966 resultados para Lightweight and heavyweight concrete


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The thesis describes a programme of research designed to identify concretes for application at cryogenic temperature, in particular for storage of Liquefield Natural Gas which is maintained at a temperature of -165oC. The programme was undertaken in two stages. Stage 1 involved screening tests on seventeen concrete mixes to investigate the effects of strength grade (and water/cement ratio), air entrainment, aggregate type and cement type. Four mixes were selected on the basis of low temperature strength, residual strength after thermal cycling and permeability at ambient temperature. In Stage 2 the selected mixes were subjected to a comprehensive range of tests to measure those properties which determine the leak tightness of a concrete tank at temperatures down to -165oC. These included gas permeability; tensile strength, strain capacity, thermal expansion coefficient and elastic modulus, which in combination provide a measure of resistance to cracking; and bond to reinforcement, which is one of the determining factors regarding crack size and spacing. The results demonstrated that the properties of concrete were generally enhanced at cryogenic temperature, with reduced permeability, reduced crack proneness and, by virtue of increased bond to reinforcement, better control of cracking should it occur. Of the concretes tested, a lightweight mix containing sintered PFA aggregate exhibited the best performance at ambient and cryogenic temperature, having appreciably lower permeability and higher crack resistance than normal weight concretes of the same strength grade. The lightweight mix was most sensitive to thermal cycling, but there was limited evidence that this behaviour would not be significant if the concrete was prestressed. Relationships between various properties have been identified, the most significant being the reduction in gas permeability with increasing strain capacity. The structural implications of the changing properties of the concrete have also been considered.


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An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of poor curing simulating hot climatic conditions and remedies on the durability of steel in concrete. Three different curing environments were used i.e. (1) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 20°C, (2) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 50°C and (3) Air at 50°C at 30% relative humidity. The third curing condition corresponding to the temperature and relative humidity typical of Middle Eastern Countries. The nature of the hardened cement paste matrix, cured under the above conditions was studied by means of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry for measuring pore size distribution. The results were represented as total pore volume and initial pore entry diameter. The Scanning Electron Microscope was used to look at morphological changes during hydration, which were compared to the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry results. X-ray defraction and Differential Thermal Analysis techniques were also employed for looking at any phase transformations. Polymer impregnation was used to reduce the porosity of the hardened cement pastes, especially in the case of the poorly cured samples. Carbonation rates of unimpregnated and impregnated cements were determined. Chloride diffusion studies were also undertaken to establish the effect of polymer impregnation and blending of the cements. Finally the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel bars was determined by the technique of Linear Polarisation. The steel was embedded in both untreated and polymer impregnated hardened cement pastes placed in either a solution containing NaCl or an environmental cabinet which provided carbonation at 40°C and 50% relative humidity.


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Sodium formate, potassium acetate and a mixture of calcium and magnesium acetate (CMA) have all been identified as effective de-icing agents. In this project an attempt has been made to elucidate potentially deleterious effects of these substances on the durability of reinforced concrete. Aspects involving the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel along with the chemical and physical degradation of the cementitious matrix were studied. Ionic diffusion characteristics of deicer/pore solution systems in hardened cement paste were also studied since rates of ingress of deleterious agents into cement paste are commonly diffusion-controlled. It was found that all the compounds tested were generally non-corrosive to embedded steel, however, in a small number of cases potassium acetate did cause corrosion. Potassium acetate was also found to cause cracking in concrete and cement paste samples. CMA appeared to degrade hydrated cement paste although this was apparently less of a problem when commercial grade CMA was used in place of the reagent grade chemical. This was thought to be due to the insoluble material present in the commercial formulation forming a physical barrier between the concrete and the de-icing solution. With the test regimes used sodium formate was not seen to have any deleterious effect on the integrity of reinforced concrete. As a means of restoring the corrosion protective character of chloride-contaminated concrete the process of electrochemical chloride removal has been previously developed. Potential side-effects of this method and the effect of external electrolyte composition on chloride removal efficiency were investigated. It was seen that the composition of the external electrolyte has a significant effect on the amount of chloride removed. It was also found that, due to alterations to the composition of the C3A hydration reaction products, it was possible to remove bound chloride as well as that in the pore solution. The use of an external electrolyte containing lithium ions was also tried as a means of preventing cathodically-induced alkali-silica reaction in concretes containing potentially reactive aggregates. The results obtained were inconclusive and further practical development of this approach is needed.


