840 resultados para Longitudinal profiles


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OBJETIVO: mostrar, longitudinalmente, os perfis e os parâmetros do ritmo pressórico e da freqüência cardíaca (FC) de grávidas normotensas nos três trimestres da gestação pela monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA). MÉTODOS: o estudo, longitudinal e aleatório, incluiu 23 grávidas normotensas com média de idade de 23,3 ± 3,9 anos, recrutadas no pré-natal da Maternidade-Escola Hilda Brandão da Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte/MG. Realizou-se MAPA em cada trimestre (até a 14ª semana, entre a 18ª e a 28ª semana e entre a 32ª e a 40ª semana), utilizando o monitor SpaceLabs, modelo 90207. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento significativo (p<0,01) nas pressões arteriais sistólica (115 e 104 mmHg), diastólica (73 e 61 mmHg) e média (87 e 77 mmHg), diurna e noturna, respectivamente, no terceiro trimestre da gestação. A pressão arterial média (PAM) e a FC materna diurnas (PAM: 83, 84 e 87 mmHg; FC: 94, 95 e 93 bpm) foram significativamente maiores que as noturnas (PAM: 72, 72 e 77 mmHg; FC: 74, 79 e 79 bpm), nos três trimestres. A freqüência cardíaca materna diária e a diurna não se alteraram com o evoluir da gravidez. CONCLUSÃO: observamos aumento dos níveis pressóricos no terceiro trimestre da gestação, independente do período do dia avaliado. Quanto à freqüência cardíaca, não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre os três trimestres na avaliação diária e na diurna. No período noturno verificou-se freqüência cardíaca significativamente inferior no primeiro trimestre quando comparada com os demais.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a taxa de soroprevalência contra o parvovírus B19 (PB19) entre grávidas e a taxa de soroconversão dessa infecção durante a gravidez. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Na primeira fase do estudo foram avaliadas 245 grávidas com idade gestacional menor que 16 semanas, para aferição da soroprevalência da infecção PB19, utilizando o método ELISA. De acordo com os resultados sorológicos, classificou-se a infecção pelo PB19 em aguda (IgM positivo e IgG negativo ou positivo) ou remota (IgM negativo e IgG positivo). Na segunda fase do estudo, 73 grávidas soronegativas foram novamente testadas durante a internação para o parto (IgM e IgG), objetivando aferir a taxa de soroconversão durante a gravidez. RESULTADOS: a prevalência da infecção PB19 até a 16ª semana de gravidez foi de 62,9% (IC 95%: 56,8-68,9), divididas em infecção aguda (8,1%) e remota (54,8%). Das 73 grávidas soronegativas que submeteram-se a novo teste no momento do parto, sete (9,6%) apresentaram soroconversão durante a gravidez (IC 95%: 2,8-16,3), sendo duas com infecção aguda (2,7%) e cinco com infecção remota (6,9%). A prevalência final da infecção por PB19 durante a gravidez foi de 72,5%. CONCLUSÕES: considerando que apenas a infecção aguda pelo PB19 está associada a risco de transmissão vertical, a soroprevalência relativamente alta desta infecção entre grávidas estaria protegendo os fetos contra esta forma de disseminação do vírus. Apesar da elevada taxa de soroconversão para PB19 durante a gravidez, não foi observado nenhum caso de infecção sintomática entre os recém-nascidos.


