965 resultados para Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov.
Revision of the genus Mecocephala Dallas, 1851 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). The genus Mecocephala Dallas, 1851 is revised, and some taxonomic and geographical distribution data are evaluated. The following species are considered to belong to this genus: M. acuminata Dallas, 1851 = M. holmbergi Pirán, 1969 syn. nov., M. curculionoides Pirán, 1959, M. bonariensis sp. nov., M. magna sp. nov., M. maldonadensis sp. nov., and M. zikani sp. nov.; their distribution is restricted to southern Neotropical Region. Other species, formerly placed in Mecocephala, are considered, respectively: M. rubripes Berg, 1894 incertae sedis, M. darwini Kirkaldy, 1909 incertae sedis, M. atra Bergroth, 1914 incertae sedis, Paramecocephala uruguayensis (Pirán, 1970) comb. nov., Paramecocephala fusca (Haglund, 1868) comb. nov. A key to the species is presented.
Restructure of the genus Deois Fennah; description of a new genus and new species (Homoptera, Cercopidae, Tomaspidinae). The genus Deois Fennah is reviewed and some changes in the taxonomy are introduced. The genus and its four subgenera are redefined, having now the following composition: 1) subgenus Deois (Deois) with: D. (D.) correntina (Berg, 1879), D. (D.) grandis Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) knoblauchii (Berg, 1879) (formerly in D. (Pandysia)), D. (D.) morialis (China & Myers, 1934), D. (D.) mourei Cavichioli & Sakakibara, 1994, D. (D.) piraporae Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) pseudoflavopicta (Lallemand, 1938) comb. nov. (formerly in Mahanarva) = D. (D.) similis Sakakibara, 1979 syn. nov., D. (D.) rubropicta Sakakibara, 1979, D. (D.) spinulata sp. nov., D. (D.) terrea (Germar, 1821), D. (D.) uniformis (Distant, 1909). 2) subgenus Deois (Pandysia) with: D. (P.) bergi sp. nov., D. (P.) crenulata sp. nov., D. (P.) schach (Fabricius, 1787) = Sphenorhyna transiens Walker, 1851 syn. nov.. 3) Deois (Fennahia) with: D. (F.) coerulea (Lallemand, 1924), D. (F.) flexuosa (Walker, 1851). 4) Deois (Acanthodeois) with: D. (A.) flavopicta (Stål, 1854), Deois (A.) incompleta (Walker, 1851). The genus Orodamnis Fennah, 1953 stat. nov. (formerly Deois (Orodamnis)) with: Orodamnis rhynchosporae (China & Myers, 1934) comb. nov. The genus Deoisella gen. nov. is described for: Deoisella fasciata sp. nov. (type species) and Deoisella picklesi (China & Myers, 1934) comb. nov.
Revision of the genus Paramecocephala Benvegnú, 1968 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). The Neotropical genus Paramecocephala Benvegnú, 1968 is revised based on morphological characters, particularly of the genitalia of both sexes. Formerly monobasic with P. foveata Benvegnú, 1968, type species, the genus received two species recently transferred from Mecocephala Dallas, 1851: M. fusca Haglund, 1868 and M. uruguayensis Pirán, 1970. Five new species are herein described: P. australis Frey-da-Silva & Grazia sp. nov., P. bachmanni Frey-da-Silva & Grazia sp. nov., P. bergrothi Frey-da-Silva & Grazia sp. nov., P. guianensis Frey-da-Silva & Grazia sp. nov. and P. subsolana Frey-da-Silva & Grazia sp. nov. Illustrations of the genitalia, a key to the species and a distribution map are provided.
Six species of Anisepyris Kieffer, 1905 were collected in Cachoeira da Fumaça (Alegre) and Forno Grande (Castelo) State Parks. Two of them are already known: Anisepyris lobatus Santos & Azevedo, 2000 and Anisepyris rectus Santos & Azevedo, 2000. Other four are described as new: Anisepyris attenuatus sp. nov., Anisepyris divisus sp. nov., Anisepyris inconspicuus sp. nov., and A. rotundus sp. nov.; each new species is illustrated. Two uncommon characters for Anisepyris, such as an inconspicuous anterior carina of the pronotum, and a lower mesopleural fovea partially open on the lower margin were observed being both the characters found in A. inconspicuus sp. nov. and only the first character in A. attenuatus sp. nov.