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A study of several chemical and electrochemical factors which affect the behaviour of embedded steel in cement pastes and concrete has been made. The effects of internal and external sources of chloride ions on the pore solution chemistry of Portland cement pastes, with and without additions of anodic corrosion inhibitors, have been studied using a pore solution expression device which has enabled samples of pore solution to be expressed from hardened cement pastes and analysed for various ionic species. Samples of pure alite and tricalcium aluminate have been prepared and characterised with respect to morphology, free lime content and fineness. Kinetics of diffusion of chloride ions in hardened pastes of alite and alite blended with tricalcium aluminate have been investigated and an activation energy obtained for the diffusion process in alite. The pore structures of the hardened pastes and the chloride ion binding capacity of alite have also been determined. Concrete cylinders containing embedded steel with four different surface conditions were exposed to various environments. The electrochemical behaviour of the steel was monitored during the period of exposure by means of rest potential measurements and the steel corrosion products analysed before and after being embedded. An examination was made of the nature of the interfacial zones produced between the embedded steel and cement. Rest potential measurements were monitored for steel embedded in alite paste in the presence of chloride ions and cement paste containing various levels of inhibitors in combination with chloride ions. In the latter case the results were supported by polarisation resistance determinations.


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A framework based on the continuum damage mechanics and thermodynamics of irreversible processes using internal state variables is used to characterize the distributed damage in viscoelastic asphalt materials in the form of micro-crack initiation and accumulation. At low temperatures and high deformation rates, micro-cracking is considered as the source of nonlinearity and thus the cause of deviation from linear viscoelastic response. Using a non-associated damage evolution law, the proposed model shows the ability to describe the temperature-dependent processes of micro-crack initiation, evolution and macro-crack formation with good comparison to the material response in the Superpave indirect tensile (IDT) strength test.


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The application of advanced materials in infrastructure has grown rapidly in recent years mainly because of their potential to ease the construction, extend the service life, and improve the performance of structures. Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is one such material considered as a novel alternative to conventional concrete. The material microstructure in UHPC is optimized to significantly improve its material properties including compressive and tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, durability, and damage tolerance. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite is another novel construction material with excellent properties such as high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios and good corrosion resistance. Considering the exceptional properties of UHPC and FRP, many advantages can result from the combined application of these two advanced materials, which is the subject of this research. The confinement behavior of UHPC was studied for the first time in this research. The stress-strain behavior of a series of UHPC-filled fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tubes with different fiber types and thicknesses were tested under uniaxial compression. The FRP confinement was shown to significantly enhance both the ultimate strength and strain of UHPC. It was also shown that existing confinement models are incapable of predicting the behavior of FRP-confined UHPC. Therefore, new stress-strain models for FRP-confined UHPC were developed through an analytical study. In the other part of this research, a novel steel-free UHPC-filled FRP tube (UHPCFFT) column system was developed and its cyclic behavior was studied. The proposed steel-free UHPCFFT column showed much higher strength and stiffness, with a reasonable ductility, as compared to its conventional reinforced concrete (RC) counterpart. Using the results of the first phase of column tests, a second series of UHPCFFT columns were made and studied under pseudo-static loading to study the effect of column parameters on the cyclic behavior of UHPCFFT columns. Strong correlations were noted between the initial stiffness and the stiffness index, and between the moment capacity and the reinforcement index. Finally, a thorough analytical study was carried out to investigate the seismic response of the proposed steel-free UHPCFFT columns, which showed their superior earthquake resistance, as compared to their RC counterparts.