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PURPOSE: To measure fetal renal volume in normoglycemic and hyperglycemic pregnancies. METHODS: A longitudinal prospective study was conducted and included 92 hyperglycemic and 339 normoglycemic pregnant women attended at the prenatal service of a hospital from Rio de Janeiro State. Ultrasound examinations were performed to estimate gestational age at baseline and the kidney volume was estimated using the prolate ellipsoid volume equation. RESULTS: Fetal kidney volume growth between normoglycemic and hyperglycemic pregnancies are significantly different. The fetal kidney volume growth in pregnancy is positively correlated with gestational age explained by these predictor equations, by group: normal renal volume = exp (6.186+0.09×gestational week); hyperglycemic renal volume = exp (6.978+0.071×gestational week) and an excessive growth pattern for hyperglycemic pregnancies may be established according to gestational age. CONCLUSION: This is important for early detection of abnormalities in pregnancy, particularly in diabetic mothers.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivos investigar o número de capturas e o controle do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus, em pequenas propriedades localizadas no município de Cedral no estado do Maranhão, que foi escolhido por ter sido efetuado o maior número de capturas do estado, sendo todas ao redor de currais. O controle oficial é realizado pela aplicação de pasta vampiricida de uso tópico a base de warfarina a 2%. Para o estudo foram utilizadas fichas de controle de morcegos hematófagos capturados em currais, como também, foi aplicado um questionário a campo para identificação dos locais com maior número de capturas. No período de 2005 a 2010 foram estudados os resultados de 223 buscas ativas por D. rotundus, em 101 propriedades. Foi capturado um total de 408 morcegos hematófagos, distribuídos em 190 das 223 buscas. Em todos os espécimes de D. rotundus capturados foi realizado o tratamento, que consistiu na aplicação da pasta vampiricida, no dorso do animal. Nas propriedades estudadas, verificou-se que dos 754 animais expostos, 344 foram agredidos. Destes, os bovinos foram a maior oferta de alimento aos Desmodus (49%), seguidos dos equídeos (18%), aves (15%), suínos (9%) e caprinos (8%). Apesar dos bovinos terem sido os mais atacados, em função do efetivo disponível, verificou-se uma preferência dos morcegos hematófagos por eqüídeos. As falhas nas capturas ocorreram onde havia poucos animais agredidos. Após análise de seis anos de realização do programa de controle com pasta vampiricida, verificou-se que a proporção de macho e fêmeas de D. rotundus capturados foi 1,08 machos para cada fêmea, o que demonstra que o tratamento foi mais efetivo nas fêmeas, uma vez que no primeiro ano do estudo, a proporção era de 1,21 fêmeas para cada macho. Verificou-se ainda que o controle foi realizado com sucesso em 95% das propriedades trabalhadas, com uma média de tempo de três anos de trabalho com até seis capturas por propriedade. Ao exame dos animais agredidos verificou-se que a área do pescoço dos grandes animais e dos caprinos são as mais atingidas, sugerindo o pouso direto dos morcegos sobre o animal. Uma representação pequena dos proprietários entrevistados vacinavam seus animais (57%), e destes apenas um fazia o reforço de vacinação. Concluiu-se que nas regiões de mangue e/ou matas, o controle foi efetivo nas capturas em currais, sendo prudente verificar a ocorrência de novas agressões, dentro de 15 dias e nos primeiros três meses. No planejamento de controle de D. rotundus em curral, deve ser considerado que o número de morcegos capturados é semelhante ao número de mordidas recentes. Em relação às criações domésticas de subsistências, D. rotundus se alimenta de fontes distintas, com uma menor predileção pelas aves.


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Foram utilizados 17 bezerros, recém nascidos, da raça Holandesa, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do volume de sucedâneo nos principais patógenos causadores de diarreia neonatal. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos, 8 bezerros do grupo 1 e 9 bezerros do grupo 2. Os animais foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia totalizando 4 litros de sucedâneo diários para o grupo 1 e 6 litros para o grupo 2. A partir do 1° dia de chegada dos bezerros foram avaliadas as fezes diariamente após o aleitamento da manhã para a classificação das fezes em diarreicas ou não diarreicas. Do primeiro dia de diarreia até o sétimo dia, as fezes foram coletadas em dias alternados (1º, 3º, 5º e 7° dia) diretamente da ampola retal para avaliação dos enteropatógenos. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue dos bezerros com cinco dias de idade para dosagem da proteína total. A média da proteína total foi 6,33 e 6,21g/dL nos grupos 1 e 2 respectivamente. O grupo 2 apresentou tendência (p<0,1) de maior consumo de sucedâneo no período avaliado. A quantidade de sucedâneo oferecida aos animais não influenciou a incidência de diarreia e sua etiologia, ou seja, não foi observada diferença (p>0,05) na frequência das amostras positivas para cada agente entre os grupos. A frequência dos enteropatógenos nas amostras foi de 100 e 75% para Cryptosporidium spp.; 28,5 e 43,7% para Salmonella spp.; 28,5 e 15,6% para patotipos de E. coli; 3,5 e 6,2% para Rotavírus e 10,7 e 9,4% para Giardia sp. nos grupos 1 e 2 respectivamente. Foram encontrados os sorotipos de Salmonella infantis e muenster. Os patotipos de E. coli isolados foram classificados como E. coli enterohemorrágica, enteropatogênica, enterotoxigênica e produtoras de toxinas Shiga 1 e 2. Foi observada associação entre o Cryptosporidium spp. e os patotipos de E. coli em 30% das amostras do grupo 1 e Cryptosporidium spp. e Salmonella spp. em 45,5% no grupo 2. Os resultados do presente trabalho demonstraram que o fornecimento de diferentes volumes de sucedâneo não apresentou influência sobre a incidência e etiologia da diarreia neonatal. A avaliação longitudinal dos enteropatógenos durante o período de patência da diarreia demonstrou que a associação entre eles ocorre a partir do primeiro dia da doença e destacou a importância da infecção pelo Cryptosporidium spp. agente encontrado em todos os momentos e animais.