The subgenus Centris (Aphemisia) Ayala: complementary notes and description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Centris (Aphemisia) Ayala, 2002 is redescribed pointing out some others important distinctive characters. The nominal species designated by Ayala as the type species, Centris plumipes Smith, 1854, is preocupied by Centris plumipes (Fabricius, 1781) originaly described in Apis Linnaeus. Being so, Centris xanthosara nom. nov. is proposed to replace Centris plumipes Smith, 1854 non Centris plumipes (Fabricius, 1781). Two other species are considered to belong in this subgenus: Centris (Aphemisia) lilacina Cockerell, 1919, and Centris (Aphemisia) plumbea sp. nov., from Tingo Maria, Peru. A key for the species, illustrations, and geographical distribution are also added.
The genus Chalcolepidius is revised. Type specimens of 65 nominal species, except C. costatus Pjatakowa, 1941, C. fleutiauxi Pjatakowa, 1941 and C. viriditarsus Schwarz, 1906, are examined. Eighty five species are studied, of which 34 are synonymyzed and 12 new species described; three species, C. alicii Pjatakowa, 1941, C. haroldi Candèze, 1878 and C. unicus Fleutiaux, 1910, formely included in this genus, are not congeneric and are removed; C. validus Candèze, 1857 is revalidated. The genus is now formed by 63 species. Redescriptions, illustrations and a key for the examined species, and a cladistic analysis for groups of species are also included. New synonyms established: C. apacheanus Casey, 1891 = C. simulans Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. acuminatus Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. nobilis Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. approximatus Erichson, 1841 = C. aztecus Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. niger Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. attenuatus Erichson, 1841 = C. cuneatus Champion, 1894 syn. nov. = C. tenuis Champion, 1894 syn. nov.; C. aurulentus Candèze, 1874 = C. candezei Dohrn, 1881 syn. nov. = C. grossheimi Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. bomplandii Guérin, 1844 = C. humboldti Candèze, 1881 syn. nov.; C. chalcantheus Candèze, 1857 = C. violaceous Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. cyaneus Candèze, 1881 = C. scitus Candèze, 1889 syn. nov. = C. abbreviatovittatus Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov.; C. desmarestii Chevrolat, 1835 = C. brevicollis Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. gossipiatus Guérin, 1844 = C. erichsonii Guérin-Méneville, 1844 syn. nov. = C. lemoinii Candèze, 1857 syn. nov.; C. inops Candèze, 1886 = C. murinus Champion, 1894 syn. nov.; C. jansoni Candèze, 1874 = C. mucronatus Candèze, 1889 syn. nov.; C. lacordairii Candèze, 1857 = C. exquisitus Candèze, 1886 syn. nov. = C. monachus Candèze, 1893 syn. nov.; C. lenzi Candèze, 1886 = C. behrensi Candèze, 1886 syn. nov.; C. oxydatus Candèze, 1857 = C. jekeli Candèze, 1874 syn. nov.; C. porcatus (Linnaeus, 1767) = C. peruanus Candèze, 1886 syn. nov. = C. flavostriatus Pjatakowa, 1941 syn. nov. = C. herbstii multistriatus Golbach, 1977 syn. nov.; C. rugatus Candèze, 1857 = C. amictus Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. smaragdinus LeConte, 1854 = C. ostentus Casey, 1907 syn. nov. = C. rectus Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. sulcatus (Fabricius, 1777) = C. herbstii Erichson, 1841 syn. nov; C. virens (Fabricius, 1787) = C. perrisi Candèze, 1857 syn. nov.; C. virginalis Candèze, 1857 = C. championi Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. viridipilis (Say, 1825) = C. debilis Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. webbi LeConte, 1854 = C. sonoricus Casey, 1907 syn. nov.; C. zonatus Eschscholtz, 1829 = C. longicollis Candèze, 1857 syn. nov. New species described: C. albisetosus sp. nov. (Ecuador), C. albiventris sp. nov. (Mexico: Veracruz), C. copulatuvittatus sp. nov. (Venezuela), C. extenuatuvittatus sp. nov. (Venezuela), C. fasciatus sp. nov. (Mexico: Durango), C. ferratuvittatus sp. nov. (Ecuador), C. proximus sp. nov. (Mexico: Sinaloa), C. serricornis sp. nov. (Mexico: Veracruz), C. spinipennis sp. nov. (Mexico: Veracruz), C. supremus sp. nov. (Venezuela), C. truncuvittatus sp. nov. (Mexico: Tamaulipas) and C. virgatipennis sp. nov. (Mexico: Durango). Redescribed species: C. angustatus Candèze, 1857, C. apacheanus Casey, 1891, C. approximatus Erichson, 1841, C. attenuatus Erichson, 1841, C. aurulentus Candèze, 1874, C. bomplandii Guérin-Méneville, 1844, C. boucardi Candèze, 1874, C. chalcantheus Candèze, 1857, C. corpulentus Candèze, 1874, C. cyaneus Candèze, 1881, C. desmarestii Chevrolat, 