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This research investigates a new structural system utilising modular construction. Five-sided boxes are cast on-site and stacked together to form a building. An analytical model was created of a typical building in each of two different analysis programs utilising the finite element method (Robot Millennium and ETABS). The pros and cons of both Robot Millennium and ETABS are listed at several key stages in the development of an analytical model utilising this structural system. Robot Millennium was initially utilised but created an analytical model too large to be successfully run. The computation requirements were too large for conventional computers. Therefore Robot Millennium was abandoned in favour of ETABS, whose more simplistic algorithms and assumptions permitted running this large computation model. Tips are provided as well as pitfalls signalled throughout the process of modelling such complex buildings of this type. ^ The building under high seismic loading required a new horizontal shear mechanism. This dissertation has proposed to create a secondary floor that ties to the modular box through the use of gunwales, and roughened surfaces with epoxy coatings. In addition, vertical connections necessitated a new type of shear wall. These shear walls consisted of waffled external walls tied through both reinforcement and a secondary concrete pour. ^ This structural system has generated a new building which was found to be very rigid compared to a conventional structure. The proposed modular building exhibited a period of 1.27 seconds, which is about one-fifth of a conventional building. The maximum lateral drift occurs under seismic loading with a magnitude of 6.14 inches which is one-quarter of a conventional building's drift. The deflected shape and pattern of the interstorey drifts are consistent with those of a coupled shear wall building. In conclusion, the computer analysis indicate that this new structure exceeds current code requirements for both hurricane winds and high seismic loads, and concomitantly provides a shortened construction time with reduced funding. ^


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The objective of this research was to investigate the reason lumps occur in high-slump concrete and develop adequate batching procedures for a lumps-free high-slump ready-mix concrete mix used by the Florida Department of Transportation. Cement balls are round lumps of cement, sand, and coarse aggregate, typically about the size of a baseball that frequently occur in high-slump concrete. Such lumps or balls jeopardize the structural integrity of structural members. Experiments were conducted at the CSR Rinker concrete plant in Miami, Florida, based on a protocol developed by a team of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) concrete engineers, Rinker personnel, and Florida International University faculty. A total of seventeen truckloads were investigated in two phases, between April 2001 and March 2002. The tests consisted of gathering data by varying load size, discharge rate, headwater content, and mixing revolutions. The major finding was that a usual load size and discharge rate, an initial headwater ratio of 30%, and an initial number of revolutions of 100 at 12 revolutions per minute seem to produce a lump-free high-slump concrete. It was concluded that inadequate mixing and batching procedures caused cement lumps. Recommendations regarding specific load size, discharge rates, number of mixing revolutions, and initial water content are made. Clear guidelines for a high-slump concrete batching protocol can be developed, with further testing based on these research conclusions.


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A debate is currently prevalent among the structural engineers regarding the use of cracked versus un-cracked moment of inertia of the structural elements in analyzing and designing tall concrete buildings. (The basic definition of a tall building, according to the Journal of Structural Design of Tall Buildings Vol. 13. No. 5, 2004 is a structure that is equal to or greater than 160 feet in height, or 6 stories or greater.) The controversy is the result of differing interpretations of certain ACI (American Concrete Institute) code provisions. The issue is whether designers should use cracked moment of inertia in order to estimate lateral deflection and whether the computed lateral deflection should be used to carry out subsequent second-order analysis (analysis considering the effect of first order lateral deflections on bending moment and shear stresses). On one hand, bending moments and shear forces estimated based on un-cracked moment of inertia of the sections may result in conservative designs by overestimating moments and shears. On the other hand, lateral deflections may be underestimated due to the same analyses resulting in unsafe designs.


