840 resultados para Low back pain


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Il presente lavoro di tesi, svolto presso i laboratori dell'X-ray Imaging Group del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Bologna e all'interno del progetto della V Commissione Scientifica Nazionale dell'INFN, COSA (Computing on SoC Architectures), ha come obiettivo il porting e l’analisi di un codice di ricostruzione tomografica su architetture GPU installate su System-On-Chip low-power, al fine di sviluppare un metodo portatile, economico e relativamente veloce. Dall'analisi computazionale sono state sviluppate tre diverse versioni del porting in CUDA C: nella prima ci si è limitati a trasporre la parte più onerosa del calcolo sulla scheda grafica, nella seconda si sfrutta la velocità del calcolo matriciale propria del coprocessore (facendo coincidere ogni pixel con una singola unità di calcolo parallelo), mentre la terza è un miglioramento della precedente versione ottimizzata ulteriormente. La terza versione è quella definitiva scelta perché è la più performante sia dal punto di vista del tempo di ricostruzione della singola slice sia a livello di risparmio energetico. Il porting sviluppato è stato confrontato con altre due parallelizzazioni in OpenMP ed MPI. Si è studiato quindi, sia su cluster HPC, sia su cluster SoC low-power (utilizzando in particolare la scheda quad-core Tegra K1), l’efficienza di ogni paradigma in funzione della velocità di calcolo e dell’energia impiegata. La soluzione da noi proposta prevede la combinazione del porting in OpenMP e di quello in CUDA C. Tre core CPU vengono riservati per l'esecuzione del codice in OpenMP, il quarto per gestire la GPU usando il porting in CUDA C. Questa doppia parallelizzazione ha la massima efficienza in funzione della potenza e dell’energia, mentre il cluster HPC ha la massima efficienza in velocità di calcolo. Il metodo proposto quindi permetterebbe di sfruttare quasi completamente le potenzialità della CPU e GPU con un costo molto contenuto. Una possibile ottimizzazione futura potrebbe prevedere la ricostruzione di due slice contemporaneamente sulla GPU, raddoppiando circa la velocità totale e sfruttando al meglio l’hardware. Questo studio ha dato risultati molto soddisfacenti, infatti, è possibile con solo tre schede TK1 eguagliare e forse a superare, in seguito, la potenza di calcolo di un server tradizionale con il vantaggio aggiunto di avere un sistema portatile, a basso consumo e costo. Questa ricerca si va a porre nell’ambito del computing come uno tra i primi studi effettivi su architetture SoC low-power e sul loro impiego in ambito scientifico, con risultati molto promettenti.


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The aim was to investigate the efficacy of a combination of low-dose remifentanil (REMI) and ketamine (KET) compared to the single drugs and placebo (P) on whiplash associated pain (WAD) in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Twenty patients with chronic (>1 year) WAD were included. Four different drug combinations were tested in four sessions: placebo/placebo (P/P), placebo/remifentanil (P/REMI), ketamine/placebo (KET/P) and ketamine/remifentanil (KET/REMI). Target concentrations were 1 and 2ng/ml (stepwise) for remifentanil and 100ng/ml for ketamine. Habitual pain intensity was assessed on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Experimental pain was assessed with electrical stimulation (single and repeated) of tibialis anterior (TA) muscle, pressure pain algometry applied over infraspinatus (IS) and TA muscles and VAS scores after intramuscular hypertonic saline infusion in TA. KET/REMI significantly reduced habitual pain. KET/REMI infused at low REMI target concentration (1ng/ml) significantly elevated electrical intramuscular pain thresholds (single and repeated). Pain thresholds to electrical stimulation were similarly increased by both P/REMI and KET/REMI at 2ng/ml target concentration. Pressure pain thresholds were increased by both KET/REMI and P/REMI. VAS-scores after intramuscular saline were also similarly decreased by both REMI combinations. Seven out of 20 subjects were non-responders (<50% pain relief). No correlation was found between effects on spontaneous pain and experimental pain. KET/REMI showed an analgesic effect on habitual pain. Experimental pain was attenuated by both combinations containing the opioid, however, KET seemed to enhance the effect of REMI on electrical pain thresholds when a low REMI target concentration was used.


