979 resultados para Lyocell cellulose


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The quenching of the electronically-excited, lumophoric state of [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)] by oxygen is studied in a wide variety of neat plasticizers. The Stern-Volmer constant, K-SV, is found to be inversely dependent upon the viscosity of the quenching medium, although the natural lifetime of the electronically excited state of [RU(bPY)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)] is largely independent of medium. The least viscous of the plasticizers tested, triethyl phosphate, did not, however, produce highly sensitive optical oxygen sensors when used to plasticize [RU(bPY)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)]-containing cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) films, Instead, the compatibility of the polymer-plasticizer combination, as measured by the difference in the values of the solubility parameter of the two, appears to be a major factor in determining the overall oxygen sensitivity of the thin plastic films. For highly compatible polymer-plasticizer combinations, the plasticizer with the lowest viscosity produces films of the highest oxygen sensitivity. This situation arises because in the film the quenching process is partly diffusion-controlled and, as a result, the quenching rate constant is inversely proportional to the effective viscosity of the reaction medium.


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A homologous family of dialkyl phthalates has been used to investigate the effect of plasticizer/polymer compatibility on the response characteristics of transparent, plastic, thin optical gas sensing films for CO2 and oxygen. Plasticizer/polymer compatibilities were determined through the value of the difference in solubility parameter, i.e. Delta delta, for the plasticizer and polymer with a Delta delta value of zero indicating high compatibility. A strong correlation was found between plasticizer/polymer compatibility and sensitivity in phenol red/ethyl cellulose CO2-sensitive films and this relationship extended to CO2-sensitive films based on other polymers such as polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate). It extended also to optical O-2-sensitive films implying that the relationship is general for thin-film optical sensors. Other results from the CO2-sensitive films in different polymers indicated that the film sensitivity is largely independent of the polymer matrix regardless of its inherent gas permeability, when a sufficient quantity of compatible plasticizer is present. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Two porphyrins, platinum(II) octaethylporphyrin (Pt-OEP) and palladium(II) octaethylporphyrin (Pd-OEP), are incorporated into a wide variety of different encapsulating matricies and tested as oxygen sensors, The excited state lifetimes of the two porphyrins are quite different, 0.091 ms for Pt-OEP and 0.99 ms for Pd-OEP, and Pt-OEP-based oxygen sensors are found to be much less sensitive than Pd-OEP-based ones to quenching by oxygen, Two major response characteristics of an oxygen sensor are (i) its sensitivity toward oxygen and (ii) its response and recovery times when exposed to an alternating atmosphere of nitrogen and air. The response characteristics of a rang of Pt-OEP, and Pd-OEP-based oxygen sensors were determined using cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and PMMA/CAB polymer blends as the encapsulating media. Pt-OEP and Pd-OEP oxygen sensors have better response characteristics (i.e., more sensitive and lower response and recovery times) when CAB is used as the encapsulating medium rather than PMMA. For both Pt-OEP- and Pd-OEP-based oxygen sensors, in either polymer, increasing the level of tributyl phosphate plasticizer improves the response characteristics of the final oxygen-sensitive film. Pt-OEP in different unplasticized PMMA/CAB blended films produced a range of oxygen sensors in which the response characteristics improved with increasing level of CAB present.


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Different luminescent, hydrophillic ruthenium diimine cationic complexes are rendered soluble in the hydrophobic medium of a plasticised polymer through ion-pair coupling with a hydrophobic anion, such as tetraphenyl berate. Based on this approach, a number of different oxygen sensitive films, i.e., luminescent, thin plastic films which respond to oxygen-the latter quenches the luminescence were prepared, using the polymer, cellulose acetate, plasticised with tributylphosphate. Of the resultant thin oxygen sensitive films tested, the one containing the luminescent ion-pair ruthenium (II) tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,IO-phenanthroline) ditetraphenyl berate, [Ru(dpp)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)], was found to be the most sensitive, and its response characteristics were subsequently studied as a function of plasticiser content, temperature and stability in use, and with age. The major response characteristics, i.e., film sensitivity towards oxygen and response and recovery times, depend very strongly upon the overall level of plasticiser present in film; the film is more sensitive and faster in response and recovery the greater the level of plasticiser employed. Thus, the response of the film towards oxygen can be tuned by varying the level of plasticiser in the film. Film sensitivity towards oxygen is largely independent on temperature, whereas its response and recovery times decrease with increasing temperature (E-a = -10.3+/-0.4 kJ mol(-1)). The sensitivity of a typical luminescent film is very stable when used continuously over a 24-h period, decreases by ca. 20% with age when stored at ambient temperature over a period of 29 days, but very little over the same period of time when stored in the freezer section of a fridge. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The use of two gold compounds incorporated into thin plastic films as luminescence quenching oxygen sensors is described. The films are sensitive both to gaseous oxygen and to oxygen dissolved in nonaqueous media such as ethanol. The luminescence quenching of these sensors by oxygen obeys the Stern-Volmer equation and Stern-Volmer constants of 5.35 x 10(-3) and 0.9 x 10(-3) Torr(-1) are found, respectively, for the two dyes in a polystyrene polymer matrix. The sensitivity of the films is strongly influenced by the nature of the polymer matrix, and greatest sensitivity was found in systems based an the polymers polystyrene or cellulose acetate butyrate. Sensitivity was not found to be temperature dependent though raising the temperature hom 15 to 50 degrees C did result in a slight decrease in emission intensity and a hypsochromic shift in the emission wavelength. The rate of response and recovery of the sensors can be increased either by decreasing film thickness or by increasing the operating temperature. The operational and storage stability of these films is generally good though exposure to light should be avoided as one of the dyes tends to undergo photobleaching probably due to a photoinduced ligand substitution reaction.


