1000 resultados para Ley 1382 de 2010


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data on C. difficile in Northern Ireland, and includes key points, a comprehensiveoverview of all C. diff infections, rates, trends, age-specific informationand statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland.


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This quarterly report provides epidemiological data onS. aureusin Northern Ireland, including overall infectionfigures as well as those specific to MRSA and MSSA. The report highlights key points, rates, trends and statistical process control charts. The report also provides information on surveillance methods and data for each hospital and Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland.


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Several scores with predictive value for morbidity or mortality have been published this year. Their current purpose is to improve the direction of admissions and lengths of stay in hospital. Their use permits more directed care, especially for the elderly, and therefore could improve the proper orientation and admission of patients. Also this year, certain procedures are undergoing evaluation, namely: new assays for troponin, and non-contrast CT in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Furthermore in the therapeutic realm: the importance of cardiac massage and the advantages of therapeutic hypothermia in cardiac arrest, and the efficacy of oxygen therapy in cluster headache.


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Investing for Health is the cross-departmental public health strategy, published in 2002. It focuses on tackling the wide range of complex and inter-related factors that can impact on the health of the population. The strategy is based upon the recognition that the inequalities, which exist in health between rich and poor are widening and argues that the wider determinants of health can be addressed by integrated interventions and a coordinated approach between all sectors.The Western Investing for Health Partnership was developed in 2004, and consists of 30 member organisations, in pursuit of the aims of improving health and reducing inequalities with seven main objectives.This report highlights the work of the Western Investing for Health Partnership bewteen 2010-2011.


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The Homeless Agency recently launched its action plan to eliminate long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Dublin by 2010. This article will discuss the elements of the plan that relate to homeless individuals with addiction problems in the context of the wider policy framework on drugs and homelessness. The plan contains three strategic aims, relating to prevention, local access to quality homeless services and long-term housing options with support when required. The plan contains 10 core actions (high priority) that cover more than one strategic aim and 74 additional actions (lower priority). Individuals with mental health problems, addictions (alcohol and drugs) and dual diagnosis (addiction and mental health) needs have been identified as needing healthcare and other interventions as part of the strategic aim to prevent homelessness and reduce the risk of becoming homeless. As part of the development of the action plan, a total of 105 men, women and children, both current and past users of homeless services, were interviewed. The principal immediate causes of their becoming homeless were identified by those interviewed as family breakdown, and alcohol, heroin and mental health problems. Several studies have shown the prominent role played by drug use in exposing individuals and families to homelessness in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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January 2010 saw the former Crisis Pregnancy Agencyâ?Ts integration into the Health Service Executive to become the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme. For most of 2010, the Programme was located in Children and Family Social Services Care Group in the Integrated Services Directorate and reported to Assistant National Director for Children and Family Social Services. The Programme commenced the process of forging links and relationships within the wider HSE and with services which support and add value to the work of the Programme. The Programme also made efforts to identify areas where it could share its expertise in the areas of crisis pregnancy and sexual health. In the latter part of 2010, the Programme was moved to Public Health with the aim of improving the alignment of the Programme to achieve better integration and create more opportunity to synchronise approaches with other related parts of the health service and to work more effectively at long term integration and planning 2012 - 2016.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Soilse, the HSE addiction rehabilitation programme in Dublin North Central, experienced another challenging year in 2010. However, despite budget constraints and logistical and building difficulties, we prioritised the needs of recovering drug abusers with considerable success. Throughout the year, we had enquiries, referrals, programme uptake and successful outcomes. In terms of addiction, the problems are as enduring as ever with complex needs and limited progression opportunities. The rehabilitation strategy published in 2007 has had no practical effect. Yet Soilse saw a clear and positive impact from our work in terms of: stabilising service users; achieving detox; encouraging participants to move from our prescribed medication to our drugfree service; and consolidating these outcomes. Our evidence base continually validates our approach with people who want to become independent of services being facilitated to do so. Soilse did well in 2010 in terms of educational and vocational outcomes, particularly through FETAC but also through comprehensive care planning. We faced protracted difficulties as a result of the staff moratorium and budget cuts, but continued to deliver a professional service, keeping morale and performance high. Our service is based on the following practice standards: holistic assessment care planning care management interagency work quality assurance, and customer service involvementThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, working to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media.Headline aims to highlight mental health issues and address the stigma attached to emotional distress, suicidal behaviour and mental illness through the promotion of responsible media coverage.


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Alzheimer’s Australia recently commissioned research group Access Economics to model different scenarios for the supply of aged care, to identify strategies to increase consumer choice and to promote service flexibility, and to identify funding options for a sustainable aged care system into the future. The report, Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050, found that the number of people with dementia will quadruple by 2050 to nearly 1 million.Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050


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The World Alzheimer Report 2010 provides the clearest, most comprehensive global picture yet of the economic impact of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.��The report includes an estimate of the worldwide cost of dementia, including direct medical costs, direct non-medical costs and costs of informal (family) care. The estimates are broken down by world region and include analysis of the differences between low and high income countries. The report also contains important policy recommendations and makes clear to key decision-makers that doing nothing is not an option. The full report is available at the following link: World Alzheimer Report 2010��


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Assisted living and similar residential care communities provide an alternative to nursing homes for individuals with dementia who can no longer live independently .Individuals with dementia can live in residential care communities that have dementia special care units, or in a more traditional setting where these residents are integrated with residents without dementia. This report compares residential care communities with and without dementia special care units. Read more.


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This release from the Office for National Statistics contains a reference table providing Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) and Life Expectancy (LE) at birth for national deciles of area deprivation in England. It also provides two measures of inequality, the range and Slope Index of Inequality (SII), for the period 2010-12.Key findingsMales in the most deprived areas have a life expectancy 9.1 years shorter (when measured by the range) than males in the least deprived areas; they also spend a smaller proportion of their shorter lives in ‘Good’ health (70.8% compared to 85.0%).Females in the most deprived areas have a life expectancy 6.8 years shorter (when measured by the range) than females in the least deprived areas; they also expect to spend 17.2% less of their life in ‘Good’ health (66.1% compared to 83.2%).Males in the most advantaged areas can expect to live 19.4 years longer in ‘Good’ health than those in the least advantaged areas as measured by the Slope Index of Inequality (SII). For females this was 19.8 years.Read the release here.��