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The aim of this study is to highlight what kind of information distinguishes abstract and concrete conceptual knowledge in different aged children. A familiarity-rating task has shown that 8-year-olds judged concrete concepts as very familiar while abstract concepts were judged as much less familiar with ratings increasing substantially from age 10 to age 12, according to literature showing that abstract terms are not mastered until adolescence (Schwanenflugel, 1991). The types of relation elicited by abstract and concrete concepts during development were investigated in an association production task. At all considered age levels, concrete concepts mainly activated attributive and thematic relations as well as, to a much lesser extent, taxonomic relations and stereotypes. Abstract concepts, instead, elicited mainly thematic relations and, to a much lesser extent, examples and taxonomic relations. The patterns of relations elicited were already differentiated by age 8, becoming more specific in abstract concepts with age.


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In establishing the reliability of performance-related design methods for concrete – which are relevant for resistance against chloride-induced corrosion - long-term experience of local materials and practices and detailed knowledge of the ambient and local micro-climate are critical. Furthermore, in the development of analytical models for performance-based design, calibration against test data representative of actual conditions in practice is required. To this end, the current study presents results from full-scale, concrete pier-stems under long-term exposure to a marine environment with work focussing on XS2 (below mid-tide level) in which the concrete is regarded as fully saturated and XS3 (tidal, splash and spray) in which the concrete is in an unsaturated condition. These exposures represent zones where concrete structures are most susceptible to ionic ingress and deterioration. Chloride profiles and chloride transport behaviour are studied using both an empirical model (erfc function) and a physical model (ClinConc). The time dependency of surface chloride concentration (Cs) and apparent diffusivity (Da) were established for the empirical model whereas, in the ClinConc model (originally based on saturated concrete), two new environmental factors were introduced for the XS3 environmental exposure zone. Although the XS3 is considered as one environmental exposure zone according to BS EN 206-1:2013, the work has highlighted that even within this zone, significant changes in chloride ingress are evident. This study aims to update the parameters of both models for predicting the long term transport behaviour of concrete subjected to environmental exposure classes XS2 and XS3.


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This study reports an experimental investigation designed to assess the influence of near-surface moisture contents on permeation properties of alkali-activated slag concrete (AASC). Five different drying periods (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days) and three AASC and normal concretes with compressive strength grades ranging from C30 to C60 were considered. Assessment of moisture distribution was
achieved using 100 mm diameter cores with drilled cavities. Results indicate that air permeability of AASC is very sensitive to the moisture content and its spatial distribution, especially at relative humidity above 65%. To control the influence of moisture on permeation testing, the recommendation of this paper is that AASC specimens should be dried in controlled conditions at 40 C for 10 days prior to testing. It was also concluded from this study that AASC tends to perform less well, in terms of air permeability and sorptivity, than normal concrete for a given strength grade. This conclusion reinforces the need to further examine AASC properties prior to its widespread practical use.


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The construction industry is one of the largest consumers of raw materials and energy and one of the highest contributor to green-houses gases emissions. In order to become more sustainable it needs to reduce the use of both raw materials and energy, thus lim-iting its environmental impact. Developing novel technologies to integrate secondary raw materials (i.e. lightweight recycled aggre-gates and alkali activated “cementless” binders - geopolymers) in the production cycle of concrete is an all-inclusive solution to im-prove both sustainability and cost-efficiency of construction industry. SUS-CON “SUStainable, Innovative and Energy-Efficiency CONcrete, based on the integration of all-waste materials” is an European project (duration 2012-2015), which aim was the inte-gration of secondary raw materials in the production cycle of concrete, thus resulting in innovative, sustainable and cost-effective building solutions. This paper presents the main outcomes related to the successful scaling-up of SUS-CON concrete solutions in traditional production plants. Two European industrial concrete producers have been involved, to design and produce both pre-cast components (blocks and panels) and ready-mixed concrete. Recycled polyurethane foams and mixed plastics were used as aggre-gates, PFA (Pulverized Fuel Ash, a by-product of coal fuelled power plants) and GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag, a by-product of iron and steel industries) as binders. Eventually, the installation of SUS-CON concrete solutions on real buildings has been demonstrated, with the construction of three mock-ups located in Europe (Spain, Turkey and Romania)