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Mucosally-administered vaccine strategies are widely investigated as a promising means of preventing HIV infection. This study describes the development of liposomal gel formulations, and novel lyophilised variants, comprising HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein, CN54gp140, encapsulated within neutral, positively charged or negatively charged liposomes. The CN54gp140 liposomes were evaluated for mean vesicle diameter, polydispersity, morphology, zeta potential and antigen encapsulation efficiency before being incorporated into hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) aqueous gel and subsequently lyophilised to produce a rod-shaped solid dosage form for practical vaginal application. The lyophilised liposome-HEC rods were evaluated for moisture content and redispersibility in simulated vaginal fluid. Since these rods are designed to revert to gel form following intravaginal application, mucoadhesive, mechanical (compressibility and hardness) and rheological properties of the reformed gels were evaluated. The liposomes exhibited good encapsulation efficiency and the gels demonstrated suitable mucoadhesive strength. The freeze-dried liposome-HEC formulations represent a novel formulation strategy that could offer potential as stable and practical dosage form.


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Being able to predict the properties of granules from the knowledge of the process and formulation variables is what most industries are striving for. This research uses experimental design to investigate the effect of process variables and formulation variables on mechanical properties of pharmaceutical granules manufactured from a classical blend of lactose and starch using hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) as the binder. The process parameters investigated were granulation time and impeller speed whilst the formulation variables were starch-to-lactose ratio and HPC concentration. The granule properties investigated include granule packing coefficient and granule strength. The effect of some components of the formulation on mechanical properties would also depend on the process variables used in granulation process. This implies that by subjecting the same formulation to different process conditions results in products with different properties. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report exceptional preservation of fossil wood buried deeply in a kimberlite pipe that intruded northwestern Canada's Slave Province 53.3±0.6 million years ago (Ma), revealed during excavation of diamond source rock. The wood originated from forest surrounding the eruption zone and collapsed into the diatreme before resettling in volcaniclastic kimberlite to depths >300 m, where it was mummified in a sterile environment. Anatomy of the unpermineralized wood permits conclusive identification to the genus Metasequoia (Cupressaceae). The wood yields genuine cellulose and occluded amber, both of which have been characterized spectroscopically and isotopically. From cellulose d O and d H measurements, we infer that Early Eocene paleoclimates in the western Canadian subarctic were 12-17°C warmer and four times wetter than present. Canadian kimberlites offer Lagerstätte-quality preservation of wood from a region with limited alternate sources of paleobotanical information. © 2012 Wolfe et al.


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Nine species of Trametes and five other wood inhabiting basidiomycetes, were collected from the indigenous forests of Zimbabwe and analysed for cellulases, ligninases, extracellular phenolases and wood degrading ability for the first time. Cellulase enzyme activities varied widely among the species. After 15 d growth exo-glucanase activity had increased in the majority of species whilst Biter paper activity showed the opposite trend, being greatly reduced in all species on day 15 compared to day IO. Endo-glucanase activity was relatively uniform at both sampling times. The fungi were more active against water soluble cellulose derivatives than filter paper cellulase. In all the fungi tested, cellulose activity on filter paper was significantly less than endo- and exo-glucanase activities. The highest cellulase activity was expressed by Cerrena meyenii (683 U mg(-1)) Phaeotrametes decipiens, Trametes modesta, and T. pocas also expressed relatively high cellulase activity on all types of cellulose tested. All Trametes species tested positive for extracellular phenol oxidases whilst Fomotopsis spragueii and Irpex stereoides tested negative. Ail but one of the Trametes species in the study were able to degrade two different lignin preparations in tests for lignin degradation. T. menziesii was unable to degrade both lignin preparations although it had tested positive for production of extracellular oxidase. The species in this study degraded hardwood to a greater extent than softwood. Eight of them caused more than 80% dry weight loss of wood blocks during 70 d incubation. Those fungi that expressed high cellulase activity also caused high weight loss on wood.


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The liquid state structure of the ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate, and the solute/solvent structure of glucose dissolved in the ionic liquid at a 1: 6 molar ratio have been investigated at 323 K by molecular dynamics simulations and neutron diffraction experiments using H/D isotopically substituted materials. Interactions between hydrogen-bond donating cation sites and polar, directional hydrogen-bond accepting acetate anions are examined. Ion-ion radial distribution functions for the neat ionic liquid, calculated from both MD and derived from the empirical potential structure refinement model to the experimental data, show the alternating shell-structure of anions around the cation, as anticipated. Spatial probability distributions reveal the main anion-to-cation features as in-plane interactions of anions with imidazolium ring hydrogens and cation-cation planar stacking. Interestingly, the presence of the polarised hydrogen-bond acceptor anion leads to increased anion-anion tail-tail structuring within each anion shell, indicating the onset of hydrophobic regions within the anion regions of the liquid.


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Recovery of cellulose fibres from paper mill effluent has been studied using common polysaccharides or biopolymers such as Guar gum, Xanthan gum and Locust bean gum as flocculent. Guar gum is commonly used in sizing paper and routinely used in paper making. The results have been compared with the performance of alum, which is a common coagulant and a key ingredient of the paper industry. Guar gum recovered about 3.86 mg/L of fibre and was most effective among the biopolymers. Settling velocity distribution curves demonstrated that Guar gum was able to settle the fibres faster than the other biopolymers; however, alum displayed the highest particle removal rate than all the biopolymers at any of the settling velocities. Alum, Guar gum, Xanthan gum and Locust bean gum removed 97.46%, 94.68%, 92.39% and 92.46% turbidity of raw effluent at a settling velocity of 0.5 cm/min, respectively. The conditions for obtaining the lowest sludge volume index such as pH, dose and mixing speed were optimised for guar gum which was the most effective among the biopolymers. Response surface methodology was used to design all experiments, and an optimum operational setting was proposed. The test results indicate similar performance of alum and Guar gum in terms of floc settling velocities and sludge volume index. Since Guar gum is a plant derived natural substance, it is environmentally benign and offers a green treatment option to the paper mills for pulp recycling.


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The current study focuses on the effect of the material type and the lubricant on the abrasive wear behaviour of two important commercially available ceramic on ceramic prosthetic systems, namely, Biolox(R) forte and Bioloxl(R) delta (CeramTec AG, Germany). A standard microabrasion wear apparatus was used to produce '3-body' abrasive wear scars with three different lubricants: ultrapure water, 25 vol% new-born calf serum solution and 1 wt% carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt (CMC-Na) solution. 1 mu m alumina particles were used as the abrasive. The morphology of the wear scar was examined in detail using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Subsurface damage accumulation was investigated by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) cross-sectional milling and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The effect of the lubricant on the '3-body' abrasive wear mechanisms is discussed and the effect of material properties compared. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: The application of light as a stimulus in pharmaceutical systems and the associated ability to provide precise spatiotemporal control over location, wavelength and intensity, allowing ease of external control independent of environmental conditionals, has led to its increased use. Of particular note is the use of light with photosensitisers.

Areas covered: Photosensitisers are widely used in photodynamic therapy to cause a cidal effect towards cells on irradiation due to the generation of reactive oxygen species. These cidal effects have also been used to treat infectious diseases. The effects and benefits of photosensitisers in the treatment of such conditions are still being developed and further realised, with the design of novel delivery strategies. This review provides an overview of the realisation of the pharmaceutically relevant uses of photosensitisers, both in the context of current research and in terms of current clinical application, and looks to the future direction of research.

Expert opinion: Substantial advances have been and are being made in the use of photosensitisers. Of particular note are their antimicrobial applications, due to absence of resistance that is so frequently associated with conventional treatments. Their potency of action and the ability to immobilise to polymeric supports is opening a wide range of possibilities with great potential for use in healthcare infection prevention strategies.


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The objective of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using a novel granulation technique, namely, fluidized hot melt granulation (FHMG), to prepare gastroretentive extended-release floating granules. In this study we have utilized FHMG, a solvent free process in which granulation is achieved with the aid of low melting point materials, using Compritol 888 ATO and Gelucire 50/13 as meltable binders, in place of conventional liquid binders. The physicochemical properties, morphology, floating properties, and drug release of the manufactured granules were investigated. Granules prepared by this method were spherical in shape and showed good flowability. The floating granules exhibited sustained release exceeding 10 h. Granule buoyancy (floating time and strength) and drug release properties were significantly influenced by formulation variables such as excipient type and concentration, and the physical characteristics (particle size, hydrophilicity) of the excipients. Drug release rate was increased by increasing the concentration of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) and Gelucire 50/13, or by decreasing the particle size of HPC. Floating strength was improved through the incorporation of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. Furthermore, floating strength was influenced by the concentration of HPC within the formulation. Granules prepared in this way show good physical characteristics, floating ability, and drug release properties when placed in simulated gastric fluid. Moreover, the drug release and floating properties can be controlled by modification of the ratio or physical characteristics of the excipients used in the formulation.


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A sacrificial templating process using lithographically printed minimal surface structures allows complex de novo geometries of delicate hydrogel materials. The hydrogel scaffolds based on cellulose and chitin nanofibrils show differences in terms of attachment of human mesenchymal stem cells, and allow their differentiation into osteogenic outcomes. The approach here serves as a first example toward designer hydrogel scaffolds viable for biomimetic tissue engineering.