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The present work shows how thick boundary layers can be produced in a short wind tunnel with a view to simulate atmospheric flows. Several types of thickening devices are analysed. The experimental assessment of the devices was conducted by considering integral properties of the flow and the spectra: skin-friction, mean velocity profiles in inner and outer co-ordinates and longitudinal turbulence. Designs based on screens, elliptic wedge generators, and cylindrical rod generators are analysed. The paper describes in detail the experimental arrangement, including the features of the wind tunnel and of the instrumentation. The results are compared with experimental data published by other authors and with naturally developed flows.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição de desmídias perifíticas nas distintas regiões ao longo do eixo rio-barragem e os principais fatores bióticos e abióticos que afetaram a composição desse conjunto nos Reservatórios de Rosana (Rio Paranapanema) e de Salto do Vau (Rio Iguaçu). As amostras foram coletadas no verão e inverno de 2002. Os substratos coletados na região litorânea foram de vegetação aquática, no estádio adulto. Do total de 531 táxons ficoperifíticos, 191 são espécies de desmídias, com 171 registradas no verão e 113 no inverno. Dos 18 gêneros de desmídias, Cosmarium Corda foi o mais representativo (34,2%) em Rosana e Closterium Nitzch ex Ralfs (30,8%) em Salto do Vau. A análise de agrupamento com todas as espécies de desmídias, os locais e os períodos amostrados separou ambos os reservatórios, sendo que os períodos estacionais ficaram claramente evidenciados apenas para o Reservatório de Salto do Vau. A composição das desmídias nas três regiões de Rosana variou nos dois períodos. Já em Salto do Vau, a maior riqueza ocorreu na região de transição.


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People infected with Trypanosoma cruzi remain so for life, yet only 30-40% of these individuals develop characteristic chagasic cardiomyopathies. Similarly, when infected with the Brazilian strain of T. cruzi, DBA/2 mice develop severe cardiac damage while B10.D2 mice do not. To better understand the immunological parameters that may be involved in the disease process, we have used this murine model (DBA/2 vs B10.D2) and compared the changes in cytokine production during the course of infection with T. cruzi. Concanavalin A (Con A) stimulation of spleen cells harvested during the acute phase (day 30) resulted in similarly high levels of IFN-g in both mouse strains. However, the amount of IFN-g in supernatants from cultures of B10.D2 spleen cells initiated during the chronic phase (day 72) was at subacute levels, whereas secretion by chronic DBA/2 spleen cells remained high. In addition, Con A-stimulated spleen cells from acute DBA/2 mice produced approximately twice as much IL-10 and significantly more IL-4 than cells from B10.D2 mice. IL-4 secretion remained low by cells from chronic B10.D2 mice, but when using cells from chronic DBA/2 mice, levels continued to increase beyond the already high levels secreted by cells harvested during the acute phase. Proliferative responses to Con A stimulation by spleen cells from DBA/2 mice were significantly higher than those from B10.D2 mice in both the acute and chronic phases. These data suggest that enhanced responses in DBA/2 mice, which may be related to a higher parasite burden, a lack of down-regulation, and/or the onset of autoimmune phenomena, correlate with the more severe cardiomyopathy seen in pathopermissive mice.