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The aim was to investigate the effect of mechanical pain stimulation at the lower back on hemodynamic and oxygenation changes in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and on the partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide ( PetCO 2) measured by capnography. 13 healthy subjects underwent three measurements (M) during pain stimulation using pressure pain threshold (PPT) at three locations, i.e., the processus spinosus at the level of L4 (M1) and the lumbar paravertebral muscles at the level of L1 on the left (M2) and the right (M3) side. Results showed that only in the M2 condition the pain stimulation elicited characteristic patterns consisting of (1) a fNIRS-derived decrease in oxy- and total hemoglobin concentration and tissue oxygen saturation, an increase in deoxy-hemoglobin concentration, (2) a decrease in the PetCO 2 response and (3) a decrease in coherence between fNIRS parameters and PetCO 2 responses in the respiratory frequency band (0.2-0.5 Hz). We discuss the comparison between M2 vs. M1 and M3, suggesting that the non-significant findings in the two latter measurements were most likely subject to effects of the different stimulated tissues, the stimulated locations and the stimulation order. We highlight that PetCO 2 is a crucial parameter for proper interpretation of fNIRS data in experimental protocols involving pain stimulation. Together, our data suggest that the combined fNIRS-capnography approach has potential for further development as pain monitoring method, such as for evaluating clinical pain treatment.


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Short range nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclei (NN SRC) carry important information on nuclear structure and dynamics. NN SRC have been extensively probed through two-nucleon knock- out reactions in both pion and electron scattering experiments. We report here on the detection of two-nucleon knock-out events from neutrino interactions and discuss their topological features as possibly involving NN SRC content in the target argon nuclei. The ArgoNeuT detector in the Main Injector neutrino beam at Fermilab has recorded a sample of 30 fully reconstructed charged current events where the leading muon is accompanied by a pair of protons at the interaction vertex, 19 of which have both protons above the Fermi momentum of the Ar nucleus. Out of these 19 events, four are found with the two protons in a strictly back-to-back high momenta configuration directly observed in the final state and can be associated to nucleon Resonance pionless mechanisms involving a pre-existing short range correlated np pair in the nucleus. Another fraction (four events) of the remaining 15 events have a reconstructed back-to-back configuration of a np pair in the initial state, a signature compatible with one-body Quasi Elastic interaction on a neutron in a SRC pair. The detection of these two subsamples of the collected (mu- + 2p) events suggests that mechanisms directly involving nucleon-nucleon SRC pairs in the nucleus are active and can be efficiently explored in neutrino-argon interactions with the LAr TPC technology.


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Recent studies have dealt with the possibility of increasing light absorption by using the so-called electric field enhancement taking place within the grooves of metallic gratings. In order to evaluate the potential improvements derived from the absorption increase, we employ a simplified model to analyze the low-injection behaviour of a solar cell with a metallic grating back-reflector.


