610 resultados para Lexington, Kentucky.


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Chiefly tables.


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At head of title, v. 11-300; 2nd ser., v. 1-52: Permanent edition.


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Mimeographed, 1935/37-


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High concentrations of ammonium (up to 0.1 cmol/kg) have been observed below 1 m depth in a Vertosol soil near Warra in south-eastern Queensland. This study examined whether ammonium leaching could be responsible for the ammonium accumulation observed in the Warra soil. This was done by using quantity/intensity (Q/I) relationships to compare the ammonium retention capacity of the Warra soil with other similar soils throughout the region that did not contain elevated subsoil ammonium concentrations. Analysis of Q/I curves revealed that in the concentration range studied, the amount of ammonium retained on high affinity adsorption sites in all 3 soils was low, and the Warra soil was not significantly different from the other 2 soils. The ability of the soils to retain ammonium in the soil solution against leaching [i.e. their potential buffer capacity (PBC)] did differ between soils and was greatest at Warra. This indicates that at any one time the Warra soil holds more ammonium on the exchange complex and less in solution than the other soils examined. It was concluded that ammonium is no more likely to leach through the surface horizons of the Warra soil than the other soils examined. Indeed, the data indicated that the Warra soil probably has greater capacity to retain ammonium against leaching due to its greater PBC. Consequently, it is considered unlikely that leaching of ammonium has been a major contributor to the subsoil ammonium concentrations at Warra.


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A review essay on books by (1) Efika Feller, Volker Turk, & Frances Nicholson (Eds), Refugee Protection in International Law: UNHCR's Global Consultations on International Protection (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge U Press, 2003); (2) Niklaus Steiner, Mark Gibney & Gil Loescher (Eds), Problems of Protection: The UNHCR, Refugees and Human Rights (New York: Routledge, 2003); & (3) Joanne Van Selm, Khotine Kamanga, John Morrison, Aninia Nadig, Sanja Spoljar-Vrzina, & Loes Van Willigen (Eds), The Refugee Convention at Fifty: A View from Forced Migration Studies (Maryland, Lexington, 2003).


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Review of the following books: French Feminist Theory. Dani Cavallaro, 2003. London and New York, Continuum. The Sex of Knowing, Miche` le Le Doeuff, 2003. translated by Kathryn Hamer and Lorraine Code. New York and London, Routledge. Touching Thought: Ontology and Sexual Difference . Ellen Mortensen, 2003. Lanham, Boulder, New York and Oxford, Lexington.


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Shear strengthening is required when an RC beam is found deficient in shear, or when its shear capacity falls below its flexural capacity after flexural strengthening. A recent technique for the shear strengthening of RC beams is to provide additional FRP web reinforcement, commonly in the form of bonded external FRP strips/sheets. Over the last few years, several experimental studies have been conducted on this new strengthening technique, which has established its effectiveness. While experimental methods of investigation are extremely useful in obtaining information about the composite behaviour of FRP and reinforced concrete, the use of numerical models such as the one presented in this paper helps in developing a good understanding of the behaviour at lower costs. In the study presented in this paper, ANSYS finite element program is used to examine the response of beams strengthened in shear by FRPs. The FE model is calibrated against test results performed at the University of Kentucky. Once validated, the model is used to examine the influence of fibre orientation, compressive strength of concrete, area of tensile and compressive reinforcements, and amount and distance between stirrups on the strength and ductility of FRP strengthened beam.


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CHORDS is a collection of diverse lyric and narrative poems. The book is primarily composed of free verse in the colloquial tradition of James Wright. CHORDS employs the Romantic device of a strong narrative "I," and utilizes four thematic sections, each named after a specific musical chord, which correspond to four periods in the narrator's life. Section one, "Suspended," follows the young narrator through a tumultuous childhood, underscored by family loss and the disruption of a move from Miami to rural Kentucky; section two, "Diminished," details his adolescence and young adulthood, a period of rebellion and confusion; section three, "Augmented," finds the adult narrator contemplating several life-changing events-marriage, the break-up of his rock and roll band, and the dedication of his life to Christ; finally, in "Resolved," the narrator comes to accept the complexities of his life, and to build, from its dissonant notes, a final chord of resolution.


