916 resultados para Lyons, Martyn
Background: Tef (Eragrostis tef), an indigenous cereal critical to food security in the Horn of Africa, is rich in minerals and protein, resistant to many biotic and abiotic stresses and safe for diabetics as well as sufferers of immune reactions to wheat gluten. We present the genome of tef, the first species in the grass subfamily Chloridoideae and the first allotetraploid assembled de novo. We sequenced the tef genome for marker-assisted breeding, to shed light on the molecular mechanisms conferring tef's desirable nutritional and agronomic properties, and to make its genome publicly available as a community resource. Results: The draft genome contains 672 Mbp representing 87% of the genome size estimated from flow cytometry. We also sequenced two transcriptomes, one from a normalized RNA library and another from unnormalized RNASeq data. The normalized RNA library revealed around 38000 transcripts that were then annotated by the SwissProt group. The CoGe comparative genomics platform was used to compare the tef genome to other genomes, notably sorghum. Scaffolds comprising approximately half of the genome size were ordered by syntenic alignment to sorghum producing tef pseudo-chromosomes, which were sorted into A and B genomes as well as compared to the genetic map of tef. The draft genome was used to identify novel SSR markers, investigate target genes for abiotic stress resistance studies, and understand the evolution of the prolamin family of proteins that are responsible for the immune response to gluten. Conclusions: It is highly plausible that breeding targets previously identified in other cereal crops will also be valuable breeding targets in tef. The draft genome and transcriptome will be of great use for identifying these targets for genetic improvement of this orphan crop that is vital for feeding 50 million people in the Horn of Africa.
A comprehensive second-generation whole genome radiation hybrid (RH II), cytogenetic and comparative map of the horse genome (2n = 64) has been developed using the 5000rad horse x hamster radiation hybrid panel and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The map contains 4,103 markers (3,816 RH; 1,144 FISH) assigned to all 31 pairs of autosomes and the X chromosome. The RH maps of individual chromosomes are anchored and oriented using 857 cytogenetic markers. The overall resolution of the map is one marker per 775 kilobase pairs (kb), which represents a more than five-fold improvement over the first-generation map. The RH II incorporates 920 markers shared jointly with the two recently reported meiotic maps. Consequently the two maps were aligned with the RH II maps of individual autosomes and the X chromosome. Additionally, a comparative map of the horse genome was generated by connecting 1,904 loci on the horse map with genome sequences available for eight diverse vertebrates to highlight regions of evolutionarily conserved syntenies, linkages, and chromosomal breakpoints. The integrated map thus obtained presents the most comprehensive information on the physical and comparative organization of the equine genome and will assist future assemblies of whole genome BAC fingerprint maps and the genome sequence. It will also serve as a tool to identify genes governing health, disease and performance traits in horses and assist us in understanding the evolution of the equine genome in relation to other species.
OBJECTIVES The SOURCE XT Registry (Edwards SAPIEN XT Aortic Bioprosthesis Multi-Region Outcome Registry) assessed the use and clinical outcomes with the SAPIEN XT (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, California) valve in the real-world setting. BACKGROUND Transcatheter aortic valve replacement is an established treatment for high-risk/inoperable patients with severe aortic stenosis. The SAPIEN XT is a balloon-expandable valve with enhanced features allowing delivery via a lower profile sheath. METHODS The SOURCE XT Registry is a prospective, multicenter, post-approval study. Data from 2,688 patients at 99 sites were analyzed. The main outcome measures were all-cause mortality, stroke, major vascular complications, bleeding, and pacemaker implantations at 30-days and 1 year post-procedure. RESULTS The mean age was 81.4 ± 6.6 years, 42.3% were male, and the mean logistic EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) was 20.4 ± 12.4%. Patients had a high burden of coronary disease (44.2%), diabetes (29.4%), renal insufficiency (28.9%), atrial fibrillation (25.6%), and peripheral vascular disease (21.2%). Survival was 93.7% at 30 days and 80.6% at 1 year. At 30-day follow-up, the stroke rate was 3.6%, the rate of major vascular complications was 6.5%, the rate of life-threatening bleeding was 5.5%, the rate of new pacemakers was 9.5%, and the rate of moderate/severe paravalvular leak was 5.5%. Multivariable analysis identified nontransfemoral approach (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.84; p < 0.0001), renal insufficiency (HR: 1.53; p < 0.0001), liver disease (HR: 1.67; p = 0.0453), moderate/severe tricuspid regurgitation (HR: 1.47; p = 0.0019), porcelain aorta (HR: 1.47; p = 0.0352), and atrial fibrillation (HR: 1.41; p = 0.0014), with the highest HRs for 1-year mortality. Major vascular complications and major/life-threatening bleeding were the most frequently seen complications associated with a significant increase in 1-year mortality. CONCLUSIONS The SOURCE XT Registry demonstrated appropriate use of the SAPIEN XT THV in the first year post-commercialization in Europe. The safety profile is sustained, and clinical benefits have been established in the real-world setting. (SOURCE XT Registry; NCT01238497).
Transcatheter mitral interventions has been developed to address an unmet clinical need and may be an alternative therapeutic option to surgery with the intent to provide symptomatic and prognostic benefit. Beyond MitraClip therapy, alternative repair technologies are being developed to expand the transcatheter intervention armamentarium. Recently, the feasibility of transcatheter mitral valve implantation in native non-calcified valves has been reported in very high-risk patients. Acknowledging the lack of scientific evidence to date, it is difficult to predict what the ultimate future role of transcatheter mitral valve interventions will be. The purpose of the present report is to review the current state-of-the-art of mitral valve intervention, and to identify the potential future scenarios, which might benefit most from the transcatheter repair and replacement devices under development.
This paper describes the spatial data handling procedures used to create a vector database of the Connecticut shoreline from Coastal Survey Maps. The appendix contains detailed information on how the procedures were implemented using Geographic Transformer Software 5 and ArcGIS 8.3. The project was a joint project of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis.
Lewis Lyons
The β-catenin/Lef/Tcf-mediated Wnt pathway is central to the developmental of all animals, stem cell renewal, and cancer progression. Prior studies in frogs and mice have indicated that the ligand Wnt-4 is essential for the mesenchyme to epithelial transition that generates tubules in the context of kidney organogenesis. More recently, Wnt-9b in mice, was likewise found to be required. Yet despite the importance of Wnt signals in renal development, the corresponding Frizzled receptor(s) and downstream signaling mechanim(s) are unclear. My work addresses these knowledge gaps using in vitro (Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cells) and in vivo (Xenopus laevis and zebrafish pronephros) tubulogenic kidney model systems. Employing established reporter constructs of Wnt/β-catenin pathway activity, I have determined that MDCK cells are highly responsive to Wnt-4, -1, and -3A, but not to Wnt-5A and control conditions. I have confirmed that Wnt-4's canonical signaling activity in MDCK cells is mediated by downstream effectors of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway using β-Engrailed and dnTCF-4, constructs that suppress this pathway. I have further found that MDCK cells express the Frizzled-6 receptor, and that Wnt-4 forms a biochemical complex with Frizzled-6, yet does not appear to transduce Wnt-4's canonical signal. Additionally, I demonstrate that standard Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)-mediated (non-physiologic) induction of MDCK tubulogenesis in collagen matrices is not altered by activation or suppression of β-catenin signaling activity; however, β-catenin signaling maintains cell survival in this in vitro system. Using a Wnt/β-catenin signaling reporter in Xenopus laevis, I detect β-catenin signaling activity in the early pronephric epithelial kidney tubules. By inhibiting the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in both zebrafish and Xenopus , a significant loss of kidney tubulogenesis is observed with little or no effect on adjoining axis or somite development. This inhibition also leads to the appearance of severe edema that phenocopies embryos depleted for Wnt-4. Tubulogenic loss does not appear to be caused by increased cell death in the Xenopus pronephric field, but rather by lessened expression of tubule epithelium genes associated with cellular differentiation. Together, my results show that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for renal tubule development and that Wnt-4 is a strong candidate for activating this pathway. ^