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The main generator source of a longitudinal muscle contraction was identified as an M (mechanical-stimulus-sensitive) circuit composed of a presynaptic M-1 neuron and a postsynaptic M-2 neuron in the ventral nerve cord of the earthworm, Amynthas hawayanus, by simultaneous intracellular response recording and Lucifer Yellow-CH injection with two microelectrodes. Five-peaked responses were evoked in both neurons by a mechanical, but not by an electrical, stimulus to the mechanoreceptor in the shaft of a seta at the opposite side of an epidermis-muscle-nerve-cord preparation. This response was correlated to 84% of the amplitude, 73% of the rising rate and 81% of the duration of a longitudinal muscle contraction recorded by a mechano-electrical transducer after eliminating the other possible generator sources by partitioning the epidermis-muscle piece of this preparation. The pre- and postsynaptic relationship between these two neurons was determined by alternately stimulating and recording with two microelectrodes. Images of the Lucifer Yellow-CH-filled M-1 and M-2 neurons showed that both of them are composed of bundles of longitudinal processes situated on the side of the nerve cord opposite to stimulation. The M-1 neuron has an afferent process (A1) in the first nerve at the stimulated side of this preparation and the M-2 neuron has two efferent processes (E1 and E3) in the first and third nerves at the recording side where their effector muscle cell was identified by a third microelectrode.


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When rats are exposed to unknown environments where novelty and fear-inducing characteristics are present (conflictive environments), some specific behaviors are induced and exploration is apparently modulated by fear. In our laboratory, a new type of plus-maze was designed as a model of conflictive exploration. The maze is composed of four arms with different geometrical characteristics, differing from each other by the presence or absence of walls. The degree of asymmetry was as follows: NW, no wall arm; SW, a single high wall present; HL, a low and a high wall present, and HH, two high walls present. The four arms were arranged at 90o angles and the apparatus was called the elevated asymmetric plus-maze (APM). The purpose of the present study was to assess the behavioral profile of rats exposed for a single time to the APM with or without treatment with benzodiazepine. Increasing doses of diazepam were injected intraperitoneally in several groups of male, 90-day-old Holtzman rats. Distilled water was injected in control animals. Thirty minutes after treatment all rats were exposed singly to a 5-min test in the APM. Diazepam induced a biphasic modification of exploration in the NW and SW arms. The increase in the exploration score was evident at low doses of diazepam (0.25-1.0 mg/kg body weight) and the decrease in exploration was found with the higher doses of diazepam (2.0-3.0 mg/kg body weight). Non-exploratory behaviors (permanency) were not affected by benzodiazepine treatment. In the HL arm, exploration was not modified but permanency was increased in a dose-dependent manner. In the HH arm, exploration and permanency were not affected. Results are compatible with the idea that exploration-processing mechanisms in conflictive environments are modulated by fear-processing mechanisms of the brain.


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The genus Acanthamoeba comprises free-living amebae identified as opportunistic pathogens of humans and other animal species. Morphological, biochemical and molecular approaches have shown wide genetic diversity within the genus. In an attempt to determine the genetic relatedness among isolates of Acanthamoeba we analyzed randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles of 11 Brazilian isolates from cases of human keratitis and 8 American type culture collection (ATCC) reference strains. We found that ATCC strains belonging to the same species present polymorphic RAPD profiles whereas strains of different species show very similar profiles. Although most Brazilian isolates could not be assigned with certainty to any of the reference species, they could be clustered according to pattern similarities. The results show that RAPD analysis is a useful tool for the rapid characterization of new isolates and the assessment of genetic relatedness of Acanthamoeba spp. A comparison between RAPD analyses and morphological characteristics of cyst stages is also discussed.


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We measured human contrast sensitivity to radial frequencies modulated by cylindrical (Jo) and spherical (j o) Bessel profiles. We also measured responses to profiles of j o, j1, j2, j4, j8, and j16. Functions were measured three times by at least three of eight observers using a forced-choice method. The results conform to our expectations that sensitivity would be higher for cylindrical profiles. We also observed that contrast sensitivity is increased with the j n order for n greater than zero, having distinct orderly effects at the low and high frequency ends. For n = 0, 1, 2, and 4 sensitivity tended to occur around 0.8-1.0 cpd while for n = 8 and 16 it seemed to shift gradually to 0.8-3.0 cpd. We interpret these results as being consistent with the possibility that spatial frequency processing by the human visual system can be defined a priori in terms of polar coordinates and discuss its application to study face perception.