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In questa tesi viene elaborata un'applicazione ultra-low power (ULP) basata su microcontrollore, per implementare la procedura di controllo di diversi circuiti di un tag RFID. Il tag preso in considerazione è pensato per lavorare in assenza di batteria, da cui la necessita' di ridurre i consumi di potenza. La sua attivazione deve essere inoltre comandata attraverso un'architettura Wake up Radio (WuR), in cui un segnale di controllo radio indirizza e attiva il circuito. Nello specifico, la rete di decodifica dell'indirizzo è stata realizzata mediante il modulo di comunicazione seriale del microcontrollore. Nel Capitolo 1 verrà introdotto il tema dell'Energy Harvesting. Nel Capitolo 2 verrà illustrata l'architettura del sistema nel suo complesso. Nel Capitolo 3 verrà spiegato dettagliatamente il funzionamento del microcontrollore scelto. Il Capitolo 4 sarà dedicato al firmware implementato per svolgere le operazioni fondamentali imputate al micro per i compiti di controllo. Verrà inoltre introdotto il codice VHDL sviluppato per emulare l'output del modulo WuR mediante un FPGA della famiglia Cyclone II. Nel Capitolo 5 verrà presentata una stima dei consumi del microcontrollore in funzione dei parametri di configurazione del sistema. Verrà inoltre effettuato un confronto con un altro microcontrollore che in alcune condizioni potrebbe rappresentare iun'alternativa valida di progetto. Nei Capitoli 6 e 7 saranno descritti possibili sviluppi futuri e conclusioni del progetto. Le specifiche di progetto rilevanti della tesi sono: 1. minimo consumo energetico possibile del microcontrollore ULP 2. elevata rapidità di risposta per la ricezione dei tag, per garantire la ricezione di un numero maggiore possibile di indirizzi (almeno 20 letture al secondo), in un range di tempo limitato 3. generazione di un segnale PWM a 100KHz di frequenza di commutazione con duty cycle 50% su cui basare una modulazione in back-scattering.


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BACKGROUND: The unimodal approach of using pentazocine as post-cesarean section pain relief is inadequate, hence the need for a safer, easily available and more effective multimodal approach. AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of rectal diclofenac combined with intramuscular pentazocine for postoperative pain following cesarean section. METHODS: In this double blind clinical trial, 130 pregnant women scheduled for cesarean section under spinal anesthesia were randomly assigned to two groups. Group A received 100mg diclofenac suppository and group B received placebo suppository immediately following surgery, 12 and 24h later. Both groups also received intramuscular pentazocine 30mg immediately following surgery and 6 hourly postoperatively in the first 24 h. Postoperative pain was assessed by visual analogue scale at end of surgery and 2, 12 and 24 h after surgery. Patient satisfaction scores were also assessed. RESULTS: One hundred and sixteen patients completed the study. Combining diclofenac and pentazocine had statistically significant reduction in pain intensity at 2, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively compared to pentazocine alone (p <0.05). No significant side effects were noted in both groups. The combined group also had significantly better patient satisfaction scores. CONCLUSION: The addition of diclofenac suppository to intramuscular pentazocine provides better pain relief after cesarean section and increased patient satisfaction.


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Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE), with simultaneous application of back pressure, has been applied to the consolidation of 10 mm diameter billets of pre-alloyed, hydride-dehydride Ti-6Al-4V powder at temperatures ≤400 °C. The upper limit to processing temperature was chosen to minimise the potential for contamination with gaseous constituents potentially harmful to properties of consolidated product. It has been demonstrated that the application of ECAE with imposed hydrostatic pressure permits consolidation to in excess of 96% relative density at temperatures in the range 100-400 °C, and in excess of 98% at 400 °C with applied back pressure ≥175 MPa. ECAE compaction at 20 °C (back pressure = 262 MPa) produced billet with 95.6% relative density, but minimal green strength. At an extrusion temperature of 400 °C, the relative density increased to 98.3%, for similar processing conditions, and the green strength increased to a maximum 750 MPa. The relative density of compacts produced at 400 °C increased from 96.8 to 98.6% with increase in applied back pressure from 20 to 480 MPa, while Vickers hardness increased from 360 to 412 HV. The key to the effective low-temperature compaction achieved is the severe shear deformation experienced during ECAE, combined with the superimposed hydrostatic pressure.


