954 resultados para Local heat transfer measurements


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Mass transfer from wetted surfaces on one-inch cylinders with unwetted approach sections was studied experimentally by means of the evaporation of n-octane and n-heptane into an air stream in axisymmetrical flow, for Reynolds numbers from 5,000 to 310,000. A transition from the laminar to the turbulent boundary layer was observed to occur at Reynolds numbers from 10,000 to 15,000. The results were expressed in terms of the Sherwood number as a function of the Reynolds number, the Schmidt number, and the ratio of the unwetted approach length to the total length. Empirical formulas were obtained for both laminar and turbulent regimes. The rates of mass transfer obtained were higher than theoretical and experimental results obtained by previous investigators for mass and heat transfer from flat plates.


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In this study heat budget components and momentum flux for August and January 1992 over the north Arabian Sea are computed. The marine meteorological data measured on board during the cruises of PAK-US joint project (NASEER) are used for the computation. Significant differences were found in the heat budget components as well as in the momentum flux during different monsoon periods over the north Arabian Sea. The latent heat flux was always positive and attributed to the large vapour pressure gradient. The computed moisture and latent heat fluxes in January were higher than August The highest value of latent heat flux 309 W/m2 at station 8 was evaluated. These higher latent heat fluxes were due to the large vapour pressure gradient, air-sea temperature difference, the wind speed, and the prevailing wind direction (from north and northeast). Negative values of sensible heat fluxes in both seasons indicate that the heat transfer was from the atmosphere to the ocean. The negative values of net heat gain indicate that the sea surface field became an energy sink: or the sea surface supplied more energy to the atmosphere than it received from it. Large variation in the momentum flux mainly attributed to the variation in the wind speed. Aerial averages of heat and momentum fluxes were also computed.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation into the interactions that occur between two lean turbulent premixed flames stabilised on conical bluff-bodies when they are moved closer together. Cinematographic OH-PLIF measurements were acquired to investigate adjacent flame front interactions as a function of flame separation distance (S). Flame surface density (FSD) and curvature were determined to characterise the unforced flames. Acoustic forcing was then applied to explore the amplitude dependent thermo-acoustic response. Phase-averaged FSD and global heat release measurements in the form of OH * chemiluminescence were obtained for a range of forcing frequencies (f) and amplitudes (A) as a function of S. As the flames were brought closer together the adjacent annular jets were found to merge into a single jet structure. This caused adjacent flame fronts to merge above the wake region between the two flames at a location determined by the jet efflux (flame angle) and S. This region of flame-flame interaction we refer to as 'interacting region'. In the unforced flames, a trend of increasingly negative curvature for decreasing S produced a small net increase in flame surface area via cusp formation. When subjected to acoustic forcing, S-dependent regimes were found in the global heat release response as a function A. The overall trend showed that the occurrence of jet/flame merging reduces the value of A at which non-linear response occurs. In support of previous findings for flames stabilised along shear layers, the phase-averaged FSD showed that the flame dynamics that drive the thermo-acoustic response result from the roll-up of vortices which generate large-scale vortex-flame interactions. Compared with axisymmetric flames, the occurrence of jet merging alters the vortex-flame interactions resulting in an asymmetric contribution to the heat release between the wall and interacting regions. The majority of the heat release was found to occur in the interacting region through the rapid production and destruction of flame surface area. The occurrence of jet merging and large-scale interactions between adjacent flames result in different physical mechanisms that drive the thermo-acoustic response compared with single axisymmetric flames. © 2011.


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Turbine design engineers have to ensure that film cooling can provide sufficient protection to turbine blades from the hot mainstream gas, while keeping the losses low. Film cooling hole design parameters include inclination angle (α), compound angle (β ), hole inlet geometry and hole exit geometry. The influence of these parameters on aerodynamic loss and net heat flux reduction is investigated, with loss being the primary focus. Low-speed flat plate experiments have been conducted at momentum flux ratios of IR = 0.16, 0.64 and 1.44. The film cooling aerodynamic mixing loss, generated by the mixing of mainstream and coolant, can be quantified using a three-dimensional analytical model that has been previously reported by the authors. The model suggests that for the same flow conditions, the aerodynamic mixing loss is the same for holes with different α and β but with the same angle between the mainstream and coolant flow directions (angle κ). This relationship is assessed through experiments by testing two sets of cylindrical holes with different α and β : one set with κ = 35°, another set with κ = 60°. The data confirm the stated relationship between α, β, κ and the aerodynamic mixing loss. The results show that the designer should minimise κ to obtain the lowest loss, but maximise β to achieve the best heat transfer performance. A suggestion on improving the loss model is also given. Five different hole geometries (α =35.0°, β =0°) were also tested: cylindrical hole, trenched hole, fan-shaped hole, D-Fan and SD-Fan. The D-Fan and the SD-Fan have similar hole exits to the fan-shaped hole but their hole inlets are laterally expanded. The external mixing loss and the loss generated inside the hole are compared. It was found that the D-Fan and the SD-Fan have the lowest loss. This is attributed to their laterally expanded hole inlets, which lead to significant reduction in the loss generated inside the holes. As a result, the loss of these geometries is ≈ 50 % of the loss of the fan-shaped hole at IR = 0.64 and 1.44. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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The prediction of turbulent oscillatory flow at around transitional Reynolds numbers is considered for an idealized electronics system. To assess the accuracy of turbulence models, comparison is made with measurements. A stochastic procedure is used to recover instantaneous velocity time traces from predictions. This procedure enables more direct comparison with turbulence intensity measurements which have not been filtered to remove the oscillatory flow component. Normal wall distances, required in some turbulence models, are evaluated using a modified Poisson equation based technique. A range of zero, one and two equation turbulence models are tested, including zonal and a non-linear eddy viscosity models. The non-linear and zonal models showed potential for accuracy improvements.


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The computation of both transient and steady turbulent incompressible isothermal flows is studied. The flow is very complex, having streamline curvature, large vortex structures and stagnation resulting from an impinging rectangular jet. For transient computations, the standard k-ε model is adopted. For steady flows, the k-ε, high and low Reynolds number k-l and mixing length models are tried. Zonal approaches combining the above turbulence models are also investigated. None of the models are found to give satisfactory agreement with velocity measurements.


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A heated rotating cavity with an axial throughflow of cooling air is used as a model for the flow in the cylindrical cavities between adjacent discs of a high-pressure gas-turbine compressor. In an engine the flow is expected to be turbulent, the limitations of this laminar study are fully realised but it is considered an essential step to understand the fundamental nature of the flow. The three-dimensional, time-dependent governing equations are solved using a code based on the finite volume technique and a multigrid algorithm. The computed flow structure shows that flow enters the cavity in one or more radial arms and then forms regions of cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation. This basic flow structure is consistent with existing experimental evidence obtained from flow visualization. The flow structure also undergoes cyclic changes with time. For example, a single radial arm, and pair of recirculation regions can commute to two radial arms and two pairs of recirculation regions and then revert back to one. The flow structure inside the cavity is found to be heavily influenced by the radial distribution of surface temperature imposed on the discs. As the radial location of the maximum disc temperature moves radially outward, this appears to increase the number of radial arms and pairs of recirculation regions (from one to three for the distributions considered here). If the peripheral shroud is also heated there appear to be many radial arms which exchange fluid with a strong cyclonic flow adjacent to the shroud. One surface temperature distribution is studied in detail and profiles of the relative tangential and radial velocities are presented. The disc heat transfer is also found to be influenced by the disc surface temperature distribution. It is also found that the computed Nusselt numbers are in reasonable accord over most of the disc surface with a correlation found from previous experimental measurements. © 1994, MCB UP Limited.


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Increasing demand for energy and continuing increase in environmental as well as financial cost of use of fossil fuels drive the need for utilization of fuels from sustainable sources for power generation. Development of fuel-flexible combustion systems is vital in enabling the use of sustainable fuels. It is also important that these sustainable combustion systems meet the strict governmental emission legislations. Biogas is considered as one of the viable sustainable fuels that can be used to power modern gas turbines: However, the change in chemical, thermal and transport properties as well as change in Wobbe index due to the variation of the fuel constituents can have a significant effect on the performance of the combustor. It is known that the fuel properties have strong influence on the dynamic flame response; however there is a lack of detailed information regarding the effect of fuel compositions on the sensitivity of the flames subjected to flow perturbations. In this study, we describe an experimental effort investigating the response of premixed biogas-air turbulent flames with varying proportions of CH4 and CO2 to velocity perturbations. The flame was stabilized using a centrally placed conical bluff body. Acoustic perturbations were imposed to the flow using loud speakers. The flame dynamics and the local heat release rate of these acoustically excited biogas flames were studied using simultaneous measurements of OH and H2CO planar laser induced fluorescence. OH* chemiluminescence along with acoustic pressure measurements were also recorded to estimate the total flame heat release modulation and the velocity fluctuations. The measurements were carried out by keeping the theoretical laminar flame speed constant while varying the bulk velocity and the fuel composition. The results indicate that the flame sensitivity to perturbations increased with increased dilution of CH4 by CO2 at low amplitude forcing, while at high amplitude forcing conditions the magnitude of the flame response was independent of dilution.


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Measurements of particulate matter (PM) from spark ignition (SI) engine exhaust using dilution tunnels will become more prevalent as emission standards are tightened. Hence, a study of the dilution process was undertaken in order to understand how various dilution related parameters affect the accuracy with which PM sizes and concentrations can be determined. A SI and a compression ignition (CI) engine were separately used to examine parameters of the dilution process; the present work discusses the results in the context of SI exhaust dilution. A Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) was used to measure the size distribution, number density, and volume fraction of PM. Temperature measurements in the exhaust pipe and dilution tunnel reveal the degree of mixing between exhaust and dilution air, the effect of flowrate on heat transfer from undiluted and diluted exhaust to the environment, and the minimum permissible dilution ratio for a maximum sample temperature of 52°C. Measurements of PM concentrations as a function of dilution ratio show the competing effects of temperature and particle/vapor concentrations on particle growth dynamics, which result in a range of dilution ratios-from 13 to 18-where the effect of dilution ratio, independent of flowrate, is kept to a minimum. This range of dilution ratios is therefore optimal in order to achieve repeatable PM concentration measurements. Particle dynamics during transit through the tunnel operating at the optimal dilution ratio was found statistically insignificant compared to data scatter. Such small differences in number concentration may be qualitatively representative of particle losses for SI exhaust, but small increases in PM volume fraction during transit through the tunnel may significantly underestimate accretion of mass due to unburned hydrocarbons (HCs) emitted by SI engines. The fraction of SI-derived PM mass due to adsorbed/absorbed vapor, estimated from these data, is consistent with previous chemical analyses of PM. © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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Reliable means of predicting ingestion in cavities adjacent to the main gas path are increasingly being sought by engineers involved in the design of gas turbines. In this paper, analysis is to be presented that results from an extended research programme, MAGPI, sponsored by the EU and several leading gas turbine manufactures and universities. Extensive use is made of CFD modelling techniques to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of a turbine stator well cavity, focusing on the interaction of cooling air supply with the main annulus gas. The objective of the study has been to benchmark a number of CFD codes and numerical techniques covering RANS and URANS calculations with different turbulence models in order to assess the suitability of the standard settings used in the industry for calculating the mechanics of the flow travelling between cavities in a turbine through the main gas path. The modelling methods employed have been compared making use of experimental data gathered from a dedicated two-stage turbine rig, running at engine representative conditions. Extensive measurements are available for a range of flow conditions and alternative cooling arrangements. The limitations of the numerical methods in calculating the interaction of the cooling flow egress and the main stream gas, and subsequent ingestion into downstream cavities in the engine (i.e. re-ingestion), have been exposed. This has been done without losing sight of the validation of the CFD for its use for predicting heat transfer, which was the main objective of the partners of the MAGPI Work- Package 1 consortium. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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Turbine design engineers have to ensure that film cooling can provide sufficient protection to turbine blades from the hot mainstream gas, while keeping the losses low. Film cooling hole design parameters include inclination angle (a), compound angle (b), hole inlet geometry, and hole exit geometry. The influence of these parameters on aerodynamic loss and net heat flux reduction is investigated, with loss being the primary focus. Low-speed flat plate experiments have been conducted at momentum flux ratios of IR=0.16, 0.64, and 1.44. The film cooling aerodynamic mixing loss, generated by the mixing of mainstream and coolant, can be quantified using a three-dimensional analytical model that has been previously reported by the authors. The model suggests that for the same flow conditions, the aerodynamic mixing loss is the same for holes with different a and b but with the same angle between the mainstream and coolant flow directions (angle k). This relationship is assessed through experiments by testing two sets of cylindrical holes with different a and b: one set with k=35 deg, and another set with k=60 deg. The data confirm the stated relationship between α, β, k and the aerodynamic mixing loss. The results show that the designer should minimize k to obtain the lowest loss, but maximize b to achieve the best heat transfer performance. A suggestion on improving the loss model is also given. Five different hole geometries (α=35.0 deg, β=0 deg) were also tested: cylindrical hole, trenched hole, fan-shaped hole, D-Fan, and SD-Fan. The D-Fan and the SD-Fan have similar hole exits to the fan-shaped hole but their hole inlets are laterally expanded. The external mixing loss and the loss generated inside the hole are compared. It was found that the D-Fan and the SD-Fan have the lowest loss. This is attributed to their laterally expanded hole inlets, which lead to significant reduction in the loss generated inside the holes. As a result, the loss of these geometries is≈50% of the loss of the fan-shaped hole at IR=0.64 and 1.44. © 2013 by ASME.


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We provide three-dimensional numerical simulations of conjugate heat transfer in conventional and the newly proposed interrupted microchannel heat sinks. The new microchannel heat sink consists of a set of separated zones adjoining shortened parallel microchannels and transverse microchambers. Multi-channel effect, physical property variations, and axial thermal conduction are considered. It is found that flow rate variations in different channels can be neglected, while heat received by different channels accounts for 2% deviations from the averaged value when the heat flux at the back surface of the silicon chip reaches 100 W/cm(2). The computed hydraulic and thermal boundary layers are redeveloping in each separated zone due to shortened flow length for the interrupted microchannel heat sink. The periodic thermal developing flow is responsible for the significant heat transfer enhancement. Two effects influence pressure drops across the newly proposed microchannel heat sink. The first one is the pressure recovery effect in the microchamber, while the second one is the head loss when liquid leaves the microchamber and enters the next zone. The first effect compensates or suppresses the second one, leading to similar or decreased pressure drop than that for the conventional microchannel heat sink, with the fluid Prandtl number larger than unity.


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Single-neutron-transfer measurements using (p,d) reactions have been performed at 33 MeV per nucleon with proton-rich Ar-34 and neutron-rich Ar-46 beams in inverse kinematics. The extracted spectroscopic factors are compared to the large-basis shell-model calculations. Relatively weak quenching of the spectroscopic factors is observed between Ar-34 and Ar-46. The experimental results suggest that neutron correlations have a weak dependence on the asymmetry of the nucleus over this isotopic region. The present results are consistent with the systematics established from extensive studies of spectroscopic factors and dispersive optical-model analyses of Ca40-49 isotopes. They are, however, inconsistent with the trends obtained in knockout-reaction measurements.


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The low-temperature heat capacities of cyclohexane were measured in the temperature range from 78 to 350 K by means of an automatic adiabatic calorimeter equipped with a new sample container adapted to measure heat capacities of liquids. The sample container was described in detail. The performance of this calorimetric apparatus was evaluated by heat capacity measurements on water. The deviations of experimental heat capacities from the corresponding smoothed values lie within +/-0.3%, while the inaccuracy is within +/-0.4%, compared with the reference data in the whole experimental temperature range. Two kinds of phase transitions were found at 186.065 and 279.684 K corresponding solid-solid and solid-liquid phase transitions, respectively. The entropy and enthalpy of the phase transition, as well as the thermodynamic functions {H-(T)- H-298.15 K} and {S-(T)-S-298.15 K}, were derived from the heat capacity data. The mass fraction purity of cyclohexane sample used in the present calorimetric study was determined to be 99.9965% by fraction melting approach.