1835, C. dugesi Candèze, 1886, C. erythroloma Candèze, 1857, C. eschscholtzi Chevrolat, 1833, C. exulatus Candèze, 1874, C. fabricii Erichson, 1841, C. forreri Candèze, 1886, C. fryi Candèze, 1874, C. gossipiatus Guérin-Méneville, 1844, C. inops Candèze, 1886, C. jansoni Candèze, 1874, C. lacordairii Candèze, 1857, C. lafargi Chevrolat, 1835, C. lenzi Candèze, 1886, C. limbatus (Fabricius, 1777), C. mexicanus Castelnau, 1836, C. mniszechi Candèze, 1881, C. mocquerysii Candèze, 1857, C. morio Candèze, 1857, C. obscurus Castelnau, 1836, C. oxydatus Candèze, 1857, C. porcatus (Linnaeus, 1767), C. pruinosus Erichson, 1841, C. rodriguezi Candèze, 1886, C. rostainei Candèze, 1889, C. rubripennis LeConte, 1861, C. rugatus Candèze, 1857, C. silbermanni Chevrolat, 1835, C. smaragdinus LeConte, 1854, C. sulcatus (Fabricius, 1777), C. tartarus Fall, 1898, C. validus Candèze, 1857, reval., C. villei Candèze, 1878, C. virens (Fabricius, 1787), C. virginalis Candèze, 1857, C. viridipilis (Say, 1825), C. webbi LeConte, 1854, C. zonatus Eschscholtz, 1829.
Systematics, phylogeny and geographical distribution of the South American species of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and Centris (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, including a phylogenetic analysis of the "Centris group" sensu Ayala, 1998 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Centridini). A cladistic analysis with the objective of testing the hypothesis of monophily of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and of studying its phylogenetic relationships with the other subgenera that belong to the Centris group, sensu Ayala, 1998, and the relationships among the species that occur in South America, is presented. Centris (Paracentris) is a group of New World bees of amphitropical distribution, especially diversified in the Andes and in the xeric areas of South and North America. Thirty-one species were included in the analysis, four considered as outgroup, and 49 characters, all from external morphology and genitalia of adult specimens. Parsimony analyses with equal weights for the characters and successive weighting were performed with the programs NONA and PAUP, and analyses of implied weighting with the program PeeWee. The strict consensus among the trees obtained in all the analyses indicates that C. (Paracentris), as previously recognized, is a paraphyletic group. In order to eliminate that condition, the subgenera C. (Acritocentris), C. (Exallocentris) and C. (Xerocentris), all described by SNELLING (1974) are synonymized under C. (Paracentris). The subgenus C. (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, previously considered a synonym of C. (Paracentris), is reinstated, but in a more restricted sense than originally proposed and with the following species: Centris brethesi Schrottky, 1902; C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918; C. chilensis (Spinola, 1851), C. mixta mixta Friese, 1904, and C. mixta tamarugalis Toro & Chiappa, 1989. Centris mixta, previously recognized as the only South American species of the subgenus C. (Xerocentris), a group supposedly amphitropical, came out as the sister-species of C. buchholzi. The following South American species were recognized under Centris (Paracentris): Centris burgdorfi Friese, 1901; C. caelebs Friese, 1900; C. cordillerana Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. euphenax Cockerell, 1913; C. flavohirta Friese, 1900; C. garleppi (Schrottky, 1913); C. klugii Friese, 1900; C. lyngbyei Jensen-Haarup, 1908; C. mourei Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. neffi Moure, 2000; C. nigerrima (Spinola, 1851); C. toroi sp. nov.; C. tricolor Friese, 1900; C. unifasciata (Schrottky, 1913), and C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000. The relationships among the subgenera of the "Centris group" were: (Xanthemisia (Penthemisia (Centris s. str. - Paracentris))). Centris xanthomelaena Moure & Castro 2001, an endemic species of the Caatinga and previously considered a C. (Paracentris), came out as the sister group of C. (Centris) s. str. A new species of C. (Paracentris) from Chile is described: Centris toroi sp. nov. Lectotypus designations and redescriptions are presented for Centris burgdorfi, C. caelebs, C. lyngbyei, C. tricolor, C. autrani Vachal, 1904 and C. smithii Friese, 1900. New synonyms proposed: C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918 = Centris wilmattae Cockerell, 1926 syn. nov.; C. caelebs Friese, 1900 = Paracentris fulvohirta Cameron, 1903. The female of C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000 and the male of C. xanthomelaena are described.