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic, rheumatic disease characterized by widespread myofascial pain, of unknown aetiology, having a major impact on quality of life (QOL). Available pharmacotherapy for FM is marginally effective. FM is associated with co-morbidities of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There is growing evidence that diets low in FODMAPs, “fermentable oligo-, di- or mono-saccharides and polyols” [Low FODMAP Diet (LFD)], are effective in treating IBS. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the effects of LFDs on symptoms of FM, especially with regard to pain, QOL and GI disorders. Methods A longitudinal study using LFD intervention was performed on 38, 51 ± 10 year-old, female patients diagnosed with FM for an average of 10 years, based on ACR (American College of Rheumatology) 2010 criteria. The study was conducted from January through May, 2015, using a four-week, repeated-assessment model, as follows: Moment 0 – introduction of the protocol to participants; Moment 1 – first assessment and delivery of individual LFD dietary plans; Moment 2 – second assessment and reintroduction of FODMAPs; Moment 3 – last assessment and final nutritional counselling. Assessment tools used were the following: RFIQ (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), FSQ (Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire), IBS-SSS (Severity Score System), EQ-5D (Euro-QOL quality of life instrument), and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). Daily consumption of FODMAPs was quantified based on published food content analyses. Statistical analyses included ANOVA, non-parametric Friedman, t-student and Chi-square tests, using SPSS 22 software. Results The mean scores of the 38 participants at the beginning of the study were: FSQ (severity of FM, 0–31) – 22 ± 4.4; RFIQ (0–100) – 65 ± 17; IBS-SSS (0–500) – 275 ± 101; and EQ-5D (0–100) – 48 ± 19. Mean adherence to dietary regimens was 86%, confirmed by significant difference in FODMAP intakes (25 g/day vs. 2.5 g/day; p < 0.01). Comparisons between the three moments of assessment showed significant (p < 0.01) declines in scores in VAS, FSQ, and RFIQ scores, in all domains measured. An important improvement was observed with a reduction in the severity of GI symptoms, with 50% reduction in IBS scores to 138 ± 117, following LFD therapy. A significant correlation (r = 0.36; p < 0.05) was found between improvements in FM impact (declined scores) and gastrointestinal scores. There was also a significant correlation (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) between “satisfaction with improvement” after introduction of LFDs and “diet adherence”, with satisfaction of the diet achieving 77% among participants. A significant difference was observed between patients who improved as compared to those that did not improve (Chi-square χ2 = 6.16; p < .05), showing that the probability of improvement, depends on the severity of the RFIQ score. Conclusions Implementation of diet therapy involving FODMAP restrictions, in this cohort of FM patients, resulted in a significant reduction in GI disorders and FM symptoms, including pain scores. These results need to be extended in future larger studies on dietary therapy for treatment of FM. Implications According to current scientific knowledge, these are the first relevant results found in an intervention with LFD therapy in FM and must be reproduced looking for a future dietetic approach in FM.


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This paper presents an overview of our demonstration of a low-bandwidth, wireless camera network where image compression is undertaken at each node. We briefly introduce the Fleck hardware platform we have developed as well as describe the image compression algorithm which runs on individual nodes. The demo will show real-time image data coming back to base as individual camera nodes are added to the network. Copyright 2007 ACM.


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A new cold-formed steel beam, known as the LiteSteel Beam (LSB), has the potential to transform the low-rise building industry. The new beam is effectively a channel section with two rectangular hollow flanges and a slender web, and is manufactured using a simultaneous cold-forming and electric resistance welding process. Research into the flexural behaviour of single LSB members showed that the LSBs are susceptible to lateral distortional buckling effects and their moment capacities are significantly reduced for intermediate spans. Build-up LSB sections are expected to improve their flexural capacity and to enhance their applications. They are also likely to mitigate the detrimental effects of lateral distortional buckling observed with single LSB members of intermediate spans. However, the behaviour of build up beams is not well understood. Currently available design rules were found to be inadequate to predict the member moment capacities of back to back LSBs. Therefore a research project based on both experimental and numerical studies was undertaken to investigate the flexural behaviour of back to back LSBs with various longitudinal connection spacings under a uniform moment. New design rules were developed using the moment capacity data obtained using finite element analyses and experimental tests. This paper presents the details of the development of design rules for the back to back LSB sections.