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Brochure for annual Lincoln University homecoming on November 6, 1965 Lincoln University vs. Kentucky State University.


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At least since the seminal works of Jacob Mincer, labor economists have sought to understand how students make higher education investment decisions. Mincer’s original work seeks to understand how students decide how much education to accrue; subsequent work by various authors seeks to understand how students choose where to attend college, what field to major in, and whether to drop out of college.

Broadly speaking, this rich sub-field of literature contributes to society in two ways: First, it provides a better understanding of important social behaviors. Second, it helps policymakers anticipate the responses of students when evaluating various policy reforms.

While research on the higher education investment decisions of students has had an enormous impact on our understanding of society and has shaped countless education policies, students are only one interested party in the higher education landscape. In the jargon of economists, students represent only the `demand side’ of higher education---customers who are choosing options from a set of available alternatives. Opposite students are instructors and administrators who represent the `supply side’ of higher education---those who decide which options are available to students.

For similar reasons, it is also important to understand how individuals on the supply side of education make decisions: First, this provides a deeper understanding of the behaviors of important social institutions. Second, it helps policymakers anticipate the responses of instructors and administrators when evaluating various reforms. However, while there is substantial literature understanding decisions made on the demand side of education, there is far less attention paid to decisions on the supply side of education.

This dissertation uses empirical evidence to better understand how instructors and administrators make decisions and the implications of these decisions for students.

In the first chapter, I use data from Duke University and a Bayesian model of correlated learning to measure the signal quality of grades across academic fields. The correlated feature of the model allows grades in one academic field to signal ability in all other fields allowing me to measure both ‘own category' signal quality and ‘spillover' signal quality. Estimates reveal a clear division between information rich Science, Engineering, and Economics grades and less informative Humanities and Social Science grades. In many specifications, information spillovers are so powerful that precise Science, Engineering, and Economics grades are more informative about Humanities and Social Science abilities than Humanities and Social Science grades. This suggests students who take engineering courses during their Freshman year make more informed specialization decisions later in college.

In the second chapter, I use data from the University of Central Arkansas to understand how universities decide which courses to offer and how much to spend on instructors for these courses. Course offerings and instructor characteristics directly affect the courses students choose and the value they receive from these choices. This chapter reveals the university preferences over these student outcomes which best explain observed course offerings and instructors. This allows me to assess whether university incentives are aligned with students, to determine what alternative university choices would be preferred by students, and to illustrate how a revenue neutral tax/subsidy policy can induce a university to make these student-best decisions.

In the third chapter, co-authored with Thomas Ahn, Peter Arcidiacono, and Amy Hopson, we use data from the University of Kentucky to understand how instructors choose grading policies. In this chapter, we estimate an equilibrium model in which instructors choose grading policies and students choose courses and study effort given grading policies. In this model, instructors set both a grading intercept and a return on ability and effort. This builds a rich link between the grading policy decisions of instructors and the course choices of students. We use estimates of this model to infer what preference parameters best explain why instructors chose estimated grading policies. To illustrate the importance of these supply side decisions, we show changing grading policies can substantially reduce the gender gap in STEM enrollment.


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An investigation into karst hazard in southern Ontario has been undertaken with the intention of leading to the development of predictive karst models for this region. The reason these are not currently feasible is a lack of sufficient karst data, though this is not entirely due to the lack of karst features. Geophysical data was collected at Lake on the Mountain, Ontario as part of this karst investigation. This data was collected in order to validate the long-standing hypothesis that Lake on the Mountain was formed from a sinkhole collapse. Sub-bottom acoustic profiling data was collected in order to image the lake bottom sediments and bedrock. Vertical bedrock features interpreted as solutionally enlarged fractures were taken as evidence for karst processes on the lake bottom. Additionally, the bedrock topography shows a narrower and more elongated basin than was previously identified, and this also lies parallel to a mapped fault system in the area. This suggests that Lake on the Mountain was formed over a fault zone which also supports the sinkhole hypothesis as it would provide groundwater pathways for karst dissolution to occur. Previous sediment cores suggest that Lake on the Mountain would have formed at some point during the Wisconsinan glaciation with glacial meltwater and glacial loading as potential contributing factors to sinkhole development. A probabilistic karst model for the state of Kentucky, USA, has been generated using the Weights of Evidence method. This model is presented as an example of the predictive capabilities of these kind of data-driven modelling techniques and to show how such models could be applied to karst in Ontario. The model was able to classify 70% of the validation dataset correctly while minimizing false positive identifications. This is moderately successful and could stand to be improved. Finally, suggestions to improving the current karst model of southern Ontario are suggested with the goal of increasing investigation into karst in Ontario and streamlining the reporting system for sinkholes, caves, and other karst features so as to improve the current Ontario karst database.