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Typing techniques are essential for understanding hospital epidemiology, permitting the elucidation of the source of infection and routes of bacterial transmission. Although DNA-based techniques are the "gold standard" for the epidemiological study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, antibiotic profiles and biochemical results are used because they are easy to perform and to interpret and relatively inexpensive. Antibiotypes (susceptibility profiles) and biotypes (biochemical profiles) were compared to genotypes established by DNA restriction enzyme analysis in 81 clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa from three hospitals in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The epidemiological relationship among patients was also evaluated. Susceptibility and restriction profiles were discrepant in more than 50% of the cases, and many antibiotypes were observed among isolates from the same genotype. Furthermore, susceptibility profiles did not allow the distinction of isolates from unrelated genotypes. Since a large number of isolates (63%) yielded the same biochemical results, only 10 biotypes were detected, showing that this typing method has a low discriminatory power. On the other hand, DNA restriction enzyme typing allowed us to establish 71 distinct types. Epidemiological data about the relation among P. aeruginosa isolates were not conclusive. The results of the present study indicate that the only method that can establish a clonal relation is DNA restriction enzyme typing, whereas the other methods may cause misleading interpretations and are inadequate to guide proper infection control measures.


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We evaluated the expression of 10 adhesion molecules on peripheral blood tumor cells of 17 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 17 with mantle-cell lymphoma, and 13 with nodal or splenic marginal B-cell lymphoma, all in the leukemic phase and before the beginning of any therapy. The diagnosis of B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas was based on cytological, histological, immunophenotypic, and molecular biology methods. The mean fluorescence intensity of the adhesion molecules in tumor cells was measured by flow cytometry of CD19-positive cells and differed amongst the types of lymphomas. Comparison of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle-cell lymphoma showed that the former presented a higher expression of CD11c and CD49c, and a lower expression of CD11b and CD49d adhesion molecules. Comparison of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and marginal B-cell lymphoma showed that the former presented a higher expression of CD49c and a lower expression of CD11a, CD11b, CD18, CD49d, CD29, and CD54. Finally, comparison of mantle-cell lymphoma and marginal B-cell lymphoma showed that marginal B-cell lymphoma had a higher expression of CD11a, CD11c, CD18, CD29, and CD54. Thus, the CD49c/CD49d pair consistently demonstrated a distinct pattern of expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia compared with mantle-cell lymphoma and marginal B-cell lymphoma, which could be helpful for the differential diagnosis. Moreover, the distinct profiles of adhesion molecules in these diseases may be responsible for their different capacities to invade the blood stream.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small endogenous RNAs that play important regulatory roles by targeting mRNAs for cleavage or translational repression. miRNAs act in diverse biological processes including development, cell growth, apoptosis, and hematopoiesis, suggesting their association with cancer. We determined the miRNA expression profile of chronic and acute lymphocytic leukemias (CLL and ALL) using the TaqMan® MicroRNA Assays Human Panel (Applied Biosystems). Pooled leukemia samples were compared to pooled CD19+ samples from healthy individuals (calibrator) by the 2-DDCt method. Total RNA input was normalized based on the Ct values obtained for hsa-miR-30b. The five most highly expressed miRNAs were miR-128b, miR-204, miR-218, miR-331, and miR-181b-1 in ALL, and miR-331, miR-29a, miR-195, miR-34a, and miR-29c in CLL. To our knowledge, this is the first report associating miR-128b, miR-204 and miR-331 to hematological malignancies. The miR-17-92 cluster was also found to be up-regulated in ALL, as previously reported for some types of lymphomas. The differences observed in gene expression levels were validated for miR-331 and miR-128b in ALL and CD19+ samples. These miRNAs were up-regulated in ALL, in agreement with our initial results. A brief target analysis was performed for miR-331. One of its putative targets, SOCS1, promotes STAT activation, which is a known mediator of cell proliferation and survival, suggesting the possibility of an association between miR-331 and these processes. This initial screening provided information on miRNA differentially expressed in normal and malignant B-cells that could suggest the potential roles of these miRNAs in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis.