917 resultados para Lipschitz perturbation
Antennas, the key element in wireless communication devices had undergone amazing developments especially in the direction of compactness and safety aspects. In the last two decades, the use of the cellular phones has become the most popular mode of communication across the globe. At the same time, the concerns about the radiation effects have increased in the general public. The main concern of this thesis is to develop a mobile antenna which gives reduced RF interference to the user. The reduction of the power absorbed by the user can tremendously avoid any possible health hazards. The radiation characteristic of a monopole antenna is modified with good radiation characteristics suitable for a mobile handset. The modification is implemented by using different resonating structures which provides reduced radiation along one direction. The direction of less radiation can be changed by modifying the planar antenna structure to a ground folded antenna. This modified structure with excellent radiation characteristic is suitable for modern wireless handheld devices with less user RF interference. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is an important parameter for mobile handset. The SAR is estimated for the newly developed antenna for different conditions and discussed in this thesis.
By using techniques of unitarized chiral perturbation theory, where the Lamda(1405) and Lamda(1670) resonances are dynamically generated, we evaluate the magnetic moments of these resonances and their transition magnetic moment. The results obtained here differ appreciably from those obtained with existing quark models. The width for the Lamda(1670)->Lamda(1405)gamma transition is also evaluated, leading to a branching ratio of the order of 210-6.
Electric permittivity and magnetic permeability control electromagnetic wave propagation th rough materials. I n naturally occu rring materials, these are positive. Artificial materials exhi b iting negative material properties have been reported : they are referred to as metamaterials. This paper concentrates on a ring-type split-ring resonator (SRR) exhibiting negative magnetic permeability. The design and synthesis of the SRR using the genetic-algorithm approach is explained in detail. A user-friendly g raphical user i nterface (G U I ) for an SRR optim izer and estimator using MATLAB TM is also presented
In this letter, we report flexible, non corrosive, and light weight nickel nanoparticle@multi-walled carbon nanotube–polystyrene (Ni@MWCNT/PS) composite films as microwave absorbing material in the frequency range of S band (2-4 GHz). Dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of composites having 0.5 and 1.5 wt. % filler amount were measured using the cavity perturbation technique. Reflection loss maxima of 33 dB (at 2.7 GHz) and 24 dB (at 2.7 GHz) were achieved for 0.5 and 1.5 wt. % Ni@MWCNT/PS composite films of 6 and 4 mm thickness, respectively, suggesting that low concentrations of filler provide significant electromagnetic interference shielding
Flexible and thin single layer microwave absorbers based on strontium ferrite–carbon black–nitrile rubber composites have been fabricated employing a specific recipe and their reflection loss characteristics were studied in the S (2–4 GHz) and X-bands (8–12 GHz). The incorporation of carbon black not only reinforces the rubber by improving the mechanical properties of the composite but also modifies the dielectric permittivity of the composite. Strontium ferrite when impregnated into a rubber matrix imparts the required magnetic permeability to the composite. The combination of strontium ferrite and carbon black can then be employed to tune the microwave absorption characteristics of the resulting composite. The complex dielectric permittivity and permeability were measured by employing a cavity perturbation technique. The microwave absorption characteristics of composites were modelled in that an electromagnetic wave incident normally on the metal terminated single layer absorber. The influence of filler volume fraction, frequency, absorber thickness on the bandwidth of absorption are discussed and correlated
Nickel–rubber nanocomposites were synthesized by incorporating ferromagnetic nickel nanoparticles in a natural rubber as well as neoprene rubber matrix. Complex dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of these composites were evaluated in the X-band microwave frequencies at room temperature using cavity perturbation technique. The dielectric loss in natural rubber is smaller compared to neoprene rubber. A steady increase in the dielectric permittivity is observed with increase in the content of nickel in both the composites. The magnetic permeability exhibits a steady decrease with increase in frequency and magnetic loss shows a relaxation at 8 GHz. The suitability of these composites as microwave absorbers is modeled based on the reflection loss which is dependant on the real and imaginary components of the complex dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability.
Flexile single layer electromagnetic wave absorbers were designed by incorporating appropriate amounts of carbon black in a nitrile butadiene rubber matrix along with an optimized amount of magnetic counterpart, namely, barium hexaferrite for applications in S, C, and X-bands. Effective dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability were measured using cavity perturbation method in the frequency range of 2–12 GHz. The microwave absorbing characteristics of the composites were studied in the S, C, and X-bands employing a model in which an electromagnetic wave is incident normally on a metal terminated single layer. Reflection loss exceeding 20 dB is obtained for all the samples in a wide frequency range of 2–12 GHz when an appropriate absorber thickness between 5 and 9mm is chosen. The impact of carbon black is clearly observed in the optimized composites on the mechanical strength, thickness, band width of absorption, dielectric properties,
The 20th century witnessed the extensive use of microwaves in industrial, scientific and medical fields. The major hindrance to many developments in the ISM field is the lack of knowledge about the effect of microwaves on materials used in various applications. The study of the interaction of microwaves with materials demanded the knowledge of the dielectric properties of these materials. However, the dielectric properties of many of these materials are still unknown or less studied. This thesis is an effort to shed light into the dielectric properties of some materials which are used in medical, scientific and industrial fields. Microwave phantoms are those materials used in microwave simulation applications. Effort has been taken to develop and characterize low cost, eco-friendly phantoms from Biomaterials and Bioceramics. The interaction of microwaves with living tissues paved way to the development of materials for electromagnetic shielding. Materials with good conductivity/absorption properties could be used for EMI shielding applications. Conducting polymer materials are developed and characterized in this context. The materials which are developed and analyzed in this thesis are Biomaterials, Bioceramics and Conducting polymers. The use of materials of biological origin in scientific and medical applications provides an eco-friendly pathway. The microwave characterization of the materials were done using cavity material perturbation method. Low cost and ecofriendly biomaterial films were developed from Arrowroot and Chitosan. The developed films could be used in applications such as microwave phantom material, capsule material in pharmaceutical applications, trans-dermal patch material and eco-friendly Band-Aids. Bioceramics with better bioresorption and biocompatibility were synthesized. Bioceramics such as Hydroxyapatite, Beta tricalcium phosphate and Biphasic Calcium Phosphate were studied. The prepared bioceramics could be used as phantom material representing Collagen, Bone marrow, Human abdominal wall fat and Human chest fat. Conducting polymers- based on Polyaniline, are developed and characterized. The developed materials can be used in electromagnetic shielding applications such as in anechoic chambers, transmission cables etc
One of the interesting consequences of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is the black hole solutions. Until the observation made by Hawking in 1970s, it was believed that black holes are perfectly black. The General Theory of Relativity says that black holes are objects which absorb both matter and radiation crossing the event horizon. The event horizon is a surface through which even light is not able to escape. It acts as a one sided membrane that allows the passage of particles only in one direction i.e. towards the center of black holes. All the particles that are absorbed by black hole increases the mass of the black hole and thus the size of event horizon also increases. Hawking showed in 1970s that when applying quantum mechanical laws to black holes they are not perfectly black but they can emit radiation. Thus the black hole can have temperature known as Hawking temperature. In the thesis we have studied some aspects of black holes in f(R) theory of gravity and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The scattering of scalar field in this background space time studied in the first chapter shows that the extended black hole will scatter scalar waves and have a scattering cross section and applying tunneling mechanism we have obtained the Hawking temperature of this black hole. In the following chapter we have investigated the quasinormal properties of the extended black hole. We have studied the electromagnetic and scalar perturbations in this space-time and find that the black hole frequencies are complex and show exponential damping indicating the black hole is stable against the perturbations. In the present study we show that not only the black holes exist in modified gravities but also they have similar properties of black hole space times in General Theory of Relativity. 2 + 1 black holes or three dimensional black holes are simplified examples of more complicated four dimensional black holes. Thus these models of black holes are known as toy models of black holes in four dimensional black holes in General theory of Relativity. We have studied some properties of these types of black holes in Einstein model (General Theory of Relativity). A three dimensional black hole known as MSW is taken for our study. The thermodynamics and spectroscopy of MSW black hole are studied and obtained the area spectrum which is equispaced and different thermo dynamical properties are studied. The Dirac perturbation of this three dimensional black hole is studied and the resulting quasinormal spectrum of this three dimensional black hole is obtained. The different quasinormal frequencies are tabulated in tables and these values show an exponential damping of oscillations indicating the black hole is stable against the mass less Dirac perturbation. In General Theory of Relativity almost all solutions contain singularities. The cosmological solution and different black hole solutions of Einstein's field equation contain singularities. The regular black hole solutions are those which are solutions of Einstein's equation and have no singularity at the origin. These solutions possess event horizon but have no central singularity. Such a solution was first put forward by Bardeen. Hayward proposed a similar regular black hole solution. We have studied the thermodynamics and spectroscopy of Hay-ward regular black holes. We have also obtained the different thermodynamic properties and the area spectrum. The area spectrum is a function of the horizon radius. The entropy-heat capacity curve has a discontinuity at some value of entropy showing a phase transition.
Es ist bekannt, dass die Dichte eines gelösten Stoffes die Richtung und die Stärke seiner Bewegung im Untergrund entscheidend bestimmen kann. Eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungen hat gezeigt, dass die Verteilung der Durchlässigkeiten eines porösen Mediums diese Dichteffekte verstärken oder abmindern kann. Wie sich dieser gekoppelte Effekt auf die Vermischung zweier Fluide auswirkt, wurde in dieser Arbeit untersucht und dabei das experimentelle sowohl mit dem numerischen als auch mit dem analytischen Modell gekoppelt. Die auf der Störungstheorie basierende stochastische Theorie der macrodispersion wurde in dieser Arbeit für den Fall der transversalen Makodispersion. Für den Fall einer stabilen Schichtung wurde in einem Modelltank (10m x 1.2m x 0.1m) der Universität Kassel eine Serie sorgfältig kontrollierter zweidimensionaler Experimente an einem stochastisch heterogenen Modellaquifer durchgeführt. Es wurden Versuchsreihen mit variierenden Konzentrationsdifferenzen (250 ppm bis 100 000 ppm) und Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten (u = 1 m/ d bis 8 m/d) an drei verschieden anisotrop gepackten porösen Medien mit variierender Varianzen und Korrelationen der lognormal verteilten Permeabilitäten durchgeführt. Die stationäre räumliche Konzentrationsausbreitung der sich ausbreitenden Salzwasserfahne wurde anhand der Leitfähigkeit gemessen und aus der Höhendifferenz des 84- und 16-prozentigen relativen Konzentrationsdurchgang die Dispersion berechnet. Parallel dazu wurde ein numerisches Modell mit dem dichteabhängigen Finite-Elemente-Strömungs- und Transport-Programm SUTRA aufgestellt. Mit dem kalibrierten numerischen Modell wurden Prognosen für mögliche Transportszenarien, Sensitivitätsanalysen und stochastische Simulationen nach der Monte-Carlo-Methode durchgeführt. Die Einstellung der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit erfolgte - sowohl im experimentellen als auch im numerischen Modell - über konstante Druckränder an den Ein- und Auslauftanks. Dabei zeigte sich eine starke Sensitivität der räumlichen Konzentrationsausbreitung hinsichtlich lokaler Druckvariationen. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, dass sich die Konzentrationsfahne mit steigendem Abstand von der Einströmkante wellenförmig einem effektiven Wert annähert, aus dem die Makrodispersivität ermittelt werden kann. Dabei zeigten sich sichtbare nichtergodische Effekte, d.h. starke Abweichungen in den zweiten räumlichen Momenten der Konzentrationsverteilung der deterministischen Experimente von den Erwartungswerten aus der stochastischen Theorie. Die transversale Makrodispersivität stieg proportional zur Varianz und Korrelation der lognormalen Permeabilitätsverteilung und umgekehrt proportional zur Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und Dichtedifferenz zweier Fluide. Aus dem von Welty et al. [2003] mittels Störungstheorie entwickelten dichteabhängigen Makrodispersionstensor konnte in dieser Arbeit die stochastische Formel für die transversale Makrodispersion weiter entwickelt und - sowohl experimentell als auch numerisch - verifiziert werden.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, wie mit Hilfe der atomaren Vielteilchenstörungstheorie totale Energien und auch Anregungsenergien von Atomen und Ionen berechnet werden können. Dabei war es zunächst erforderlich, die Störungsreihen mit Hilfe computeralgebraischer Methoden herzuleiten. Mit Hilfe des hierbei entwickelten Maple-Programmpaketes APEX wurde dies für geschlossenschalige Systeme und Systeme mit einem aktiven Elektron bzw. Loch bis zur vierten Ordnung durchgeführt, wobei die entsprechenden Terme aufgrund ihrer großen Anzahl hier nicht wiedergegeben werden konnten. Als nächster Schritt erfolgte die analytische Winkelreduktion unter Anwendung des Maple-Programmpaketes RACAH, was zu diesem Zwecke entsprechend angepasst und weiterentwickelt wurde. Erst hier wurde von der Kugelsymmetrie des atomaren Referenzzustandes Gebrauch gemacht. Eine erhebliche Vereinfachung der Störungsterme war die Folge. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der numerischen Auswertung der bisher rein analytisch behandelten Störungsreihen. Dazu wurde, aufbauend auf dem Fortran-Programmpaket Ratip, ein Dirac-Fock-Programm für geschlossenschalige Systeme entwickelt, welches auf der in Kapitel 3 dargestellen Matrix-Dirac-Fock-Methode beruht. Innerhalb dieser Umgebung war es nun möglich, die Störungsterme numerisch auszuwerten. Dabei zeigte sich schnell, dass dies nur dann in einem angemessenen Zeitrahmen stattfinden kann, wenn die entsprechenden Radialintegrale im Hauptspeicher des Computers gehalten werden. Wegen der sehr hohen Anzahl dieser Integrale stellte dies auch hohe Ansprüche an die verwendete Hardware. Das war auch insbesondere der Grund dafür, dass die Korrekturen dritter Ordnung nur teilweise und die vierter Ordnung gar nicht berechnet werden konnten. Schließlich wurden die Korrelationsenergien He-artiger Systeme sowie von Neon, Argon und Quecksilber berechnet und mit Literaturwerten verglichen. Außerdem wurden noch Li-artige Systeme, Natrium, Kalium und Thallium untersucht, wobei hier die niedrigsten Zustände des Valenzelektrons betrachtet wurden. Die Ionisierungsenergien der superschweren Elemente 113 und 119 bilden den Abschluss dieser Arbeit.
Perturbation theory in the lowest non-vanishing order in interelectron interaction has been applied to the theoretical investigation of double-ionization decays of resonantly excited single-electron states. The formulae for the transition probabilities were derived in the LS coupling scheme, and the orbital angular momentum and spin selection rules were obtained. In addition to the formulae, which are exact in this order, three approximate expressions, which correspond to illustrative model mechanisms of the transition, were derived as limiting cases of the exact ones. Numerical results were obtained for the decay of the resonantly excited Kr 1 3d^{-1}5p[^1P] state which demonstrated quite clearly the important role of the interelectron interaction in double-ionization processes. On the other hand, the results obtained show that low-energy electrons can appear in the photoelectron spectrum below the ionization threshold of the 3d shell. As a function of the photon frequency, the yield of these low-energy electrons is strongly amplified by the resonant transition of the 3d electron to 5p (or to other discrete levels), acting as an intermediate state, when the photon frequency approaches that of the transition.
The Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross section as a function of the exciting-photon energy in the range between 30 eV and 90 eV was calculated using the configuration interaction (CI) technique in intermediate coupling. In the calculations the 4p spin-orbital interaction and corrections due to higher orders of perturbation theory (the so-called Coulomb interaction correlational decrease) were considered. Energies of Kr II states were calculated and agree with spectroscopic data within less than 10 meV. For some of the Kr II states new assignments were suggested on the basis of the largest component among the calculated CI wavefunctions.
A new type of many-electron radiative transitions involving three electrons is predicted. The results of their investigation by many-body perturbation theory are presented. New spectral lines observed in the wavelength range of 37.5 to 54.0 nm by means of photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS) following the excitation of the Kr I 3d{^-1}np resonances are reported and compared with the predictions.
Ab initio fully relativistic SCF molecular calculations of energy eigenvalues as well as coupling-matrix elements are used to calculate the 1s_\sigma excitation differential cross section for Ne-Ne and Ne-O in ion-atom collisions. A relativistic perturbation treatment which allows a direct comparison with analogous non-relativistic calculations is also performed.