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Production processes and work organization in the cultural industries have been little discussed. For this reason, the study focuses on the production phases and the division of labor in technical and artistic branches in Argentine soap operas. There are six branches: production, direction, photography, art, sound and edition. We explain the branches, the workers involved and their function and activities. This research is based on a communicational perspective, the Political Economy of Communication and recovers contributions of the Sociology of Labour. From this combination, we attempt to provide elements of analysis to understand the functioning and organisation of daily television series. In the same way, we examine the creative work, the types of work redundant or random, the division of labour and the economies of time. The methodological approach is qualitative. In this way, the examination is based on the production of interviews with key actors of the sector and the documentary and bibliographical survey so as to systematize the data for the research.


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La tesis mariológica de la conceptio per aurem, según la cual la Virgen María habría concebido a Jesucristo por el oído en el momento de escuchar del ángel el mensaje celestial anunciándole que, sin perder su virginidad, sería madre del Hijo de Dios encarnado, ha merecido hasta ahora muy pocos estudios académicos rigurosamente fundados en fuentes primarias. De hecho, en la literatura especializada son muy escasas las referencias a tal teoría y, cuando algún estudioso la evoca, casi siempre se contenta con aludir a ella, sin aportar pruebas documentales. Sin embargo, tal como lo revelan las nueve pinturas italianas aquí analizadas, esa teoría fue ilustrada mediante sutiles metáforas visuales en muchas obras pictóricas medievales, las cuales se inspiraron en una sólida tradición literaria. Además una pléyade de Padres de la Iglesia y teólogos medievales testimonia, mediante afirmaciones explícitas, que semejante teoría gozó de notable aceptación entre los maestros del pensamiento cristiano. Basándose en numerosos textos patrísticos y teológicos, este artículo intenta dos objetivos esenciales: exponer, ante todo, las distintas formulaciones teóricas propuestas por esos pensadores; y además, tratar de poner en luz los significados dogmáticos que subyacen bajo esa sorprendente tesis.


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[...] D'une façon globale, il semble donc exister trois grandes tendances dans le domaine de la formation : 1. une personnalisation de la formation pour l'apprenant ; 2. un rapprochement de la formation vers l'étudiant ; 3. une individualisation de la formation. On entend par personnalisation de la formation le fait que le contenu des cours est de plus en plus adapté aux caractéristiques propres des groupes visés et à leurs besoins. Le rapprochement de la formation vers l'étudiant signifie que plus que jamais, on tente de déplacer la formation vers l'apprenant plutôt que de déplacer celui-ci vers une classe qui ne reflète pas son milieu de travail. Quant à l'individualisation de la formation, cela veut dire que l'étudiant aura, dans un avenir proche, un accès de plus en plus individuel à la formation ; il pourra communiquer avec le formateur lorsqu'il désirera obtenir sa formation. La mise sur pied de centres de formation utilisant la vidéoconférence en salle comme outil de communication par des établissements d'enseignement, tels que l'Université du Tennessee (14 sites de vidéoconférence), le consortium d'éducation de l'Illinois de l'ouest (29 sites), l'école Escambia du comté d'Escambia en Floride (8 sites) et l'Université du Kentucky (7 sites) aux États-Unis, confirment ou nous incitent à croire que ces tendances sont fondées. Ainsi, devant ces nouvelles possibilités et réalités, les entreprises et les établissements d'enseignement doivent réévaluer leurs méthodes de formation à distance. La formation à distance peut-elle bénéficier de ces développements technologiques ? Pourrait-elle utiliser un outil de communication telle que la vidéoconférence pour dispenser des programmes de formation à distance ? Il apparaît donc qu'il faut évaluer la possibilité d'employer la vidéoconférence en salle pour dispenser des programmes de formation à distance.