The subgenus Centris (Schisthemisia) Ayala: complementary notes and description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Centris (Schisthemisia)Ayala, 2002 is redescribed, pointing out some other important distinctive characters. It includes: Centris (Schisthemisia) flavilabris Mocsáry, 1899 (type species), Centris (Schisthemisia) boliviensis Mocsáry, 1899 stat. nov., Centris (Schisthemisia) fulva Friese, 1924 stat. nov., and Centris (Schisthemisia) restrepoi sp. nov. from Colombia, Villa Vicencio. A key to the species and illustrations are added.
Asphondylia canastrae sp. nov. (Minas Gerais, Delfinópolis), A. sanctipetri sp. nov. (São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto), and Schizomyia tuiuiu sp. nov. (Mato Grosso, Cuiabá) are described. A. canastrae sp. nov. is associated with Hyptis sp. (Lamiaceae), A. sanctipetri sp. nov. with Didymopanax morototoni (Araliaceae), and S. tuiuiu sp. nov. with Bauhinia rufa (Fabaceae). Illustrations of the new species and comments about their systematic position are presented.
Synopsis of the genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Macrotomini). The genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 with its twelve known species are briefly treated herein: S. batesi Lameere, 1903, S. bullatus Bates, 1872, S. championi Bates, 1884, S. corticarius (Erichson, 1848), S. dohrni Lameere, 1903, S. fryi Lameere, 1912, S. graniger Bates, 1884, S. hirticollis Tippmann, 1953, S. kraepelini Lameere, 1903, S. macrotomoides Tippmann, 1953, S. sericans Tippmann, 1953, S. sericeus Zajciw, 1970. The genus as well as the species, Strongylaspis championi, S. bullatus and S. corticarius are redescribed; the last one including characterization of wings and male and female terminalia. Four new species are added: S. aureus sp. nov. (BRASIL, Amazonas), S. migueli sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso), S. christianae sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso) and S. bolivianus sp. nov. (BOLIVIA). All the species, but S. dohrni, are illustrated and keyed. Maps of distribution are also given.
New species of Anatrichobius Wenzel, 1966 (Diptera, Streblidae) from Southern Brazil. Anatrichobius passosi sp. nov. collected on the vespertilionid bat Myotis nigricans, from southern Brazil is described. Habitus, gonopod and hipoproct are illustrated and a key for the species of Anatrichobius is given.
A new genus and new species of Phlebotominae, Edentomyia piauiensis (Diptera, Psychodidae) from a cave in Piauà State, Brazil, are described. This new genus belongs to Phlebotomini, but its inclusion in any subdivision of this tribe depends on further study.
A new species of Xylocopa Latreille, 1802, and notes on Xylocopa transitoria Pérez and X. mordax Smith (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) orthogonaspis sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) is described. It is a remarkable species from the Amazonian Region easily recognized by the strong and sharp right angle between upper and posterior portions of the scutellum; the wings are slightly brown with a brassy hue and a little vinaceous apex. Some notes to separate Xylocopa (N.) orthogonaspis sp. nov. from X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901, and X. (N.) mordax Smith, 1874, are given. Xylocopa (N.) submordax Cockerell, 1935, on the other hand, is considered as a new synonym of X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901.
Notes, descriptions, synonymies and reinstatement in Hesperandra Arigony, 1977 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae). The genus Hesperandra Arigony, 1977, is divided in three subgenera: Hesperandra s. str., Zikandra subgen. nov. and Tavandra subgen. nov. Keys to the subgenera and species are added. H. glaberrima (Zikán, 1948) is revalidated and redescribed. H. humboldti sp. nov., from Colombia and Ecuador is described. New synonymies established: Hesperandra galapagoensis (Van Dyke, 1953) = H. brevicollis (Lameere, 1902); H. scrobriculata (Zikán, 1948) = Acutandra murrayi (Lameere, 1912). The lectotype of Parandra brevicollis Lameere, 1902 is designated.
New taxa of Apomecynini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). The following new taxa are described from Brazil: Ischioncha rondonia sp. nov., from Rondônia; Prosenella unicolor sp. nov., from Rio Grande do Sul; Catuaba gen. nov., type species, C. sanguinolenta sp. nov., from Mato Grosso do Sul.