The spatial and temporal dynamics of seagrasses have been well studied at the leaf to patch scales, however, the link to large spatial extent landscape and population dynamics is still unresolved in seagrass ecology. Traditional remote sensing approaches have lacked the temporal resolution and consistency to appropriately address this issue. This study uses two high temporal resolution time-series of thematic seagrass cover maps to examine the spatial and temporal dynamics of seagrass at both an inter- and intra-annual time scales, one of the first globally to do so at this scale. Previous work by the authors developed an object-based approach to map seagrass cover level distribution from a long term archive of Landsat TM and ETM+ images on the Eastern Banks (~200 km**2), Moreton Bay, Australia. In this work a range of trend and time-series analysis methods are demonstrated for a time-series of 23 annual maps from 1988 to 2010 and a time-series of 16 monthly maps during 2008-2010. Significant new insight was presented regarding the inter- and intra-annual dynamics of seagrass persistence over time, seagrass cover level variability, seagrass cover level trajectory, and change in area of seagrass and cover levels over time. Overall we found that there was no significant decline in total seagrass area on the Eastern Banks, but there was a significant decline in seagrass cover level condition. A case study of two smaller communities within the Eastern Banks that experienced a decline in both overall seagrass area and condition are examined in detail, highlighting possible differences in environmental and process drivers. We demonstrate how trend and time-series analysis enabled seagrass distribution to be appropriately assessed in context of its spatial and temporal history and provides the ability to not only quantify change, but also describe the type of change. We also demonstrate the potential use of time-series analysis products to investigate seagrass growth and decline as well as the processes that drive it. This study demonstrates clear benefits over traditional seagrass mapping and monitoring approaches, and provides a proof of concept for the use of trend and time-series analysis of remotely sensed seagrass products to benefit current endeavours in seagrass ecology.
Organic geochemical and visual kerogen analyses were carried out on approximately 50 samples from Leg 81 (Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic). The sediments are from four sites (Sites 552-555), Pleistocene to Paleocene in age, and represent significantly different depositional environments and sources of organic matter. The Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles show differences in sedimentary organic matter based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic phosphorus, and pyrolysis/mass-spectrometry analyses. Glacial samples contain more organic carbon, with a larger proportion of reworked organic matter. This probably reflects increased erosion of continental and shelf areas as a result of low sea level stands. Inter glacial samples contain a larger proportion of marine organic matter as determined by organic phosphorus and pyrolysis analyses. This immature, highly oxidized marine organic matter may be associated with the skeletal organic matrix of calcareous organisms. In addition, Rock-Eval data indicate no significant inorganic-carbonate contribution to the S3 pyrolysis peak. The Pliocene-Miocene sediments consist of pelagic, biogenic carbonates. The organic matter is similar to that of the Pleistocene interglacial periods; a mixture of oxidized marine organic matter and reworked, terrestrial detritus. The Paleocene-Oligocene organic matter reflects variations in source and depositional factors associated with the isolation of Rockall from Greenland. Paleocene sediments contain primarily terrestrial organic matter with evidence of in situ thermal stress resulting from interbedded lava flows. Late Paleocene and early Eocene organic matter suggests a highly oxidized marine environment, with major periods of deposition of terrestrially derived organic matter. These fluctuations in organic-matter type are probably the result of episodic shallowing and deepening of Rockall Basins. The final stage of Eocene/Oligocene sedimentation records the accelerating subsidence of Rockall and its isolation from terrestrial sources (Rockall and Greenland). This is shown by the increasingly marine character of the organic matter. The petroleum potential of sediments containing more than 0.5% organic carbon is poor because of their thermal immaturity and their highly oxidized and terrestrial organic-matter composition.