phosphate tribofilm glasses to chemically advanced glass structures, which may enhance the wear inhibition. Adding the coordinating ions alters the pressure at which cross-linking occurs and increases the antiwear properties of the surface material significantly.